HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00058305From: Ventaloro, Christopher [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP
Sent: 8/8/20I6I:I905PM
To: 6odeau,Jessica [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
CC: Brower, Connie [/6=ExchanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: Link to Compilation of EPA Health Advisories and Drinking Water Regulations
Attachments: EPA-2012HealthAdv—vs—NCstds—Aug_8_2016.xlsx
Hi, Jessica & Rebecca.
I have attached a table comparing the INIC Groundwater standards, IMACs, & Surface Water Supply Standards to the Life-
Advisories (EPA 822-S-12-001).
If you have any questions about the tables or if there is any additional information that I can provide please let me
Water Quality Standards Assistant
Division ofWater Resources
Department ofEnvironmental Quality
9198076421 office
Ao/MOa/nh'na�u�6:�eco/cixLaw/a//��, abw��a/b��
From: Sadosky, Rebecca
To: Brower, Connie <connie.brower@ncdenr.gov>; Ventaloro, Christopher <christopher.ventaloro@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: FW: Link to Compilation of EPA Health Advisories and Drinking Water Regulations
As we discussed, here's the request I received from Jessica. I did confirm that she would like
the analysis done for all —200 contaminants with EPA health standards (link below) and that this
is not time sensitive (a couple of weeks is totally fine). If you can compile a spreadsheet with
the chemicals and indicate which ones have standards (SW, GW, etc) and send it to me, I can go
in and highlight UCMR 3&4 analytes and those on the CCL list as well. I can also add in the EPA
DW Health Standards. I will then make sure I copy you on the finished product when I send it
on to Jessica. Let me know if you have questions, would like to discuss, have other suggestions.
N.C. W��]����]� ���� ���� /�� ��Co�� ��rz��zu� ����l � ����0��/ � ,
N.C. Division of Water �esour{e
N.{,.T}epaxtn8eiit0fEiiwir0iuneiital Quality
Phone: (919) "1 07-9096
1634 Mail EerviCe(`enter
Raleigh, NC 27699-1634
From: Gudrea4Jessica
Sent: Wednesday, July J7,Z0164:O9PK4
Tm:Sadosky, Rebecca ; K4id8ette, Robert Frick, Jay
; Raynor, Linda<
Subject: RE: Link to Compilation of EPA Health Advisories and Drinking Water Regulations
| think she had sent work her staff had done looking at UCMR and 8VV/GVVstandards already, MarkVenta|oro did |
believe. This just adds another layer of analysis to see how that compares to EPA published health standards. Or maybe
Connie can tell you that they review the EPA data regularly in setting their standards already.
Jessica CQmdreau
Chief, Public Water Supply Section
Division ofWater Resources
Department ofEnvironmental Quality
9197079078 office
9197079100 mainnumb*r
1G34Mail Service Center
Raleigh WC27GQQ4G34
512 W Salisbury St, Ra|ok]h. NC278D4
t""s ad� ess iS &'.,,,kb k�-"Gf ft',,'
'a Re- av'v� dioay s.
From: Saclosky, Rebecca
To: Godreau, Jessica <iessica.godreau@ncdenr.gov>; Midgette, Robert <robert.midgette@ncdenr.gov>; Frick, Jay
<iay.frick2ncdenr.gov>; Raynor, Linda <Iinda.raynor @ncdenr.goy>
Subject: RE: Link to Compilation of EPA Health Advisories and Drinking Water Regulations
Sure thing. I've got a call in to Connie to discuss the most efficient way for me get this
Aefo?veva Va&ejAy, AKA
N.C. Drinking VV'ater Protection Program Coordinator and Emergency "'Securi ty Contact
N.C. Division of Water ResOLM--(�
N.C. Departnnent of EnN, ironinental Quality
Pbone: (919) 707-9096
FAX: (9-19) 7/ 1,5437/4
Rebecca E-,adoskv@n-cdenr.(-Yov
1634 Mail Service Center
Ralei gli, NC 27/699-1634
e o "'ror'n iS
M Js L
From: Godreau, Jessica
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 3:43 PM
To: Midgette, Robert <robert.midgette@ncdenr.gov>; Frick, Jay <iay.frick@ncdenr.gov>; Raynor, Linda
<Iinda.raynor@ncdenr.gov>; Sadosky, Rebecca <rebecca.sadosky@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: FW: Link to Compilation of EPA Health Advisories and Drinking Water Regulations
Please take a look at if there are SW or GW standards for these chemicals and how those levels compare. Is there any
message we need from this data?
Jessica C Godreau
Chief, Public Water Supply Section
Division of Water Resources
Department of Environmental Quality
919 707 9078 office
919 707 9100 main number
Jessica. God reauOncdenr.00v
1634 Mail Service Center
Raleigh NC 27699-1634
512 N Salisbury St, Raleigh, NC 27604
From: Taft, Jim [mailto:itaft@asdwa.org]
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 11:25 AM
To: Jim Taft <itaft@asdwa.or,R>
Subject: Link to Compilation of EPA Health Advisories and Drinking Water Regulations
The recent updates to EPA's health advisories (HAs) for PFOA and PFOS has raised the
question,, •uarters: "how many other health• • •--, done and for
which •
The following • a table •i all published ,• •ries (over 200 have been
issued)as primary , • secondary drinking water regulationsof Spring
11- • that an updatethe works (which would include the latest for
the PFCs t • • but we i •n't know the date.
LINK: htt s: www.e a. ov sites roduction files 2015-09 documents dwstandards2012. df
Jim Taft
Executive Director
Association of State Drinking Water Administrators
1401 Wilson Blvd.; Suite 1225
Arlington, VA 22209
]taft asdwa.or
Phone: 703-812-9507
DEQ-CFW 00058308