Sent: 8/22/I0I75:36:45PW1
To: TonyW1cEwen [Tony.Mc[wen@wi|minXtonnc.gov];AUenbach,Becky [Al|enbach.Becky@pepa.gm]
Subject: RE: Federa|/State/Loca|Government Gen XUpdate
Great | believe Becky isready tohelp inany way needed aswell.
Thank you.
Deputy Director
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina DepahmentufEmhrnnmema|Quality
1611Mai|Service Center
From: Tony McEvven[naiho]ony.McEvven@»wi|min0tunncgov
Sent: Tuesday, August JZ,JO171:31PK4
To: Culpepper, Linda <|inda.cu|pepper@ncdenr.8ov>
Cc: 'John _mcdona|d��burr.senate.0ov'«]ohn_moduna|d��burr.uenate.gov>;'Ruth RavitzSmith'
kh <ruthsm@nhcgov.com>
Subject: RE: Fecleral/State/Local Government Gen X Update
Weare happy toinitiate it, Last Ileft itwith EPA isthat they were going toget back with us. Iwas planning onfollowing
upwith them inthe coming days.
For our purposes, the County Commission Chairs from our area and our Mayor were hoping to get: something monthly
that may not be so data/science heavy but can have a monthly conversation that revolves more around general updates
and ability for them toraise any issues mrconcerns. Generally speaking, unelected official level call.
�ony McEtvven
From: Culpepper, Linda
Sent: Tuesday, August JJ,Z0171:Z1PK4
To: Webster, Timothy ] Mackey, Chris ; Staley, Danny
<Danny.Stale,�@dl-�l-�s,nc.,gov>; Benton, Mark <N1ark.BentonPdhhs.nC.gov>; Holman, Sheila
Kritzer, Jamie
Cc: McDonald, John (8unh Mingledurff,Towers (TiUiu)
Miller,Subject: RE: Federal/State/Local Government Gen X Update
Participation inthe weekly conference calls has been limited, uothe consensus ofparticipants has been toshift to
monthly conference call updates.
TunyK8cEvven—p|eaue|etusknuvvifyouw/ou|d|iketoinidateamonth|younfevencecaUupdate orifthe City uf
Wilmington would like DE[\todoso.
VVeare glad tohelp inany manner.
Linda Culpepper
Deputy Director
Division wWater Resources
North Carolina DepadmentnfEnvironmental Quality
1611Mail Service. CenLer
----- Original Appointment ---
Fromn:Webster, Timothy ]
Sent: Friday, July Il,2U173:OZPK4
To: Webster, Timothy J;Mackey, Chris; Staley, Danny; Benton, Mark; Culpepper, Linda; Holman, Sheila;
� Kritzer, Jamie;
Cc: McDonald, John (8urr); MinB|edorff,Towers (TiUis); Miller, Anderson
Subject: Federal/State/Local Government Gen X Update
When: Tuesday, August 22,2Ol71:DOPK8'1:3OPK4(UTC'U5:OD)Eastern Time (US &[anada).
Where: (6OS)472'S7Z8Code: 997359
E-mail correspondence toand from this address issubject nothe North Carolina Public Records Law and may