HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00010152From: Tom Belnick [Tom.Belnicl<@ncmail.net]
Sent: 11/13/2008 11:04:51 PM
To: denr.dwq.westnpdes@Iists.ncmai1.net; denr.dwq.eastnpdes@lists.ncmail.net; denr.dwq.supvswp@lists.ncmail.net;
Jeanne Phillips [Jeanne. Phill ips@ncmail.net]
CC: Paul Rawls [Paul.Rawls@ncmail.net]; Jeff Poupart [jeff.poupart@ncmail.net]; Dana Folley [Dana. Folley@ncmail.net]
Subject: Cct2008 Watch List- NPDES Wastewater Compliance
Attachments: Cct08.xls
URGENT TIMING: Need ROC responses by Monday Nov. 24 Noon.
Background. The EPA Quarterly Watch List identifies Major NPDES wastewater facilities that have exceeded
various EPA compliance criteria, and DWQ must respond back to EPA regarding what is being done to correct
the noncompliance. For facilities in chronic noncompliance, EPA is most interested in what actions the facility
is taking independently, or through DWQ requirements (e.g., SOC), to evaluate/correct the problem. If EPA is
not satisfied with progress made, they may elect to issue 308/309 letters to the facility with potential federal
enforcement actions.
For the October 2008 quarter (coveting DMRs through June08), there are 18 wastewater facilities listed for
exceeding EPA compliance criteria. The changes since last quarter are highlighted below, and the full Oct08
Watch List is attached. The applicable Central Office ROCs will focus on the new additions, provide relevant
updates on recurring facilities, and may need to discuss with Regional staff and Jeanne (for data/DMR
issues). ROCs will also need to add their responses to EPA on the Oct08 Excel spreadsheet, which I'll add to
the NPDES Server/Watch List later today. I'll need all ROC responses by Noon Monday November 24. Let me
know if you have any questions.
Facilities Added Since Last Quarter (n= 5):
1. NC0000078- Davidson R.aka Ecusta (ARO)- DMR non -receipt
2. NC0021229- Old Fort (ARO)- cyanide
3. NC0039578- Tuckasiegee (ARO)- BOD/TSS
4. NC0044725- Lauri nburg/Maxton Airport (FRO)- cobalt
5. NC0004812- Pharr Yarns (MRO)- TRC, and close to 25+ violation threshold
Note: These facilities are listed for being in significant non-compliance (SNC) over 2 consecutive quarters. I've
already emailed Regions and ROCs about these facility listings last month.
Facilities Deleted Since Last Quarter (n= 3)
1. NC0066516- Fuquay Varina/Terrible Creek (RRO)
2. NC0020338- Yadkinville (WSRO)
3. NC0024325 Greensboro North Buffalo (WSRO)
Note: Facilities drop off Watch List for various reasons including: 1) facility was listed incorrectly due to data
issues; 2) facility enters into formal enforcement action (i.e., SOC) to correct compliance problem; 3) facility
was correctly listed, but independently corrects problem and no longer exceeds EPA threshold criteria (these
criteria look at past 1-2 year compliance history, so it might take time for a facility to fall off).
Tom Belnick, Supervisor NPDES West
N.C. Division of Water Quality
919-733-5083,ext. 543
919-733-0719 (fax)
tom. belnick@ncmail.net.