HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00010414From: Basinger, Corey [/O=NCMAIL/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP
Sent: 9/13/2012 5:24:00 PM
To: Poupart, Jeff [/o=NCMAIL/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=jeff.poupart];
Hennessy, John [/o=NCMAIL/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
(FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=john.hen nessy]
Subject: FW: Supervisor BO Reports - Permits Issued
Attachments: Permits Issued - Wetland 401 Projects.xls; Permits Issued - Collection Systems.xls; Permits Issued - Deemed
Collection Systems.xls; Permits Issued - Fast Track Sewer Extensions.xls; Permits Issued - NPDES SW General.xls;
Permits Issued - NPDES SW.xls; Permits Issued - NPDES WW General.xls; Permits Issued - NPDES WW Major.xls;
Permits Issued - NPDES WW Minor.xls; Permits Issued - State SW.xls
W. Carey Basinger
Regional Supervisor
Surface Water Protection Section
Winston-Salem Regional Office
Division of Water QUality
Email: core et�aslr� er ncde re oar
Phone: (336) 771--5000
Fax (336) 77:1.-4630
E-moilcorrespondence to and. from this address moy, be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Low and may he disclosed to
third parties.
From: Basinger, Corey
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 1:23 PM
To: Krebs, Rob; Henson, Belinda; Smith, Danny; Gregson, Jim; Thorpe, Roger; Cranford, Chuck; Karoly, Cyndi; Bennett,
Bradley; Higgins, Karen; Montgomery, Lori; Gore, Deborah
Cc: Matthews, Matt; Bowden, Kevin
Subject: FW: Supervisor BO Reports - Permits Issued
Email #2
W. Corey Basinger
Regional Supervisor
Surface Water Protection Section
Winston-Salem Regional Office
Division of Water Quality
Email: corey.basinger@ncdenr.gov
Rhone: (336) 771-5000
Fax (336) 771-1630
E-moil correspondence to and from this address rnayf be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Low and may he disclosed to
third parties.
From: Floore, Tom
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 12:10 PM
To: Basinger,•
Subject: Supervisor BO Reports - Permits Issued
DEQ-CFW 00010414
Please find the attached reports for the Permits Issued for your review with supervisors.
Thomas F. Moore
Business Technology and Application Analyst
NCDENR/ITS/DWQ Application Development
DENR Green Square / 3422-L
217 West Jones Street
Raleigh, NC 27603
Phone: (919) 707-8945
E-mail correspondence to and fiTm thus address mar be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
DEQ-CFW 00010415