HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00007587From: Goyt,Ju|ie [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=75D1654D45154C2A8BO859GA2C9AF282-JAGRZY8] Sent: 8/3I/I0I72:II:30PW1 To: Rodriguez, Teresa [Tcesa.Rodhguez@pncdencXov];Poupart,Jeff [jeff.poupart@ncdenr.gm4 Subject: FVV: Courtesy copy of news release from DEO Attachments: DEDDHHSSenXO831ZOI7docx;KEY POINTS —NON-TARGETED COMPOUNDS.docx FYI — Press Release on EPA report on test results for five compounds in Cape Fear at Chemours discharge and Sweeney finished water. Two additional (non -targeted) compounds found and did not trend down like GenX and vinyl ethers First attachment — DEQ Press release EMBARGOED: State urges company to stop additional chemical discharges into the Cape Fear River DEQ again demands Chemours provide complete list of chemicals in company's waste stream From: Kritzer, Jamie Sent: Thursday, August 31,2U17lO:lUAM To: Kimberly Fail <Kimber|y.Fail @ipaper.00m> Cc: Goyb,Julie ^ju|ie.grzyb0Dncdenr.8ov> Subject: FVV: Courtesy copy of news release from DEC\ Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 519-707-8602 01111461 PA�0� �a� m���i, t6,�� aw/mnd/nay�wo�x�n��dynhhkdpmnO�n� From: Kritzer, Jamie Sent: Thursday, August 31,ZU179:59AM Cc: Kritzer, Jamie Jamie Kritzer Communications Director i-p.rtment of EnvironmentalQuality r •'+; 11110010 k. , . E ,.._ _ ,. „_ �. _ �. J E t 11. ,. From: Kritzer, Jamie To: L€r� oln.Ler€ z er e,„o , €narrac€ni.davinai@e a.gov; €ti .Lr €ly e a, oy; Lm.flechtne€ cfpua,org, eth.. cke t�f E. € z; d. r ft 2 a l -..0 ; pn.�, �:ionald.dixo€ c'Dk)runswick(:oumroc, €:� ; r �r acl �� €der :or r t roc, � ; 'kimberly.fail@ipaper.com; €Malissa,tal ertrb-)wilrr.i€igtonaLgoy; icl€ rd.I�ir� :;dF ll ilk t l l c:.€x .; rJ :c. c3 zs it .l .€x c:: x ............ ................................... x. cr€ss.Darr€ lsor�@b,ru€ swic. coL�ntynL o�l; dwid.stanle @,brunsvvlckcou€�t ,nc.gooy; u€.. �n.a�blader�co o€ , d oZ ......k�lt�d€�€�cu urn, wwhitel' ni-iov.com; n,aver @tuwnofkureheach.or ; €-nichael.cranie€-@carolinabeacf-�,or ; ptarte� nhc ;o .co€ ; Li€ dsey. alluck@cf E a.or ; jloeper@nhcsov.com; ccoudrlet@nhcgov.conI; ruodruff@ er�dercount n�. oY; Kritzer, Jamie Culpepper, Linda <lirida.col:,oe er@ncdenr.iYov>; Munger, Bridget <hridpet.rr:uripe€'Cq fricdcrir.jsov>; Lucas, Jill M <Jill. Lucas� ncdenr.2ov>; 'John Nichols'<.Iohn.Nict'€ol,.3@hrEAnswickcointy ,E2y> ................................................................................................. Subject: Courtesy copy of news release from DEQ Please see the embargoed news release and key points about today's announcement. Hope this information is helpful. Jamie Kritzer Communications Director Department of Environmental Quality a19-707-8602 i U0111► DEQ-CFW 00007588 DEQ-CFW 00007589