HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00058478From: Akroyd, Cathy R [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=82FDF2DE4BE548lC8FOlC933B5F2CAB9-CRAKROYD] Sent: 6/8/2017 1:29:36 PM To: DEQ.All [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=5134fb84624841778f422478525cOefd-DEQ- All] Subject: DEQ News Clips: June 8, 2017 DEQ News Clips Toxin taints Cape Fear River south of Fayetteville Works WATER FAQs: What we know and what we don't know e-know-and-what-we-dont-know UPDATE: North Carolina House budget proposal reverses recycling cuts DOMINION ENERGY PULLS OUT ALL STOPS FOR PIPELINE WIN Solar changes breeze through House c--h0UsE-,,/16­/49065`/ NC fishing fight moves inland Dust-up over riparian buffers stalls environmental bill in Senate finance 1�qp,,J vwatch.orgj -.bL�ffers-st�ills-erivironr�ental-bill--sE-,,natE-,,.- Zp !ic ............................ .... .... . ........................................................................................................................................... lftnartce Toxin Taints CFPUA Tap Water New Seismic Permitting Process Begins City Cleans Up Sewage Spill into Long Creek Toxin Taints CFPUA Drinking Water DEQ-CFW-00058478 Cathy Akroyd Public Information Officer Public Affairs / Water Infrastructure N. C. Department of Environmental Quality 919 707 9187 office r ,;attiv,Ak��ovd(L-,I,ncderir.00v 1—ma,i! w,�,-H�rorn "hu'S A M ro"";, ."'b"k, f", P� 'eG0'z,.",S � � ,.� � ,,� Facebook Twitter YouTube DEQ-CFW-00058479