HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00055874From: Rodriguez, Teresa [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=BDOF66EC83GD4FA49DF711939D22EO29qRODR|GUEZ] Sent: 7/2I/I0I71I:03:4IPM To: 6oyb,Julie [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=75d1654d45154cZabbO8596aZc9atIQI-jaXrzyb] Subject: RE: site visit toChemourplant next week I asked the Environmental Manager if we needed any safety equipment for the site visit and he said we will not. Fronm:Grryb Julie Sent: Thursday, July ZU 20176:18PK4 To: Rodriguez, Teresa xTeresa.Rodriguez@nodenr.gov> Subject: RE: site visit to Chemourp|ant next week Teresa, Did I hear someone say we need fireproof coveralls for the site visit to Chemours? Julie From: Rodriguez, Teresa Sent: Thursday, July ZU,2O173:I6PK4 To: Shell, Karrie-Jo Cc:GrqJo Julie Subject: Re: site visit to Chemour plant next week We will be leaving at 8 am, if you come to our office you can ride with us. From: Shell, Karhe' o Sent: Thursday, July ZU,2O173:1566PM To: Rodriguez, Teresa Cc: Goyb,]u|ie Subject: RE: site visit to Chemour plant next week What time are you guys leaving from your Raleigh office. I can meet you at your office so that we can ride together. Environmental Engineer US EPA Region 4 Water Protection Division 61 Forsyth Street Atlanta, GA 30303 From: Rodriguez, Teresa Sent: Thursday, July 2U,2D173:O2PK4 To: Shell, Karrie-Jo Cc: Grqd,Julie Subject: Re: site visit to Chemour plant next week Its on Thursday July 27. From: Shell, Karhe- o Sent: Thursday, July 2D,2U172:S9:S5PM To: Rodriguez, Teresa Cc: Goyb,]u|ie Subject: RE: site visit to Chemour plant next week What day? Maybe | can fly into Raleigh and ride with you tothe site. KarrieJoRobinson-SheU, P.E. Environmental Enginee US EPA Region 4 61 Forsyth Street Atlanta, GA 30303 From: Rodriguez, Teresa Sent: Thursday, July IO,2U17Z:SGPK4 To: Shell, KarrieJo Cc: GrqHb,Julie Subject: Fw: site visit to Chemour plant next week Karrie-Jo, we are going to meet at the site at 9:30 am. We will leave our office around 8 am. Wewill probably spend most of the day there. We are going to discuss the Chemours process/wastewaters and tour the Chemours side in the morning and do the same for Kuraray and DuPont in the afternoon. Illar-M. Fronm:Grryb Julie Sent: Thursday, July JO 20172x42PK4 To: Rodriguez, Teresa Subject: FW: site visit to Chemour plant next week Teresa, Please respond toKenrie-Jo. Julie From: Shell, Karhe- o Sent: Thursday, July Z0,JO17J:JJPK4 To: Grzyb,Julie Subject: site visit to Chemour plant next week Julie, Molly mentioned you are planning to do a site visit next week at the Chemour plant for NPDES -permit-writing purposes. Environmental Engineer US EPA Region 4 Water Protection Division DEQ-CFW 00055876