HomeMy WebLinkAbout19910066 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19910202 s :p - iv 0 r , z ro a ayi LL m_ o m R . . a •@ y v m U W (D o y p a Z .-0 7E cc a v m E O - [ W N o i ` ? ?I ? Q , W _,* o o U m 3 m N Z m H a p y a m h W o U ?.o a?? a U y N U (n N O ` N N N L 0 O' L7 Q G5'6, M, a'p Q . (n CL) 0) x CC U W o Q co El R!? El 8 ., A O O Q U ? ` N - ? N y LL a cr) 0 E c 'C L L .. > 7 I Yom- N Z. C-4 0 a, (D d a ?'v E -i V) co CC 0 J CJ o t 2, a o i_tJ ?-, m 41 Q• -'C l0 '0 N ++ - .O O G? N ' .s J 'O Q J U y CL. Cl) m EE8( C N a a '0 0 0 •_ _ N CL) <J U L1 = co co Lu --a .2 < ui CL CL 1 CD E 0 O' Y Q d CL 0 p. c: W 0 L) CL LL y W 0 • 0 • .0 iii co d M: o c, -p mzz ?* ?? 0 0 A d 0 C c• m 70 , r m v " -< 3 --q (D a m a z co FA' 0 cn z o) fl. , N 0 O m D CL fD r C i m <T O • 00 D Q ? N C C. N m m A' ErTF y c 3 r 1 a 96,.. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street 0 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governor George T Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary July 15 , 1991 Director CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. James Powell Powell-Phillips Post Office Box 616 Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Dear Mr. Powell: The Division of Environmental Management issued a 401 Water Quality Certification to you on 16 April 1991 for road access for Mr. Raymond Wollard's property in Beaufort, North Carolina. This 401 was issued after a field visit with you, Jim Gregson of our Wilmington Regional office and John Dorney on January 29, 1991. At that meeting, as confirmed in the followup letter from you on 26 February 1991, we agreed dour proposal to fill the entire ` wetland/pond would be modified to only fill for "a driveway across the wetland to access the building portion of the lot" (letter attached). The 401 Certification allows you to fill "0.48 acres of wetlands for road crossings ...it Clearly, the 0.48 acre figure was in error since that amount of fill would fill the entire wetland which was not your intent in your 26 February 1991 letter. The Division of Environmental Management's 401 Certification is valid for your fill of the 0.48 acre as long as the fill is only for road crossing. Therefore, as long as Mr. Woolard does not place any buildings, septic tank, storage sheds or use the property for anything other than a road crossing, the Division of Environmental Management will not pursue legal action. However, if Mr. Woolard does use the 0.48 acres for anything other than a Regional Offices Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmington Winston-Salem 704/251-6208 919/486-1541 704/663-1699 919/733-2314 919/'946-6481 919/395-3900 - 919/761-2351 Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. James Powell July 15, 1991 Page Two road crossing, our 401 Certification is clearly not applicable and we will consult with the Corps of Engineers with an intent to pursue action to have the fill removed. If you or Mr. Woolard have any questions, please call John Dorney at 919/733-5083. Since e y, d ` George T. Everett GTE: JD Powell.ltr/D-6 cc: Dave Adkins Wayne Wright Carteret County Health Department Central Files Rob Gelblum, Office of General Counsel MEMO DATE: TO:?" SUBJECT: n ` c,(L CL Y a? e 4Ae-f . JUL 17 1991 WAT - U ITY orth Carolina Depa of Environment, -? x Health and Natural Resources t POWELL - PHILLIPS SURVEYING, P.A. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS POST OFFICE BOX 616 BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA 28516 (919) 728-4235 415 LIVE OAK STREET JAMES L- POWELL, RLS # L-1 531 BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA 28516 JAMES 1. PHILLIPS III, RLS # L-3151 February 26, 1991 mn 1991 ` John Dorney I?-R ?.!UAUTY P. O. Box 27687 f' P?3RR?R? ??dnch Raleigh, N.C. 276 1 1-7687 Mr. Dorney: Enclosed please find copies of revised site plan and Environmental Health permits and a letter from LAMA for Raymond Woolard at Lennoxville Point in Beaufort, N.C.. As per our conversation at the site on Lennoxville Road, we would like to modify our previous proposal to fill the entire pond to a proposal to fill only a driveway across the wetlands to access the buildin g portion of the lot. As soon as we hear from you, we'll relay this information to the Corps of Engineers. Thanks for your considerati on of this matter. Sinter y, s L. Powell RLS L-1531 JLP/k:hp 5 4 F BOUNDARY, TOPOGRAPHIC, HYDROGRAPHIC, SUBDIVISION AND LAND PLANNING `k POWELL - PHILLIPS SURVEYING, P.A. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS POST OFFICE BOX 616 BEAUFORT. NORTH CAROLINA 28516 (919) 72B-4235 415 LIVE OAK STREET BEAUFORT. NORTH CAROLINA 28516 JAMES L. POWELL. RLS # L-1531 JAMES 1. PHILLIPS III, RLS # L-3151 February 26, 1991 ?? P11!!9i991 ` Jahn Dorney IUALITY P. O. Box 27687 °t ?? Pl?flt?9?? I?ranch ? ? ' Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7687 Mr. Dorney: Enclosed please find copi es of revised site plan and Environmental Health permits and a letter from LAMA for Raymond Woolard at Lennoxville Point in Beaufort, N.C.. As per our conversation at the site on Lennoxville Road, we would like to modify our previous proposal to fill the entire pond to a proposal to fill only a driveway across the wetlands to access the buildin g portion of the lot. As soon as we hear from yo u, we'll relay this . information to the Corps of Engineers. Thanks for your considerati on of this matter. Sinter y, s L. Powell RLS L-1531 JLP/k:hp k BOUNDARY, TOPOGRAPHIC, HYDROGRAPHIC, SUBDIVISION AND LAND PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEMORANDUM Date: June 26, 1991 To: Planning Branch From: James H. Gregson Wilmington Region 1 Office Through: Preston Howard Dave Adkins AJ Wilmington Regional Office ?1>1 Subject: Regional Office Review and Recommendations Revocation of 401 Certification Raymond Woolard Project # 9008-N Carteret County The Wilmington District Corps of Engineers issued Public Notice #CESAW-C090-N-016-0435 on August 23, 1990. The Public Notice stated Mr. Raymond Woolard had applied for a Department of the Army after-the-fact permit to authorize the placement of fill material in wetlands adjacent to the North River, in Beaufort, North Carolina. Mr. Woolard requested a permit to place 2,033 cubic yards of fill material in a 0.45 acre wetland area, 7,700 square feet (0.18 acres) of which had already been filled without a permit. On September 17, 1990, this Office recommended a 401 Certification be issued for the 0.18 acres of wetlands already filled. Certification #2518 was issued on October 1, 1990 for this fill (0.18 acres). Per conversations with Mike Smith with the Corps of Engineers it is the understanding of this Office the applicant refused to sign a 404 Permit which would have allowed the filling of 0.18 acres. On February 26, 1991, the applicant requested a modification to his original proposal (filling 0.45 acres). This latest request was to fill only for a driveway (130' X 20' or 0.06 acres) to access the high ground portion of the lot. On April 16, 1991 a General Certification was issued for the proposed road crossing, however the General Certification was issued for 0.48 acres. On June 21, 1991, this Office was notified that the entire wetland area on the Woolard property had been filled. This was verified by a site inspection on June 25, 1991. Mike Smith (COE) stated on June 21, 1991, that a valid 404 Permit still had not been issued for this project. Aw- 9008-N.JUN June 26, 1991 Page Two . It is recommended both of the 401 Certifications issued for this site be revoked based on the following considerations: 1. The applicant refused to accept a 404 Permit prepared in accordance with the 401 Certification. 2. The latest request (February 26, 1991) was to fill an area for a driveway (130' X 20') to access the high ground on the site. 3. The most recent Certification was issued as a General Certification to qualify the applicant for NWP 26 when in fact the project did not qualify for a Nationwide Permit. As the project is considered adjacent 404 wetlands, it can not qualify for a Nationwide Permit. 4. The site investigation of June 25, 1991, revealed the applicant has filled in excess of the 20' X 130' which was requested. The entire wetland area was filled without a 404 Permit. It is further recommended the Corps of Engineers require the applicant to return the area to its original condition until such time as a 404 Permit is issued for the 20' X 130' driveway. If additional comment is necessary, or if we can assist in this matter; please advise. JHG:9008-N.JUN cc: Wilmington Regional Office Files Central Files Mike Smith (Corps of Engineers) r . STATE o e State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Govemor April 16, 1991 George T. Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director Mr. James L. Powell Powell-Phillips Post Office Box 616 Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Dear Mr. Powell: Subject: Proposed Fill in Headwaters or Isolated Wetlands Road Crossing for Raymond Woolard Carteret County Upon review of your request for Water Quality°Certification to place fill material in 0.48 acres of wetlands for road crossing, we have determined that the proposed fill can be covered by General Water Quality Certification No. 2176 issued November 4, 1987. A copy of the General Certification is attached. -This Certification may be used in qualifying for coverage under Corps of Engineers' Nationwide Permit No. 26. If you have any questions, please contact John Dorney at 919/733-5083. Sincerely, /George T. Everett GTE:JD Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Wilmington DEM Regional Office. Mr. John Dorney Central Files Pouu&m Pm%wrtlon Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Ent jai Onnnrtunity Affimkltive Action Employer GENERAL CERTIFICATION THIS GENERAL CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations,in 1514CAC2H, Section .0500.for the discharge of fill material to navigable waters or adjacent wetlands areas which are above the headwaters or to wetland areas that are not a part of the surface tributary system to interstate waters or navigable waters of the United States (i.e. ':Isolated wetlands) as described in 33 CPR 330:5(a)4 26) of the Corps of Engineers' regulations. The category,--of z`activi'ties shall k> include any fill activity in these heaB4ters,, aifd solated Y, wetlands. areas where =tthe -:-activity ? does *adet-resui? he > k$. loss or -substantial-modification of :0: cres or more _=of waters of the United States, incladincj t ands.,`; z' The State of North.,Carolina i. c fies that ,the specified category -of". actibitp WL13L shdt violate -Sections 301, 302, 3.03, 306 .-and .-307 of ;tihe •Fliblic-:Laws-=92=500 =and 95-217 if.conducted: in-accordance with the conditions- hereinafter set forth. Conditions of Certification: 1. Proposed fill or substantial modification of .1 to 10-acres of such waters, including wetlands, requires a written concurrence from the Division of Environmental Management. Activities involving less than one acre do not require written concurrence. 2. Excluded from this General Certification are discharges of fill in waters classified WS I, I1, or III (public water Supplies) and SA (shellfish k"ater!;). This oxclusion also applies to fill in w(-t Irtnds aid jacent t.n, these waters. Discharge ;)roposed for these waters or wetlands must be considered for certification on a case-by-case Iasi , - 2 - 3. That the discharge will consist of suitable material free from toxic pollutants in other than trace quantities; 4. That established erosion control practices are utilized to prevent excessive increases in turbidity and settleable solids concentrations in the water body as a result of the discharge; 5. That the discharge of fill material shall be in accordance with the conditions and management practices specified by the Corps of Engineers in 33 CPR 330.5 and 330.6 for. nationwide permit Non-compliance...--with or violation of-tthe conditions ?-- pecific fill project'`shallxesnlt -n herein set forth by.;??M revocation of thio.v:CeA"ication.- for:4the kpro ject The Director :of. or h., Carolina -.division . of Environmental Manageiagnt? 'aye require«ubmission of -8r fo=maI n, application -for' certii? 5cisrti'?+on for any.-project Zin this- category of activity,,-.'if it is.. determined *.that -the--project is likely to have a significant adverse effect upon water- quality or degrade the waters so that existing uses are precluded. Public Hearings may be held for specific applications or group of applications prior to Certification if deemed in the public's best interest by. the Director of the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. This the day of 4`4F ff 4e i DIVISION Oi!_? FNVIRONUENTJ6, MANA(;EMFN'I' BY -- J I2. f',1uI Wilms, I)iroctor DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MrAWAAMMM, Date: April 9, 1991 ] A 1-09? 4 a -' ' J To: w1o Dorn_ei{' ..? _ } his Planning Branch From: James H. Gregso Wilmington Regional ffice Through: Dave Adkins Wilmington Iona Office Subject: Regional Office Review and Recommendations Application for Permit for Excavation and/or Fill Project # 9008-N Raymond Wollard Carteret County PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Mr. Raymond Wollard has modified his original proposal to place fill material in .48 acres of wetlands on his property adjacent to the North River. His proposal now is to fill only for a driveway across the wetland area to access the highground building site. The area to be filled is approximately 1301 X 20'. The project has been reviewed to determine impacts to water quality. The following comments have been provided. The project will require a 401 Water Quality Certification. and that Certification should include the following conditions for the filling of wetlands. 1. That silt fences and other erosion controls be in place prior to any earthen movement in the area of the wetlands. 2. That all fill material be from a clean upland source, free from any toxic material. 3. That the turbidity in the water not exceed 25 NTU due to the project. 4. That the side slope of the filled area be stabilized with vegetation as soon as possible to prevent erosion. This office has no objection to the project as proposed. JHG:9008-N.APR cc: Wilmington Regional Office Files Central Files DCM-Steve Benton V4 i ;opp- IVI=M DATE- TO: SUBJECT: 4k, ® (l ``? A `A " Q v?Slf C From: Q Y North Carolina Department of Environment, _n. a ?g Health, and Natural Resources ??? Printed on Recycled Paper ?F ?e'dr POWELL - PHILLIPS SURVEYING, P.A. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS POST OFFICE BOX 616 BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA 28516 (919) 728-4235 415 LIVE OAK STREET JAMES L. POWELL. RLS # L-1531 BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA 28516 JAMES 1. PHILLIPS III, RLS # L-3151 ganuary 3, 1991 Steve W. l edderc, Chie? Water Quality Sect Lon DLv. o? Environment Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 276/ / -7687 JAN 9 1991 SATE,? QUALITY SECTION A/t. l edden: Z received you letter o? Dec. 20, /990 concerning MtL. Raymond Wooland application PA 40/ certification (No. 2518J. 4though Z do not agnee with yours DLviiion'A "belie" that the 404 wetlands on thin .Lot provide AignL?Lcant uAea to Atormwaten treatment, ground water recharge, or any wildli?e habitat or aquafic lL?e other than vegetative, your entitled to that "belie". 14A I've Aaid beoae, thin moaquLto hole ii nothing but a health hagand. Ne.ventheleAA you additional belie that Alt. Woolard haA not been denied "ordinary and reaAonable uae" o? ALA property is completely invalid and can be Ahown to be ao. firat o? all due to the con?Launation o? the lot and the .Location o? the wetlanda on the Aite the only ?eaaable .Location o? a aingle ?amily dwelling on thiA lot would be as indicated on the attached ahetch. /hit iA not only controlled by the lot con?Lguration but by the cunnent ground water absorption regulationA which would nequine,i the Aeptic Ayatem on thiA lot to be eaAf o? the wetlandA area. What uou obviously do not neali5e is the, aAaeaied value o? thiA pnopentydand the act that even with the dill already in place on the cite Mt. Wooldard LA denied acceAA to the wateVnont portion o? hi2 property without additional dill. 1 would urge you to review thia application on itA individual uni,uene/i, and own meiziti and get all o? the ?act4 before atating a " elie?" obviously based on no auppontive data. BOUNDARY, TOPOGRAPHIC, HYDROGRAPHIC, SUBDIVISION AND LAND PLANNING page 2 May Z Auggeat that you v?/i?t the ?i to (with Mn. Wooland',i approval a.Long with liomeone capable o? ihowL*na you the pnopenty and explain to you true nature o? fAbi and make a Yogccal eval vat Lon bated on act/. Si.ncene.Lny, game,i L . l owell ?LS L-/53/ xc: C. R. W ea- .l y, III CeCLI flannell (? V r= hl\Tti SKETCk- tlr 19 «b?-LsF-1 -11415 b E-?C R E? S? v Or I-A4 f CAF L_ oT -Z 0 0 4-ffA- ` l7TL a,v o5 1 R 1319 L E N n9 n ,. SSE M-3K- 14-,P-iS /? L w C>F} T %A NN ? t R?•?i:? PiNerZ RT.4 , gox so P, gF-pv\A O Z esI te4-- 7 3 " 3 P i PRvo Pp S F PROpo5 E vs E o P D v , 4 1? T? „ tik ?4- 0 4 w T L K., p S IL C" O RCR]E5 \l O QEQT f'SR-Q0.0V.1 3 o Cn 9 D f? 4TM o?,tT+-1 ?R_ GRE6,-4 \1NL-LE N•C . 2-1 gg4. to 9 b1.,h FILL I?ktS 4 r.oE / N Ew FI L..L d t-? ?? i-L SEC-T-t0?Vj {t C_NTS? T=1t_iz - 2? p 33 C\.A R t,Ar--a u i p 121)4-, 90 H CAROL s o ? ? c - _ c l ?6MJ.to SU, O V (j E y E'L ID 9 E >E IIJ -r S K .ET 14 ?ay?nr? ? v ad R-RD tr d T S L-F- N N OXV i L L F P O I NT S ?A 06;1 Q Z FAA R, T T o w ?.151} ? P C R T F- r C O u N T?/? ??v . C u? r> 1990 s cq 1` ?', Loo' r ' SURVEYED BY P0WELL 4- PHILLIPS SURVEYING, PA. pr) QTY 919- RG'Al W00'r f\in n0C?G` /ni n% -9 P1n ae,%^ r- L E ? a q-.1 N H z w ? 00 W o Q. n H H d I x H -? W co 1.0 %D n P: Hr, N W'J-i zN A r-q H 9 2 A Z O' H 3r4zo J Pi H 'W H W H 3 O H A Q a O ?o CD W N ' W Q Z ~ O N ? N ¢ x0 a00 w J > p Ir J?az° as o J ? J w W m 3 O a