HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00011478Communications Scan for Week of September 4 — September 8 News releases, media advisories + other publications DMF: Bill Register is the Marine Fisheries Officer of the Year DMF: The N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission has new, state email addresses DMF: Anglers who fish in Brunswick County waters will find improvements at one of the offshore fishing sites this fall. The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries' Artificial Reef Program, in partnership with the Long Bay Artificial Reef Association, recently added a barge and more than 1600 tons of other materials to Artificial Reef 430. DEQ events this week Sept. 5: DWM's Michael Scott will be participating in a joint state - federal agency phone conversation about Chemours' hazardous waste permit. Sept. 7: The U.S. EPA will hold a one -day workshop designed to bring together water utility staff and emergency services personnel to discuss concerns and priorities during a water outage incident. The workshop will take place September 7"' at the Division of Emergency Management's main office at 1636 Gold Star Drive in Raleigh, from 8:30 a.m. — 3:30 p.m. Sept. 8, 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.: The Division of Water Resources Nonpoint Source Branch will host the Nutrient Scientific Advisory Board (NSAB) at the Triangle J Council of Governments, 4307 Emperor Blvd., Suite 110 in Durham. The primary role of the NSAB is to provide advice and recommendations on ways to effectively meet existing development requirements of nutrient strategies, specifically with respect to the Jordan Lake watershed Stage 2 requirements. ITITITVRI-�- 1 11 Sept. 10-14: DEMLR staff will be attending the Association of State Dam Safety Officials Annual Conference and Training Session in San Antonio, TX Sept. 12: DWM/Solid Waste staff members Corinne Law and Connie Wylie will be holding New Septage Operators Training Sept. 12. y Sept. 12 —13: The DWM/Hazardous Waste Section will be hosting a Hazardous Waste Organic Air Emissions Wining Sept. 12-13 in the Research Triangle Park. Sept. 12, 6 p.m.: The Blue Crab Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committee will meet at the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality's Washington regional office, 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington. The committee is meeting to assist the Division of Marine Fisheries with development of Amendment 3 to the Blue Crab Fishery Management Plan. Sept. 12, 6 p.m.: The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries will hold a public hearing on a proposed shellfish lease in Dare County at the Hatteras Village Community Center, 57689 N.C. Highway 12, Hatteras. Brian C. Scall of Hatteras applied to lease 2.96 acres of water bottom and water column Dear Hatteras Inlet Marsh. Sept. 12, 6 p.m.: The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries will hold a public hearing on seven proposed shellfish leases in Carteret County at the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries' Central District Office, 5285 U.S. Hwy. 70 West., Morehead City. Sept. 12, 9 a.m.: The Region 4 Strategic Habitat Area Advisory Committee to the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries will meet at the N.C. Department. of Environmental Quality's Wilmington Regional Office, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington. The committee will review draft results of strategic habitat areas in the southeastern coastal waters of the state. Sept. 13: DAQ's Air Quality Committee will present an update on proposed rules revisions at the Environmental Management Commission (EIVIC) meeting, Ground Floor Hearing Room, Archdale Building. Sept. 13, 6 p.m.: The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries will hold a public hearing on a proposed shellfish lease in Hyde County at the Ocracoke Watermen's Exhibit, Community Square Dock, 278 Irvin Garrish Highway, Ocracoke.Devil Shoal Oyster and Clam Company in Ocracoke (Arlene Burley, agent) has applied to lease 4.84 acres of water bottom and water column near Howard Reef. Sept. 13, 5:30-7:30 p.m.: The Division of Water Resources" Ecosystems Branch staff will represent the agency at an algal bloom informational meeting with local government officials in Edenton. Sept. 13, 9 a.m.: Committees of the N.C. Environmental Management Commission will meet in the ground floor hearing room of the Archdale Building. A full schedule of committee meetings is available online. Sept. 13-14: DWM staffers Ellen Lorscheider (Solid Waste Section chief) and Bruce Nicholson (Brownfields Program Manager) will be presenting at the Environmental Management Commission Sept. 13 and 14. Sept. 14, 9 a.m.: The N.C. Environmental Management Commission will meet in the ground floor hearing room of the Archdale Building. The agenda is available online. Additions/corrections: or 919-707-8604 DEQ-CFW-0001 1478 Sept. 11-15: The divisions of Waste Management and Environmental Assistance and Customer Service staff will be presenting at the Compost Council Training Sept. 11-15. water, wastewater and stormwater utilities for a two-day discussion around challenges and strategic management solutions for water infrastructure. Sept. 19, 6 p.m.: The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries will hold a public hearing on proposed shellfish leases in Onslow County at the North Topsail Beach Town Center, 2008 Loggerhead Court, North Topsail Beach. Paul B. Hargove of Wilmington has applied to lease 4.17 acres of water bottom and water column near Stump Sound, and Middle Sound Mariculture LLC, Wilmington, (James M. Hargove, agent) has applied to lease 4.75 acres of water bottom and water column near Stump Sound. Sept. 16, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.: The Division of Water Resources will have an interactive educational exhibit at the Museum of Natural Sciences' annual Bugfest event in downtown Raleigh. Volunteers from other divisions are welcome to participate. Contact bridget.muungerra ncdenr.gov for more information. Sept. 20: State Water Infrastructure Authority meeting. Sept. 20 — 22: DAQ is hosting the Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies (AAPCA) 2017 Fall Business Meeting in Raleigh. Location: Doubletree by Hilton Raleigh (Brownstone -University). Registration opens soon. The meeting will include open sessions for all interested participants and closed sessions limited to AAPCA members and governmental attendees. Sept. 26: The DWM/Underground Storage Tank Section's staff will participate in a stakeholders meeting with the Petroleum and Convenience Marketers Association Sept. 26. Sept 26: The Division of Water Resources' Heather Jennings and Maya Cough -Schulze will be presenting on the 319 and 205j grant programs at the Cape Fear River Forum in Elon. Sept 27: The Division of Water Resources' Heather Jennings and Maya Cough -Schulze will be presenting on the 319 and 205j grant programs at the N.C. Watershed Stewardship Network workshop on "Sustainably Funding Your Watershed Efforts" in Newton. Sept. 27-28: The Coastal Resources Commission will meet in Wilmington. Location to be determined. Sept. 29: Due date for applications for the spring round of wager and wastewater infrastructure funding offered through the Division of Water Infrastructure. Applicants may access an instructional PowerPoint presentation, used in seven recent training sessions conducted statewide, at the following link: http://portal.iicdenr.org/c/document_library/get file?uuid=0fc6l e8l - 51e2-44e2-b474-840318ba2377&groupld=14655572. Oct. 3 — 4: DWM staff will be attending the EPA Region IV State Directors meeting in Decatur, Georgia, Oct. 3 -4. Oct. 6,10 a.m.: The Division of Water Resources' Beth Swanson will give a presentation, "What to Expect: Laboratory Inspections," at the LabsEast quarterly meeting at the City of Wilson Operations Building, 1800 Herring Ave. in Wilson. Oct. 10-11: Division of Water Infrastructure's Kim Colson and Francine Durso will be speakers at the Water & Finance Management Journal's 2017 Water Asset Management Conference in Boston. The Water Asset Management Conference gathers CEOs, directors, general managers, asset managers and other decision makers of Oct. 26: Division of Water Infrastructure will convene a Funder's Forum, a quarterly meeting of all water and sewer infrastructure funders in the state, at the N. C. Rural Economic Development Center, 4021 Carya Drive, Raleigh. Oct. 31: Division of Water Infrastructure's deadline for a Community Development Block Grant- Infrastructure program targeting 46 Hurricane Matthew -impacted counties with critical water and sewer infrastructure needs. The program will also fund resiliency projects that will prevent flooding in future storm events. (Original deadline was Sept. 291, has been extended to Oct. 31.) Nov.1: Division of Water Infrastructure's deadline for applying for the Community Development Block Grant -Infrastructure program's school water and sewer infrastructure funding. (For more information, see: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wi/cdbg-i-public- schools-infrastructure) Nov. 7-8: The Coastal Resources Commission will meet at the Hilton Doubletree in Atlantic Beach. News Articles Chemours discharging other chemicals besides GenX in Cape Fear River; EPA releases data to DEQ today http://www. ncpol icywatch.com/2017/08/31/chemours-dischargi ng- chemicals-besides-genx-cape-fear-river-epa-releases-data-deq- today/ Update: DEQSec'y Regan says "all legal options" could be used on Chemours https:HPuIse.ncpol icywatch.org/2017/08/31/update-deq-secy- rega n-says-legs I-opti ons-used-chemours/ BRUNSWICK COUNTY RESPONDS TO EPA IDENTIFYING MORE CHEMICALS IN RIVER htt p s://www.wwaytv3.com/2017/08/31/b ru n sw i c k-co u nty- responds-to-epa-identifying-more-chemicals-in-river/ New study finds additional chemicals in Cape Fear River; no timeline to stop discharge http://www.wbty. com/story/36261887/new-study-finds-add itiona I - chemicals -in -cape -fear -river -no -timeline -to -stop -discharge GenX: What Is Nafion, And Why Is It In The Water http://whqr.org/post/genx-what-nafion-and-why-it-water#stream/0 20 NC coastal communities could be flooded by sea water in 15 years, new report says http://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/articlel70066037.html Late addition to HB 56 gives $435K to UNC Wilmington, Cape Fear Public Utility Authority — $0 to DEQ, DHHS https:HPuIse.ncpol icywatch.org/2017/08/30/late-addition-hb-56- gives-435k-unc-wil mi ngton-cape-fear-publ is-uti lity-authority-0-deq- dhhs/ Senate passes plan to find, treat, remove GenX in Cape Fear River Additions/corrections: or 919-707-8604 DEQ-CFW 00011479 Nttp://wwwmmc.com/storK/36Z56859/senate-passes-p|an-to-find' LETTERS, Aug. 31:Legislative commission stalling onGenX http://www.starnewsonline.com/opinion/20170831/letters-aug-31- legislative-commission-stalling-on-genx 2 Vetoes Overridden; Bill Backs Money to Address Chemical Nttps://www.usnews.00m/news/best-motes/north- caro|ina/artides/IOI7-O8'3O/money-to-study-treat-chemica|-in'n' candina-river-in-biU GOP ties 6enXfunding toplastic bag ban repeal http://wwwm/ra|.cnm/gnp-ties-genx-funding-to-p|astic'bag- ban' repea|/16916740/ Coal ash from Lumberton to be used for cement http://www.faywbsemeccum/news/2Ol7083O/coa|-ash-frum- |umberton-tn-be'used-fopcement Southern gasoline pipeline to shutdown due to Harvey Nttp://www.faymbsenmccom/news/2O170831/southern-gpso|ine pipe|ine-to-shut-dovvn'dueto-harvey Gas prices rise ahead of Labor Day weekend after Harvey shutters refineries inGulf http://www.wpctznm/,tory/3G212G63/gas-prices-rise-ahead-of- |abnpday'weekend-after-hamey-shutters-refineries-in-Du|f Controversial sewer project finally gets OK http://www.reOectnrcnm/News/Z017/0D/3O/Cnntrnversia|-sewep pnoject-fnaUy-gpt*OKhtm| City flooding amatter nfaging infrastructure, lack uffunding http://www.thewashingtondui|ynews.com/Z017/O8/25/chy flooding-a'mattepof-ugin0-infrastructue'|ack-of-funds/ GenXResponse: Activist Groups Unite Forces http://sa|sa3.su|sa|abs.com/dia/trackjsp?v=2&z=DzPLFPbKaCzH1uR 564fiFH2tyY8vyGO Climate scientists: Get ready for more Harveys Nttp://sa|sa3.sa|sa|abs.com/dia/trackjsp?v=I&c=cm8vuqpba4apyZO Rkth6dH2tyY8vyGO Marine Fisheries deflected input onturtle policies after lawsuit httpslYouterbanksvoice.com/2OI7/O8/2D/muhne-fisheries- deUected'input-on-turt|e-po|icies-after-|awauit/ Residents call oncounty for action (offshore drilling) http://www.caro|inacoamon|ine.com/newstimes/artide_8ed474eO' 8a97-I1e7-bd1ZfOf76OfOI81y7.htm| Letter: Stormwater runoff threatens our rivers http://www.newbern$.com/opinion/Z017O8Z4Uettepmnrmwotep Letter: Commit toalternative energy http dnevvs.com/opinion/IOl7O8Z8/|etter+zommk-to- a|ternative'energy Neighbors ofcoal ash ponds sue Duke Energy, allege $5,00Ooffer is "deceptive" http://pu|seocpu|icywatch.nrX/2017/08/2D/neiXhbors-coa|'ash' ponds-sup'duke-enenDy-aUegp'50O0-o#ep deceptive/#sthashIdK8LFAqu.8R6GMkridpbs Fire contained, but continues toburn atcounty compost landfill http://wwwjayobsemercom/news/2017O828/fire-contuined'but- condnue*to'burn-at-county+compost'|andfiU Couple says Goog|eFiber damaged their well. Now he's worried he will need new liver http://www.char|otteobsemeccom/#sory|ink=cpy 8/I9Letters: 'Garbage juice' bill casts legislators inatoxic light http://www.newsobsemeccom/opiniom4etters-to-the VVood|ake Dam Breach Nears Completion, Fate ofLake Still Uncertain http://www.thepi|otzom/news/wood|ake-dam'breach-neans- cnmp|ebon-fate'o#ake-stiU'uncprtain/artide_468O8lce-89c6'1le7- a 1a.htm| Under the Surface: In Genx's Wake http://www.wi|mingtunbiz.com/morp_news/2017/08/25/under the Substation could 'macdvutepiece ofAshmjUe's western downtown, Sea level rising: 2ONCtowns, cities could beflooded bysea water in Duke spokesman says 15yeao http://www.citizen- http://sa|sa3sa|sa|abccom/dia/trackisp?v=Z&c=3B5yoh5fIZHqHoA dmeszom/story/news|ocu|/2O17/O8/28/substadon-cou|d' yiVAOUXH|q9u]XNK8Y neucdvute-piece-ashevi||e*wmstern-dovvntown-duke'spokesman- says/6079]0OOI/ Another bad actor discharging into the Cape Fear River: Cargill fined $75K More questions arise nnAtlantic Coast Pipeline http�a|sa|ab�com/dia/track]�p?v=2&c=]LiGuXCO6T4cch14 � � � � http://www.wi|suntimes.com/sturies/more'questions-arisp'un- 7Z%2FZ7VHZtyY8vyG0 at|andc-cnast-pipe|ine,93748? Randy Gideon: sea turtle program atBrunswick Nuclear Plant Rising Seas: NCCoast Faces Chronic Flooding Nttpcom/youtubeb8O7�0e��1e1Ie]�7be � � _https://www.coasta|review.on&/2017/08/rising'seas-nc'coaot-faces- 0O1u4bcf8D7uhtm| � chronic -flooding/ EDITORIAL, Aug. 29:VVecan't ignore rising waters Our Opinion: Water -quality threat must beaddressed http://www.starnewsonline.com/opinion/20170829/editorial-aug- http://www.greensburuzom/upinion/n_and_r_edituria|s/uup 29-we-cunt-ignore-rising'*mters Add idonu/corvectiunz or919-7U7-86O4 OEQ-CFVV_00011480 opinion -watepqua|by-threat-mugt-be-addesed/artide_bc42be3d' Cartoon: ASuggested Sprayfe|dfor Aerosolized "Garbage Juice" The military can fight climate change Nttp://www.newsobsenaccom/opinion/edhoha|s/artideI69704397 EPA Has Slashed Its Criminal Investigation Division inHalf Nttp://www.govexeczom/management/20I7/08/epa'has-s|ashed' EPA ends sponsorship ufclimate leadership program httpc//www.reuters.cnm/artic|e/us-usa-dimatechangp-epa- idUSKCN1852PK Add itionu/cornectunz or919-7U7-86U4 OEQ-CFVV_00011481