HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00010136From: Barrows, Robin [/O=NCMAIL/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=ROBIN. BARROWS] Sent: 8/27/2012 6:30:45 PM To: Moore, Sandra [/o=NCMAIL/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=sandra.moore] Subject: RE: NCSAB Final Recommendation on PFOA Sandra, I am so happy that the information I sent was useful. Please let me know if there is anything you need. Regards, Robin Robin R. Barrows, MS Environmental Senior Specialist CSC DEN R Division of Air Cluality 1641 "fail Service Center Raleigh, I''dC 2 7699-1641 Phone/FAX: (919) 707-8445 h__t__tR.�. n_ca i r. org Robin.Barrows@ncdenr.gov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. Please cons<der Me enviroYt,Y ent - do you remlly need to 1pr r;?t t"hrs docurnen!', Moore, Sandra Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 2:08 PM To: Barrows, Robin Cc: Moore, Sandra; Brower, Connie Subject: RE: NCSAB Final Recommendation on PFJ Robin, Thank you so much! I printed the minutes and didn't even think to review them for this Information. My apologies. This is exactly what I needed. Sandra i State Water Quality Standards Co -coordinator Divisi0n of Water Quality NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1617 Moil Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Sandra. moore@ncdenr.gov (919) 807-6417 Note E-mail correspondence to and frorn this address n7ay be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Loan and may be disclosed to third parties. From:• Robin Monday, August i +; Moore, Subject: RE: NCSAB Final Recommendation on PFJ" DEQ-CFW 00010136 | apologize for the confusion. | have attached the reference paper (Andersen U6... ) for your records. While hdescribes the P13PK model that was developed to determine resorption of PFOA in monkeys it does not state the 0.12 ug in8ested/ko/uo/mLfactor outright. | have included some meeting minutes where PFOAwas discussed asfurther explanation ofthis factor. | have also attached a presentation that Dr. OexveU made tothe 5AB (OexveU 2007) in which hedescribes the PBPK model further, and the associated minutes (121")xvherehecondudes (l) this P13PK model can be used to model PFOA in humans and can be used to estimate exposures associated with measured serum levels; (2) environmental exposures ofPFOA(no/ko/day)can be roughly estimated as 0.12 x plasma concentration (in ng/mL). Current "background" PFOA plasma concentrations of —5 ng/mL imply an exposure of —0.6 no/kg/day (3) an RfD of 90 ng/kg/day is suggested based on serum PFOA benchmark concentrations in animal studies having a total uncertainty factor of3O (4) there is no evidence of greater sensitivity in early life (sensitive individuals may be those with chronic renal impairment orpossibly enOAT po|ymorphiom). In an excerpt from the 147 1h minutes I found further explanation from Dr. Clewell: Dr. Oewelldescribed that the model was developed usingmonkey data and then adjusted tohuman. Totest the model, holf-lifedata from Olsen et. ot(2DU3)occupational exposures were used. Arelationship between exposure and plasma levels similar to those seen /n the Little Hawking study was predicted by the model. He also noted that o similar result could be obtained if one empirically estimated a relationship between plasma and intakefrom the Little Hawking data. Dr. Starr asked /fthat the conversion factor todetermine environmental exposures ofPFOA /n W/sD.22xp/os/no concentration (in ng/hrUand Dr. (Jewe8confirmed. | have also included recent meeting minutes (1641h ) where Dr. Starr gave further clarification regarding the U.12u8 ingested/kg/ug/mL factor to Dr. Dorman: Dr. Dorman reiterated his needforclarification regarding the use of Dr.Oewell's PBPK model. Dr. Starr responded that the model was used to scale PFOA water concentrations to PFOA blood serum concentrations at low doses, and that no other aspects of the model were utilized. Clewell's model was not usedfor to determine a POD. Please let me know if you need more information or explanation. I am more than happy to provide any assistance I can. Robin RLBarrows, h8S Environmental Senior Specialist N[DEN RDivision mfAir Quality -164-1 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-/64/ Phone/FAX:(919)7u7-Q445 Emiil correspondence to and frorn this address is subjectto the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exernpt by statute or other regulation. Ps'pase, conshler the environment dnYou oos,�Yneed to print this d'.9mmmO OEQ-CFVV_00010137 From:Moore, Sandra Monday, August1 9:37 AM Barrows, Robin Moore, •ra; Brower, Connie . is Final Recommendation on ] Hi Robin, Connie and I are in the process of reviewing the SAB's PFOA risk assessment and recommendation. We are struggling to understand the derivation of the 0.12 ug ingested/'kg/ug/rnL factor used to derive the exposure level or) page 17 of the risk assessment. The reference for this ingested factor is Clewell et: al., 700B. This reference that appears on page 76 is an abstract. I have searched the internet for a related article to no avail. Is there another reference or paper that explains how this factor was derived that you could provide? We anticipate questions regarding the use of this factor and we want to be able to explain where it came from and how it was derived. Thanks for any information that: you are able to provide. My best regards, Sandra State Water Quality Standards Co -coordinator Division of Water Quality C Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1617 Moil Service Center, Raleigh, O 7S -1617 .: :. . 807-6417 Note: E-mail correspondence to and from this address rnoy be subject to the North Corolina Public Records Lain and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Barrows, Robin Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 11:21 AM To: Wakild, Chuck Cc: Moore, Sandra; Brower, Connie; NCDENR.DENR.DAQ.SAB_committee; Cherry, Lori; Daniel, Lee; Holman, Sheila Subject: NCSAB Final Recommendation on PFOA M The NCSAB has completed its assessment of PFOA and has provided a recommendation (attached). I have placed the original transmittal letter, signed by Director Holman, and the final risk assessment in inner office mail to you today. The transmittal letter is dated tomorrow. Please let me know when you receive this document. Should you, Ms. Moore, Ms. Brower, or any other staff have any questions regarding the assessment please do not hesitate to contact me directly. r � � Robin R. Barrows, MS Environmental Senior Specialist NC DEN R Division of Air quality 1641 Mail Service Center Raleigh, IBC 27699--1641 Phone/FAX: (919) 707-8445 DEQ-CFW 00010138 http:llwww.ncair.org Robin.Barrows@ncdenr.gov Erniil correspondence to and from this iddress is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and riiy be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. Please Consider the environme,,�t - do you rpoll,vr?eed try Print this dowment.'-' DEQ-CFW-00010139