HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00010497From: Young, Sarah [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=94E1114833AA46B9B87F8D4E6B9613F4-SMYOUNGI] Sent: 8/24/2017 1:06:39 PM Subject: Latest Coastal News Reminder: The information below is an aggregate of the latest news items/editorials. Any opinions are not necessarily endorsed by DCM or DEQ. The Military`s Battle Against Climate Change http:Hwunc.org/post`/riiilitary-s..battle against-climnitc:-char�c;e streaF;/D Bonner Bridge Project On Track For November Completion hap flwunc.org/ )o.st:/bonner-bridge-project:-tracy;-novernbe€ complebon#si:ream /0 Did Eclipse Dim Solar Energy Production? httpsWwww,coasttaIreview, org/?0� /08/eclipse-di€n-solar-energy' Sound Rivers New Executive Director Chosen https:Hwww,coasttaIreview, org/201 7/08/new-sound-rivers-executive-director-chosen/ NOAA Designates Sturgeon Critical Habitat httpsWwww,coasttaIreview, org/?017/08/noaa-designates-sturgeon-critictaI -ha bitat�" INC agencies: Give us help, funds to regulate toxic GenX http:Hwww.starnc:wsonlinE-.€:.oF,/nE-ws `20170323,Inc-.azyE-nCie*S--give--L€s.help..funds-.to-.regLL late --toxic -genx Hampstead residents bemoan water issues, proposed price increases http:Hwww,st,�rnewsonl€ne.corr.l'news/ L) 708231`baripstead-residents-bemoan-water-issues-proposed-prise-in reuses Sewer spill on Navaho Trail http://www.starnewsonl`€rye.com/news/"201'108"2 /sewer-spill-org-€ ,t vaf -�o-trail Michael Lee proposal would give state money to CFPUA, not DEQ htt : ' artcit dt it ,can 201 ' 6 28'will-2- -rr ill'€org-ire-fu€ dir o-to-state-a er�cies-ur-the-cf ua-and-uncw-rows' Sarah 111.1'oung Public Information Officer N.C. ent of Environmental Qualitv 919-707-8604 office sarah.younc, ncdenr.�l W DEQ-CFW 00010497