Sent: 8/27/I0I48:53:23PW1
To: Culpepper, Linda Db=NCK8A|L/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group
(FYD|8DHFZ33PDLT)/cn=Recipient$cn=|indazu|pepped;Wilkins, Mark [/o=NCMA|L/ou=ExchangeAdministrative
CC: K8oarty,Bud [/h=NCW1A|L/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF23SPDO)/cn=Recipient$cn=bud.mccarty]
Subject: R[: DuPont cost estimate comparison
Nothing here, thanks,
From: Culpepper, Linda
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 4:06 PM
To: Wilkins, Mark; Woosley, Julie
Cc: Mccarty, Bud
Subject: RE: DuPont cost estimate comparison
Thanks for the details on t�he 2"' page, Mark.
Julie — I do not have any further questions. Anything on Your end?
From: Wilkins, Mark
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 3:49 PM
To: Culpepper, Linda; Woosley, Julie
Subject: DuPont cost estimate comparison
Attached. The details/descriptions for each task are now listed on page 2 of the document.
Please delete the previous version of the cost estimate comparison. When | was going through the document to add
descriptions of what was included under each task, I realized I had put the wrong costs in for a couple of tasks under the
risk based vemediationestimate. This isthe correct version.
Let meknow ifyou have questions orxvanttota|kaboutthb.Aod|etmeknoxvabouthzrmmrdin8toMitch.|be|ievehe
would only be interested in the first page.
Mark Wilkins, Hydrogeo|ogist
NC Hazardous Waste Section
I17VV.Jones St.
Raleigh, NCI76O3
Mailing Address:
Ms. Julie VVomdeKChief
NCHazardous Waste Section
1545Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NCZ7599-1646
Attn: Mark Wilkins
E-mail correspondence toand from this address may besubject tothe
North Carolina Public Records Law and may bpdisclosed tothird parties.