HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00006859From: Holman, Sheila [/D=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=94A]F69674D34B7G9B3BD834A97105C5-SCHOLN1AN] Sent: 8/30/I0I710:46:20AW1 To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=cee93c49d01445a3b541bb3Z7dcdc84O-jbkritzer]; Culpepper, Linda [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=73d475cbae3Z4a29687eI7IIdc9a79c5'|mcu|pepper] Subject: Fw: Water sampling issue Attachments Internal 8Aclean IOpmdocx I took a stab at a couple of answers to Mandy's list below. Linda, can you fill in for numbers 1-3? Sheila Holman NCDEQ 1601 Mail Service Center Email correspondence to and from this address iusubject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by aLn1ue or other regulation. ************************************************************************** Sent: Tuesday, August J9 2017959PK4 To: Talley, NoeUeS;Regan, Michael S Cc: White, Julia W; Holman, Sheila; Eudy, Ken; Tarr, Jeremy M; Adcock, Brad; Kritzer, Jamie; Mackey,Chris;VVhidhan, Jordan; Miller, Anderson; Benton, Mark; Jones, Kristi Governor's Office; Young, Christen Unke Subject: RE: Water sampling issue Chris has the pen onthe press release. Attached isastart onthe CIA for review that mostly speaks tothe health side (and lack of scientific info). Below are some additional questions that|vvou|dsu8ges vveput together answers for before the press release goes out (thanks to mark for brainstorming these — there are likely others we may want to add) 1. What are the uses of Nafion? 2. Do we know how long Chemours or it's predecessor, Dupont, has been manufacturing Nafion? 3. What can you tell usabout the two NaDon byproducts: what are their chemical names and molecular structure, and are they chemically similar toGenX? 4. Did DEQ or DHHS ask the EPA to analyze the water samples for these two compounds? Ifnot, why did the EPA toss I like our question 4 in the Q&A sent out by Jamie yesterday afternoon. 5. When did Nafion byproduct 1 or 2 appear on the radar screen for either DEQ or DHHS? How about the EPA? DEQ learned that EPA was analyzing for the Nafion byproducts 1 and 2 around August 11 when EPA sent over a document identifying the S compounds that they would have estimates of concentration to present to the state later in the month. EPA had included the two compounds inastudy in2U15. 6. How long did DEQ give Chemours to stop discharging the Nafion byproducts into the Cape Fear River? And what will be the State's next step if Chemours refuses to do so? DEQ requested the company reduce or eliminate the discharge of the Nafion byproducts in a letter sent to the company onAugust Z9,2O17. DEQ will explore all options available to the agency for addressing these new compounds. 7. Did the EPA give an estimate on how long it will take to complete any of it's next steps? EPA expects to send a report to DEQ covering the five compounds at the two locations (Chemours and Sweeney Treatment Plan) bythe end ofthis week. DE{lwill post the report onthe xvebsite. EPA expects a full analysis of all compounds and all locations to take several weeks or months. The agency focused on the compounds estimated to be present in concentrations equal to or greater than GenX. The remaining compounds are expected tobeatmuch lower concentrations. DEO: In person: Sheila Holman, Linda Culpepper, Michael Scott, Sandy Mort, Cyndi Karoli, Chris Johnson, Dana Satterwhite, Bridget Munger, Sarah Young Onthe phone: Julie Grzyb,Jamie Kritzer 9. What steps have been taken by DEQ and DHHS since Monday's meeting? D8Q requested Chemours to evaluate all measures available to reduce or eliminate the discharge of the Nafion 10. For families who are hooked to a municipal water supply, do you recommend they drill for a well? From: Talley, Noe||eS Sent: Tuesday, August 29 20179:53PK4 To: Regan, Michael S<K4ichaeiRe8an@ncdenr.8ov>;Cohen, Mandy <Mandy.[ohen@dhhs.nc.8ov> Cc: White, Julia VV^1u|ia.vvhite@nc.8ov>;Holman, Sheila <shei|a.ho|man@ncdenr.gov>;Eudy,Ken xken.eudy@nc.8ov>; Tarr, Jeremy M"jeremy1arr@nc.8ov>;Adcock, Brad <brad.adcock@ncBou`;Kritzer, Jamie ^jamie.kritzer@ncdenr.8ov>; Mackey, Chris <Chris. Mackey@dhhs.nc.0ov>;VVhichard,Jordan "Jordan.VVhichard@nc8ov»;Miller, Anderson xanderson.miUer0Dncdenr.8ov>;Benton, Mark <Mark.Benton @dhhsoc.gov>;Jones, Kristi Governor's Office <Kristi]ones@nc.gov>;Young, Christen Linkex[hristen.Linke.Young@dhhs.ncBov> Subject: Re: Water sampling issue I sent some edits from our office to Jamie and Chris a little while ago. Jamie can you take the lead on combining the various edits being sent and circulate a revised draft first thing tomorrow? I think we should anticipate both Michael and Mandy being available tomorrow afternoon by phone for follow up questions ifneeded. From: Regan, Michael S Sent: Tuesday, August 29,2U179:4426PM To: Cohen, Mandy Cc: White, Julia W; Holman, Sheila; Eudy, Ken; Talley, Noelle S; Tarr, Jeremy M; Adcock, Brad; Kritzer, Jamie; Mackey, Chris; VVhichard,Jordan; Miller, Anderson; Benton, Mark; Jones, Kririi Governor's Office; Young, Christen Unke Subject: Re: Water sampling issue FYI ... We made contact with the company this afternoon via telephone and also sent a letter. The plan istodoapress release tomorrow, so | don't think vvewill be doing press call or at least no one has discussed that option with me thus far so|might beout ofthe loop. Jamie and NoeUe? I have asked my legislative director Andy Miller to coordinate with Brad on outreach strategy and the goal is to do ERC member outreach tomorrow morning around 10 am. Very high level touch points. |'|| likely follow up with a few members later in the day, but asked Andy to do the initial outreach. Lets touch base first thing in am on coordinating GA outreach. Sent from my iPhone Press release and internal CIA should be coming back to you from Chris any minute. Want toconfirm that the timeline below isstill accurate. What time are you planning the press call uo| can rearrange myschedule? Best would be1pm'Jpmfor me. | will beinGo|dsborroatCherry Hospital Also — I would like to call a couple of the Members myself after the initial touch in the rollout plan below — so would be good to coordinate with whomever is making those calls. I will likely call Senator Lee and Rep McGrady .... but if you think I should connect with others, let me know. From: White, Julia W Sent: Tuesday, August 29 201712:54PK8 To: Regan, Michael S �[ohen,��andy ; Holman, Sheila Cc:Eudy Ken TaU��NoeUe� Tan�Jeremy �� �Adcock, Brad ; Kritzer, Jamie �K4ackey, Chris VVhichanj,]ordan �K8iUe�Anderson� ;8enton,K4ark ; Jones, Kristi Governor's Office Subject: Water sampling issue Thanks for everyone's work on this important issue. This is the schedule of eventsasvveunderstand it, soplease update ifitshould change orisinerror: Tuesday afternoon: Notification to company to discontinue discharge by telephone and letter (DEQ) Draft and edit public information regarding water sampling results (DEQ, OEQ-CFVV_00006861 Wednesday 10 a.m.-11 a.m.: Verbal notification on regularly scheduled call with local public health (DHHS) Wednesday 11:30 a.m. Notification to ERC, key legislators (Miller, Adcock) Wednesday 12-2 p.m.: Public release JULIA WHITE Deputy Chief of Staff Office of Governor Roy Cooper 20301 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-0301. Office: (919) 814-2114 Mobile: (984) 204-3253 <imageOOI.jpg> <image002.jpg> Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized State official. Unauthorized disclosure of juvenile, health, legally privileged, or otherwise confidential information, including confidential information relating to an ongoing State procurement effort, is prohibited by law. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete all records of this email. P DEQ-CFW-00006862