Sent: 8/3I/I0I75:I0:03PW1
To: Holman, Sheila [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group
CC: 6oyb,Julie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group
Subject: Re: New Hanover questions
Correct, the Nafion production process is mentioned in the application but the byproducts are not specifically
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Can you confirm the answer to number one asap?
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Begin forwarded message:
From: "VVhichao[Jordan"
Date: August 31,IOl7at1I:56:29PK8EDT
To: "Ho|man,Sheila"
Cc: "White, ]u|iaVV" "Mc@nney,William C"
, "Talley, NoeUeS"
Subject: New Hanover questions
Below are questions posed tuour office byWoody White. Heistrying tospeak with the
Governor prior to a 3:00 PM interview, but we believe a DEQ expert may be better
suited. Will you take a look atthe answers below and let me know what you think?
l. Are the Nafionproducts included onChemours'original (and renewal
a. d—[if !suppurtLbts]—»«!—[endU]—>No. the Nafion process was included in
the permit, but Nafionbyproducts 1and Jwere not mentioned specifically.
are they "unregulated"?
a. d—[if!suppurtLbts—»«!—[endU]—>N4the Na8unbyproducts are
3. Has the Governor asked Secretary Regan to issue a Notice of Violation for GenX,
similar compounds?
a. <!—[if !supportLbts —>x!—[endd]—>Yes. He has asked the Secretary to
explore all legal avenues for action, and the notice ofviolation and other
actions are under expedited legal review by the Department
4. Duthese new developments affect the NOV issue in any way?
a. <!—[if!supportLbts—><!—[endU]—>No. The department continues to
explore all legal options tostop the flow ofall potentially harmful
byproducts. Because ofthe lack ofany public health data available for
Nafionbyproducts land 2,and their elevated levels inthe Cape Fear River
that EPA has shared, DE{lhas urged [hemourutostop discharging these
byproducts out of an abundance of caution.
O.Jordan VVhichand |V
Director of Intergovernmental Affairs
Office ofGovernor Roy Cooper
20301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27GQA-O3O1
919-814-2036 direct
919-818-8085 mobile
<image001.jpg> Office of the Governor