HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00004127From: Moore, Sandra [SANDR&K8OORE] Sent: 7/I9/20106:58:15PN1 To: 8e|nickTom Dh=NCMA|L/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ3SPDLT)/cn=Redpients/cn=tom. belnicN CC: Brower, Connie [/6=NCK8A|L/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=connie.brower];Manning, Jeff [/o=NCMA|L/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHF235PDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=jef[manning] Subject: RE: Meeting with DuPont Available Dates &Times Tom' z am very interested in attending this meeting. z am available on the following dates. August zo August 20 August Zh August 27 August 30 Please note new e-mail address Sandra Moore State water Quality standards Co -coordinator Division of water Quality NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1617 mail service center' Raleigh, mc 27699-1617 sandra.moure@mcdenr.gnv (9I9) 807-64I7 Note: E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the worth Carolina public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ---original message --- prom: Brower, Connie Sent: Monday, 3uly 19, ZOlO 2:54 Pm TO: manning, zeff; Moore, Sandra subject: FW: meeting with DuPont - Available Dates & Times pvz - This is definitely a "cross -over" topic (mw and SW; owQ and owm!) Connie ---original message --- prom: oelnick' Tom Sent: Monday, 3uly 19, 2010 2:48 pm To: Henson, Belinda; chernikov' sergei; Brower, Connie Cc: puupart' zeff subject: pw: meeting with DuPont - Available Dates & Times Request for Meeting with DuPont/Fayetteville works NCO003573 (permit expires 10/31/2011): eelinda/sergei/connie- let me know if interested in attending. If yes' let me know available dates suggested by DuPont. Belinda- if you don't want to travel but want to be voiced in, let me know that 3eff- I'll check your schedule in your absence. Tom oelnick Supervisor, complex mposs permitting Unit wc oswn/oivision of water Quality 1617 mail service center, Raleigh, mc 27699-16I7 (919) 807-6590; fax (919) 807-6495 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the worth Carolina public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ---original message --- OEQ-CFVV_OOOO4127 Sent: Monday, zuly 19, 2010 2:23 pm To: oelnirk' Tom subject: meeting with DuPont - Available Dates Q Times Tom: Hello. It has been a lung time since we have talked. z see you are the supervisor of the wPoss Permitting unit' so congratulations on that new position. The DuPont company would like to have a meeting with mcocmn to discuss how the company is progressing on its goal to cease manufacturing PpoA at the Fayetteville works site by 20I5' and to discuss the ppov replacement compound that is being produced at the Fayetteville works site. The two divisions with the greatest interest in these topics would be ow0 because of (l) the current activity of the wc science Advisory Board to propose a permanent ZL standard for Prox' (Z) the DuPont - Fayetteville works' current monitoring requirement for proA on our mposs permit, and {]) general interest in the toxicology of the replacement compound; and the Division of waste Management {^owm^} because of {l} the current groundwater monitoring program for ppoA and (Z) general interest in the toxicology of the replacement compound. Therefore, z am attempting to schedule a joint meeting with DuPont, owV, and owm at a mutually convenient date, time, and location in Raleigh. From the owQ standpoint, z would think personnel from the wpocs unit would be appropriate because of the potential permitting subject matter' and personnel dealing with toxicology (Connie Brower and/or Sandra Moore) would be appropriate because of the 2L rule. obviously this meeting would be open to anyone in owQ that would have interest in these topics' such as cvleen Sullins. The dates when the DuPont personnel are available are: August 13 August 18 August ZO August 26 August 27 August 50 Please let me know which of the above dates (and times) that would be convenient for ow0' and z will work with owm to pin down a date' time, and location. Also give me an idea of the number of owQ personnel to expect to help with the meeting room. Thanks for your assistance. mike Michael E. 3ohnson Environmental manager DuPont company Fayetteville works (9I0) 678-I15S This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this e-mail' in whole or in part' is strictly prohibited. please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this e-mail from your system. unless explicitly and conspicuously designated as ^c-contract Intended", this e-mail does not constitute a contract offer, a contract amendment, or an acceptance of a contract offer. This e-mail does not constitute a consent to the use of sender's contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties. OEQ-CFVV_00004128 Francais Deutsch Italiano Espanol Portugues 3apanese Chinese Korean OEQ-CFVV_00004129