HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00056359From: Jones, Nick
To: Whiting, Chet
Cc: Francies, Gary; Satterwhite, Dana
Subject: RE: NJ 5105 peer review
Date: Thursday, January 30, 2014 5:24:00 PM
Attachments: NJ #5105 1 2014 draft 2.doc
You should have been more than confused. T'hat paragraph did not save correctly. Same
[hing wi[h Mav at [he end. See how th-is is.
Nick jo--nes
N` C WW/GW Laboratory Certiffiati(�n
0: (919) 713-1908 ext, 273
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From: Whiting, Chet
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 4:41 Plv
To: Jones, Nick
Cc: Francies, Gary; Satterwhite, Dana
Subject: NJ 5105 peer review
A little confused on one item see comment in report.
Chet Whiting
Chemist 11
NC WW/GW Laboratory Certification
0: (704) 663-1699
F: (704) 663-6040
NC DENR/Division of Water Resources -Water Quality Programs
Laboratory Section
Mooresville Regional Office
610 E. Center Ave., Suite 301
Mooresville, NC 28115
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