HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00003435t4 Prepared by the Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch, NC DHHS June 12, 2017 GenX is a chemical used in the manufacturing of fluoropolymer resins, which are used for nonstick coatings and other purposes. GenX is part of the perfluorinated family of compounds that includes the chemicals PFOS and PFOA. In 2009, GenX was developed as a replacement for PFOA thus limited health information is available for GenX. According to media reports, the GenX in the Cape Fear River is originating from Chemours Co. at Fayetteville Works, a facility 100 miles upstream from Wilmington. GenX has been detected in water treated by the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority as detailed in the article by Sun et al.' The recent media reports on GenX in the Cape Fear River are associated with the paper written by Sun et al. This paper was published in November 2016. Media reports cite 631 ng/L concentrations of GenX detected in the Cape Fear River. This number is taken from the Sun et al. article based on data from 2013-2014. It is not known whether these levels reflect the current concentrations of GenX in the Cape Fear River. - Limited health information is available for GenX. PFOA and PFOS (chemicals that are part of the same family of fluorinated compounds) were recently reviewed by the EPA and the most common effects observed in laboratory tests were kidney and testicular cancer, impaired fetal development, and effects on the liver, thyroid, and immune system. The EPA recently released a Health Advisory with recommendations for drinking water not to exceed 70 parts per trillion (70 ng/L) for PFOS and PFOA combined.2 There are no U.S. regulatory guideline levels for GenX. However, as part of the European chemical registration, a 2-year chronic toxicity and cancer study with rats was performed. They reported a Derived No Effect Level (DNEL) of 0.01 mg/kg bw/day. Based on U.S. risk assessment calculations, this corresponds to a concentration in drinking water of 70,909 ng/L of GenX- more than 100 times greater than the mean value of 631 ng/L detected in the Cape Fear River. Based upon these data, the GenX levels detected in 2013-2014 would be expected to pose a low risk to human health. This summary covers GenX only and does not address other poly- or perfluorinated compounds that might be present. This summary is preliminary and subject to change as additional information becomes available. 1. Sun et al. Legacy and Emerging Perfluoroalkyl Substances Are Important Drinking Water Contaminants in the Cape Fear River Watershed of North Carolina. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. Nov 2016. DOk 10.1021/a cs. estlett.6 b00398. 2. USEPA. Drinking Water Health Advisories for PFOA and PFOS. https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-driakin water/drinking-water-health-advisories-pfoa-and-pfos DEQ-CFW 00003435 - GenX is a chemical used in the manufacturing of Teflon. GenX is part of the perfluorinated family of compounds that include the chemicals PFOS and PFOA. The EPA has recently released its health advisory levels for PFOS and PFOA in drinking water. The EPA issued a Health Advisory with recommendations for drinking water not to exceed 70 parts per trillion (70 ng/L) for PFOS and PFOA combined. 1 According to media reports the GenX in the Cape Fear River is originating from Chemours Co. at Fayetteville Works, a facility 100 rniles upstream from Wilmington. GenX has been detected in water treated by the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority as deta__ led in the article by Sun et al.' The recent media reports on Gene in the Cape Fear River are associate with the paper written 'A jby Sun et al. This paper was published in Novembeel2016 'Media reports cite 631 ng/L concentrations of GenX detected in the Cape Fear River. This number is taken from the Sun et al. article, however the data is from 2013 201.4 `Therefore, the levels reported in the media may or may not reflect the current concentrations of GenX in the Cape Fear River. am Given the limited health information available fb-V%enX, w-,---can look at similar 11;uorinated compounds PFOS and PFOA to lunderstand possible -effects. PFOA and PFOS were recently reviewed by the EPA and the m6i .common effects observed in laboratory tests were kidney YzA and testicular cancer, impaired fetal development, and effects=on the liver, thyroid, and immune system. - __ == - In response to ecently pubhsh-ed research by SUn^colleagues, and colleaes, OEEB looked at the risk of r exposure to Gen)(14,11aere are no L..S. regulatoW.guide line levels for this compound. However, as part of the European chfemical registration, a 2 ye_ar chronic toxicity and cancer study with rats wad performed They reportetl a De Met No_Effect Level (DNEL) of 0.01 mg/kg bw/day. We applied the DNEL to our U.Snsk assessment ea culations to find a safe concentration for dnrki.ng water of 70,90 ng/L of,GenX. The value of 70,909 ng/L is more than 100 times greater than the mean value of-1 ng/L detected in the Cape Fear River, suggesting safety until further informator can be gathered:: 1. USEPA. Drinking Water Health Advisories for PFOA and PFOS. https://www.epa.gov/ground- 2. Sun et al. Legacy and`Emerging Perfluoroalkyl Substances Are Important Drinking Water Contaminants in the Cape Fear River Watershed of North Carolina. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. Nov 2016. DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.6b00398. DEQ-CFW 00003436