HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00010649From: 8arber, Jim [/O=EXCHANGELA8S/OU=EXCHANGEAD[W|N|5TRATVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=4717O5C7376O4A1D83OEZ7B13409FA3]'[UBARBER] Sent: 7/26/I0I75:30:I4PW1 To: Ri#aard,Jon [/b=ExzhanXeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=d1eeZ67742774Qcf995eac3d56a4eZ1e-jrrisgaard] Subject: RE: DuPont Fayetteville Works - River Water Sediment -PFOAResults Attachments Chemours formerly DuPont Fayetteville Works; DuPont Class A Land App sites.jpg; DuPont Chemours Cumberland County 6|Smap.docx;DuPont Chemours8|adenG|3mapdocx 3nn; Left you a voice message a few minutes ago. Here's a recent email concerning the DuPont class ^x' material relative to permit renewal and a map with of the locations that DuPont land applied the class x residual in 2012 (Basin #I} and the proposed locations for 2016/20I7 land application event(s) for basin #2. Both sites are on DuPont property located in Cumberland county (the blueish line is the county line). Also attached are Gzs maps from Cumberland and aladen to indicate the property boundaries for the DuPont site. If you need anything else give me a call or email. 3im Barber Environmental Engineer wcosQ-owx-wQxo Fayetteville Regional office 910-433-3340 voice 910-486-0707 fax jim.barber@mcdenr.guv E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. o Go Green! print this email only when necessary. Thank you for helping mcosmm be environmentally responsible. ^*****^*^******^*^* ---original message --- prom: nisgaard' zon Sent: Wednesday, 3uly 26, 20I7 I2:08 Pm TO: Barber, 3im <jim.barber@ncdenr.gov, subject: rw: DuPont Fayetteville works -- River water sediment -- PpoA Results zim' Take a look at this old email chain and attached email. Do you recall how or if DuPont disposed on the river sediment? KM 3on xisgaard - section chief Water Quality Regional Operations Section Department of Environmental Quality 919-807-5458 http://deq.nc.gov/abnut/divisions/water-resources 1636 mail service center Raleigh, mc 27699-1636 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ---original message --- prom: nisgaard, 3on Sent: Monday, zuly 24, 2017 3:29 pm To: Zimmerman, 3ay <jay.zimmerman@ncdenr.gov, subject: pw: DuPont Fayetteville works -- River water sediment -- pro^ Results OEQ-CFVV_00010649 A deep search of emails and z only found Z hits so far. z found a 6/16/20I5 email (attached) from Tom aelnick that references a meeting with Dupont. Interesting that the email was concerning Aurouco panels. The second email includes the following text and the attached email. It is concerning proA's in some lagoon sediments back in 2011. z was in the Non -discharge program at the time and was fielding questions on whether the material was suitable for land application. The email does not indicate if the material was land applied. z will check with 3im in pxo to see what he remembers. 3on zon njsgaard — section chief Water Quality Regional Operations Section Department of Environmental Quality 9I9-807-6458 http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisinns/*ater-resources 1636 mail service center Raleigh, mc 27699-1636 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ---original message ----- From: Barber' zim Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 2:15 pm TO: teresa.rndriguezZ@aecom.com Cc: Hardee, Ed xed.hardeeNncdenr.gov^; nisgaard, 3nn <jon.risgaard@ncdenr.gov^ subject: rw: DuPont Fayetteville works -- River water sediment -- PpuA Results ---original message ----- From: Barber, zim Sent: Friday, September 17, 2010 I0:13 mw To: 'Michael s 3ohnson' Cc: Hardee, Ed; Barnhardt, Art subject: FW: DuPont Fayetteville Works -- River Water Sediment -- PFOA Results Mike� , Thanks for the follow up information concerning the river sediment to be removed from the basin at DuPont. Based on the information provided (TcLp data and spLp data) the sediment in the basin would appear to meet the class x residual standards. Below is a link to the owQ website for the appropriate application template to use in preparing DuPont's application. use form oxs 08-07 (Distribution of Residual solids) for a Class A material. http://portal.ncdenr.nrg/web/wq/aps/lau/applicatiuns Once you prepare the application consistent with the instructions provided with the application template and provide the necessary documentation with respect to samples taken; provide a detailed site map with storage area (and approx. area needed - i.e. acres of mined area for storage) and supplement with correspondence received from Land Quality concerning storing the sediment in the on -site mine area(s) under their jurisdiction. As we discussed a couple of weeks ago' provide estimates for the length of time the sediment will be stored in the mine area(s) prior to reuse. The Division wants to see progress on the use of this material verses indefinitely being stored in the mine area. During internal discussions with owQ staff, a 24 month timeframe was mentioned as a maximum storage time. I'm sure some additional discussion will take place' during the review process' based on the timeframes proposed. Provide groundwater information {mw maps with groundwater depth relative to land surface or seasonal high groundwater contour maps with land surface contours) for the plant site will be helpful in understanding the relationship between groundwater and activities proposed at the plant site. Hopefully historic groundwater monitoring data exists that will provide a understanding of highest measured groundwater depths at the plant site (with respect to past weather patterns and not recent drought conditions) to understand groundwater trends at the site. As you prepare the application; if you have any questions' don't hesitate to call me {45]-3]40) or Ed Hardee (919-7I5-5I89) for assistance. Questions relating to long term storage of the river sediment should be directed to znn xisgaard at 919-715-6I67 and the application should be sent to his attention I'm attaching a recent email from owQ to owm relative to the management of the river sediment. The email has traffic between DWM and DWQ. Also, you will notice that 3on Risgaard has a issue with the material OEQ-CFVV_00010650 being used as a fill material verses being land applied like a regular wwtp sludge. I'm not sure if zun understands that the material you are presenting will meet class x standards. when z spoke with 3on and Ed several weeks/month ago, analytical data was not available at that time. z suggest that you contact zon to get a clear direction as to how the Division will accept the use of the river sediment/alum material. sorry for the confusion. Hopefully a consensus can be reached for the long term management of the material, so we aren't recreating the wheel when it comes time to excavate the other storage basin in the near future. 3im Barber ---original message --- prom: Michael s 3ohnson [mailto:michael.s.3ohnson0usA.dupont.com] Sent: Thursday, 3uly 29, 2010 12:05 nw To: Barber, zim; Hardee, Ed subject: DuPont Fayetteville works — River water Sediment — ppox Results Per your request, here are the ppox results of the seven samples taken from our river water sediment basin. The lab ran the synthetic Precipitation Leaching procedure (sPLP; cpx SW-846 method lJlZ) in which one part by weight of the sediment is mixed with twenty parts by weight of an extraction liquid, agitated for 18 hours, and then filtered, with the filtrate being analyzed for the PpoA. You will see that the seven samples ranged from <0.0I4 ug/L rpoA (i.e. less than quantification level) to 0.017 ug/L ppox. so all seven samples were around the analytical method's quantification level. FYI: per the lab's documentation' the analytical quantification level is determined by multiplying the method detection level (moL) by five. To convert the spLp results to total PpuA in the sediment' one can multiple the spLp result by 20 to change from ug/L in the leachate to ug/kg of dry sediment. Therefore the dry sediment would have been in the range of <0.29 ug/kg Prox to 0.34 ug/kg PpuA. Let me know if you need any other information. I will be on vacation tomorrow (07/30) and the week of 08/02, so z will not be able to respond to your messages until the week of 08/09. mike Michael E. 3nhnson Environmental Manager DuPont company Fayetteville works {910} 678-1I55 (see attached file: 2010 sediment Basin PFOA Results.pdf) This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be Privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient' you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this e-mail, in whole or in part' is strictly prohibited. please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this e-mail from your system. Unless explicitly and conspicuously designated as ^s-contract Intended", this e-mail does not constitute a contract offer, a contract amendment, or an acceptance of a contract offer. This e-mail does not constitute a consent to the use of sender's contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties. Francais Deutsch Italiano Espanol Portugues 3apanese Chinese Korean OEQ-CFVV_00010651