HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00006863What are the health effects of the compounds in the EPA's report? We don't have enough scientific information about these compounds to know if the levels report by the EPA are a risk to human health. GenX is the only one of these emerging compounds for which we have enough information tomake ahealth statement. Will DHHS set a health goal for the compounds in the EPA's report? How long will it take? While we know it's frustrating, DHHS does not have enough scientific information about the compounds in the EPA's report to set any health goals at this time. DHHS is working with the EPA, CDC and other scientists to get more information about these compounds as quickly as possible. |snmywater safe to drink? We have not changed any ofour recommendations. Levels ofGenX have been decreasing and are below the health goal established by DHHS. Based on these results and results ofroutine testing for other contaminants, our current recommendation is that you can continue to drink the water. We do recognize that there are concerns about other compounds for which health effects are unknown. We are working with the EPA and other scientists to understand the possible health effects as quickly as possible. Our goal is to provide the best information available in a timely manner so people can make decisions for themselves and their families. Should |consider other sources for mydrinking water? Possible health impacts ofthese compounds — which are currently unknown — should bebalanced against the health risks of using water from unregulated source* that could contain known toxins like lead, mercury and arsenic. Can the health goal for GenX beapplied tothe compounds inthe EPA^sreport? There is not enough information to know whether the health goal calculated for GenX is appropriate for any of the other compounds included in the EPA report. Our staff are working closely with federal agencies to help answer this question, and we will share information as soon as it's available. Would you drink the water? If not, why? This is an individual decision and our goal is to provide information so you can make an informed decision for yourself and your family. Is it safe for me to give my pet water? What are the long-term impacts for them of drinking the We are not advising pet owners to refrain from giving water to their pets. I'm mlivestock farmer, isitsafe to give the water to my [chickens, turkeys, hogs]? We are not advising that farmers not give water to their chickens, turkeys or hogs. VVedonot have any information tusuggest that these compounds will get into the food supply. |sitsafe for nmetomix noVbabysformula with the local water? VVedon't have enough scientific information tobeable toset ahealth goal. This isanindividual decision. Possible health effects should be balanced against the health risks ofusing water from DEQ and DHHS are working with the EPA and the CDC to learn everything we can about these compounds. It is likely that little will be known, but xvewill let you know any developments in this area 0many oJthese compounds cause cancer? We examined the cancer rates as reported in the state's Central Cancer Registry, to determine if there are existing patterns of increased cancer rates in counties that receive drinking water from the lower [ape Fear River. Results do not point to any consistent trends in counties that get their water from the lower [ape Fear. Overall the results are what xvewould expect to see looking at multiple types of cancer in multiple counties, with some rates below and above the state rate. Should I purchase a water filtration system for my house to remove the GenX from my water? We are not recommending that you purchase a water filtration system. Although preliminary studies suggest that certain types of filtration are more effective than others for removal of GenX and related compounds from drinking water, these findings have not yet been published or reviewed.