HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00011384Department of Environment and Natural Resources Annual Status Report wuIndividually Permitted Discharging Systemsper N.C.G.S.l43-2l5-9A For the Period Beginning July 1,2011,and Ending June 30,2012, Summary N.C. Gcnoud Sto1uto({}.S] 143-215.9A requires the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to report Lothe Environmental Review Commission and the Fiscal Research Division nnthe status offacilities discharging into surface no1oro during the previous fiood year. Facilities discharginginto surface nm1cns are required hv(].8. l43'2|j.lLofirst apply for and secure upermit from theEnvironmental Management Commission. As a result, the data provided within this fiscal report is captured for those facilities individually permitted with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. The following tables are enclosed oummud activities for July L20|L through June 3(\20|2`per the general statute: Table 1, 9tutnm of Civil Penalty Assessments. /\ summary ofthe number ofenforcement actions taken, obi| penaltiesassessed and collected, and remissions requested. Due tothe lengthy assessment process, total civil penalties assessed and total civil penalties collected will not coincide in the same fiscal year. The Division ofWaterQuality's current data management system cannot track information onthe number of violations found during each inspection, the date of the violation or the nature of the violation. Funding has been allocated for the initial development phase to allow entry and summarization of this information, however, completion ofthe update will require further funding. Since July |,l998,eachregional office water qua lity su pervisor authonity, through delegation Quality (I}W0)tosign all civil penalty assessments for fast -track enforcement actions for violations of NPDES Permit effluent limits and/or monitoring frequencies in accordance with {}.S. 143'215.6A^. Most enforcement actions are based on violations of permit limits or monitoring requirements. However, other enforcement actions may be generated due to other permit condition violations including, but not limited to,discharge vio|udono(roouhing5mnnooUuctionmy�ernovodlovvo)`|�eouhnniooionofDischarge Monitoring Reports, late submission of Toxicity Test results, violations of pretreatment program requirements, improper operation and maintenance of treatment works, or bypass of treatment works. Table %, Status ofIndividually Permitted Facilities. /\ summary ofthe number and types ofpermits issued bveachregional offiou,along with the numbers ofcompliance and other inspections. Other inspections include: ° Audit Inspections: u comprehensive review ofall elements ofumunicipality's protoeubnont program, including aneoordareview uud unminspection of an industrial conducted once every five y0000. " Bloassay Compliance Inspections: evaluates the biological effect of a penuittee's effluent discharge ontest organisms using acute and chronic toxicity testing. ° Compliance Sampling Inspections: usampling inspection designed tovehfvdupornubttoe`a compliance with applicable permit requirements. Analytical results from representative samples collected during the inspection are used to evaluate the permittee's compliance. ° Diagnostic Inspections: focuses on publicly owned treatment works that have not achieved permit compliance, Loidentify the causes ofnoncompliance, suggest immediate remedies and support current orfuture enforcement action. " Operation and Maintenance Inspections: focuses on the operation and maintenance aspect of a fboU ° Performance Audit Inspections: inspections that include actual observation of the permittee performing the self -monitoring process from sample collection and flow measurements through laboratory analyses, data work -up and reporting. ° Pre -Treatment Inspections: an annual inspection of a municipal's pretreatment program. ° Toxicity Sampling Inspections: similar to Compliance Sampling Inspections, with increased emphasis placed on toxic substances regulated by the NPDES permit. OEQ-CFVV_00011384 Table 3,Status of Special Orders bvConsent (S0Cs),Special Orders bvConsent are a mutually (between the state and the perrnittee) agreed order that establish timelines and relaxedpermit limits to correct aproblem ofnoncompliance while minimizing costs and damage tohuman health and the Table 4,Names and Locations ufIndividually Permitted Discharging Systems.The names and locations ofthe permitted f��ldi �udbvB�000�[)�� ��uou�[)�D �uu/v/ouao[ypo aouur�/n� oamo _ ~/ oo� �/ ooa locations are abbreviated as follows: ARO — Asheville Regional Office WARO —Washington Regional Office MR(}—MooresvilleRegional Offiou Vj WSRO — Winston-Salem Regional Office OEQ-CFVV_00011385