HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00003885From: Weaver, Charles [CHARLES.VVEAVER] Sent: 2/4/2011 156:]OPyW To: Hennessy, John [/o=NCMAL/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHFI]3PDLT)/cn=Kecipients/cn=john.hen nessy];8e|nick,Tom [/o=NCK8A|L/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Sroup(FYD|8OHFZ33PDLT)/cn=Redpient$cn=tom.be|nick] CC: Guerra, Bob [/v=NCK8A|L/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHF%35PDO)/cn=Redpients/cn=bob.guerra]; Corporon,Joe [/o=NCK8A|L/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=joe.corporon]; Sledge, Bob [/o=NCMAIL/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=bobs|edXe];3cardina,Maureen [/o=NCK8A|L/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Gnnup(FY08OHF235PDLT)/cn=Rpdpient$cn=maurpen.scardina] Subject: RE: Cape Fear Assignments version 2 Attachments: assiDn2Ol1 Cape Fear vprZx|s IIareethe cavi edu«sigm/oem{hsL U,eussigoiugtba \VTPsrields the following wco6 distribution: Kau-8 Ser�e —20 ,Joe —2() Jnl1(—lQ T-3obG-27 Jiuz-8 ,Jack ie—l8 Mmmreon-'2G Bob 8-25 I1bamttheW8R[ on Moriday, aofeel &eotodi�tribntedhe1istinnuIobaenne From: Hennessy, 3ohn Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 5:30 PM To: Weaver, Charles Cc: Guerra, Bob; Corporon, 3oe; Sledge, Bob; Scardina, Maureen Subject: Cape Fear Assignments O.k,here bwhere m/eare. | met with Tom & Jeff today. Using Charles' spreadsheet aaabasis, xveare going totransfer all the Water Treatment Plants that were on Tom's list to our unit. That is an additional 27 (Julie may keep 2 or 3 RO plants). So, vvewill need todisperse those extra Z7among the unit. | know that some ofyou have the experience and/or skills todothe \NTPpermits, and others may not yet. |naddition, some ofyou have additional responsibilities with compliance that take more ofyour time. That isall fine. | have spoken tusome ofyou today and will cover the rest tomorrow. Once | have done that, | will have a better sense among who to share those projects. | think what | would like to do is to sit down with Charles first and discuss reconfiguring the list toaccomplish two basic goals: 1) split the oil terminals between Bob G. and Charles, and 2) split the additional WTP permit among the staff who will be processing those. Then it seems to me that some rebalancing of permits after those two goals are completed will need to occur. The problem with that last step isthat all permits are not created equal. One SRF is not the same as another, or one trailer park is not the same as another. I think y'all have a much better sense of how to do that division. |ftried to rebalance the permits they are nothing but numbers tome. So anyvvay, here iumy plan. One, discuss changes with Charles how to reconfigure the list based on the parameters discussed above. Two, develop anew list based onthe reconf i8uration. Three present the list atK4onday's staff/remissions meeting for feedback from the unit. Four, finalize the list (hopefully atthe staff meetin8). | think ivall for now. Please let me know if you have any questions, or require any additional information. Thanks. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. DEQ-CFW 00003886