Sent: 6/19/I0I75:55:08PW1
To: Uones@0esoejoneson|ine.com
Subject: FVV:Permit #NC000]573
Mr. Jones, the 180 days deadline applies to the submittal of the renewal application, the permittee has to submit the
renewal application 180 days before the current permit expires. Chemours permit expired October 31, 2016; Chemours
submitted the renewal application on May 3, 2016 which meets the 180 days deadline. The current permit remains in
effect until the Division issues anew permit.
From: Rodman, Diane
Sent: Monday, June l9,2Ol72:13PM
To: Rodriguez, Teresa <Teresa.Rodri0uez@ncdenr.0ov>
Subject: FVV:Permit #N[U003S73
Would you respond to the question below regarding the 180-day turn -around time for issuance of a permit?
Diane Rodman
Office Assistant
Division ofWater Resources/Central Files
North Carolina Department ufEnvironmental Quality
512NSalisbury Street
1G17Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC27GQQ'1G17
'o tl"�-"sa���i'S' sub", �'oM�
cann0na�o�0���:nn%�Lmw/an�xnn�b�di, /xan""e'
From: Jesse Jones
Sent: Monday, June l9,JOl711:O1AK4
To: Rodman, Diane
Subject: Re: Permit #N[U003S73
Thank you! Uwas received in May for an October renewal. Sothe l8Oday review period started in October?
Thanks again for all of the info!
On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 10:59 AM, Rodman, Diane <diane.rodman@ ,ncdenr.gpN,> wrote:
It was received May 2016.
Office Assistant
Division of Water Resources/Central Files
919 807 6306 office
512 N Salisbury Street
1617 Mail Service Center
-c'or�'-?s a,,,d.may be se"J to
DEQ-CFW-0005581 0
From: Jesse Jones [maiho
Sent: Monday, June 19, 20179:59AK4
To: Rodman, Diane
Subject: Re: Pcnnit#NCOUO3573
Thank you! Could you tell rnethe date that this was submitted for renewal iuOctober nf2Ol07
(]nMon, Jun lq2O|7a19:|6NM, Rodman, Diane wrote:
Please find attached the requested permit (2012).
Division ofWater Resources/Central Files
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
512 N Salisbury Street
1617 Mail Service Center
From: Jesse Jones [mailto:iiones@iesseionesonline.com]
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 4:32 PM
To: Rodman, Diane <diane.rodman@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: Re: Permit# NC 0003573
Thank you! Have a great weekend!
On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 4:3 0 PM, Rodman, Diane <di anexodniatioa. nedenn gov> wrote:
Please note the permit file is out, but I will be able to retrieve the file on Monday and send you a scanned copy, in pdf
Office Assistant
Division of Water Resources/Central Files
31�� ,M
512 N Salisbury Street
1617 Mail Service Center
naPu��Cn�rLmv'� �' pan""w
From: Jesse Jones [maiko
Sent: Friday, June 16,2Ul74:26PK4
To: Rodman, Diane
Cc: Williams, Kendall
Subject: Re: Permit #N[U003S73
Yes please. I appreciate your assistance.
(]nFri, Jun l62O|7a14:|9PM, �Rodman, Diane wrote:
Good afternoon. I will be able to provide you information regarding this permit. The latest permit was issued in
2012. Would you like a copy of this permit?
Office Assistant
Division of Water Resources/Central Files
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
512 N Salisbury Street
1617 Mail Service Center
From: Williams, Kendall
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 4:06 PM
To: Rodman, Diane <diane.rodman@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: FW: Permit # NC 0003573
Kendall Williams
Processing Assistant V
Non -Discharge Permitting Unit
Department of Environmental Quality
kendall.wilhamsf@nc enr,p-e..
512 N. Salisbury St.
1617 Mail Service Center
t"" Ond"'fmin, ,-hi�: to the
From: Jesse Jones [mailto:iiones@iesseionesonline.com]
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 4:01 PM
To: Williams, Kendall <kendall.williams@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: Permit # NC 0003573
Hi Ms. Williams,
I am writing to get more information on Permit # NC 0003573. 1 searched the website but the form came up
blank. Would you mind sending me information on this permit?
Thank you!
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