HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00007749From: Henson, Belinda [BELINDA.HENSON]
Sent: 10/26/2010 2:19:58 PM
Subject: FW: 2010-2011 Aquatic Toxicology Testing
Attachments: 2010-2011 Aquatic Toxicity Testing.pdf
Cindy Moore called me today and asked if we would be able to schedule Toxicities for the facilities that have not had
one for over 5 years. .I.he facilities highlighted are the facilities that they want us to schedule 'l'oxicities this
year. Touch base with me on this. Thanks you.
Tuesday,October III 9:55 c
To: Henson,•
Subject: FW: 2010-2011 Aquatic • • •• •
From: - •• Christopher
Monday, October2010 1:40 PM
To: Edwards, Roger; Henson, Belinda; Krebs, Rob; Smith, Danny; Hodge, Al; Shiver, Rick; Tedder, Steve
Cc: Sullins, • - r • Moore, •Lopez,Dale; •I
Webb,Manning, 3eff +Glazier,••Carter,- • • Christopher
Subject: 2010-2011 Aquatic Toxicology Testing I
Attached please find the 2010-2011 request for aquatic toxicity testing. Test schedule restrictions for 2010-2011,
sampling instructions and lists of major permit holders by region are included.
As always, if you have any questions or comments please contact the Aquatic Toxicology Unit at 919-743-8401. Thank
you for your cooperation.
Christopher Ventaloro
NC Department of Environmental and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality - Aquatic Toxicology Unit
4401 Reedy Creek Roai
Raleigh, INIC .i
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be
disclosed to third parties.
DEQ-CFW 00007749