HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00006671From: Miller, Anderson [/D=EXCHANGELAB5/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=GAA0GC217O574O7GAFAOAOGADA8860EAf\K8|LLER2O Sent: 8/25/I0I74:07:58PW1 To: Culpepper, Linda [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=73d475cbae3Z4aI9687e171Idc9a79c5'|mcu|pepper] Subject: FVV:Bernard Allen Fund/6enX/VVeUTesting. R. Anderson Miller Legislative Affairs Director North Carolina Department of Environmental quality (9I9) 8I7-08I7 anderson.miller@ncdenr.gov 217 west 3nnes street 1601 mail service center Raleigh, wc 27699 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ---original message --- prom: Rep. Pricey Harrison [mailto:Pricey.xarrisnn@ncleg.net] Sent: Friday, August 25' 20I7 I2:07 Pm To: 'Beth pmrkesinn' <bethamarkesino@/ahno.com, Cc: Rep. Deb Butler <oeb.autler@ncleg.net`; jaimehunt208@gmail.cum; gallagherkml@gmail.com; Hope Taylor /hope@cwfnr.org~; miller, Anderson /anderson.miller0ncdenr.gov> subject: Bernard Allen pund/oenx/well Testing. we have had a hard time finding adequate funding for well contamination, and I think it will be difficult to find additional funding to expand the program to include surface water contamination (with the current party in charge of oc0's budget), but it sure makes sense to look into it for low income North Carolinians. z am confounded why chemours is not paying for this alternative water supply. z raised the airborne issue during the snC hearing and it certainly makes sense to test *ells in the area. z am copying oe0 staff for feedback on that request. Andy- what do we need to do to get wells tested in the affected area? Finally, z have copied Hope Taylor' executive director of clean water for NC, who is a terrific resource and advocate on all matters relating to clean water. Thanks Pricey -----original message ----- From: Beth Markesino [mailtn:bethamarkesino@yahno.com] Sent: Friday, August 25' 2017 1I:45 Am To: Rep. Pricey Harrison Cc: Rep. Deb Butler; jaimehunt208Ngmail.cnm; gallagherkml@gmail.cum; Hope Taylor subject: Re: wc statute 87-98 Is there any way we can amend this fund to include all water contamination? we believe that c8 is airborne' from the testing that has been done, thus could be in our *ells. could we have some *ells in the area tested during the osQ next water testing? If it is concluded that our wells are contaminated, will we then qualify for the grant? Beth A. markesino > on Aug 24' 2017' at 1I:08 pm' Rep. pricey Harrison <Pricey.xarrisonNnc]eg.net> wrote: � OEQ-CFVV_00006671 ^ z double checked with osQ staff this afternoon and it appears that there is about $350,000 in the fund. But as staff noted in the earlier email' it is limited to groundwater contamination with a needs -based test. ' , Thanks all ^ Pricey � , Rep. pricey Harrison , District 57 , 12I8 Legislative Building ^ Pricey.xarrisonNncleg.net * 9I9-753-5771 ' ' ^ ---original message--- • From: Rep. Deb Butler • sent: Thursday' August 24. 2017 9:20 pm , To: Rep. pricey Harrison , cc: Beth Markesinn; jaimehunt208@gmail.com; gallagherkml@gmail.com; ^ Hope Taylor • subject: Re: wc statute 87-98 � , Thanks Representative Harrison and staff for tracking down this information. z am disappointed in the answer' but not surprised. z appreciate your efforts ^ > Best regards' ' , sent from my iphone ' >, on Aug 24' 20I7' at I1:52 xm' Rep. Pricey Harrison /pricey.xarrison0nrleg.net, wrote: ,^ It appears that the GOP cut off the regular source of funding for the emergency water supply. Deb and z will see if we can learn anything more. ^' >, Thanks ,> pricey ^, sent from my iphone ,^ Begin forwarded message: ,> From: "Eric Moore (Fiscal Research)" ^, <sric.pmure@ncleg.net<mailtn:sric.wmnreNncleg.net,> >, TO: "Rep. pricey Harrison" z, <pricey.xarrison@ncleg.net<mailtu:Pricey.xarrisonNncleg.net^,' x, ^zeffrey Hudson (Legislative Analysis)" ,> <3effrey.xudsonWncleg.net<mailto:3effrey.xudsnn@ncleg.net>, >, cc: ^3ennifer McGinnis (Legislative Analysis)" >, /3ennifer.mcGinnis@ncleg.net<mailto:zennifpr.McGinnis@mcleg.net,>' ,^ ^Mariah Matheson (Legislative Analysis)" ,> <Mariah.mathesonWmcleg.net<mailtn:mariah.nathesnn@ncleg.net>,. ^, "Lanier Mcnee (Fiscal Research)" >, <Lanier.mcxee0nrleg.net/mailto:Lanier.mcReewncleg.net,>' "William >, Childs (Fiscal Research)" ,> <william.childs@ncleg.net/mailto:william.childsNncleg.net~, ,> subject: RE: mc statute 87-98 ^' >, Rep. Harrison, '^ ,> z have attached two files: >, I. A history of the Bernard Allen fund since 2007-08 (when the budget code was established for it). » x, Z. os0's most recent report on the use of the fund. >, It looks like most of the current use of the fund is to pay for l position and contracted lab services to evaluate the water quality in private wells. '^ ,> please let me know if z can provide any other information. ^' >, Eric » >, Eric Moore >, Fiscal Analyst x, Agriculture, Natural, & Economic Resources Team Fiscal Research ,> Division | North Carolina General Assembly ^, 919-7]]-49I0 >, sric.moore@ncleg.net<mailto:sric.mwore0ncleg.net, '^ ,> From: Rep. pricey Harrison ,> sent: Thursday' August 24. 2017 ll:ll xn ^, TO: 3effrey Hudson (Legislative Analysis) >, cc: 3ennifer McGinnis (Legislative Analysis); mariah Matheson ,^ (Legislative Analysis); Lanier mcaee (Fiscal Research); Eric Moore ,> (Fiscal Research) ^, subject: Re: mc statute 87-98 >, Thanks all '^ ,> sent from my iphnne ^' >, on Aug 24' 20I7' at 9:40 Am' 3effrey Hudson (Legislative Analysis) <3effrey.xudsnn@ncleg.net<mailtn:3effrey.xudsnnWncleg.net,> *rote: ,> pricey' ^, our colleagues in Fiscal Research would be able to provide the funding history for the Bernard Allen Fund. I have copied them. '^ ,> 3eff >, From: Rep. pricey Harrison >, sent: Wednesday, August Z], 2017 11:03 pn ,^ To: zaime Hunt ,> cc: bethamarkesino&yahoo.rom<mailto:bethamarkesino0yahoo.com,; ^, zeffrey Hudson (Legislative Analysis); zennifer McGinnis (Legislative >, Analysis); mariah Matheson (Legislative Analysis) >, subject: Re: wc statute 97-98 ,> Thanks for attending today's meeting and for your comments. ^' >, As z recall' the Bernard Allen fund was set up to provide funding for testing suspected contaminated water and providing alternative water supplies. we established a steady {albeit modest) source of funding for the program but z lost track of what happened to the fund when the oop took over. ^, z am copying our research team for an update. ,^ 3eff' zennifer, and mariah, do you all have any insight? Thanks much! ,> pricey >, sent from my iphone '^ ,> on Aug Z], 2017, at 7:59 PM, 3aime Hunt <jaimehunt209@gmail.cnm<mailto:jaimehunt208@gmail.com>, wrote: ^, Good evening Representative Harrison, >, z appreciate your attendance and introduction today. z have copied Beth Mine-narkesinn on this e- mail; she is the founder of the Wilmington stop aenx In our water pacebook group. ^, z asked about the statute 87-98 today, on behalf of Beth. ,^ please advise on how we can enforce this statute for the cape pear region. ,> Any help would be greatly appreciated. >, sincerely yours. '^ ,> 3aime M. Hunt ^, 3aimexunt208Ngmail.cnm^mailtu:3aimexunt208@gmail.com, >, 910-200-1266 r >, 638 castine way ,^ Wilmington mc 28412 ,> <oernard Allen Fund xistory.pdf, ^, <aernard-Allen-cmerg-orink-water-neport_FY16_20I6-09-29.pdf, DEQ-CFW 00006674