HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00056329From:
Jones, Nick
Franci___ es,_Gary; Ho e.A.Walters du ontxom
RE: 5105 - Inspection
Wednesday, January 29, 2014 11:07:52 AM
1--iey Nick,
Thank for the advice. I spoke with Mile Johnsen yesterday after our inspection about the pH
reporting on the C,Pti R. We will make the change immediately to our spreadsheet and our fut .ere.
DMR's will only show-1 Mace after the decimal. Also, from this point on I will start recording our
yearly PT sample on our trench sheets like I world a normal environmental sample. Let me know if
this is acceptable.
.• a •, a January• / ♦11:01 AM
To: Lewis, Jamie R
Cc: Francies, Gary; o i.
■ -Inspection
Hi Jamie,
The corrections that show up on the spreadsheets you submitted are acceptable, You have
to be specific on the ethers:
1. Two decimals on pH reporting,
2. Documenting the F-I' sampteA in the same manner as environmental ;samples.
Since they are things ��crta_ cannot actually document ment trr1til t_hev happen, YOU ba e to include
the implementation date (e.g. "From this point on e will..."). �i rar ,
So, please respond accordingly on t:lrese two items and t:lrey will oniv be comments in the
report. l-et nn_e know if yerr li_�r.�,-e any questions,
Nick joiies
Nb_: WWJ'GW Laboratory �_:erlificalioii
0: (9-19) 733-3908 ext. 27 y,
F: (919) 713-6241
1` C DL'Nll<J'L"ivision of Water Resources - Water Qtiality Programs
t_a boratory sectioai - L3WR cherrristry t_ b
1-623 Mail service coliter
Raleigh, � C 27f799-1623
httpzz 12ortal.ricdenr.orp.1web Zwq.Z1abZ cert
DEQ-CFW 00056329
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From: Jamie.R.Lewis@dupont.com[mailto:Jamie.R.LewisCatdupont.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 12:02 PM
To: Jones, Nick
Subject: 5105 - Inspection
I a ppreciate you co rr i n g by today, to take a Iook at our lava. We have corrected and i rr ple.rne.nted a
of your recorrirnendations pertaining to the inspection. Attached is a copy of our new bencf3 sheet
and lab inventory sf'ieet- witti all tyre corrections we talked about -Take note that the changes are
['Jgl-flighted in yellow. Please, let rr7e know if t rere is anytMng else you need.
T li a n ks,
.la rrlie
Wednesday, 1 8 PM
To: Walters, Hope r
Cc: Francies, Gary; Springer,•
The certified parameter list did riot attach the first tirrre arourid.
Nick Jones
NC" WW/(w Laboratory Cortification
F: (919) 733-6241
NC" DENR/Divisioo of Water Resources - y-'4Tate;r Quality Prograiiis
Laboratory Section-- DWR Chemistry Lab
162,� Nlail S-erarice Center
Rale;iagh, M- n7699-162. o
httl?: ( /12ortal.i-tcdenr.org/
web f wci( lab f cert
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DENR.DWQ.Lab Cert-.ioin@lists.ncmail.net
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and may be disclosed to third parties -awnless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation.
DEQ-CFW 00056330
Wednesday,! • PM
To: 'Hope.A.Walters@usa.dupont.com'
Cc: Francies, Gary; Springer,•
Subject:!5 - Inspection
Hi l--lope,
1-11easo see the attachment. See you in a couple of weeks.
Nick Jones
Audi -tor
NC YV"W1 f �W Laboratory Certil'icati(pn
F: (9-19) 7316241
NC L?1=NR/Di ision of Miter Resources - WMer Quality Programs
Laboratory Section-1.7i-'v R Chemistry Lab
1623 Mail Service Center
Raleil h, Ni" 27699-162
htt ortal.ncdennor yz web.Z we Z lab Z cert
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