Sent: 4/30/2012 10:30:50 PM
To: Romanski, Autumn [/o=NCMAIL/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
CC: Hennessy, John [/o=NCMAIL/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
(FYD1 BO H F23SPDLT)/cn=Recip ients/cn =joh n. hen nessy]; Belnick, Tom [/o=NCMAIL/ou=Exchange Administrative
Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=tom.beinick]
Subject: RE: Sweeney WTP - Final copies for review
I reviewed your Sweeney final pennit and offer the following comments: - Julie
A. Reaardinf, whether it should be public noticed again. Basically, if the permit is made less stringent, it should be
public noticed again. As we discussed, the effective date of the ']-'SS P -\.-!A limit was extended in the footnote.:
1. The limit will become effective one year after the effective date of the permit.
This, footnote would be my only ConCerri. See 15A NCAC 02H .0114 rules for details. This is a grey area and
I suggest that if John will be signing offon this final permit -you should get his input.
B. Retarding the toxicity footnote
2. Acute Toxicity monitoring at 90% effluent concentration; March, June, September, and December; See
Special Condition A. (2.) of the supplement to Effluent Limitations. The acute test organism may be
Fathead Minnow OR Mysid Shrimp (permittee's choice). You may also choose to conduct comparison
studies showing Ceriodaphnia dubia to be greater than or equal to Mysid Shrimp in degree of sensitivity of
the facility's effluent.
Can I assume this came from Carol since we discussed that you would call her? If yes, I would. suggest that you
recoc,nize this change in the final cover letter and recommend that they call Carol Hollenkamp in ESS/Aquatic
Toxicity if they have any questions. Copy her on the cover letter and permit,
C. Please note that according to State Administrative Code I 5A NCAC 2B 0505 in addition to pH and TRC, turbidity
should be a grab sample as well. These changes should be recognized in tile final cover letter.
D. If copper and iron show reasonable potential, according to the R-PA table on sampling (Tom's memo dated July 15,
RP for AL(Cu,Zn,Ag,Fe,Cl) - apply Quarterly Monitoring in conjunction with TOX Test
Tliev should be sampled quarterly not 2X/nionth.
E. The TSS PNA limits should be 10 mg/L as a monthly average and 15 as a daily max. Please fix. If it was
incorrectly Public Noticed please indentify the correction in the cover letter and state it was in error.
F. 'Yhe following comment in the final cover letter states:
0 Monitoring for total nitrogen was changed to total'.nitrogen (`IJK-N) and nitrate & nitrite.
Fix to Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
I am not really clear why this change was made, Usually we put a footnote WIN stating:
TN is Total Nitrogen = TKN + NO3-N + NO—N, where TKN is Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, NO3-N and NO2-N are Nitrate and
Nitrite Nitrogen, respectively.
Then permittee reports Total Nitrogen in accordance the Asses,.,ment. &. Rec:ornrnendations for WTP Per
Findings of the WTE_� r�c
G. The Fact sheet identifies that this discharge is to a stream impaired for copper. If so, the following paragragh should
be added to the Final cover letter following the list of'changes.
Please note that the receiving stream is listed as an impaired waterbody on the North Carolina 303(d) Impaired Waters
I,ist. Addressing impaired waters is a high priority with the Division, and nistream data will continue to be evaluated. If
there is noncompliance with permitted effluent limits and stream impairment can be attributed to your facility, then
mitigative measures may be required.
1-1. As a result of'the WTP meeting we had last month I am draffing a rnetno requesting permit writers to put the design
potable flow in the description of the plant. Could you revise the supplement to cover to reflect the design potable
floe' Something like -
Continue to operate a conventional drinking water treatment plant with a discharge of
filter -backwash, re -wash, and clarifier and thickener supernatant
wastewater. Wastewater is discharged or reused at the head works of the plant. This
facility has a design potable flow of 35 MGD and is located on Hilton Street in
Wilmington at the Sweeney WTP in New Hanover County.
Romanski, Autumn
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 2:54 PM
• 3ulie
Sweeney copies • review
We went over the permittee response and I have addressed the things we spoke about.
I have attached Final April 2012 (box) permit copy.
I have attached Final 2-2012 (box) permit copy that was seat to publication.
I have attached updated FACT sheet that recaps ALL changes.
I have attached Final cover that recaps :ALL changes.
I think these are ready, BUT I needed to confirm if this needs to go to publication again.
Just let me know if I can proceed to get this issued.
Thank you for all your assistance(:).
Environmental Senior Specialist
Division of Water Quality
Surface Water Protection
3800 Barrett. drive
Raleigh, NC 27609
Website: �a^:,;`porta.r:cee€3r.r�rR;`���oh,4v r`�arr
Office; 919-791-4247
Correspondence to andfrom this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Low and may be disclosed to third
DEQ-CFW 00004056