HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_000042742L Groundwater Standards Process Stakeholders Workgroup
2L Rule Revision Recommendations
Existing EMC Rule for Developing North Carolina Groundwater Standards
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d) Groundwater quality standards for substances in Class GA and Class GSA groundwaters are established
as the least of:
(1) Systemic threshold concentration calculated as follows: [Reference Dose (mg/kg/day) x 70 kg
(adult body weight) x Relative Source Contribution (.10 for inorganics; .20 for organics)] / [2
liters/day (avg. water consumption)];
(2) Concentration which corresponds to an incremental lifetime cancer risk of IX10-6;
(3) Taste threshold limit value;
(4) Odor threshold limit value;
(5) Maximum contammant level; or
(6) National secondary drinking water standard.
(e) The following references, in order of preference, shall be used in establishing concentrations of
substances which correspond to levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule.
(1) Integrated Risk Information System (U.S. EPA).
(2) Health Advisories (U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water).
(3) Other health risk assessment data published by U.S. EPA.
(4) Other appropriate, published health risk assessment data, and scientifically valid peer -reviewed
published toxicological data.
Stakeholder 2L.0202 Initial Revision Recommendations —Presentation Order
Luanne Williams -presenter
Division of Public Health
Also supported by:
Sandra Moore
Division of Waste Management
Christine Wunsche — with qualification, see statement
d) Groundwater quality standards for substances in Class GA and Class GSA groundwaters are established
as the least of:
(1) Systemic threshold concentration calculated as follows: [Reference Dose (mg/kg/day) x 70 kg
(adult body weight) x Relative Source Contribution (.10 for inorganics; .20 for organics)] l [2
liters/day (avg. water consumption)];
(2) Concentration which corresponds to an incremental lifetime cancer risk of 1x10 6;
(3) Taste threshold limit value;
(4) Odor threshold limit value;
(6) National secondary drinking water standard.
(e) The following references, in order of preference, shall be used in establishing concentrations of
substances which correspond to levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule.
(1) Integrated Risk Information System (U.S. EPA).
(2) Health Advisories (U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water).
(3) Other health risk assessment data published by U.S. EPA.
(4) Other appropriate, published health risk assessment data, and scientifically valid peer -reviewed
published toxicological data.
DWQ Comment: The effect of this proposal would be that the FMC would use the exisiting process for
2L Standards except that Groundwater standards could be higher than Federal MCLs and
therefore less stringent.
DEQ-CFW 00004275
Mark Hollis - presenter
Duke Power
Also supported by:
Jerry Coker
Weyerhaeuser Inc Mr. Coker strongly supported comments submitted by Allark Hollis
and Preston Howard. "The NC EMC needs the flexibility in the groundwater rules to
consider more than the current rigid set of criteria when adopting a standard. The UIC
needs to consider the environmental, the economic, the social, and the health aspects of
the standards it adopts. "
(e) The following references, in order of preference, shall be used in establishing concentrations of
substances which correspond to levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule.
(1) Integrated Risk Information System (U.S. EPA).
(2) Health Advisories (U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water).
(3) Other health risk assessment data published by U.S. EPA.
(4) Other appropriate, published health risk assessment data, and scientifically valid peer -reviewed
published toxicological data.
DWQ Comment: The effect of this proposal would be that where there are MCLs, they would be
adopted as State Groundwater standards„ Relative Source Contributions would be calculated.
and the EMC would review technical,'health risk assessment data and economic data to
establish a standard other those derived from (d) (1) and (2).
Michael E. Johnson -presenter
DuPont Company
DEQ-CFW 00004276
(e) The following references, in order of preference, shall be used in establishing concentrations of
substances which correspond to levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule.
(1) Integrated Risk Information System (U.S. EPA).
(2) Health Advisories (U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water).
(3) Other health risk assessment data published by U.S. EPA.
(4) Other appropriate, published health risk assessment data, and scientifically valid peer -reviewed
published toxicological data.
DWQ Comment: The effect of this proposal would be that where there are lVfCIs, they would be
adopted as State Groundwater standards,.
Preston Howard -presenter
(1) Systemic threshold concentration calculated as follows: [Reference Dose (mg/kg/day) x 70 kg
(adult body weight) x Relative Source Contribution (.10 for inorganics; .20 for organics)] / [2
liters/day (avg. water consumption)];
(2) Concentration which corresponds to an incremental lifetime cancer risk of IXI0
(3) Taste threshold limit value;
(4) Odor threshold limit value;
(5) Maximum contarnmant level; or
(7) National secondary drinking water standard.
(1) Integrated Risk Information System (U.S. EPA).
(2) Health Advisories (U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water).
(3) Other health risk assessment data published by U.S. EPA.
(4) Other appropriate, published health risk assessment data, and scientifically valid peer -reviewed
published toxicological data.
DWQ Comment: The effect of this proposal would be to eliminate the "least of criteria in (d),
establish a policy that groundwater standards would not be higher that Federal MCLs (less
stringent) and eliminate the "order ofpreference criteria in (e).
Greg Bright
Wake County Department of Environmental Services
No changes in 21.0202 recommended
DEQ-CFW 00004278
Hope Taylor -Guevara -presenter
Clean Water for NC
Clean Water for NC believes that NC needs to preserve the "least of" approach to setting
groundwater standards and, where the AIC.L for a given compound is the most protective
of d (1-6), the 21, standard should not rise above that value for a period of 5 years of
iterative scientific review. Where an existing MCL, taste or odor threshold limit value or
a standard calculated from d) (1) or (2) using information in (e), is 75016 (0.75) or less of
the current NC 2L standard, the rules must include a mechanism to quickly implement the
"least of" standard, rather than waiting for a protracted rulemaking process.
d) Groundwater quality standards for substances in Class GA and Class GSA groundwaters are established
as the least of:
(1) Systemic threshold concentration calculated as follows: [Reference Dose (mg/kg/day) x 70 kg
(adult body weight) x Relative Source Contribution (.10 for inorganics; .20 for organics)] / [2
liters/day (avg. water consumption)];
(2) Concentration which corresponds to an incremental lifetime cancer risk of 1x10-6;
(3) Taste threshold limit value;
DEQ-CFW 00004279
(4) Odor threshold limit value;
(5) Maximum contaminant level; or
(e) The following references, in order of preference, shall be used in establishing concentrations of
substances which correspond to levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule.
(1) Integrated Risk Information System (U.S. EPA).
(2) Health Advisories (U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water).
(3) Other health risk assessment data published by U.S. EPA.
(4) Other appropriate, published health risk assessment data, and scientifically valid peer -reviewed
published toxicological data.
DWQ Comment: The effect of this proposal would be to add criteria to (d) to set a 5 year time frame
for adapting Groundwater Standards that are less stringent than Federal MCLs and to add a
criteria to require revision of Groundwater Standards more quickly when data become
available that indicates Groundwater Standards are not sufficiently protecting the public.
DEQ-CFW 00004280