HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00007822From: Lopez, Dale [/D=NCMA|L/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=DALE.LOPEZ] Sent: 3/24/I0II9:I4:41PW1 To: Henson, Belinda [/D=NCK8A|L/OU=EXCHAN6EADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|8DHF233PDLT)/CN=REOP|ENT3/CN=8EL|NDA.HEN3ON] CC: Lopez, Dale @D=NCMA|L/OU=[XCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/CN=REOP|ENT3/CN=DAL[LOPEZ] Subject: RE: Location -specific goals/accomplishments needed Attachments Assistance and problem so|vingdoc From: Henson, Belinda Sent: Wednesday, March 23,2011 1:48PM To: Lopez, Dale; Henson, Belinda; TudingtOn,Chad; Strickland, Danny; White, Hughie; Brantley, Mark; Lawyer, Mike; R3vv|5, Paul; Herndon, Mason; Allen, Trent Subject: FW: Location -specific goals/accomplishments needed Please gather this information and emuAmewith this by ErWAY. 8arn March 25th. Ineed you to look back Zyears to summarizethese instances. Thank you. Belinda From: Matthews, Matt Sent: Wednesday, March I3,2011 1I:4I PM To: Basinger, Corey; Edwards, Roger; Henson, Belinda; Hodge, Al; Krebs, Rob; Scott, Georgette; Shiver, Rick; Smith, Danny; 8e|niCk,Tom; Bennett, Bradley; DOrney,]Ohn;Gore, Deborah; Hennessy, ]Ohn;Kan3k\[vndi;MCmiU8n,Ian; POupart,]eff; Wrenn, Brian Cc: Massengale, Susan Subject: FW: Location -specific goals/accomplishments needed RO Supervisors, Try and docurnentinstances where our \NW Consultants have helped out folks. Also, any other instances you oanthinkofandreasunabiyducunoen1(bnoefrarne)assistanne/prob1ernso|v|n01o1hepub!ic,beitindustMes, municipalities, or individuals. Note the usual short turnaround, iclose ofbusiness Friday, ifpossible, please try tohave tonnebynoon un Friday. ....... ____....... _....... _....... _....... _....... _....... _....... _....... _....... _....... _....... _....... ____ Matt Matthews, \~(919) 807-8384 NC 2>ENIR/0viSiOn OfWater Quality f-/919\ 807-8495 Surface Water Protection Section MGtL.MGtth8vvS@nCdenr.g0Y 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Massengale, Susan Coleen;To: Sullins, Daniel Cc: Bush, Ted; Matthews, Matt; Sauber, 3ay; Wiggins, Kent; Wakild, Chuck; Goodrich, Da ' • •n -specific goals/accomplishments red I spoke with Diana Kees and she described the meat of this request this way: Incidents of notable help given across the state at all levels — citizen, local governments, other groups. How have our actions made life better for someone, especially if we can point to individuals or specific groups. She is interested in grants and loans other than ARRA so CG&L"s revolving loan programs, 319 grants, 205j. Technical assistance given to rnunis and citizens. Personalize how we positively impact people's lives. The time frame is the last two years. Send what you have to me. Susari Masserigald Public Irrformation Officer DENR- Division of Water Quality 1617 MSC, Raleigh, NC �L,699-ifil_7 (919) 807-f359 fax (919) 807--6492 Please riote: mar e-mail ad -dress has changed to srrsaii.masserlgale@ilcdeiii°.gov h_ mail c orresl? Irrldenc e to andl j1°oin this Ctut'dYess rood,, be subject to ille North Carolina Public R cr rds Lcm? and, ma.T, be disclosed io lhird parties. From: Sullins, Coleen Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 12:20 PM To: Clark, Alan; Blaisdell, Daniel Cc: Bush, Ted; Matthews, Matt; Sauber, Jay; Wiggins, Kent; Wakild, Chuck; Goodrich, Dave; Massengale, Susan Subject: FW: Location -specific goals/accomplishments needed Importance: High Alan/Dan — you guys both have grants/loans that: you have provided to people so you are obviously on target: here. Please have to Susan no later than 2 Purl on Friday. Everyone — I am working on getting clarification frorn Diana on what this message means (is it just grants and loans, or are they looking for broader divisional goals). So you are being put: on notice. I would suggest that: any assistance (WWTP consultants) be documented. Other assistance things you think of or are included in your quarterly reports that may be of user Susan I would like for you to compile everyone's for us. Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality Phone: 91.9/807-6337 Finail correspondence to andfrom this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Lave and may be disclosed to Mira' parties, From: Kees, Diana [mailto:diana.kees@ncdenr.gov] Wednesday, March 23, 2011:. .: To: Akroyd, Cathy R; Boggs, Tad; Canavaciol, Karen; Draughon, Cindy; Haines, Brian; Kees, Diana; Kelly, Pat; Kilgore, Amy; Kritzer, 3amie; Leonard, Laura; Massengale, Susan; Mather, Tom; Miller, Penny P.; Munger, Bridget; Nunemaker, Buster; Peek, Charlie; Pishney, 3onathan; Powers, 3ulie; Hackney, Rod; Smith, Denise; Smith, Tricia; Tolley, Lisa; Walker, Young, DEQ-CFW 00007823 Cc: DEN R. Division - Directors. and. S u pport-Staff Subject: Location -specific goals/accomplishments needed Importance: High on My office has been tasked with pulling together some information for the governor's office. It is my understanding that much of this information will be used at some point in the future on an online, interactive map, which makes this another good way to market your program and provide outreach throughout the state. By close of business on Friday, March 25, please send me a list for your division that identifies: • Division accomplishments (grants made to municipalities, upcoming events, place -specific goals met in last two years, businesses assisted, etc.). Please list the county and city where this accomplishment occurred, and briefly list the significance of this goal/ accomplishment to locality. ***I will be following up individually with each of you on this list so please be as specific as possible.' • Special days/dates/anniversaries important to your program/agency around which events or visits can be planned. If your division has a PIO, please ask them to send me the requested information; if your division does not have a PIO, please send comprehensive division information from only one division representative. Thanks for your help and I apologize for the quick turnaround. Please call with any questions. Diana Kees Communications Director N.C. Dept. of En-6ronnient and Natural Resources 16oi MSC, Raleigh, NC 27699-t6ol (919) 715-4112; fax (919) 715-3o6o ........... Connect with us: E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. DEQ-CFW-00007824