Sent: 9/7/20118:02:44 PM
To: CMarini Connie [CMarini@edrnet.com]
Subject: RE: Wastewater Permit Listing Request
Attachments: BIMS 090111.xlsx
Connie- I've attached a listing of active NPDES wastewater permits that we update to our wehsite on a monthly
basis. What you requested, and previously received from Lord Poletta in our IT Unit, is not routinely generated within
the NPDES Unit.
Tom Belnick
Supervisor, Complex NPDES Permitting Unit
NC DENR/DiVision of Water Quality
1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
(919) 807-6390; fax (919) 807-049 s
E-rnail correspondence to and from this address is subJect to the North Carolina Pudic Records Law and may he
disclosed to third parties runless the content: is exempt by statute or other regulation,
From:•nnie [mailto:CMarini@edrnet.co
Wednesday,07, 20113:51•'
L •'.
Subject: Wastewater Permit Listing Request
I would like to know if you could email me an updated Wastewater facility listing in Excel format. I was getting
tWis list •: 1 Lou Poletta.
Owner Name
Permitted Flow (CPD)
County Name
Permit Status
DEQ-CFW 00003973
Project Type
Major Permit
Please let me know.
Connie Marini
Environmental Data Resources
440VVhne|eo Farms Road, Milford, CTOO4O1