HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00010516From: Hardee, Ed[EO.HARDEE]
Sent: 8/24/201012:41:I0PyW
To: 0sgaaniJon [/h=NCMAL/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group (FYD8DHFZ33PDO)/cn=Recipients/cn=jon.hsgaard]
Subject: FVV:Residuals land application forms
Attachments DuPont Fayetteville Sediments Resuhcpdf
Ed Hardee
Aquifer protection section
Land Application Unit
1636 mail service center
Raleigh, wc 27699-1656
Phone (9I9) 7I5-6189
Fax {9I9} 715-0588
ozsCLAzmsa: per executive order No. 150' all e-mails sent to and from
this account are subject to the worth Carolina public Records Law and
may be disclosed to third parties.
---original message ---
prom: Michael s 3ohnson [mailto:michael.s.3ohnson0usA.dupont.com]
Sent: Friday, zuly lG, 2010 12:38 PM
To: Barber, zim
Cc: Hardee, Ed
subject: Re: Residuals land application forms
Thank you for calling me today and discussing DuPont's options to remove the river water sediment from
our basin and placing it in our on -site Borrow Area.
Per your request, attached are the analytical results for the required seven samples of the sediment.
All analyses were done by the cnmpuchem lab in Cary. The one outstanding analyte is the Prox result that
mC-owm is especially interested in, as this analysis is performed at another lab. z will work to get
that result ASAP, but it will no doubt be at less than l ppb levels.
You will see that sample Ol was run as a duplicate' and samples OZ through
07 were all run as single analyses.
z also color coded the table for my own use. The cells that are not colored were "non -detectable" or
"less than pmL^ The cells colored blue had positive measurable concentrations of the analyte. The
cells colored yellow had laboratory qualifiers on them' for which ^3^ means the result was estimated due
to a data quality issue and the result was less than the pQL, and a ^B^ qualifier means that
contamination was seen in either the trip blank' equipment blank or method blank.
Michael E. zohnson
Environmental manager
DuPont company
Fayetteville works
(910) 678-1155
{see attached file: DuPont Fayetteville sediments nesults.pdf}
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