HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00009213ftlegional Haze 5-Year Periodic RevieNt 111111, . I ' I 1 1 11111111111111,, 11111111111 1 MINOR Fill DEQ-CFW 00009213 DEQ-CFW 00009214 Preface: This document contains summaries of the technical analyses that will be used by North Carolina's Division of Air Quality to support the regional haze 5-year periodic review state implementation plan pursuant to §§ 107(d)(3)(D) and (E) of the Clean Air Act, as amended. Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas i September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009215 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Regional haze is pollution that impairs visibility over a large region, including national parks, forests, and wilderness areas. Regional haze is caused by sources and activities emitting fine particles and their precursors, often transported over large regions. Particles affect visibility through the scattering and absorption of light. Reducing fine particles in the atmosphere is an effective method of improving visibility. In the southeast, the most important sources of haze - forming emissions are coal-fired power plants, industrial boilers and other combustion sources, but also include mobile source emissions, area sources, fires, and wind blown dust. An easily understood measure of visibility is visual range. Visual range is the greatest distance, in kilometers or miles, at which a dark object can be viewed against the sky. However, the most useful measure of visibility impairment is light extinction, which affects the clarity and color of objects being viewed. The measure used by the regional haze rule is the deciview (dv), calculated directly from light extinction using a logarithmic scale. In Section 169A of the 1977 Amendments to the Clean Air Act (CAA), the U.S. Congress established a program for protecting visibility in 156 mandatory Federal "Class I" areas. Class I areas consist of national parks exceeding 6000 acres, wilderness areas and national memorial parks exceeding 5000 acres, and all international parks that were in existence on August 7, 1977. In the 1990 Amendments to the CAA, Congress added 169B and called on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to issue regional haze rules addressing regional haze impairment from manmade air pollution and establishing a comprehensive visibility protection program for Class I areas. The USEPA promulgated the Regional haze Rule on July 1, 1999 (64 FR 35713). States are required to submit state implementation plans (SIPS) to the USEPA that set out each states' plan for complying with the regional haze rule. States must demonstrate reasonable progress toward meeting the national goal of a return to natural visibility conditions by 2064. The rule directs states to graphically show what would be a "uniform rate of progress", also known as the "glide path", toward natural conditions for each Class I area within the State and certain ones outside the State. The first regional haze SIPS were due December 17, 2007. North Carolina's Class I areas North Carolina has five Class I areas within its borders: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Joyce Kilmer- Slickrock Wilderness Area, Linville Gorge Wilderness Area, Shining Rock Wilderness Area, and Swanquarter Wildlife Refuge. Both the Great Smoky Mountains National Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas ii September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009216 Park and Joyce Kilmer- Slickrock Wilderness Area are located in both North Carolina and Tennessee. The figure below illustrates the location of these Class I areas. Currently, the visibility on the worst days at the mountain sites is generally between 25 and 27 dv, and visibility at Swanquarter is about 24 dv. Natural background visibility on the worst days is between 11 and 12 dv. State Implementation Plan Requirements for the 5-Year Periodic Review States are required to submit state implementation plans (SIPS) to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) five years after the initial regional haze SIP was submitted evaluating the progress towards the reasonable progress goals for each Class I area located within the state and located outside the state which may be affected by emissions from within the state. Since North Carolina's original regional haze SIP was submitted on December 17, 2007, the 5-year periodic review is due December 17, 2012. The SIP must include 1) the status of implementation of control measures included in the original regional haze SIP, 2) a summary of emission reductions achieved through the implementation of control measures, 3) an assessment of visibility conditions, 4) an analysis of the changes in emission pollutants, 5) an assessment of significant changes in emissions that may have limited or impeded progress in improving visibility, 6) an assessment of whether the current SIP elements and strategies are sufficient to meet reasonable progress goals and 7) a review of the state's visibility monitoring strategy. Conclusion The control strategy in the original regional haze SIP continues to be implemented. Although the Clean Air Interstate Rule has been remanded back to the USEPA, it remains in effect until the USEPA promulgates another regulation to replace it. The North Carolina Clean Smokestacks Act (CSA) continues to be implemented and the coal-fired electric generating units subject to this Act emitted only 73,454 tons per year of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and 39,292 tons per year of Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP iii For the North Carolina Class I Areas September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009217 nitrogen oxide (NOx) in 2011, well below the Act's system caps and well below what was modeled in the original regional haze SIP. The CSA was the primary State control strategy in the original regional haze SIP. The projected 2018 SO2 emissions in the original plan from the sources subject to the CSA were 93,301 tons per year. The current 2018 projection of emissions from these sources are 18,420 tons per year, approximately 80% lower than the 2018 projected emissions in the original regional haze plan, due to both Duke Energy and Progress Energy deciding to convert some units to natural gas and shut down small uncontrolled coal units. North Carolina's Class I areas have seen improvement on the 20% worst days and all but Swanquarter Wildlife Refuge has seen improvement on the 20% best days. At Swanquarter, there was a slight increase seen, less than I dv. This could be in part due to having no data available for 2008 in Swanquarter, which could affect the 5-year average. Also in 2007, 2009 and 2010, there was at least one day in each year where high levels of particulate organic matter and elemental carbon observed in the spring or fall when a wildfire or prescribed fire might have occurred and impacted the visibility. Finally, none of the controls planned for the electric generating units located in the eastern part of the State have taken place yet. Therefore, the NCDAQ believes that improvement in the visibility on the 20% best days will occur by 2018. The baseline and current visibility conditions as well as the reasonable progress goals for 2018 for the 20% worst and 20% best days are displayed in the table below. Class I Area Baseline (2000-2004) Current (2006-2010) 2018 Reasonable Progress Goal 20% Worst Days Great Smoky Mountain National Park 30.3 26.6 23.5 Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock 30.3 26.6 23.5 Linville Gorge 28.6 25.1 21.7 Shining Rock 28.5 25.8 21.9 Swanquarter 24.7 24.2 20.3 20% Best Days Great Smoky Mountain National Park 13.6 12.3 12.1 Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock 13.6 12.3 12.1 Linville Gorge 11.1 11 9.5 Shining Rock 8.2 7.25 6.9 Swanquarter 12.0 12.9 10.9 Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas iv September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009218 Since the new projection for 2018 emissions from the electric generating units subject to the CSA are significantly lower than the projected 2018 emissions in the original regional haze SIP, the North Carolina Division of Air Quality believes the state is on track to meet the 2018 reasonable progress goals for the North Carolina Class I areas and will not impede a Class I area outside of North Carolina from meeting their goals. Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas v September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009219 (This page left blank intentionall)) Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5-Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas vi September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW 00009220 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... I 1.1 What is regional haze? .......................................................................................................... 1 1.2 What are the requirements under the Clean Air Act for addressing regional haze? ............. 1 1.3 Class I areas in North Carolina ............................................................................................. 3 1.4 General overview of regional haze SIP requirements .......................................................... 4 1.5 Requirements for Periodic Reports ....................................................................................... 5 2.0 STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF CONTROL MEASURES ....................................... 7 2.1 Emission Reduction Strategies Included in VISTAS Final Modeling ................................. 7 2.1.1 Federal Programs ......................................................................................................... 7 2.1.2 Electric Generating Units Control Strategies ............................................................ 12 2.2 Emission Control Measures Not Included in the VISTAS Final Modeling ...................... 14 2.2.1 North American Emission Control Area ................................................................... 15 2.2.2 Residual Risk Requirements ..................................................................................... 15 2.2.3 Control Technique Guidelines .................................................................................. 15 2.2.4 New EGU Control Strategies .................................................................................... 16 2.3 North Carolina EGU Sources and Status of Controls ........................................................ 17 3.0 S UNIMARY OF EMISSION REDUCTIONS ACHIEVED .......................................... 25 4.0 REASONABLE PROGRESS GOALS UPDATED .............................................................. 29 5.0 VISIBILITY CONDITIONS ................................................................................................. 30 6.0 ANALYSES OF EMISSIONS .............................................................................................. 37 7.0 ASSESSMENT OF CURRENT SIP STRATEGY ............................................................... 40 8.0 ASSESSMENT OF CURRENT MONITORING STRATEGY ........................................... 41 9.0 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................... 44 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A — 2006-2010 Reconstructed Extinction for North Carolina's Class I Areas Appendix B — Emission Inventory Documentation Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas vii September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009221 (This page left blank intentionall)) Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5-Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas viii September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW 00009222 1.1 What is regional haze? Regional haze is pollution from disparate sources that impairs visibility over a large region, including national parks, forests, and wilderness areas (156 of which are termed mandatory Federal "Class I" areas). Regional haze is caused by sources and activities emitting fine particles and their precursors. Those emissions are often transported over large regions. Particles affect visibility through the scattering and absorption of light, and fine particles — particles similar in size to the wavelength of light — are most efficient, per unit of mass, at reducing visibility. Fine particles may either be emitted directly or formed from emissions of precursors, the most important of which are sulfur dioxides (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Reducing fine particles in the atmosphere is generally considered to be an effective method of reducing regional haze, and thus improving visibility. Fine particles also adversely impact human health, especially respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has set national ambient air quality standards for daily and annual levels of fine particles with diameter smaller than 2.5 micrometers (µm) (PM2.5). In the southeast, the most important sources Of PM2.5 and its precursors are coal-fired power plants, industrial boilers and other combustion sources. Other significant contributors to PM2.5 and visibility impairment include mobile source emissions, area sources, fires, and wind blown dust. 1.2 What are the requirements under the Clean Air Act for addressing regional haze? In Section 169A of the 1977 Amendments to the Clean Air Act (CAA), Congress set forth a program for protecting visibility in Class I areas which call for the "prevention of any future, and the remedying of any existing, impairment of visibility in mandatory Class I Federal areas which impairment results from manmade air pollution." Congress adopted the visibility provisions to protect visibility in these 156 national parks, forests and wilderness areas. On December 2, 1980, the USEPA promulgated regulations in the Federal Register (FR) to address visibility impairment (45 FR 80084). The 1980 regulations were developed to address visibility impairment that is "reasonably attributable" to a single source or small group of sources. These regulations represented the first phase in addressing visibility impairment and deferred action on regional haze that emanates from a variety of sources until monitoring, modeling and scientific knowledge about the relationships between pollutants and visibility impairment improved. In the 1990 Amendments to the CAA, Congress added section 169B and called on the USEPA to issue regional haze rules. The regional haze rule that the USEPA promulgated on July 1, 1999 (64 FR 35713), revised the existing visibility regulations in order to integrate provisions Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP I For the North Carolina Class I Areas September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009223 addressing regional haze impairment and establishing a comprehensive visibility protection program for Class I Federal areas. States are required to submit state implementation plans (SIPs) to the USEPA that set out each states' plan for complying with the regional haze rule, including consultation and coordination with other states and with Federal Land Managers (FLMs). The timing of SIP submittal is tied to the USEPA's promulgation of designations for the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for fine particulate matter. States must submit a regional haze implementation plan to the USEPA within three years after the date of designation. The USEPA promulgated designation dates on December 17, 2004, therefore the first regional haze SIPS were due December 17, 2007. The regional haze rule addressed the combined visibility effects of various pollution sources over a wide geographic region. This wide reaching pollution net meant that many states — even those without Class I areas — would be required to participate in haze reduction efforts. The USEPA designated five Regional Planning Organizations (RPOs) to assist with the coordination and cooperation needed to address the visibility issue for the first regional haze SIPS. The RPO that made up the southeastern portion of the contiguous United States is known as VISTAS (Visibility Improvement — State and Tribal Association of the Southeast), and includes the following states: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Figure 1.2-1. Geographical Areas of Regional Planning Organizations Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 2 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009224 1.3 Class I areas in North Carolina North Carolina has five Class I areas within its borders: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock Wilderness Area, Linville Gorge Wilderness Area, Shining Rock Wilderness Area, and Swanquarter Wildlife Refuge. The Great Smoky Mountains and Joyce Kilmer- Sli ckrock are located in both Tennessee and North Carolina. For the Great Smoky Mountains, both states are sharing the lead for setting goals and for Joyce Kilmer- Slickrock, North Carolina is the lead. The North Carolina Division of Air Quality (NCDAQ) in the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources is responsible for developing the Regional Haze Periodic Review SIP. This SIP compares the current visibility conditions at each of these Class I areas to the 2018 reasonable progress goals to determine if North Carolina is on track with reaching these goals. Although 2018 reasonable progress goals were established in the initial regional haze SIP submitted on December 17, 2007, the VISTAS modeling continued and additional controls were modeled in Tennessee and other Southeast states that changed the final modeled reasonable progress goals for the Class I areas that Tennessee and North Carolina share. Therefore, the NCDAQ will compare the current visibility conditions to the VISTAS's best and final modeling analysis and use the results to adopt the new reasonable progress goals for the shared Class I areas. Finally, this SIP will review the long-term strategy to determine if there have been any changes that need to be addressed. Figure 1.3-1. North Carolina's Class I areas In developing the initial regional haze SIP, the NCDAQ also considered that emission sources outside of North Carolina may affect the visibility at these North Carolina Class I areas, and that emission sources within North Carolina may affect the visibility at Class I areas in neighboring states. Through VISTAS, the southeastern states worked together to assess state -by -state contributions to visibility impairment in specific Class I areas, including those in North Carolina and those affected by emissions from North Carolina. The sources identified in the initial regional haze SIP either impacting North Carolina's Class I areas or Class I areas outside North Carolina will be reviewed as part of this progress report. Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 3 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009225 1.4 General overview of regional haze SIP requirements The regional haze rule is codified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at Title 40 CFR 51.308. At 40 CFR 51.308(d), the rule requires states to demonstrate reasonable progress toward meeting the national goal of a return to natural visibility conditions by 2064. As a guide for reasonable progress, the regional haze rule directs states to graphically show what would be a "uniform rate of progress" toward natural conditions for each mandatory Class I Federal area within the State and/or for each mandatory Class I Federal area located outside the State, which may be affected by emissions from sources within the State. States are to establish baseline visibility conditions for 2000-2004, natural background visibility conditions in 2064, and the rate of uniform progress between baseline and background conditions. The uniform rate of progress is also known as the "glidepath." The regional haze rule then requires states to establish reasonable progress goals, expressed in deciviews, for visibility improvement at each affected Class I area covering each (approximately) 10-year period until 2064. The goals must provide for reasonable progress towards achieving natural visibility conditions, provide for improvement in visibility for the most impaired days over the period of the implementation plan, and ensure no degradation in visibility for the least impaired days over the same period (see 40 CFR 51.308(d)(1)). In order to ensure that visibility goals are properly met and set, SIN must include determinations, for each Class I area, of the baseline visibility conditions (expressed in deciviews) for the most impaired and least impaired days. The SIPS must also contain supporting documentation for all required analyses used to calculate the degree of visibility impairment under natural visibility conditions for the most impaired and least impaired days (see 40 CFR 51.308(d)(2)). In addition, states must include a monitoring strategy for measuring, characterizing, and reporting of regional haze visibility impairment that is representative of all mandatory Class I Federal areas within the state (see 40 CFR 51.308(d)(4)). This first set of reasonable progress goals must be met through measures contained in the state's long-term strategy covering the period from the present until 2018. The long-term strategy includes enforceable emissions limitations, compliance schedules, and other measures as necessary to achieve the reasonable progress goals, including all controls required or expected under all federal and state regulations by 2009 and by 2018. During development of the long- term strategy, states are also required to consider specific factors such as the above mentioned ongoing control programs, measures to mitigate construction activities, source retirement and replacement schedules, smoke management techniques for agriculture and forestry, and enforceability of specific measures (see 40 CFR 5 1.308(d)(3)). Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 4 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009226 In addition, a specific component of each state's first long-term strategy is dictated by the specific best available retrofit technology (BART) requirements in 40 CFR 51.308(e) of the regional haze rule. The regional haze rule at 40 CFR 51.308(e) requires states to include a determination of BART for each BART-eligible source in the State that emits any air pollutant, which may reasonably be anticipated to cause or contribute to any impairment of visibility in any mandatory Class I Federal area. The Clean Air Act section 169A(b) defines BART-eligible sources as sources in 26 specific source categories, in operation within a 15-year period prior to enactment of the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments. States must determine BART according to five factors set out in section 169A(g)(7) of the Clean Air Act. Emission limitations representing BART and schedules for compliance with BART for each source subject to BART must be included in the long-term strategy. As required by 40 CFR §51.308(i), the regional haze SIP must include procedures for continuing consultation between the States and FLMs on the implementation of the visibility protection program, including development and review of implementation plan revisions and 5-year progress reports, and on the implementation of other programs having the potential to contribute to impairment of visibility in any mandatory Class I Federal area within the State. The three FLMs are the United States Department of Interior (USDI) Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and National Park Service (NPS) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service (FS). The SIPS for the first review period were due December 17, 2007. These plans covered long- term strategies for visibility improvement between baseline conditions in 2000-2004 and 2018. States are required to evaluate progress toward reasonable progress goals every 5 years to assure that installed emissions controls are on track with emissions reduction forecasts in each SIP. The first interim review is due to the USEPA five years after the initial SIP was submitted, which for North Carolina is December 17, 2012. If emissions controls are not on track to meet SIP forecasts, then states would need to take action to assure emissions controls by 2018 will be consistent with the SIP or to revise the SIP to be consistent with the revised emissions forecast. This SIP is to address the first interim, or periodic, review. MZM3= The requirements for the periodic reports are outlined in 40 CFR 51.308(g). Each state must submit a report to the USEPA every five years evaluating the progress towards the reasonable progress goal for each Class I area located within the state and in each Class I area located outside the state which may be affected by emissions from within the state. As stated earlier, NC's first periodic report is due on December 17, 2012. The progress report must be a formal SIP submittal and at a minimum, must contain the following elements: Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 5 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009227 (1) A description of the status of implementation of all measures included in the SIP for achieving reasonable progress goals for Class I areas both within and outside the state. (2) A summary of the emission reductions achieved throughout the state through implementation of the measures described in (1) above. (3) For each Class I area within the state, the state must assess the following visibility conditions and changes, with values for most impaired and least impaired days expressed in terms of 5-year averages of these annual values (i) The current visibility conditions for the most impaired and least impaired days; (ii) The difference between current visibility conditions for the most impaired and least impaired days and baseline visibility conditions; (iii) The change in visibility impairment for the most impaired and least impaired days over the past 5 years; (4) An analysis tracking the change over the past 5 years in emissions of pollutants contributing to visibility impairment from all sources and activities with the state. Emissions changes should be identified by type of source or activity. The analysis must be based on the most recent updated emissions inventory, with estimates projected forward as necessary and appropriate, to account for emissions changes during the applicable 5-year period. (5) An assessment of any significant changes in anthropogenic emissions within or outside the state that have occurred over the past 5 years that have limited or impeded progress in reducing pollutant emissions and improving visibility. (6) An assessment of whether the current SIP elements and strategies are sufficient to enable the state, or other states with Class I areas affected by emissions from the state, to meet all established reasonable progress goals. (7) A review of the state's visibility monitoring strategy and any modifications to the strategy as necessary. In the sections to follow, the NCDAQ will address the various progress report requirements as outlined above. Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 6 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009228 This section provides a description of the emission reduction measures that were included in the VISTAS regional haze best and final inventory and reasonable progress goal modeling effort. In instances where implementation of a measure did not occur in a timely manner, information is provided on the source category and its relative impact on the overall future year emissions inventories. The sections below also contain information on emissions strategies that were not included in the best and final inventory and modeling effort. At the time of the best and final inventory development process, these measures were not fully documented or had not yet been published in final form, and therefore the benefits of these measures were not included in future year inventories. Emission reductions from these measures will help ensure that each Class I area meets or exceeds the visibility progress goal set in the regional haze SIP. This section also includes a summary of the emission sources and status of controls installed that were identified in the area of influence for each Class I area in North Carolina in the initial regional haze SIP. Additionally, a summary of those emission sources and the status of controls installed that were identified to impact Class I areas outside of North Carolina is provided. rI I Tr MMMUMUMEM�M, 2.1.1 Federal Programs The emission reductions associated with the federal programs that are described by the following paragraphs were included in the VISTAS future year emissions estimates. Descriptions contain qualitative assessments of emissions reductions associated with each program, and where possible, quantitative assessments. In cases where delays or modification have altered emissions reduction estimates such that the original estimates of emissions are no longer accurate, information is also provided on the effects of these alterations. 2007 Heavy -Duty Highway Rule 40 CFR Part 86, Subpart P) In this regulation, the USEPA set a particulate matter (PM) emissions standard for new heavy- duty engines of 0.01 gram per brake horsepower -hour (g/bhp-hr), which took full effect for diesel engines in the 2007 model year. This rule also included standards for nitrogen oxides (NOx) and non -methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) of 0.20 g/bhp-hr and 0.14 g/bhp-hr, respectively. These diesel engine NOx and NMHC standards were successfully phased in together between 2007 and 2010. The rule also required that sulfur in diesel fuel be reduced to facilitate the use of modern pollution -control technology on these trucks and buses. The USEPA required a 97 percent reduction in the sulfur content of highway diesel fuel -- from levels of 500 Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5-Year Periodic Review SIP 7 For the North Carolina Class I Areas September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW 00009229 parts per million (ppm) (low sulfur diesel) to 15 ppm (ultra -low sulfur diesel). These requirements were successfully implemented on the timeline in the regulation. Tier 2 Vehicle and Gasoline Sulfur Program (40 CFR Part 80 Subpart H, Part 85, Part 86) The USEPA's Tier 2 fleet averaging program for on -road vehicles, modeled after the California low emitting vehicles (LEV) 11 standards, became effective in the 2005 model year. The Tier 2 program allows manufacturers to produce vehicles with emissions ranging from relatively dirty to very clean, but the mix of vehicles a manufacturer sells each year must have average NOX emissions below a specified value. Mobile emissions continue to benefit from this program as motorists replace older, more polluting vehicles with cleaner vehicles. Nonroad Mobile Diesel Emissions Program (40 CFR Part 89) The USEPA adopted standards for emissions of NOx, hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide (CO) from several groups of nonroad engines, including industrial spark -ignition engines and recreational nonroad vehicles. Industrial spark -ignition engines power commercial and industrial applications and include forklifts, electric generators, airport baggage transport vehicles, and a variety of farm and construction applications. Nonroad recreational vehicles include snowmobiles, off -highway motorcycles, and all -terrain vehicles. These rules were initially effective in 2004 and were fully phased in by 2012. Mobile emissions continue to benefit from this program as motorists replace older, more polluting vehicles with cleaner vehicles. The nonroad diesel rule set standards that reduced emissions by more than 90 percent from nonroad diesel equipment and, beginning in 2007, the rule reduced fuel sulfur levels by 99 percent from previous levels. The reduction in fuel sulfur levels applied to most nonroad diesel fuel in 2010 and applied to fuel used in locomotives and marine vessels in 2012. Maximum Achievable Control Technology Programs (40 CFR Part 63) VISTAS applied controls to future year emissions estimates from various maximum achievable control technology (MACT) regulations for volatile organic compounds (VOC), S02, NOx, and PM on source categories where controls were installed on or after 2002. Control estimates are documented in the report entitled, "Control Packet Development and Data Sources", Alpine Geophysics, July 14, 2004. Table 2-1 describes the MACTs used as control strategies for the non -electric generating units point source emissions. The table notes the pollutants for which controls were applied as well as the promulgation dates and the compliance dates for existing sources. Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 8 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009230 Table 2-1. MACT Source Categories with Compliance Dates on or after 2002 Existing MACT Source Category 40CFR63 Date Source Pollutants Subpart Promulgated Compliance Affected Date Parts Hazardous Waste Combustion 63(EEE), 9/30/99 9/30/03 PM (Phase 1) 261 and 270 Oil & Natural Gas Production HH 6/17/99 6/17/02 VOC Polymers and Resins 111 000 1/20/00 1/20/03 VOC Portland Cement Manufacturing LLL 6/14/99 6/10/02 PM Publicly Owned Treatment Works VVV 10/26/99 10/26/02 VOC (POTW) Secondary Aluminum Production RRR 3/23/00 3/24/03 PM Combustion Sources at Kraft, Soda, and Sulfite Pulp & Paper Mills (Pulp Mm 1/12/01 1/12/04 VOC and Paper MACT 11) Municipal Solid Waste Landfills AAAA 1/16/03 1/16/04 VOC Coke Ovens L 10/27/93 Phased from VOC 1995-2010 Coke Ovens: Pushing, Quenching, CCCCC 4/14/03 4/14/06 VOC and Battery Stacks Asphalt Roofing Manufacturing and Asphalt Processing (two source LLLLL 4/29/031 5/1/06 VOC categories) Metal Furniture (Surface Coating) RRRR 5/23/03 5/23/06 VOC Printing, Coating, and Dyeing of 0000 5/29/031 5/29/06 VOC Fabrics Wood Building Products (Surface QQQQ 5/28/03 5/28/06 VOC Coating) Lime Manufacturing AAAAA 1/5/04 1/5/07 PM, SO2 Site Remediation TSDF GGGGG 10/8/031 10/8/06 VOC Iron & Steel Foundries EEEEE 4/22/04 04/23/07 VOC Taconite Iron Ore Processing RRRRR 10/30/03 10/30/06 PM, SO2 Miscellaneous Coating HHHHH 12/11/03 12/11/06 VOC Manufacturing Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP 9 For the North Carolina Class I Areas September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009231 Table 2-1. MACT Source Categories with Compliance Dates on or after 2002 Existing MACT Source Category 40CFR63 Date Source Pollutants Subpart Promulgated Compliance Affected Date Metal Can (Surface Coating) KKKK 11/13/03 11/13/06 VOC Plastic Parts and Products (Surface PPPP 4/19/04 4/19/07 VOC Coating) Miscellaneous Metal Parts and MMMM 1/2/04 1/2/07 VOC Products (Surface Coating) Industrial Boilers, Institutional/ Commercial Boilers and Process DDDDD 9/13/04 9/13/07 PM SO2 Heaters ' Plywood and Composite Wood DDDD 7/30/04 10/1/07 VOC Products Reciprocating Internal Combustion ZZZZ 6/15/04 6/15/07 NOx, VOC Engines Auto and Light -Duty Truck (Surface 1111 4/26/04 4/26/07 VOC Coating) Wet Formed Fiberglass Mat HHHH 4/11/02 4/11/05 VOC Production Metal Coil (Surface Coating) SSSS 6/10/02 6/10/05 VOC Paper and Other Web Coating Hij 12/4/02 12/4/05 VOC (Surface Coating) Petroleum Refineries UUU 4/11/02 4/11/05 VOC Miscellaneous Organic Chemical FFFF 11/10/03 05/10/08 VOC L Production (MON) Use of the Industrial/Commercial/Institutional (ICI) boiler MACT standard was problematic in that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit vacated and remanded that regulation to the USEPA on June 8, 2007. However, VISTAS chose to leave the emissions reductions associated with this regulation in place since the Clean Air Act required use of alternative control methodologies under Section 1120) for uncontrolled source categories. The applied MACT control efficiencies were 4 percent for SO2 and 40 percent for coarse particulate matter (PM,o) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) to account for the co -benefit from installation of acid gas scrubbers and other control equipment to reduce hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 10 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009232 To determine how the vacature of this regulation may have affected the VISTAS future year inventories, VISTAS created an analysis of inventory data to determine the level Of S02, PM10, and PM2.5 reductions associated with the vacated regulation. Table 2-2 compares the level of emission reductions for VISTAS in 2009 and 2018 estimated to be derived from the vacated regulation to the total non -electric generating unit point source inventory for those years and to the total annual inventory for those years. Table 2-2. ICI Boiler MACT Reductions Compared to the 2009 and 2018 VISTAS Inventory — 11LIS I Primary PM2.5, tpY _3468,899 2,169,773 "'ICI Boiler MACT reduction estimates taken from VISTAS Boiler MACT 20080611.)Cll- (2)Data from Documentation of the Base G2 and Best & Final 2002 Base Year, 2009 and 2018 Emission Inventories for VISTAS -Revision 1, April 9, 2008 (Table 2.1-15, Table 2.1-19, Table 2.1-20, and Appendix A). The emission reductions associated with the vacated ICI Boiler MACT were a very small percentage of overall non -electric generating units and total inventory emissions for each of the affected pollutants. The USEPA finalized the revised ICI Boiler MACT on February 21, 2011. However, in March of 2011, the USEPA published a notice stating their intention to reconsider certain aspects of the boiler and commercial and industrial solid waste incinerator rules and subsequently proposed the relevant changes on December 2, 2011. The final rulemaking is expected to be made by fall 2012. The final compliance date is then expected to be three years later in late 2015. The USEPA estimates that implementation of the revised rulemaking will reduce emissions nationwide from major source boilers and process heaters by 47,000 tons per year (tpy) of PM, 440,000 tpy Of S02, and 7,000 tpy of VOCs. Federal Consent Agreements The VISTAS 2009 and 2018 emissions inventories took into account unit specific requirements from several federal consent orders applicable to source types other than electrical generation, as described below. •Dupont (US District Court for the Southern District of Ohio): A 2007 agreement called for the James River plant, located in Virginia, to install dual absorption pollution control Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas II September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009233 equipment by September 1, 2009, resulting in emission reductions of approximately 1,000 tons Of SO2 annually. The sulfuric acid plant emitted 1,145 tons of SO2 in 2002. In 2009, the year in which controls were applied, the plant emitted 379 tons Of S02, and in 2010 the plant emitted 42 tons of S02. •Stone Container (US District Court, Eastern District of Virginia): A 2004 agreement called for the West Point Paper Mill, owned by Smurfit/Stone Container and located in West Point, Virginia, to control SO2 emissions from the 48 Power Boiler with a wet scrubber. This device was installed and operational in October of 2007. Emissions Of SO2 from the facility during 2002 were 4,575 tons. Emissions Of SO2 from the facility during 2009, after installation of the scrubber, were 1,009 tons. Emissions Of SO2 in 2010 from the facility were 1,252 tons. 2.1.2 Electric Generating Units Control Strategies Emissions from electric generating units (EGUs) have been regulated through a number of mechanisms, including Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR), Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), State programs, and federal consent agreements. Reductions associated with many of these mechanisms were used to estimate the 2018 visibility improvements at the VISTAS Class I areas. North Carolina Clean Smokestacks Act In June of 2002, the North Carolina General Assembly enacted the Clean Smokestacks Act (CSA), which required significant actual emissions reductions from coal-fired power plants in North Carolina. These reductions were included as part of the VISTAS 2018 Best and Final modeling effort. Under the act, power plants were required to reduce their NOx emissions by 77% in 2009 and their SO2 emission by 73% in 2013. Actions taken to date by facilities subject to these requirements comply with the provisions of the CSA, and compliance plans and schedules will allow these entities to achieve the emissions limitations set out by the Act. This program has been highly successful. In 2009, regulated entities emitted less than the 2013 system annual cap of 250, 000 tons Of SO2 and less than the 2009 system annual cap of 56,000 tons of NOx. In 2002, the sources subject to CSA emitted 459,643 tons Of SO2 and 142,770 tons of NOx. In 2011, these sources emitted only 73,454 tons Of SO2 and 39,284 tons of NOx, well below the Act's system caps. Georgia Multi -Pollutant Control for Electric Utility Steam Generating Units Georgia rule 391-3-1.02(2)(sss), enacted in 2007, requires flue -gas desulphurization (FGD) and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) controls on coal fired EGUs in Georgia. Reductions from this regulation were included as part of the VISTAS 2018 best and final modeling effort. These Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 12 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009234 controls will reduce SO2 emissions from the affected emissions units by at least 95 percent and will reduce NOx emissions by approximately 85 percent. Control implementation dates vary by EGU, starting on December 31, 2008. Marvland Healthy Air Act The Maryland Healthy Air Act (HAA) regulations became effective on July 16, 2007 and required reductions in NO-,,,, S02, and mercury emissions from large coal burning power plants in Maryland. Emission reductions from the HAA come in two phases. The first phase required reductions in the 2009/2010 timeframe, and compared to a 2002 emission baseline, reduced NOX emission by almost 70 percent and SO2 emission by 80 percent. The second phase of emissions controls occurs in the 2012/2013 time frame. At full implementation, the HAA will reduce NOX emissions by approximately 75 percent from 2002 levels and SO2 emissions by approximately 85 percent from 2002 levels. Maryland is not a VISTAS participant. However, Maryland borders two VISTAS states, and Maryland facilities have calculated sulfate visibility impairment contributions to several VISTAS Class I areas. The first phase of the HAA was successfully implemented, and the second phase of the program is expected to be implemented in a timely manner. Reductions associated with this program were included as part of the VISTAS 2018 Best and Final modeling effort. Clean Air Interstate Rule and Cross State Air Pollution Rule On May 12, 2005, the USEPA promulgated CAIR, which required reductions in emissions of NOx and SO2 from large fossil fuel fired EGUs. These emission reductions were included as part of the VISTAS 2018 best and final modeling effort. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled on petitions for review of CAIR and CAIR Federal Implementation Plans, including their provisions establishing the CAIR NOx annual and ozone season and SO2 trading programs. On July 11, 2008, the Court issued an opinion vacating and remanding these rules. However, parties to the litigation requested rehearing of aspects of the Court's decision, including the vacatur of the rules. On December 23, 2008, the Court remanded the rules to the USEPA without vacating them. The December 23, 2008 ruling left CAIR in place until the USEPA issues a new rule to replace CAIR in accordance with the July 11, 2008 decision. On July 6, 2011, the USEPA finalized the Cross -state Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR). This rule replaces CAIR beginning 2012 and requires 27 states in the eastern half of the United States to reduce power plant emissions. The USEPA also issued a supplemental proposal for six states to make summer time NOx reductions. This supplemental proposal, when finalized, would bring the total number of states participating in the program to 28. CSAPR was estimated to reduce 2005 emissions from EGUs by 6,500,000 tons of SO2 annually and 1,400,000 tons of NOx annually in the covered states. These estimates represent a 71 percent reduction in SO2 and a 52 percent reduction in NOx from 2005 levels. Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5-Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 13 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW 00009235 On December 30, 2011, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit issued a ruling to stay the CSAPR pending judicial review. The court heard oral arguments on April 13, 2012, and issued a decision on August 21, 2012, vacating the CSAPR. Further, the court remanded the case to EPA for action consistent with the decision. The court directed EPA to continue implementing CAIR while the agency works on a replacement rule. Utilitv Federal Consent Orders Federal consent agreements with major utilities contained remedies that imposed control requirements or other reductions in future year emissions. These requirements were taken into account in the VISTAS 2018 Best and Final Inventory. •Under a settlement agreement, Tampa Electric installed permanent emissions control equipment by 2008 to meet stringent pollution limits; implemented a series of interim pollution -reduction measures to reduce emissions while the permanent controls were designed and installed; and retired pollution emission allowances that Tampa Electric or others could use, or sell to others, to emit additional NO.x, •In the VEPCO (Dominion Power) consent agreement, the utility agreed to spend $1.2 billion by 2013 to eliminate 237,000 tons Of S02 and NOx emissions each year from eight coal-fired EGUs in Virginia and West Virginia. Installation of these controls proceeded well ahead of schedule. •The Gulf Power agreement required Gulf Power to upgrades to cut NOx emission rates by 61 percent at its Cri st generating plant by 2007. •American Electric Power agreed to spend $4.6 billion dollars to eliminate 72,000 tons of NOx emission annually by 2016 and 174,000 tons Of SO2 emissions annually by 2018 from sixteen plants located in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia. 2.2 Emission Control Measures Not Included in the VISTAS Final Modeling Since development of the 2018 Best and Final inventory effort, a number of regulations and requirements have been promulgated that were not included in 2018 estimates. The sections below provide information on these requirements, and where possible, estimates of additional reductions are provided. These reductions provide extra assurances that the VISTAS Class I areas will meet their reasonable progress goals in a timely manner. Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 14 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009236 2.2.1 North American Emission Control Area On March 26, 2010, the International Maritime Organization officially designated waters off North American coasts as an area in which stringent international emission standards will apply to ships. These standards will reduce air pollution from ships and deliver air quality benefits that extend hundreds of miles inland. In 2020, the USEPA expects emissions from ships operating in the designated area to be reduced by 320,000 tons for NOx, 90,000 tons for PM2.5, and 920,000 tons for S02, which is 23 percent, 74 percent, and 86 percent, respectively, below predicted levels in 2020 absent the Emissions Control Area designation. Implementation of the Emission Control Area means that ships entering the designated area would need to use compliant fuel for the duration of their voyage that is within that area, including time in port as well as voyages whose routes pass through the area without calling on a port. The requirements for quality of fuel change over time. From the effective date in 2012 until 2015, fuel used by all vessels operating in designated areas cannot exceed 10,000 ppm sulfur content. Beginning in 2015, fuel used by vessels operating in these areas cannot exceed 1,000 ppm sulfur content, and beginning in 2016, NO_x after -treatment requirements become applicable. "PEN [R=1 #�. = The Clean Air Act requires the USEPA to assess the risk remaining after application of final technology -based air toxics standards to any source category within 8 years of setting the technology based MACT standards. In the residual risk process, the USEPA must assess the remaining health risks from each source category to determine whether the MACT standards provide an ample margin of safety to protect public health and protect against adverse environmental effects. Final rules for this Clean Air Act requirement are expected for 28 source categories between 2011 and 2013. Additional requirements to reduce toxic air emissions under the residual risk assessment may also have co -benefits for the reduction of VOC and other criteria pollutant emissions between now and 2018. 2.2.3 Control Technique Guidelines The federal Clean Air Act (§ 172(c)(1)) provides that SIPs for nonattainment areas must include reasonably available control techniques (RACT) for control of emissions that contribute to the formation of ozone air pollution. Section 182(b)(2) provides that for certain nonattainment areas, states must revise their SIPS to include RACT for sources of VOC emissions covered by a control techniques guidelines document (CTG). Section 183(e) then directs the USEPA to list for regulation those categories of products that account for at least 80 percent of the VOC emissions from commercial products in ozone nonattainment areas. Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 15 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009237 RACT controls for source categories controlled by a CTG are known as CTG RACTs. CTG RACTs have been issued for various printing, coating, and cleaning operations. In 2006, 2007, and 2008, the USEPA published CTGs as listed in Table 2-3. These regulations, which must be implemented in ozone nonattainment areas and the Ozone Transport Region within I year of becoming final, will reduce emissions of VOCs from areas in which they are required. Table 2-3. CTGs Promulgated in 2006, 2007, and 2008 Category EPA Document Number Industrial Cleaning Solvents EPA-453/R-06-001 Offset Lithographic Printing and Letterpress Printing EPA-453/R-06-002 Flexible Package Printing EPA-453/R-06-003 Flat Wood Paneling Coatings EPA-453/R-06-004 Paper, Film, and Foil Coatings EPA-453/R-07-003 Large Appliance Coatings EPA-453/R-07-004 Metal Furniture Coating EPA-453/R-07-005 Miscellaneous Metal and Plastic Parts Coatings EPA-453/R-08-003 Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing Materials EPA-453/R-08-004 Miscellaneous Industrial Adhesives EPA-453/R-08-005 Automobile and Light -Duty Truck Assembly Coatings EPA-453/R-08-006 2.2.4 New EGU Control Strategies Two federal programs and one federal consent agreement will provide further reductions in SO2 from the EGU source sector, either as a result Of SO2 requirements or as co -benefit from the reduction of HAPs. These benefits were not considered in the development of the VISTAS Best and Final 2018 inventories. Any additional SO2 emission reduction benefits achieved by the implementation of these requirements will help to ensure that all Class I areas in VISTAS meet their reasonable progress goals in a timely manner. Mercury and Air Toxics Rule On December 16, 2011, the USEPA finalized national CAA standards to reduce mercury and other toxic air pollution from coal and oil -fired power plants. The final rule established power plant emission standards for mercury, acid gases, and non -mercury metallic toxic pollutant that will prevent 90 percent of the mercury in coal burned in power plants from being emitted to the Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 16 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009238 air; reduce by 88 percent the acid gas emissions from power plants; and cut power plant SO2 emissions by 41 percent beyond the reductions expected from CSAPR. These reductions are expected in the 2016 time frame. On June 2, 2010, the USEPA strengthened the primary NAAQS for SO2 by revising the primary SO2 standard to 75 parts per billion (ppb) averaged over one hour. This short term standard is significantly more stringent than the revoked standards of 140 ppb averaged over 24 hours and 30 ppb averaged annually. Under the new standard, facilities with significant emissions Of S02, many of which are EGUs, may be required to demonstrate compliance with the standard no later than 2017. Tennessee Valley Authority Federal Consent Agreement In April of 2011, the USEPA announced a settlement with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to resolve alleged Clean Air Act violations at 11 of its coal fired plants in Alabama, Kentucky, and Tennessee. The settlement requires TVA to invest $3 billion to $5 billion on new and upgraded state-of-the-art pollution controls. Once fully implemented, the pollution controls and other required actions will address 92 percent of TVA's coal-fired power plant capacity, reducing emissions of NO.x by 69 percent and SO2 by 67 percent from TVA's 2008 emissions levels. 2.3 North Carolina EGU Sources and Status of Controls As determined in the initial regional haze SIP, ammonium sulfate is the largest contributor to visibility impairment at the North Carolina Class I areas, and reduction Of SO2 emissions is the most effective means of reducing ammonium sulfate. The coal-fired EGUs were the largest contributors to SO2 emissions and the focus in the initial regional haze SIP was on controlling these sources. Table 2-4 lists the coal-fired EGU sources owned by Duke Energy or Progress Energy in North Carolina, the SO2 emission controls included in the initial regional haze SIP and the status of those controls. As illustrated in Table 2-4, all of the coal-fired units will either be controlled with a scrubber or retired by January 2015. This will result in significantly more SO2 emission reductions than what was demonstrated in the initial regional haze SIP. Table 2-5 displays the sources located in the area of influence for each of the North Carolina Class I areas, the SO2 emission controls included in the initial regional haze SIP and the status of those controls. One coal-fired EGU in North Carolina was determined to be in the area of influence of the James River Face Class I area in Virginia (Table 2-6). This plant was retired in April 2012 and replaced with combustion turbines in August 2012. Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 17 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009239 Table 2-4. North Carolina EGUs and Status of Controls Emission SIP Facility Emission Controls Required Status of Controls* Unit Included Control in SIP Date 1 Scrubber 2005 Controls installed 2005 and Progress Energy - operational Controls installed 2006 and Asheville 2 Scrubber 2006 operational Progress Energy - 5 Scrubber 2011 No control - Retired Oct 2012 6 Scrubber 2012 No control - Retired Oct 2012 Cape Fear 1 None Retire fall 2012 Progress Energy - 2 None Retire fall 2012 H.F. Lee 3 None Retire fall 2012 1 Scrubber 2008 Controls installed 2008 and operational 2 Scrubber 2007 Controls installed 2007 and operational 3A Scrubber 2008 Controls installed 2008 and Progress Energy - operational Controls installed 2008 and Roxboro 3B Scrubber 2008 operational 4A Scrubber 2007 Controls installed 2007 and operational 4B Scrubber 2007 Controls installed 2007 and operational 1 None Retire end 2013 Progress Energy - 2 None Retire end 2013 L.V. Sutton 3 Scrubber 2012 No control - Retire 2013 1 None Retired fall 2011 Progress Energy - 2 None Retired fall 2011 Weatherspoon 3 None Retired fall 2011 1 Scrubber 2009 Controls installed 2009 and operational 2 Scrubber 2009 Controls installed 2009 and operational 3 Scrubber 2009 Controls installed 2009 and Duke Energy - Allen Steam Station operational 4 Scrubber 2009 Controls installed 2009 and operational 5 Scrubber 2009 Controls installed 2009 and operational Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5-Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 18 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW 00009240 Table 2-4. North Carolina EGUs and Status of Controls Emission SIP Facility Emission Unit Controls Included Required Control Status of Controls in SIP Date 5 None Retired mid 2011 6 None Retired mid 2011 Duke Energy - Buck Steam Station 7 None Retired mid 2011 8 None Retire Jan 2015 9 None Retire Jan 2015 1 None Retired Oct 2011 2 None Retired Oct 2011 Duke Energy - Cliffside 3 None Retired Oct 2011 4 None Retired Oct 2011 5 Scrubber 2010 Controls installed 2010 and operational 6 Scrubber 2011 Controls installed in 2012 1 None Retire April 2012 Duke Energy -Dan River 2 None Retired April 2012 3 None Retire April 2012 1 Scrubber 2007 Controls installed 2007 and operational 2 Scrubber 2007 Controls installed 2007 and operational Duke Energy - 3 Scrubber 2007 Controls installed 2007 and operational Marshall 4 Scrubber 2006 Controls installed 2006 and operational 7 None Retire Jan 2015 Duke Energy - 8 None Retire Jan 2015 9 None Retire Jan 2015 Riverbend 10 None Retire Jan 2015 Progress Energy - lA Scrubber 2009 Controls installed 2009 and operational I Scrubber 2009 Controls installed 2009 and operational Mayo Duke Energy - 1 Scrubber 2008 Controls installed 2008 and operational 2 Scrubber 2008 Controls installed 2008 and operational Belews Creek Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5-Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 19 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW 00009241 Offilf-29M-TIM1 SIP State Facility Emission Class I Area Emission Controls Required Status of Controls* Unit Impacted Included in SIP Control Date Alabama TVA — 008 JOKI Scrubber Operational Scrubber installed and Widow Creek in base year operational Georgia Georgia SG06, JOKI Scrubbers By 2018 Scheduled to be completed by Power — Yates SG07 6/1/2015 Georgia SGO1, Unit 3 in place 7/2011 Georgia Power — SG02, SG03, JOKI Scrubbers By 2018 Units 1, 2, & 4 to be in place Scherer SG04 by 2015, 2014 & 2013 Georgia SG03 All in place and operational Georgia Power - SG04 JOKI Scrubbers By 2018 last unit started 6/ l/2010 Bowen G-25, G- North Blue Ridge 65 G-24 JOKI, LIGO, Carolina Paper GG- SHRO None NIA N/A G26, G- 31, G32 Units lthrough 4 retired North Duke Energy Units 3 & 4 —None N/A 2011; Unit 5 scrubber in Carolina — Cliffside 3, 4, 5 LIGO Unit 5 — Scrubber 2010 operation 2010; Unit 6 to begin operation with scrubber in 2012. North Duke Energy 416,7 LIGO None N/A All coal-fired units to be Carolina — Riverbendretired by 1/1/2015 North Duke Energy #3 — 2007 Controls installed and Carolina — Marshal 3, 4 LIGO Scrubbers #4 — 2008 operational by SIP control date North Duke Energy 8,9 LIGO None N/A Units to be retired by DEQ-CFW 00009242 Table 2-5. Source in Area Influence of North Carolina Class I Areas SIP State Facility Emission Class I Area Emission Controls Required Status of Controls* Unit Impacted Included in SIP ' Control Date Carolina —Buck 1/1/2015 North Ecusta G-28, G- SHRO None N/A Facility shutdown Carolina 29 North Progress #1 — 2005 Controls installed and Carolina Energy — 1,2 SHRO Scrubbers #2 — 2006 operational by SIP control Asheville date North PCs Units 3 & 4 shutdown so that Carolina Phosphate 314, 5,6 SWAN None N/A new Unit 7 could be brought on-line. North Weyerhaeuser Carolina Plymouth 31, 32, 40 SWAN None N/A N/A (Domtar) North Weyerhaeuser 1 SWAN None N/A N/A Carolina Vanceboro North Progress All coal-fired units to be Carolina Energy - 3 SWAN Scrubber 2012 retired by 2013; fuel Sutton switching to natural gas North Progress All coal-fired units to be Carolina Energy - Lee 2 3 SWAN None N/A retired by fall 2012, switching to natural gas The company is currently Cogentrix burning wood. They retain North Kenansville coal as a permitted fuel, with Carolina (Coastal Genl SWAN None N/A no immediate plans to use it. Carolina Their new business plan is to Clean Power) continue as part of the "green power" movement in NC. DEQ-CFW 00009243 Table 2-5. Source in Area Influence of North Carolina Class I Areas SIP State Facility Emission Class I Area Emission Controls Required Status of Controls* Unit Impacted Included in SIP Control Date TVA Bull GSMNP, Install FGD or retire by Tennessee Run Fossil 001 JOKI, LIGO, Wet Scrubber By 2018 December 31, 2018 Plant SHRO Alcoa — Primary Tennessee South Plant Aluminum GSNINP, Coke Sulfur content 2017 Permit condition in place to (BART Smelting JOKI not to exceed 3% meet scheduled control date Source) Operation A.E. Staley GSMNP, Tennessee Manufacturin 005 JOKI None N/A N/A g Company Eastman Powerhou Permit condition place to Chemical se B-253- - GSMNP, Reduce SO2 2017/ meet scheduled control date. Tennessee Company 1, Boilers JOKI, LIGO, emissions by 92% 2018 Alternative control of (BART SHRO converting to natural gas Source) 25-29 given to 2018 if chosen. Apac-Tn, Tennessee Inc./Harrison 002 GS?vINP None N/A N/A Construction Tennessee YS12.DOE,002 GSMNP,None N/A N/A - Plant JOKI Entered into Consent Decree Tennessee Bowater to GSMNP, None N/A to lower allowable S02 Newsprint JOKI emissions to 4,562 tons per year Tennessee Intertrade 001 JOKI None N/A N/A Holdings DEQ-CFW-00009244 Table 2-5. Source in Area Influence of North Carolina Class I Areas SIP State Facility Emission Class I Area Emission Controls Required Status of Controls* Unit Impacted Included in SIP Control Date South Duke Energy 1,2,3 JOKI,SHRO None N/A Retiring units by 10/2014 Carolina Lee South Santee Carolina Cooper — 3,4 SWAN None N/A N/A Jefferies American Facility has met cap early and Virginia Electric 1,2,3 LIGO Facility -wide cap 2015 has announced plans to gasify Power — units I & 2 and potentially Clinch River retire unit 3. International Converted to wood and Virginia Paper 4 SWAN Scrubber By 2018 maybe shutting down coal- fired units. GSXINP = Great Smoky Mountains National Park JOKI = Joyce Kilmer- Sli ckrock LIGO = Linville Gorge SHRO = Shining Rock SWAN = Swanquarter DEQ-CFW-00009245 Table 2-6. North Carolina Source in Area Influence of Other States Class I Areas SIP Facility Emission Class I Area Emission Controls Required Status of Controls* Unit Impacted Included in SIP Control Date Duke Energy — Dan River 3 JARI None N/A Retired April 2012, switching to natural gas JARI = James River Face in Virginia DEQ-CFW-00009246 The next requirement is 40 CFR 51.308(g)(2), is a summary of the emission reductions achieved throughout the state through the implementation of the measures described above in Section 2. Table 3-1 lists the electric generating units in North Carolina that were projected to have controls installed by 2018 in the original regional haze SIP and units that will be retiring by 2018. This table provides typical year 2002 emissions and the Integrated Planning Model (IPM) predicted 2018 emissions used in the modeling for the original regional haze SIP, as well as the estimated tons reduced between 2002 and 2018. The actual 2011 emissions data for these sources was obtained from the USEPA's Clean Air Markets database. An estimate of the current projection for 2018 SO2 emissions was developed using the projected 2013 emissions from the 2012 Clean Smokestacks Act implementation plan for those sources expected to be in operation in 2018. As can be seen in Table 3- 1, the current SO2 emission reductions from 2002 to 2011 are higher than the estimated SO2 tons reduced in the original regional haze SIP between 2002 and 2018. Additionally, the new projected 2018 SO2 emissions are approximately 80% lower than the projected 2018 SO2 emissions in the original regional haze SIP. This is a clear sign that the Class I areas in North Carolina are on track to meet or exceed their reasonable progress goals. Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 25 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009247 Table 3-1. Estimated S02 emissions for North Carolina's Major Electric Generating Utility Sources (tons/year) Facility Emission Unit 2002 VISTAS 2018 IPM Estimated Tons Reduced in SIP Actual Emissions (2011 CAMD) Current Emission Reductions (2002- 2011) Current Estimate of 2018 Emissions Current Estimate of 2018 Emission Reductions Progress Energy - 1 8,489 576 7,913 1,039 7,450 401 8,088 Asheville 2 8,074 499 7,575 1,203 6,871 447 7,627 Progress Energy - 5 5,486 3,379 2,107 3,415 2,071 0 5,486 Cape Fear 6 6,101 4,300 1,801 4,688 1,413 0 6,101 1 2,744 2,918 -174 1,545 1,199 0 2,744 Progress Energy - H.F. Lee 2 2,719 2,363 356 1,015 1,704 0 2,719 3 9,218 6,976 2,242 7,047 2,171 0 9,218 Progress Energy - 1A 13,673 954 12,719 4,053 9,620 653 13,020 Mayo IB 13,122 953 12,169 3,182 9,940 653 12,469 1 15,596 999 14,597 1,650 13,946 543 15,053 2 29,504 2,438 27,066 1,864 27,640 981 28,523 Progress Energy - 3A 16,082 1,071 15,011 1,383 14,699 466 15,616 Roxboro 31 B 15,835 1,071 14,764 1,336 14,499 467 15,368 4A 11,207 1,253 9,954 1,610 9,597 331 10,876 4B 10,625 1,253 9,372 1,491 9,134 331 10,294 1 2,805 2,357 448 2,048 757 0 2,805 Progress Energy - L.V. Sutton 2 3,470 3,711 -241 2,083 1,387 0 3,470 3 14,902 1,037 13,865 8,850 6,052 0 14,902 Progress Energy - 1 1,927 912 1,015 226 11701 0 1,927 DEQ-CFW-00009248 Table 3-1. Estimated S02 emissions for North Carolina's Major Electric Generating Utility Sources (tons/year) Facility Emission Unit 2002 VISTAS 2018 IPM Estimated Tons Reduced in SIP Actual Emissions (2011 CAMD) Current Emission Reductions (2002- 2011) Current Estimate of 2018 Emissions Current Estimate of 2018 Emission Reductions Weatherspoon 2 2,084 1,151 933 545 1,539 0 2,084 3 3,009 2,756 253 1,143 1,866 0 3,009 1 4,435 173 4,262 225 4,210 34 4,401 Duke Energy - 2 4,986 216 4,770 202 4,784 27 4,959 Allen Steam 3 8,810 741 8,069 366 8,444 374 8,436 Station 4 9,623 728 8,895 400 9,223 454 9,169 5 8,424 715 7,709 472 7,952 212 8,212 5 572 1,104 -532 0 572 0 572 Duke Energy - 6 537 1,064 -527 0 537 0 537 Buck Steam 7 746 610 136 0 746 0 746 Station 8 3,752 3,155 597 1,932 1,820 0 3,752 9 4,042 4,001 41 1,907 2,135 0 4,042 1 862 1,049 -187 0 862 0 862 2 1,027 882 145 0 1,027 0 1,027 Duke Energy - 3 1,487 1,962 -475 0 1,487 0 1,487 Cliffside 4 1,299 2,014 -715 0 1,299 0 1,299 5 25,124 1,952 23,172 308 24,816 760 24,364 6 0 0 0 0 0 1,571 -1,571 DEQ-CFW-00009249 Table 3-1. Estimated S02 emissions for North Carolina's Major Electric Generating Utility Sources (tons/year) Estimated Actual Current Current Current Emission 2002 Tons Emissions Emission Estimate of Estimate of Facility Unit VISTAS 2018 IPM Reduced in (2011 Reductions 2018 2018 SIP CAMD) (2002- Emissions Emission 2011) Reductions 1 2,621 3,464 -843 438 2,183 0 2,621 Duke Energy - 2 921 1,498 -577 440 481 0 921 Dan River 3 1,026 1,837 -811 1,069 -43 0 1,026 1 26,469 2,243 24,226 577 25,892 626 25,843 Duke Energy - 2 25,869 2,208 23,661 681 25,188 730 25,139 Marshall 3 14,931 485 14,446 1,291 13,640 1,389 13,542 4 15,042 470 14,572 1,305 13,737 1,710 13,332 7 3,321 2,592 729 1,128 2,193 0 3,321 Duke Energy - 8 3,435 1,511 1,924 1,204 2,231 0 3,435 Riverbend 9 5,686 3,973 1,713 2,381 3,305 0 5,686 10 5,677 3,973 1,704 2,406 3,271 0 5,677 Duke Energy - 1 39,667 2,536 37,131 1,676 37,991 2,474 37,193 Belews Creek 2 43,766 3,218 40,548 1,632 42,134 2,786 40,980 Totals 460,829 93,301 367,528 73,456 387,373 18,420 442,409 DEQ-CFW-00009250 Although the North Carolina's regional haze SIP was submitted in December 2007, the VISTAS modeling continued with neighboring states including additional control measures. The VISTAS best and final modeling concluded in Spring 2008 and the modeled progress for 2018 changed for the North Carolina Class I areas. North Carolina is adopting the new reasonable progress goals for all Class I areas in the state in this mid -course review. Additionally, the baseline visibility for the 20% best days for Shining Rock in the original regional haze SIP reported the 2001-2005 visibility (7.7 deciviews) instead of the 2000-2004 baseline visibility (8.2 deciviews). This is corrected in the table below. Table 4-1 lists the reasonable progress goals that were stated in the original regional haze SIP. Class I Area Baseline Visibility for 20% Worst Days Reasonable Progress Goal 20% Worst Days Baseline Visibility for 20% Best Days Reasonable Progress Goal 20% Best Days GSMNP 30.3 23.7 13.6 12.2 JOKI 30.3 23.7 13.6 12.2 LIGO 28.6 22.0 11.1 9.6 SHRO 28.5 22.1 8.2 6.9 SWAN 24.7 20.4 12.0 11.0 The new reasonable progress goals for North Carolina's Class I areas are listed in Table 4-2. The plots in Section 5 will include these new reasonable progress goals. Table 4-2. New Reasonable Progress Goals for North Carolina Class I Areas Class I Area Reasonable Progress Goal 20% Worst Days Reasonable Progress Goal 20% Best Days GSNINP 23.5 12.1 JOKI 23.5 12.1 LIGO 21.7 9.5 SHRO 21.9 6.9 SWAN 2 0. 31 10.9 Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 29 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009251 Section 51.308(g)(3) requires the state to assess the visibility conditions for the most impaired and least impaired days expressed in terms of the 5-year averages. The visibility conditions that must be reviewed include 1) the current visibility conditions, 2) the difference between current visibility conditions compared to the baseline, and 3) the change in visibility impairment for the most and least impaired days over the past 5 years. Table 5-1 addresses the current visibility conditions and the difference between the current visibility and the baseline condition expressed in terms of the 5-year averages. The baseline conditions are for 2000 through 2004 and the current conditions are for 2006 through 2010 since 2010 is the latest data available. Joyce Kilmer- Sli ckrock Wilderness Area does not have a monitor in the wilderness area so the Great Smoky Mountains National Park visibility data is used for this Class I area. Table 5-1. Current Visibility and Differences from the Baseline (deciviews) Class I Area Baseline (2000-2004) Current (2006-20 10) Difference 20% Worst Days Great Smoky Mountain National Park 30.3 26.6 -3.7 Joyce Kilmer- Sli ckrock 3 0. 31 26.6 -3.7 Linville Gorge 28.6 25.1 -3.5 Shining Rock 28.5 25.8 -2.7 Swanquarter 24.7 24.2 -0.5 20% Best Days Great Smoky Mountain National Park 13.6 12.3 -1.3 Joyce Kilmer- Sli ckrock 13.6 12.3 -1.3 Linville Gorge 11.1 11 -0.1 Shining Rock 8.2 7.25 -0.95 Swanquarter 12 12.9 0.9 The data shows that all Class I areas saw an improvement in visibility on the 20% worst days and all but Swanquarter Wildlife Refuge saw an improvement in visibility on the 20% best days. At Swanquarter, a slight increase was seen (less than I deciview). This could be in part due to having no data available for 2008 in Swanquarter, which could affect the 5-year average. Also, in 2007, 2009 and 2010 there are at least one day in each year where high levels of particulate organic matter (POM) and elemental carbon (EC) observed in the spring or fall when a wildfire or prescribed fire might have occurred and impacted the visibility (see Figure 5-1). Finally, none Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP 30 For the North Carolina Class I Areas September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009252 of the controls planned for the eastern part of the State have taken place yet. Therefore, the NCDAQ believes that improvement in the visibility on the 20% best days will occur by 2018. Figure 5-1. 2006-2010 reconstructed light extinction, using the new IMPROVE equation, for the 20% best days at Swanquarter Wildlife Refuge. Table 5-2 displays the change in visibility impairment for the most and least impaired days over the past 5 years in terms of the 5-year averages. For the 20% worst days, the overall trend is towards improvement in visibility, although from year to year there may be slight increases followed by decreases the following year. On the 20% best days, a similar trend towards improvement is seen. The only Class I area not to have an improved visibility in 2010 compared to 2006 (i.e., a lower deciview value) is Swanquarter Wildlife Refuge. Both 2005 and 2008 had incomplete data and therefore are not included in any 5-year averages. This can greatly impact the 5-year average especially for 2008 where only three years of data is used to calculate the average. The 2010 five-year average saw a slight improvement in visibility. The missing data coupled with the fact that S02 controls and coal-fired unit retirements in eastern North Carolina will occur starting in 2012 leads the NCDAQ to believe future years will see an improvement in visibility on the 20% best days. Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 31 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009253 Table 5-2. Visibility Change over the Past 5 years in terms of 5-year averages (deciviews) 006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20% Worst Days GSMNP 30.4 30.6 29.8 28.5 26.6 JOKI 30.4 30.6 29.8 28.5 26.6 LIGO 29.4 29.7 28.8 27.4 25.1 SHRO 28.8 28.5 27.5 26.6 25.8 SWAN 25.0 24.9 25.5 24.6 24.2 20% Best Days GSNINP 13.3 13.2 13.1 12.4 12.3 JOKI 13.3 13.2 13.1 12.4 12.3 LIGO 11.3 11.3 11.6 11.3 11.0 SHRO 7.4 7.6 7.6 7.3 7.2 SWAN 12.2 12.2 12.6 13.0 12.9 The figures that follow displays the data listed in Tables 4-2, 5-1 and 5-2 , as well as the uniform rate of progress towards natural background for 20% worst and 20% best days for the Class I areas in North Carolina. The blue diamonds are the average 20% worst/best days observed annually, the lighter blue line with asterisks is the 5-year averages, the pink line is the uniform rate of progress and the light purple line with triangles is the modeled predictions used to establish the reasonable progress goals listed in Table 4-2. Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 32 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009254 Uniform Rate of Reasonable Progress Glide Path Great Smoky Mountains ® 20% Worst Days 35 ME 30 11*#+�- *29 R7 >iwf, 25 72 25.79 2♦ 22.59 23.50 !a 20 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19.38----------------------------------------------- x all 15 1105 10 M 5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 2028 2032 2036 204E 2G44 2048 2052 2056 2060 2064 Year --*-Gi;dePath —Natural Condition (Worst Days) * Observation Method I Prediction Rolling ,Average Uniform Rate of Reasonable Progress Glide Path Great Smoky Mountains - 20% Best Days 35 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 25 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 ♦ 10 4.54 0 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 2028 2032 2036 2040 2044 2048 2052 2056 2060 2064 Year F—Baseline—�x'­Natural Condition (20% Best Days) ♦ Observation :Method 1 Prediction Rolling Average Figure 5-2. Visibility conditions at Great Smoky Mountains National Park for the most impaired days (top) and least impaired days (bottom). Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 33 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009255 Uniform Rate of Reasonable Progress Glide Path Linville Gorge - 20% Worst Days 35 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 31 3 25 24.67 i1�14 �2165 20 x 15.88 C15 ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ----------------- 10 0 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 2028 2032 2036. 2040 2044 201481 2052 2056 2660 2064 Year --*-GlidePath —Natural Condition (Worst Days) + Observation Method I Prediction Rolling Average Uniform Rate of Reasonable Progress Glide Path Linville Gorge - 20% Best Days 35 30 25 20 x 15 10 ........... ........... 9.50 5 4. b8 0 2000 2004 2008 2012 20116 2020 2024 2028 2032 2036 2040 2044 2048 2052 2056 2060 2064 Year --�r-Baseline —,i­Namral Condition (20% Best Days) * Observation .: :Method I Prediction Rolling Averaq Figure 5-3. Visibility conditions at Linville Gorge for the most impaired days (top) and least impaired days (bottom). Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 34 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009256 LE. Uniform Rate of Reasonable Progress Glide Path Shining Rock - 20% Worst Days 35 30 2A 7. 27.22 24.65 25 -------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 2� 21.78 ai 21.92 20 18.92 1&05 15 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- ---------- ------- I en 11: 7 10 ea 0 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 2026 2032 2036 2040 2044 2046 2052 2056 2060 2064 Year --*— Glide Path —Natural Condition iWorst Days) * Observation Method 1 Prediction —Rolling Average Uniform Rate of Reasonable Progress Glide Path Shining Rock - 20% Best Days 35 -T ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30 25 20 x 15 10 4 921 8.211 C5 _9_21 T 6.89 0 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 2028 2032 2036 2040 2044 2048 2052 2056 2060 2064 Year ----------------------------------------- —*—Baseline —�\�—Natural Condition (20% Best Days) * Observabon Method I Pred;�cjop . .... Rolling Average ure 5-4. Visibilitv conditions at Shinin,2 Rock for the most imnaired days (ton) and mn, Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 35 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009257 Uniform Rate of Reasonable Progress Glide Path Swanquarter - 20% Worst Days 35 30 25 2 4 .62 ► 21.64 all 22j.?. 45 20 - ------------------ 0.2 ---------- ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 1725 6 15 10 5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 20100 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 2028 20132 2036 2040 2044 2048 2052 2CII56 2060 20164 Year ----------- --A—Glide Path —Natural Condition (Worst Days) * Observation , Method I Prediction Rolling average Uniform Rate of Reasonable Progress Glide Path Swanquarter - 20% Best Days 35 --------------------------------------- 30 25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 15 ++12.02+ 12.02 12.02 U) 10 110�92 5.46 r 0 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 2028 2032 2036 2040 2044 2048 2052 2056 2060 2064 Year --*.—Baselme --O—Natuml Condition (20% Best Days) + Obse¢vation Method 1 PreOctiorRoiling Average Figure 5-5. Visibility conditions at Swanquarter Wildlife Refuge for the most impaired days (top) and least impaired days (bottom Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 36 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009258 There are five different emission inventory source classifications: stationary point and area sources, off -road and on -road mobile sources, and biogenic sources. Stationary point sources are those sources that emit greater than a specified tonnage per year, with data provided at the facility level. Electric generating utilities and industrial sources are the major categories for stationary point sources. Stationary area sources are those sources whose individual emissions are relatively small, but due to the large number of these sources, the collective emissions from the source category could be significant (i.e., dry cleaners, service stations, agricultural sources, prescribed fire emissions). These types of emissions are estimated on a countywide level. Off - road (or non -road) mobile sources are equipment that can move, but do not use the roadways (i.e., lawn mowers, construction equipment, railroad locomotives, aircraft). The emissions from these sources, like stationary area sources, are estimated on a countywide level. On -road mobile sources are automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles that use the roadway system. The emissions from these sources are estimated by vehicle type and road type and are summed to the countywide level. Biogenic sources are the natural sources like trees, crops, grasses and natural decay of plants. The biogenic emissions are not included in this mid -course review since they were held constant as part of the original regional haze SIP modeling and are not controllable emissions. For the typical 2002 stationary point source emissions inventory, only those sources that reported emissions for 2002 to the NCDAQ were included in the emissions inventory. The Typical 2002 stationary point source emissions inventory was developed jointly with VISTAS States for emission projection purposes. For the typical year emissions, the electric generating units are adjusted to be for a typical year so that if sources were shut down or operating above or below normal, the emissions were to be normalized to a typical inventory year. This is necessary since the future year emissions represent a projected typical future year inventory. The 2009 point source emissions were estimated using the Integrated Planning Model (IPM) model for the electric generating units and economic growth factors for the remaining sources. The 2002 area source emissions were estimated by taking an activity factor and multiplying by an emission factor. The 2009 area source emissions were projected using economic growth factors. The exception to this is the wildfire and prescribed fire emissions, in which typical year emissions were used for both 2002 and 2009. For the non -road mobile source inventory, all but the aircraft, locomotive and commercial marine emissions were estimated using the USEPA's NONROAD2005c model for both the typical 2002 and 2009 inventory years. The remaining non -road mobile sources were estimated the traditional way by taking an activity level and multiplying it by an emission factor and these sources were projected to 2009 using economic growth factors. The on -road mobile source emissions were estimated using the USEPA's MOBILE6.2 mobile model for both the typical 2002 and projected 2009 inventory years. Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 37 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009259 The emissions that were in the original regional haze SIP for the typical year 2002 and the projected year 2009 are listed in Tables 6-1 and 6-2, respectively. Table 6-1. Projected Typical 2002 Annual Emission Summary for North Carolina (tons) Source Category VOC NOx SO2 PM2.5 Point 61,484 196,731 522,093 26,953 Non -road Mobile 94,480 84,284 7,693 7,348 Area 250,044 41,517 5,815 83,520 On -road Mobile 263,766 327,329 12,420 4,623 Total Emissions 669,774 649,861 548,021 122,444 Table 6-2. Projected 2009 Annual Emission Summary for North Carolina (tons) Source Category VOC NOx SO2 PM2.5 Point 62,161 101,236 284,802 26,360 Non -road Mobile 74,056 70,997 1,892 5,760 Area 200,873 45,382 6,281 90,729 On -road Mobile 168,676 201,609 1,503 3,493 Total Emissions 505,766 419,224 294,478 126,342 Table 6-3 lists the emissions for 2010 (see Appendix B for complete documentation). The 2010 point source emissions were estimated by taking the emissions reported by sources for 2010 and adding the latest emissions for the small sources that only report emissions every 5 years. This is a different procedure than what was used in the original Regional Haze SIP which included only those sources that reported emissions in 2002 (small sources that did not report are estimated to contribute 1%, 7%, 1%, and 7% of total NOx, VOC, S02, and PM2.5 emissions, respectively). The area source emissions were estimated by growing the existing 2007 emissions inventory to 2010. The non -road mobile source emissions were estimated using the USEPA's NONROAD2008 model for those sources covered by the model and growing the 2007 airport, locomotive and commercial marine emissions to 2010. The on -road mobile source emissions were estimated using the USEPA's mobile model MOVES2010a with the latest vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and speed data that was available. If 2010 speeds and VMT were not available for a particular county, interpolated or projected 2010 data was used. Both the non -road mobile and on -road mobile models have been updated to newer models for the 2010 estimated emissions. The MOVES model tends to estimate higher emissions than its previous counterpart, especially for NOx emissions. Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 38 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009260 Table 6-3. 2010 Annual Emissions Summary for North Carolina (tons) Source Category VOC NOx SO2 PM2.5 Point 41,358 90,322 151,707 14,072 Non -road Mobile 131,444 65,353 2,829 5,455 Area 109,745 13,030 8,336 19,557 On -road Mobile 101,819 256,559 1,205 8,905 Total Emissions 384,3166 425,264 164,077 47,989 As can be seen from the emissions data, the 2010 emissions are significantly lower than the typical 2002 emissions inventory. The VOC emissions are 43% or lower, the NOx emissions are 35% lower, the SO2 emissions are 70% lower and the PM2.5 emissions are 61% lower. The 2010 emissions are lower despite including additional stationary point sources and the use of the USEPA's mobile model MOVES, which predicts much higher NOx emissions than its predecessor MOBILE6.2. When comparing the 2010 emissions with the projected 2009 emissions, all emissions are lower in 2010. The VOC emissions are 24% lower, the SO2 emissions are 44% lower and the PM2.5 emissions are 62% lower. The 2010 NOx emissions were essentially the same as the projected 2009 NOx emissions. Figure 6-1 displays the average light extinction for the 20% worst days over the 5-year period 2006 through 2010 for all Class I areas in the Southeast. This figure demonstrates that on the 20 percent worst days in the Class I areas in North Carolina, sulfates (SO4) continue to be the major concern, which is formed from the SO2 emissions. Since the stationary point sources are the largest contributor Of SO2 emissions, 98% of the SO2 emissions in North Carolina, only the past 5 years of point source emissions are provided in Table 6-4. Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 39 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009261 25a 2aa 53 southeastc,aastal Southeast Inland and 0 se a sak 0 Apy, ai- ?Q 03 UArnm. 504 W RayEQigh Ne fig hb o ri ng no n- So uth e ast Figure 7-2. Average light extinction for the 20% worst days in 2006-2010 at Southeast and neighboring Class I areas using the IMPROVE equation. Year VOC NOx S02 PM2.5 2006 62,359 148,707 520,116 26,403 2007 55,140 104,328 427,620 29,804 2008 48,202 97,723 277,592 26,888 2009 40,427 75,733 1 148,613 14,821 2010 41,358 90,3122 1 151,707 14,072 There does not appear to be any anthropogenic emissions within North Carolina that would have limited or impeded progress in reducing pollutant emissions or improving visibility. 40 CFR 51.308(g)(6) requires an assessment of whether the current SIP elements and strategies are sufficient to enable the state, or other Class I areas affected by emissions from the state, to meet all established reasonable progress goals. Figure 7-1 displays the reconstructed extinction for the 20 percent worst days at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park during 2006 through 2010. Similar results are seen at the other Class I areas in North Carolina (Appendix A). This figure, along with Figure 5-1, demonstrate that on Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP 40 For the North Carolina Class I Areas September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009262 the 20 percent worst days in the Class I areas in North Carolina, sulfates continue to be the major concern, which are formed from the S02 emissions. As seen in Table 6-3, stationary point sources are the greatest source Of S02 emissions in North Carolina, with the electric generating units being the largest contributor. Figure 7-1. The 2006 — 2010 reconstructed extinction, using the IMPROVE equation, for the 20% worst days at Great Smoky Mountains National Park, NC. Table 3-1 lists the electric generating units estimated 2018 emissions. The new projected 2018 emissions are significantly lower than the projected 2018 emissions in the original regional haze SIP. Additionally, the estimated 2010 emissions are lower than the 2009 modeled emissions from the original regional haze SIP for all pollutants except NOx, which can be attributed to different on -road mobile models. The NCDAQ believes the state is on track to meet the 2018 reasonable progress goals for the North Carolina Class I areas and will not impede a Class I area outside of North Carolina from meeting their goals. The primary monitoring network for regional haze, both nationwide and in North Carolina, is the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) network. Given that IMPROVE monitoring data from 2000-2004 serves as the baseline for the regional haze program, the future regional haze monitoring strategy must necessarily be based on, or directly comparable to, IMPROVE. The IMPROVE measurements provide the only long-term record available for tracking visibility improvement or degradation and therefore North Carolina intends Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP 41 For the North Carolina Class I Areas September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009263 to continue reliance on the IMPROVE network for complying with the regional haze monitoring requirement in the regional haze Rule. There are currently 3 IMPROVE sites in North Carolina (2 at distinctly different locations in the mountains and one on the coast). In addition, as Table 8-1 shows, an IMPROVE site just across the border in Tennessee serves as the monitoring site for both the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Joyce Kilmer- Slickrock Wilderness Area, both of which lie partly in Tennessee and partly in North Carolina. Table 8-1. North Carolina Class I Areas and Representative IMPROVE Monitors Class I Area IMPROVE Site Designation Great Smoky Mountains National Park GRSMI (TN) Joyce Kilmer- Sli ckrock Wilderness Area GRSMI (TN) Linville Gorge Wilderness Area LIGO I (NC) Shining Rock Wilderness Area SHRO I (NC) Swanquarter Wildlife Refuge SWAM (NC) In addition to the IMPROVE measurements, some ongoing long-term limited monitoring supported by Federal Land Managers provides additional insight into progress toward regional haze goals. North Carolina benefits from the data from these measurements, but is not responsible for associated funding decisions to maintain these measurements into the future. Such measurements include: Web cameras operated by the National Park Service at Look Rock, Tennessee and Purchase Knob, North Carolina in Great Smoky Mountains National Park and by the United States Forest Service at Frying Pan Mountain in the Shining Rock Wilderness Area. • An integrating nephelometer for continuously measuring light scattering, operated by the National Park Service at Look Rock, Tennessee. • A Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM) for continuously measuring PM2.5 mass concentration, operated by the National Park Service at Look Rock, Tennessee. A continuous nitrate monitor continues to operate at the Millbrook site in Raleigh. Additionally, a second continuous nitrate monitor is in operation at the Rockwell monitoring site in Rowan County. The vendor no longer supports these monitors and it may be difficult to obtain the expendables for the monitors in the future. The NCDAQ plans to operate these monitors as long as funding and supplies allow. The NCDAQ began operating a continuous sulfate monitor at the Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 42 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009264 Millbrook in August 2007. The continuous sulfate monitor for the Rockwell site has been purchased but will most likely not start operation until in January 2013. The NCDAQ was operating a 5400 R&P monitor for organic, total, and elemental carbon at the Millbrook site. However, the monitor has failed and no funding was available to replace this monitor. The NCDAQ is currently operating aethalometers at the Millbrook and Rockwell sites. The NCDAQ will use the continuous speciation data from the sites discussed above to further the understanding of both PM2.5 and visibility formation and trends in North Carolina. The NCDAQ will operate the units discussed above as long as funds allow. In addition, the NCDAQ and the local air agencies in the State operate a fairly comprehensive PM2.5 network of the filter based Federal reference method monitors, continuous mass monitors (TEOMs and Beta Attenuation Mass monitors), filter based speciated monitors and the continuous speciated monitors described above. A map of the various locations around the State is included in Figure 8-1. These PM2.5 measurements help the NCDAQ characterize air pollution levels in areas across the state, and therefore aid in the analysis of visibility improvement in and near the Class I areas. 0 01 0 Legend * FHA O: ii� * T OMi Orily * BAM Only * FRM & TEOM 0 FRM & SMA * FRM TEOM & SPECMTED I1 HR & 24-HR) * FRM, TEOM & 24-HR SPECIATED * FRK 13ANA & SPECIATED, (1-HR & 24-HR, Figure 8-1. PM7_5 Monitoring Network in North Carolina The IMPROVE measurements are central to North Carolina's regional haze monitoring strategy, and it is difficult to visualize how the objectives listed above could be met without the Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 43 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009265 monitoring provided by IMPROVE. Any reduction in the scope of the IMPROVE network in North Carolina would jeopardize the State's ability to demonstrate reasonable progress toward visibility improvement in some of its Class I areas. In particular, North Carolina's regional haze strategy relies on emission reductions that will result from the CAIR and the CSA, which occur on different time scales and will most likely not be spatially uniform. Monitoring at every Class I area is important to document the different air quality responses to the emissions reductions. Since each of the current IMPROVE monitors in North Carolina represents a different airshed, reduction of the IMPROVE network by shutting down one of these monitoring sites impedes tracking progress at reducing haze at the affected Class I area. In the event this occurs, North Carolina, in consultation with the USEPA and relevant Federal Land Managers, will develop an alternative approach for meeting the tracking goal, perhaps by seeking contingency funding to carry out limited monitoring or by relying on data from nearby urban monitoring sites to demonstrate trends in speciated PM2.5 mass. Data produced by the IMPROVE monitoring network will be used nearly continuously for preparing the 5-year progress reports and the 10-year SIP revisions, each of which relies on analysis of the preceding five years of data. Consequently, the monitoring data from the IMPROVE sites needs to be readily accessible and to be kept up to date. Presumably, IMPROVE will continue to process information from its own measurements at about the same pace and with the same attention to quality as it has shown in the recent past. The VIEWS web site has been maintained by VISTAS and the other Regional Planning Organizations to provide ready access to the IMPROVE data and data analysis tools. North Carolina is encouraging continued maintenance of VIEWS or a similar data management system to facilitate analysis of the IMPROVE data. O1X4111011"IMINIP The NCDAQ has provided the information required under 40 CFR 51.308(g) in this 5-year periodic review. Based upon this information, the NCDAQ believes the state is on track to meet the 2018 reasonable progress goals for the North Carolina Class I areas and will not impede a Class I area outside of North Carolina from meeting their goals. Pre -Draft Regional Haze 5 -Year Periodic Review SIP For the North Carolina Class I Areas 44 September 18, 2012 DEQ-CFW-00009266