HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00003985From: 8e|nickTom [/D=NCMA|L/OU=EXCHANG[ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=TO[W.BELN|CN Sent: 11/3/I0II1:3I:59PW1 To: NCDENRdencdwq.npdesexpedhed[/h=NCMA|L/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=NCDENRdenr.dwqopdesexpedited] CC: Manuel, Vanessa [/o=NCK8A|L/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHF233PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=vanessa.manue|] Subject: FVV:NPR Expected toRun Air ToxicsSeries Attachments CAA Sept 2011 Watch List Post.pdf; RCRA Sept 2011 Watch List Post.pdf; CWA Sept 2011 Watch List Post.pdf; NPR Folks- expect much more public interest in future Watch List responses, now that EPA is releasing to public. Tom BeInick Supervisor, Complex NPDBSPermitting Unit N[DENK/Dk/|sionofWater Quality 1Gl7Mail Service Center, Raleigh, 0[27Ggg'1Gl7 E--mail correspondence to and from this address is Subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed tothird parties unless the content is exempt by stat:ute or other regulation. From: Sullins, Coleen Sent: Thursday, November 03, 20119:18 AM To: Matthews, Matt; Manuel, Vanessa; Belnick, Tom; Poupart, 3eff Cc: Wakild, Chuck; Massengale, Susan Subject: FW: NPR Expected to Run Air Toxics Series The focus appears to be on air, but be prepared to respond to issues on water as well. Coleen Coieen H.SuiKns, Director Division ufWater Quality Phone: 919/807-6357 Eiroi/ t to the North Carolina Public Records disclosed to third vorties unless the contentis exemot bv statute or other reaulation. From: Kees Diana Sent: Thursday, 0OvemberO], 2011 9:14AM To: Mather, Tom; Massengale, Susan; Sullins, [Oeen; VVakibj, Chuck; Ahrovd, Cathy A: Ahrovd, Cathy R: Culpepper, Linda; Matthews, Dexter Subject: FW: NPR Expected to Run Air Toxics Series Diana Kees Communications Director N.C.Dept. uf8uOmummntand Natural Resources 160i MSC, Raleigh, NC27099-x68i (010)7/5-4112:1 «:(019)7/5-3o6o -AXTN:My number will change as Of 02011 tO (919)707-8626^ ............ Connect with us: E-inail correspon(lem_,e to amlftorn thhs (ahlress imiy be subject to the Morth C ,arofina Piibhc Recor(Is Lam, an(I may be (Jisclosed to third 1aarties. From: Freeman, Dee Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011945 PM To: Smith, Robin; Holman, Sheila; Kees, Diana Cc: Wilder, Manly; 3ones, Lori Subject: Fw: NPR Expected to Run Air Toxics Series Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 201105:09 PM To: Carolyn Hanson <chanson@ecos.org> Subject: NPR Expected to Run Air Toxics Series ECOS Members, In follow up to yesterday's email about the Watch List, I am writing to provide you with a "heads -up" on some expected press related to the Watch List and to give you some additional information from EPA. Attached is a two page summary from EPA along with a Watch List Fact Sheet which they are using to educate people about the Watch List. The quick summary is that EPA believes, based on the FOIA requests and press inquiries they have gotten, that NPR along with the Center for Public Integrity will be running an 8- 10 part series on Clean Air Act "toxic hot spots" starting next week. In addition to these national stories, they expect some local affiliates to run companion stories with a local focus. Reporters have spoken with a variety of EPA headquarters and regional staff, as well as state environmental officials, and company officials. EPA headquarters have been working with the regions to be prepared for questions in response to these stories. They encourage states to reach out to regional staff for assistance or to coordinate as necessary. ECOS staff will continue to keep an eye on this as it develops and to provide members with information and assistance. Carolyn Carolyn Hanson Deputy Executive Director ECOS 202-266-4924 DEQ-CFW-00003986 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Carolyn Hanson <chaiisonr&c,> _,ecos,or Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 2:45 PM Subject: EPA to Release Watch List To: Carolyn Hanson <chansonaecos.org> ECOS Members, Several months ago, EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance shared with us a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request received from the Center for Public Integrity (CPI) for the facilities on the Watch List. In response to this request, EPA released the facility names on the July 2011 Watch List, but withheld enforcement sensitive information that cannot be made public. They also then made plans to begin releasing the watch list online in December. That plan has been changed in response to the information below. EPA has learned that CPI is working on a series of stories about air toxics, likely to begin airing on or about November 7th, with National Public Radio (NPR) and they are using the Clean Air Act Watch List information in their reporting. CPI and NPR reporters and other media outlets have also contacted facilities about their status on EPA's Watch List. Because EPA has not released information about the Watch List in the past, this has created confusion in the regulated community, and has led to a series of additional FOIA requests to EPA. EPA also understands that states are being contacted by reporters and facility representatives about the Watch List. In order to ensure that the public, regulated community, and other interested parties, including CPI and NPR, have access to the updated Watch List, EPA sent CPI the attached September list for the Clean Air Act on October 27th and now intend to post the September Watch List for the CAA, CWA and RCRA to our Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) website on November 2nd. They will post this information as a PDF and have added a fact sheet to ECHO website to provide necessary background and explanations that should be included with the Watch List http://www.oa- eclio.gov/echo/docs/watch list fact sheet.pdf. Shortly after posting the September Watch List, EPA will post the October Watch List and continue to post the Watch List on a monthly basis. The Compliance Committee leadership is planning to speak with OECA on Wednesday to get some more information. After that call, they will follow up with any additional informaiton or plans for a call. In the meantime, if you have questions for EPA about the Watch List, the lead contact in OECA is Jason Swift at 202-564-6692 or swift. j ason)epa. gov . Carolyn Dop��t.y Os 202-266-4924 DEQ-CFW-00003987