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00 pm Welcome and Opening Remarks
1:10 pm Administration and Division Leadership Update��
Present information about the administrative transition process, and status of the
Water Protection Division leadership transition.
1:30 pm NPM Guidance, EPA Strategic Plan, Budget and Grants Update
Present information about the FYI NPM Guidance and EPA Strategic Plan and
how it is different from previous years, FYI EPA Budget, Continuing
Environmental Program grants, schedules, and FYI Budget.
2:30 pm Break
2:45 pm Legal Update
Mary Walker (EPA)
Mary Walker (EPA)
Update on the following topics. Waters of the U.S., Power Plant ELGs, Recent
Court Decisions, other legal topics of interest.
3:45 pm Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFAs) Update and Discussion about Becky Allenbach (EPA) 0
unregulated contaminants States
Discuss recent issues related to PFAs and unregulated contaminants. Open
discussion about how R4 states are addressing unregulated contaminants and
how EPA can support the states.
4:45 pm Adjourn
5:00 pm Social
Everyone is invited to get together at the hotel bar.
DEQ-CFW 00010501
8:30 am
MS4 Discussions
TBD (GAEPD) / Chris
Thomas (EPA) / (FLDEP)
Open discussion about the MS4 Remand rule and permitting implications.
Discussions about MS4 jurisdiction in private owned land (FL DEP)
9:30 am
Enforcement Update
Status of National Enforcement Initiatives, FYI enforcement priorities,
10:15 am
10:30 am
State Roundtable: Issues and Legislative Actions in Each State
Each state provides —10-minute update on hot programmatic issues and any
significant state lawslbills that affect/may affect water resources in their respective
12:00 pm
1:15 pm
Municipal Infrastructure Challenges
TBD (EPA) / States
Open discussion about Sanitary Sewer Overflows issues, lessons learned,
successes, and other states plans to address them.
2:00 pm
Electronic Reporting Rule Update
TBD (EPA) / States
Update about Electronic Reporting Rule implementation and open discussion
about states challenges in implementing the rule, and Q&A.
2:45 pm
3:00 pm
Water Quality Program Update
Update on programmatic water quality issues and Q&A.
4:00 pm
5:00 pm Adjourn
DEQ-CFW 00010502
11:00 am Topic
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11:45 am Wrap up
Present action items and discuss next meeting.
12:00 pm Adjourn
Mary Walker (EPA)
DEQ-CFW 00010503