HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00010154From: Mike. Templeton net.] Sent: 1.1/1.8/2008 4:491 51. Pfvl To: Gil Vinzani [Gil.Vinzani@ncmai1.net]; 'I'oya Fields [tcaya.fia}Ids racmail.net];']ackicc.riowc-�ll@ncrnail.nc-tt' (.Jackie.n��well`�ncrraail.raa�}t] CC: Jeff Poupart [Jeff.Poupart@ncmail.net] Suh]ert: (Fwd: Rai}}: draft nrca perfnit] FYI, here's my note to Larry Baldwin re.: the DuPont (formerly UNlFl) permit. ________ Original Message ________ Subject.Re: draft nrca permit Date. I wa, 13 Nov 2008 11:47:52 -0500 From.f like Templeton <Mike.Templeton@ncmail.net> To.Larry Baldwin <riverkeeper@a neuseriver.org> References.<OOb3Olc948ec` 97dc78cl 1` 6901a8c(l@Riverkeclper> Larry - You haven't missed your chance to cornment of) the permits involved in the t1NIFI trades. When we heard that Reliance was taking over LlMH's part of the facility, we held riff so we could get an updated application that described their operations reasonably accurately. Now that Reliance has backed out, we are dealing directly with DuPont and expect to draft the permit in the next couple of months. All of the permits involved in the trade will go to public notice at the safne time as DuPont's, and the comrraent period will start then. - Mike T Larry Baldwin wrote: Hey Mike, Thanks for the update on the NRCA permit. We will follow up. With all of the transition from Dean leaving the NRF, I have lost track of where things stand with the Neuse River permits that we were looking to challenge. Have we missed any deadlines or opportunities to make comment? Larry Baldwin Lower Neuse Riverkeeper Neuse River Foundation 1307 Country Club Road New Bern, NC 23562 (252) 637-.79.72 - office (252) 670-0383 - cell (252) 514-0051 - fax www.neuseriverkeepers.org "A river is powerful because many drops of grater, f ve (earned ff'�e secret of cooperation. " Original Message Baldwin; Sent: Friday, November 14, To: Larry r • tarry & Aiissa - DEQ-CFW 00010154 The. Division sent the draft permit for the. Neuse River Compliance. Association to public notice today. The, notice. will be published in ne.wspapors irOL.Ind the basin in the next few deny-,, beginning the 30--day comment pe.riod. I cc'd you both on the MailOLA, sand you should re.ceive hard copies of the. permit package next week. ki the meantime., here are. PDF copies of the package for your early review, The main body of the permit. is unchangod except. for bringing the. reporting datos and an addr(.,.,,-, up to date`. The.. roster and allocations list in Appendix A of the permit have beer) updated to include changes since the last permit action (2006). Let me know if you have any questions or if you have any trouble opening the attach rmants. Alissa, also let me know if you think it would help you to rneet and get an overview of the permit or of the NPIDES prograrn in general (that extends to Larry, too, of course), And welcorne aboard, by the way. - Mike'Templeton Michael E. 'Fernpleton, P.E. Point Source Branch/ NPIDES Surface Water Protection Section NCDENR - DWQ Raleigh, NC "Tel: 919-807,6402 Fax: 919-807,6495 Michael E, Te.mpleton, P.E. Point. Source Brinch/ NPDES Surface Water Protection Section NCDENR . DWQ Raleigh, NC 'Fel: 919-807,6402 Fax: 919-807,6495 DEQ-CFW-00010155