HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00007803From: Henson, Belinda [8EUNDAHENB]N] Sent: 2/I7/20114:2522PN1 To: Lopez, Dale [/D=NCMA|L/OU=EXCHAN6EADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHFI]3PDLT)/CN=REOP|ENT3/CN=DALE.LOPGZ];Strickland, Danny [/o=NCK8A|L/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDLT)/cn=Redpient$cn=danny.strick|and];'hughie.white@ncdenr.gov' [hughie.white@ncdenr.gov];Brantley, Mark [/D=NCMA|L/OU=EXCHAN6EADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/CN=REOP|ENT3/CN=K8ARK.BRANTLEYI];Rawls, Paul [/b=NCK8A|L/OU=EXCHANSE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|8OHFI33PDLT)/CN=REC|PIE NT3/CN=PAULKAVVL3];Allen, Trent [/o=NCK8A|L/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHFI]SPD[n/cn=Kecipients/cn=trent.aUen] CC: Tur|inDton,Chad [/n=NCK8A|L/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF2]SPDQ]/cn=Redpient$cn=chad.tur|ingtnn];Lawyer, Mike [/Q=NCK8A|L/OU=[XCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FY0BOHFZ3SPDLT)/CN=REC|P|[NTS/CN=yW!K[.LAVVYER] Subject: FVV:Cape Fear Assign ments/Comp|exUnit 2Ol1 Attachments: assiDn2Ol1 Cape Fear Complex Unit.x|sx;ATT0O0O1..c R0—. From: Weaver, Charles Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 10:48 AM To: Basinger, Corey; Shiver, Rick; Henson, Belinda; Smith, Danny Cc: Sprinkle, Dina Subject: FW: Cape Fear Assignments/Complex Unit 2011 Dina — use thfsbomaaignt6econiylozrane*nleiuGINCS, From: BeInick, Tom [mailto:tom.belnick@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 20115:55 PM Cc: Manuel, Vanessa; Templeton, Mike Subject: Cape Fear Assignments/Complex Unit 2011 Everyone'|\x*attachedassignmentsforthe[omp|exUnitforthe[apeFearBasinJO11,vvithasummarybreakdovvn below. Everyone will have a lot of Majors. We can go over at the next Complex Unit Meet. Staff Assignment Total # Permits Majors Charles- not sure if you want to merge assignment lists (Complex/Expedited). We'll need toget assignments to applicable Regions down the road. From your original assignment list, | deleted the 2 pickle facilities (Mt Olive Pickle, Bay Valley), since they are out of sequence and were already assigned in 2010. NCO088307 New Hanover, NCO077101 CWS Whispering Pine, NCO032221 CWS Belveclare). These 4 WTPs are RO/IE, while the WTPs going to the Expedited Unit are Conventional/Greensand. This might be a good way to break these out. In the future, we'd like to move Conventional/Greensand under General Permit coverage, provided toxicity isnot an issue. RO/lEs will need likely remain as Individual permits, given the toxicity issues. rmupervisor, Complex NPIDES Permitting Unit NC DENR/Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-16 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed tothird parties.