HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00004703Communications Scan News releases, media advisories + other publications * DWR's Jeff Manning and Connie Brower served as panel speakers at the Association of Clean Water Administrator's Annual Meeting in Burlington, Vt. Jeff presented on impaired waters listing innovations and recommendations for national improvements. Connie moderated speakers from EPA Headquarters discussing nutrients and harmful algal blooms. Connie was also presented with the "Young Professionals Award" for her work and involvement with numerous special committees and groups tackling water quality topics. 0 Registration is currently open for DWR's upcoming SWITC stream training class planned for Oct. 3 1 -Nov. 3. Learn more: https://www.bae.ncsu.edu/workshops-coiiferences/switc/ DEQ events this week Aug. 25-28: Danny Smith from DWR's Raleigh Regional Office will attend a FEMA community design workshop that will bring together teams of planters, engineers and others to collaborate with local, state and federal officials to develop scenarios for a new 52 -acre tract of land that the state intends to buy. The event was planned in response to flooding the town experienced due to Hurricane Matthew, the second time in less than 20 years that a flood nearly wiped out the town. Aug. 28: The Division of Waste Management will be meeting with EPA on Aug. 28 at 9 a.m. to discuss surface water lab data regarding Chemours. Aug. 31, 10 a.m.: DWR's Operator Certification Program staff will administer exams to 377 candidates in the areas of cross connection control, distribution, surface treatment and well treatment. Exams will be conducted in Raleigh, Morganton and Snow Hill concurrently. Sept. 1: Kim Colson, Division of Water Infrastructure director, will speak at the 2017 North Carolina Rural Water Association Leadership Summit, an event geared toward decision -makers in water and wastewater. Location: Hilton Wilmington Riverside, Wilmington Sept. 7: The U.S. EPA will hold a one -day workshop designed to bring together water utility staff and emergency services personnel to discuss concerns and priorities during a water outage incident. The workshop will take place September 7"' at the Division of Emergency Management's main office at 1636 Gold Star Drive in Raleigh, from 8:30 a.m. — 3:30 p.m. Sept. 10-14: DEMLR staff will be attending the Association of State Dam Safety Officials Annual Conference and Training Session in San Antonio, TX Sept. 12: DWM/Solid Waste staff members Corinne Law and Connie Wylie will be holding New Septage Operators Training Sept. 12. Sept. 12 — 13: The DWM/Hazardous Waste Section will be hosting a Hazardous Waste Organic Air Emissions training Sept. 12-13 in the Research Triangle Park. Sept. 13-14: DWM staffers Ellen Lorscheider (Solid Waste Section chief) and Bruce Nicholson (Brownfields Program Manager) will be presenting at. the Environmental Management Commission Sept. 13 and 14. Sept. 11 — 15: The divisions of Waste Management. and Environmental Assistance and Customer Service staff will be presenting at. the Compost Council Training Sept. 11 -15. Sept. 20: State Water Infrastructure Authority meeting. Sept. 20 — 22: DAQ is hosting the Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies (AAPCA) 2017 Fall Business Meeting in Raleigh. Location: Doubletree by Hilton Raleigh (Brownstone -University). Registration opens soon. The meeting will include open sessions for all interested participants and closed sessions limited to AAPCA members and governmental attendees. Sept. 26: The DWM/Underground Storage Tank Section's staff will participate in a stakeholders meeting with the Petroleum and Convenience Marketers Association Sept. 26. Sept. 27-28: The Coastal Resources Commission will meet in Wilmington. Location to be determined. Sept. 29: Due date for applications for the spring round of water and wastewater infrastructure funding offered through the Division of Water Infrastructure. Applicants may access an instructional PowerPoint presentation. used in seven recent training sessions conducted statewide, at the following link: lnttp://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_library/get file?uuid=0fc6lc8l- 5le2-44e2-b474-840318ba2377&groupld=14655572. Oct. 3 — 4: DWM staff will be attending the EPA Region IV State Directors meeting in Decatur, Georgia, Oct. 3 -4. Oct. 10-11: Division of Water Infrastructure's Kim Colson and Francine Durso will be speakers at the Water & Finance Management Journal's 2017 Water Asset Management Conference in Boston. The Water Asset Management Conference gathers CEOs, directors, general managers, asset managers and other decision makers of water, wastewater and stormwater utilities for a two-day discussion around challenges and strategic management solutions for water infrastructure. Additions/corrections: jghn.1ucey,@ncdenr.&ov or 919-707-8604 ......... . DEQ-CFW-00004703 Oct. 26:Division ofWater Infrastructure will convene uFundcr's Forum, uquarterly meeting ofall water and sewer infrastructure fundemin the state, at the N.C. Rural Economic Development Center, 4021 Carva Drive, Raleigh. Oct. 31:Division nfWater Infrastructure's deadline for uCommunity Development Block Grant- Infrastructure program targeting 46 Hurricane Matthew -impacted counties with critical water and sewer infrastructure needs. The program will also fund resiliency projects that will prevent flooding infuture storm events. (Original deadline was Sept. 29.has been extended mOct. 3|.) Nov{:Division ofWater Infrastructure's deadline for applying for the Community Development Block Grant -Infrastructure pmgram'o school water and sewer infrastructure funding. (For more information, see: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wi/�dbg-i-public- schools -infrastructure) Nov 7-W:The Coastal Resources Commission will meet u1the Hilton Dnubletrecin Atlantic Beach. News Articles NCDEDsays GenXlevels remain below state health goal emain'be|ow-st te-hea|thigoa| Facts, fictions and unknowns: What vmlearned atthe legislature's GenXheuring Nttpc//pu|se.ncpo|icywatch.org/2O17/O8/Z4/facts-fictions' unknovvn*|earned-|egis|atunes-genx'heuring/ Gov. Cooper keeps aclose eye onGenXwater investigation ,tours water treatment plant http://www.wectzom/story/36III696/Xov-roy-coopepkeeps-a' dose-eye-on'Xen»*mtepinvestigation-tours+yateptreatment-p|ant INC politicians probe unregulated chemical inwater supply Nttp://wuncor&/post/nc-po|ibdans-probe'unreXu|ated-chemica|- watepsupp|y Trump administration disbands climate chanue advisory panel, http://wuncorg/post/rump-administratiun-disband*dimate- The Mi|hory'sBattle Against Climate Change Nttp://wunc.org/post/mi|bary~s-batt|e-against-dimate- chanXe#stream/O Bonner Bridge Project OnTrack For November Completion Nttp://wunc.org/post/bonnepbridge-pn4ect-track-november- comp|etion#stneam/O Sound Rivers New Executive Director Chosen https://www.coastaIreview.org/2017/08/new-sound-rivers- exec utive-d i recto r-c h osen/ Homeowners near coal ash ponds file suit against Duke http://www.wr |.com/homemwnens-neapcoa|-ash-ponds-fi|esuit- a0ainst'duke/I6899589/ State Lawmakers Meet inWilmington mDiscuss GenX http://www.wi|mingtonbiz.com/more_news/2017/08/23/state_mw Lawmakers travel toWilmington for hearing onGenX https:Hnsjon|ine.com/artide/2OI7/08/lawmakers-tram|-to- vvi|mington-fophearing-on-genx-in-cape4eapriver/ NCpoliticians probe unregulated chemical inwater supply http://www.wr |.com/nc-pn|hician*probe-unreXu|ated'chemica|-in- water-supp|y/169O0273/ Public demands answers on GenX from INC lawmakers http://wncn.com/2Ol7/O8/23/pub|ic'demand*answpns-un-genx' Lawmakers meet for four hours todiscuss GenX http://www.wect.com/stor03G2O3735/luvvnnakens-meet-for-four- hours-to-discuss-genx Solar farm generates excitement http://www.fayobsenmccom/news 2O170D22/so|ar-furm-generatesexcitement - Repub|ic5ervicespuUsthep|ugon|pachmeaerosn|bationtes program http://pu|seocpo|icywu/zhorg/2017/O8/22/r pub|ic-services-puUs- p|ug'|euchute'ueroso|izudon-test-pnogram/#sthush.rEt347Ovxdpbs Laws inthe background ofthe SenXissue http://www.smithenvironment.00m/he'|aws-in-thebackground'of- thegenx-issue/ Are Chemours,DEOresponding tnrequests about toxic GenX? http://www.stamewsun|ine.com/news/2O170822/are-chpmouns- deq'responding'tu'nequests-about-toxic-genx Wilmington demands clean water, clean EPA http://www.newsobsemeccom/opinion/op- ed/urtide168628012.htm| Thousands urge Virginia governor tostop natural-gas pipeline plan Court decision out ofDCcould portend trouble for Atlantic Coast Pipeline http://pu|seocpo|icywatch.org/IO17/O8/%I/court-dedsion-dc' portend-troub|e-at|antic'coast-pipe|ine/#shash.ypT8RXTtdpbs Brunswick County hears options ontoxic GenX http://www.mornewoon|inezom/news/ZOI7O8Z1/brunmvick' county~hears-opbons-on-toxic'genx Michael Lee proposal would give state money toCFpUA,not DEQ EPA Announces Appointment ofTrey Glenn toRegion 4 Nttp://portzitydai|ycom/2OI7/O8/2]/wiU-2,5-miUion'in-f� undingo' Administrator ht�psgnv/nevvsrebsases/epa-announce�- to-and-agencies-nws' ' ' uppointment'trey'gksnn-negion-4'adminiytrator Additions/corrections: or919'7O7-OGU4 OPINION, And-oe8ulatory General Assembly hamo do0s water quality checks http://www.starnpwson|ineznm/npininn/2O1708Z2/opininn'anti' regu|atory-Denera|'assemb|y'hamstrings-watepqua|ity-checks GenX:Erin Departs, Battle Goes On WOW protests Sen. Mike Lee for second week http://www/wec .com/suory/36184373/wow'protests'sen'mike|ee- for-second-vmek N.C. lawmakers restart session for maps, vetoes See the proposed NCSenate map Nttp://www.newsobsenaccom/news/po|ibcs1govemment/po|bic* co|umn*b|ogs/undepthe'dome/artideI683I%34lhtm| Beachwater Bacteria Points to Pollution http://www.newsnbsemercnm/opininn/pdkoha|s/artidp168016982 Our View: More Questions Arising About Pipeline Nttp://www.faymbsenmccom/opinion/2017O82O/oupview'mon- questions'urising-about-pipe|ine Atlantic Coast Pipeline opponents give regulators anearful Nttp://wwwm/i|sontimes.com/suories/pipe|ine-opponent*gim- mgu|ators-an-earfu|,9Z8]9 SenXgroup holds run for clean water Nttp://wwwmec.com/story/36I76897/genx-group-ho|ds-run-for- c|ean+water Add idons/cornectons: or919'7O7-OGU4