HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00006800|sthe water still considered safe todrink? People can drink their water. Remember, health information has not been developed about the chemicals that have been identified. Until we have sufficient health data, regulatory limits cannot be established. What did you find out about the other chemical compounds studied? EPA conducted a study of the other non-GenX compounds and identified three additional perfluorinated compounds and two other chemicals called Nafion byproduct one and Nafion byproduct two. Why doyou have partial results for the unregulated chemical compounds? EPA used a new methodology to identify and measure the concentration of the compounds. Using a process, known as mass spectrometry, EPA determined that four of the original 12 compounds were higher in concentration and decided to focus on those compounds first. The EPA indicates that they intend to study other the unregulated chemicals identified in the Sung et al. paper in the future. We do not have results for the other eight. Why are mwejust now hearing about this NafimnI and 2 byproduct? The Nafion byproducts were not included in the report and not part of the state's request for analysis. But the EPA studied them because it had identified them in one of its earlier studies. What are the are health impacts from these new chemicals? There is not enough health data to determine a health goal like there was for GenX. How long has Chenmours been discharging these chemicals? Information about the chemicals included in Chemours' waste stream, including those materials identified in EPA's recent analysis, is part of what the state DEQ is investigating. Did their wastewater permit from DEQ allow them todischarge these chemicals? |fso, why? The chemicals recently identified and analyzed by the EPA are not included in the company's wastewater discharge permit because they are not regulated by the federal government or any states. What action is the state taking todetermine the potential impacts ofthese chemicals inour drinking water? As part ofits ongoing investigation, the N.C. Department ofEnvironmental Quality this week urged Chemours to stop discharging two newly identified unregulated compounds at its Fayetteville facility and called on the company to provide the state with a complete inventory of all the chemicals included in its waste stream. DEQ made those requests in a letter the state agency issued to Chemours Wednesday. DEQ and the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services have directed all available resources to investigate the presence of GenX in the Cape Fear River since June 19. DEO/s letter requests that [hemuuo stop the release of Nafion byproducts 1 and ltw/o chemicals that were identified at elevated levels in the company's waste stream. That analysis came about thanks to a new technology and methodology conducted by specialists with the Environmental Protection Agency's lab inResearch Triangle Park. DEQ also urged Chemours to provide the state agency with a complete inventory, sampling data and test results for all other chemicals included in the company's waste stream at the Fayetteville plant. DE{l will review all of the information the state agency has requested as it considers [hemoun/ application for a new wastewater discharge permit. |sChenmomsstill discharging these chemicals? The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality this week urged Chemours to stop discharging two newly identified unregulated compounds at its Fayetteville facility and called on the company to provide the state with a complete inventory of all the chemicals included in its waste stream. Thanks to the state's efforts, Chemours has stopped discharging GenX to the Cape Fear River. |sthe state going tostop them from discharging these chemicals? These are unregulated compounds and, as such, are not regulated by any state or the EPA. The state will make a request of the company and hope that the company does the right thing and stops discharging. Until we know more about the health impacts from the Nafion 1 and 2 byproducts, we are asking the company tostop discharging these compounds immediately and provide the state with information about all other unregulated chemicals in its waste stream. DE[\b investigating all aspects of[hemoun/ wastewater discharge permit and will use the findings of its investigation to determine any next steps, including any necessary enforcement action. Like GenX, the Nafion byproducts are unregulated chemical compounds and are not included in the company's permit. Similar to GenX, the state must have more data about the health effects of the chemicals before regulations can bedeveloped. EPA conducted its analysis for Chemours and the Sweeney finished water. For that question, you would need to ask EPA. OEQ-CFVV_00006801 Where can | find acopy ofEPA'sreport? EPA provided DEQ and DHHS with preliminary information. The federal agency informed us that they have not yet produced the full report. Doyou expect to find even more chemicals? There are two salient points here: No. 1, the state onWednesday urged [hemuurstu provide the state agency with a complete inventory, sampling data and test results for all other chemicals included in the company's waste stream at the Fayetteville plant. DE[lwill review all of the information the state agency has requested as it considers Chemours' application for a new wastewater discharge permit. No. J, EPA is continuing to work on a comprehensive report that will include non -targeted results at all locations (including Chemours and Sweeney) locations during the seven weeks of sampling. Is the state going 1mprovide analternate water supply? We believe atthis time the water is safe to drink. Until we know more about the health impacts from the Nafion I and 2 byproducts and out of an abundance of caution, we are asking the company to stop discharging these compounds immediately and provide the state with information about all other unregulated chemicals in its waste stream. Have chemicals been found inwell water? As part ofits investigation, DE{lis analyzing water samples collected in 14 monitoring wells on Chemours' property in Fayetteville. The results of that testing will inform decision making about any testing ofprivate wells inthe nearby area. |swell water safe todrink inthese areas? Well water is not regulated by the state. However, people who own and rely onwell water are encouraged to have their wells routinely tested. People should regularly test their well water, much as someone would change the oil intheir car. Dmyou plan tmsample wells around the Chenmoursfacility? As part ofits investigation, DE{lis analyzing water samples collected in 14 monitoring wells on Chemours' property in Fayetteville. The results of that testing will inform decision making about any testing ofprivate wells inthe nearby area. What dothe groundwater results show atthe Chernoursfaci|ity? Results are anticipated in 2-3 weeks.