HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00056273From: Jones, Nick
To: Chavis, Linda
Cc: Franci_-_es,_Gary
Subject: FW: 5105 - Inspection
Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 8:02:00 AM
Attachments: Field Parameter Bench Sheet Update.xls
Waste Treatment Lab Invento U date 4 .xls
Masterfll_e these please.
Nick Jones
NC WVV/GVV L:aboratorq, Corti-fication
: (9 19) 711-, 908 e xt. 2' 3
F: (919) 73 3-6241
NC: DEN of Water Resources Water Quality Programs
Laboratory- DWR i.'h mistry Lab
1- s Y:o Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 2 699--l623
httl2: / /12ortal.ricdeny.org / w eb lwq / lab/ cert
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Tuesday,: 2014 12:02 '
I appreciate you carting by today to take a look at our- lake. We Dave corrected a d irnplemenze_d all
of your recornmendat-ione, pertaining to the, inspection. Afta&ied is a copy of our new benclf sl-leet
and lab inventory sleet w itli all ffie, corrections we talked about - Take note ffiat tli)e changes are;
f-3iphligMed in yellow. Please lit me know if there is anything else you need.
Wednesday,! 1:'
To: Walters, Hope A
DEQ-CFW 00056273
Cc: Francies, Gary; Springer, Tonja
Subject: FW: 5105 - Inspection Notice
The certified parameter list did not: attach the first tirne around.
Nick :ties
NC" WW,/(w Laboratory Certification
0: (919) , 3 ' 908 ext. 27)
F: (919) 733-6241
NC" DENR/Division of Water Resources - Water Quality Prograans
Laboratory `section - DWR Chemistry Lab
162,3 Nlail S-eraricce Center
Raleizgh, NC:' n7699-162. o
httl?: ( /12ortal.i-tcdenr.org/
web f wq / lab / cert
Have you sired up to receive automatic email.n.otices of changes to policies, regulations and
resources pertaining to the NC=` IVa.stewwite.i.,°Grou.:i.d.water Laboratory Certification tificat.ion progra-m that could
have an .impact on your day-to-day operations? If not, send a blank email to the following address.
DENR.DWQ.Lab Cert-.ioin@lists.ncmail.net
Email correspondence to and from this a.d.d.ress is subject to the. North Carolina. Public Records Lair
and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation.
Jones, Nick
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:59 PM
To: 'Hope.A.Walters@usa.dupont.com'
Cc: Francies, :sry; Springer,• a
Subject: 5105 - Inspection Notice
Hi Hope,
Please sae the attachment. See You in a couple'. of 4o'E'eks.
1" egards,
Nick J ones
NC WW/GW Laboratory Certification
Q: (1191) 'r' 33-31�41� exL 2
1: (9"19) _1-6241
NC DENR/Division of Water Resources - Water Quality Programs
Laboratory Section - L7l-' R C.hernrstry Lab
1623 Mail Service; Centex.
Raleigh, NC 2'70' 94623
http:l Jnortal.ncdennor�l web/wcIlabjcert
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DENR.D""Q.Lab Cert-ioinClists.ncmail.net
DEQ-CFW 00056274
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