HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00001657REVISED DRAFT HAZARD ASSESSMENT OF PERFLUOROOCTANOIC ACID AND ITS SALTS U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics Risk Assessment Division November 4, 2002 DEQ-CFW 00001657 PREFACE This is a preliminary assessment of the potential hazards to human health and the environment associated with exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and its salts. The majority of the toxicology information is for ammonium perfluorooctanoic acid (APFO). This assessment includes a review of the studies that were available as of October, 2002. DEQ-CFW 00001658 i Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 1.0 Chemical Identity 7 1.1 Physicochemical Properties 7 2.0 Production of PFOA and its Salts 9 2.1 Uses of PFOA and its Salts 11 2.2 Environmental Fate 12 2.2.1 Photolysis 12 2.2.2 Volatility 12 2.2.3 Biodegradation 13 2.2.4 Hydrolysis 13 2.2.5 Bioaccumulation 14 2.2.6 Soil Adsorption 15 2.3 Environmental Exposure 15 2.3.1 Discharge to Air 15 2.3.2 Discharge to Water 15 2.3.3 Discharge to Land 16 2.3.4 Environmental Monitoring 16 2.4 Human Biomonitoring 18 3.0 Human Health Hazards 23 3.1. Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics 23 3.1.1 Half-life in Humans 23 3.1.2 Absorption Studies in Animals 24 3.1.3 Distribution Studies in Animals 25 3.1.4 Metabolism Studies in Animals 28 3.1.5 Elimination Studies in Animals 28 3.2 Epidemiology Studies 32 3.2.1 Medical Surveillance Studies from Antwerp and Decatur Plants 32 3.2.2 Medical Surveillance Studies from Cottage Grove Plant 34 3.2.3 Mortality Studies 36 3.2.4 Hormone Study 39 3.2.5 Study on Episodes of Care (Morbidity) 40 3.3 Acute Toxicity Studies in Animals 42 3.3.1 Oral Studies 42 3.3.2 Inhalation Studies 43 3.3.3 Dermal Studies 43 3.3.4 Eye Irritation Studies 43 3.3.5 Skin Irritation Studies 44 3.4 Mutagenicity Studies 44 3.5 Subchronic Toxicity Studies in Animals 44 3.6 Developmental Toxicity Studies in Animals 60 3.7 Reproductive Toxicity Studies in Animals 64 DEQ-CFW 00001659 3.8 Carcinogenicity Studies in Animals 74 3.8.1 Cancer Bioassays 74 3.8.2 Mode of Action Studies 75 Liver Tumors 76 Leydig Cell Tumors 76 Mammary Gland Tumors 77 Pancreatic Tumors 77 3.9 Immunotoxicology Studies in Animals 78 4.0 Hazards to the Environment 80 4.1 Introduction 80 4.2 Acute Toxicity to Freshwater Species 81 5.0 References 87 ANNEX I — Robust Summaries 104 DEQ-CFW 00001660 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and its salts are fully fluorinated organic compounds that can be produced synthetically or through the degradation or metabolism of other fluorochemical products. PFOA is primarily used as a reactive intermediate, while its salts are used as processing aids in the production of fluoropolymers and fluoroelastomers and in other surfactant uses. In recent years, less than 600 metric tons per year of PFOA and its salts have been manufactured in the United States or imported. Most of the toxicology studies have been conducted with the ammonium salt of perfluorooctanoic acid, which is referred to as APFO in this report. Environmental Fate and Effects PFOA is persistent in the environment. It does not hydrolyze, photolyze or biodegrade under environmental conditions. Groundwater samples taken near fire -training areas that used fire -fighting foams containing perfluorinated surfactants had elevated PFOA concentrations many years after the foam use. This demonstrates the following: (1) PFOA either existed in --or was formed via degradation of -- the surfactants, (2) PFOA or its precursors migrate through the soil, and (3) PFOA persists in groundwater. Several wildlife species have been sampled around the world to determine levels of PFOA. PFOA has rarely been found in fish sampled from the U.S., certain European countries, the North Pacific Ocean and Antarctic locations, or in fish -eating bird samples collected from the U.S., including Midway atoll, the Baltic and Mediterranean Seas, and Japanese and Korean coasts. PFOA was found in a few mink livers from Massachusetts, but not found in mink from Louisiana, South Carolina and Illinois. PFOA concentrations in river otter livers from Washington and Oregon States were less than the quantification limit of 36 ng/g, wet wt. PFOA was not detected at quantifiable concentrations in oysters collected in the Chesapeake Bay and Gulf of Mexico of the U.S. coast. The concentrations of PFOA in surface water, sediments, clams, and fish collected from locations upstream and downstream of the 3M manufacturing facility at Decatur AL have been determined. Of the three downstream water and sediment sampling locations, the two closest to the facility had PFOA surface water concentrations significantly greater than the two upstream sites; the three downstream locations also had sediment concentrations significantly greater than the upstream sites. The small sample size prevented determination of significance for fish whole body PFOA concentrations. The average PFOA concentration in clams was not significantly different between the upstream and downstream locations. Based on available laboratory data, APFO does not appear to bioaccumulate in fish. In a study of fathead minnows, the calculated BCF for APFO was 1.8. In_a study of carp, the BCF ranged DEQ-CFW 00001661 from 3.1 to 9.1. Several species were tested to assess the acute toxicity of APFO; these included the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas), bluegill sunfish (Lepornis machrochirus), water flea (Daphnia magna), and a green algae (Selenastrum capricornutum). Comparisons of the different studies are problematic for several reasons. The studies were conducted with different test substances. Generally the ammonium salt or the tetrabutylammonium salt was tested. Purity of the test material is a major concern and was not sufficiently characterized in these tests. In some tests it appeared that 100% test chemical was used, for others a chemical of lesser purity (approximately 27 to 85%) was used. Water, a solvent (isopropanol) or a combination of both was used in other tests, for no obvious stated reason. Finally, only nominal test chemical concentrations were reported; the actual concentrations were not reported. Twelve tests were conducted with fathead minnows; 96-h LC50 values (based on mortality) ranged from 70 to 843 mg/L. It is unclear why this range is so wide. Assuming these studies are valid, and due to the limitations discussed above, these toxicity values indicate low toxicity. The two acute values for bluegill sunfish also indicate low toxicity (96-h LC50s of >420, and 569 mg/L). Nine acute tests were conducted with daphnids and 48-h EC50 values (based on immobilization) ranged from 39 to >1000 mg/L. The lower values are indicative of moderate toxicity, but the wide range makes interpretation difficult. Seven tests were conducted with green algae; 96-h EC50 values (based on growth rate, cell density, cell counts, and dry weights) ranged from 1.2 to >666 mg/L (the EC50 cell density value of 1,000 mg/L is excluded from this discussion). The lower value indicates high to moderate toxicity, based on the acute criteria. The lower value would also be indicative of moderate toxicity, based on the chronic moderate criterion (0.1<10 mg/L). A 14-d EC50 value of 43 mg/L, based on cell counts, for green algae was also calculated in one study. This is indicative of low chronic toxicity, based on the chronic criterion (10 mg/L). Green algae appeared to be the most sensitive test species in the 44% APFO test sample, daphnids were the next most sensitive, and fathead minnows were the least sensitive. Human Health Effects and Biomonitoring Little information is available concerning the pharmacokinetics of APFO in humans. An ongoing 5-year, half-life study in 9 retired workers has suggested a mean serum PFOA half-life of 4.37 years (range, 1.50 — 13.49 years). These data provide evidence of the potential to bioaccumulate PFOA in humans. Animal studies have shown that APFO is well absorbed following oral and inhalation exposure, and to a lesser extent following dermal exposure. In the past, Chemolite workers have been exposed to large dermal doses of PFOA. It appears that dermal exposure may have played a significant role in the absorption of PFOA in these workers. Upon recognition that PFOA could 2 DEQ-CFW 00001662 be absorbed dermally, work practices were changed and engineering controls were adopted that reduced dermal exposures. PFOA distributes primarily to the liver, plasma, and kidney, and to a lesser extent, other tissues of the body including the testis and ovary. It does not partition to the lipid fraction or adipose tissue. PFOA binds to macro -molecules in the tissues listed above. PFOA is not metabolized and there is evidence of enterohepatic circulation of the compound. The urine is the major route of excretion of PFOA in the female rat, while the urine and feces are both major routes of excretion in male rats. There are major gender differences in the elimination of PFOA in rats. In female rats, the half-life is 24 h in the serum and 60 h in the liver; in male rats, the half-life is 105 h in the serum and 210 h in the liver. The rapid excretion of PFOA by female rats is due to active renal tubular secretion (organic acid transport system); this renal tubular secretion is believed to be hormonally controlled, since castrated male rats treated with estradiol have excretion rates of PFOA similar to those of female rats. Hormonal changes during pregnancy do not appear to change the rate of elimination in rats. This gender difference has not been observed in primates and humans. There are limited data on PFOA serum levels in workers and the general population. Occupational data from plants in the U.S. and Belgium that manufacture or use PFOA indicate that the most recent mean serum levels in workers range from 0.84 to 6.4 ppm. The highest level reported in a worker in 1997 was 81.3 ppm. In non -occupational populations, serum PFOA levels were much lower. In both pooled blood bank samples and in individual samples, mean serum PFOA levels ranged from 3 to 17 ppb. The highest serum PFOA levels were reported in a sample of children from different geographic regions in the U.S. (range, 1.9 — 56.1 ppb). Epidemiological studies on the effects of PFOA in humans have been conducted on workers. Two mortality studies, a morbidity study, and studies examining effects on the liver, pancreas, endocrine system, and lipid metabolism, have been conducted to date. In addition, a cross - sectional as well as a longitudinal study of the worker surveillance data have recently been submitted. However, these latest 2 studies focus primarily on PFOS rather than PFOA, even though recent PFOA levels are similar to or higher than PFOS levels in workers at these plants. (It should be noted that PFOS levels in the sampled general population are much higher than PFOA levels). A retrospective cohort mortality study demonstrated a weak, although statistically significant association between prostate cancer mortality and employment duration in the chemical facility of a plant that manufactures PFOA. However, in a recent update to this study in which more specific exposure measures were used, a significant association for prostate cancer was not observed. In a morbidity study, workers with the highest PFOA exposures for the longest durations sought care more often for prostate cancer treatment than workers with lower exposures. Another study reported an increase in estradiol levels in workers with the highest PFOA serum levels; however, none of the other hormone levels analyzed indicated any adverse effects. Some DEQ-CFW 00001663 density lipoproteins (LDL), and high -density lipoproteins (HDL). All of the participants were placed into five categories of total serum fluorine levels: <1 ppm, 1-3 ppm, >3 - 10 ppm, >10 - 15 ppm, and > 15 ppm. The range of the serum fluorine values was 0 to 26 ppm (mean 3.3 ppm). Approximately half of the workers fell into the > 1 - 3 ppm category, while 23 had serum levels < 1 ppm and 11 had levels > 10 ppm. There were no significant differences between exposure categories when analyzed using univariate analyses for cholesterol, LDL, and HDL. In the multivariate analysis, there was not a significant association between total serum fluorine and cholesterol or LDL after adjusting for alcohol consumption, age, BMI, and cigarette smoking. There were no statistically significant differences among the exposure categories of total serum fluorine for AST, ALT and GGT. However, increases in AST and ALT occurred with increasing total serum fluorine levels in obese workers (BMI = 35 kg/m2). This result was not observed when PFOA was measured directly in serum of workers in 1993, 1995, or 1997 surveillance data of employees of the Cottage Grove plant (Olsen, et al., 2000). Since PFOA was not measured directly and there is no exposure information provided on the employees (eg. length of employment/exposure), the results of the study provide limited information. The authors state that no adverse clinical outcomes related to PFOA exposure have been observed in these employees; however, it is not clear that there has been follow-up of former employees. In addition, the range of results reported for the liver enzymes were fairly wide for many of the exposure categories, indicating variability in the results. Given that only one sample was taken from each employee, this is not surprising. It would be much more helpful to have several samples taken over time to ensure their reliability. It also would have been interesting to compare the results of the workers who were known to be exposed to PFOA to those who were originally thought not to be exposed to see if there were any differences among the employees in these groups. There were more of the "unexposed" employees (n = 65) participating in the study than those who worked in PFOA production (n = 48). 3.2.3 Mortality Studies A retrospective cohort mortality study was performed on employees at the Cottage Grove, MN plant which produces APFO (Gilliland and Mandel, 1993). At this plant, APFO production was limited to the Chemical Division. The cohort consisted of workers who had been employed at the plant for at least 6 months between January 1947 and December 1983. Death certificates of all of the workers were obtained to determine cause of death. There was almost complete follow-up (99.5%) of all of the study participants. The exposure status of the workers was categorized based on their job histories. If they had been employed for at least 1 month in the Chemical Division, they were considered exposed. All others were considered to be not exposed to PFOA. The number of months employed in the Chemical Division provided the cumulative exposure measurements. Of the 3537 (2788 men and 749 women) employees who participated in this study, 398 (348 men and 50 women) were deceased. Eleven of the 50 women and 148 of the 348 men worked in the Chemical Division, and therefore, were considered exposed to PFOA. 36 DEQ-CFW 00001664 Standardized Mortality Ratios (SMRs), adjusted for age, sex, and race were calculated and compared to U.S. and Minnesota white death rates for men. For women, only state rates were available. The SMRs for males were stratified for 3 latency periods (10, 15, and 20 years) and 3 periods of duration of employment (5, 10, and 20 years). For all female employees, the SMRs for all causes and for all cancers were less than 1. The only elevated (although not significant) SMR was for lymphopoietic cancer, and was based on only 3 deaths. When exposure status was considered, SMRs for all causes of death and for all cancers were significantly lower than expected, based on the U.S. rates, for both the Chemical Division workers and the other employees of the plant. In all male workers at the plant, the SMRs were close to 1 for most of the causes of death when compared to both the U.S. and the Minnesota death rates. When latency and duration of employment were considered, there were no elevated SMRs. When employee deaths in the Chemical Division were compared to Minnesota death rates, the SMR for prostate cancer for workers in the Chemical Division was 2.03 (95% CI.55 - 4.59). This was based on 4 deaths (1.97 expected). There was also a statistically significant association with length of employment in the Chemical Division and prostate cancer mortality. Based on the results of proportional hazard models, the relative risk for a 1-year increase in employment in the Chemical Division was 1.13 (95% Cl 1.01 to 1.27). It rose to 3.3 (95% Cl 1.02 -10.6) for workers employed in the Chemical Division for 10 years when compared to the other employees in the plant. The SMR for workers not employed in the Chemical Division was less than expected for prostate cancer (.58). An update of this study was conducted to include the death experience of employees through 1997 (Alexander, 2001a). The cohort consisted of 3992 workers. The eligibility requirement was increased to 1 year of employment at the Cottage Grove plant, and the exposure categories were changed to be more specific. Workers were placed into 3 exposure groups based on job history information: definite PFOA exposure (n = 492, jobs where cell generation, drying, shipping and packaging of PFOA occurred throughout the history of the plant); probable PFOA exposure (n = 1685, other chemical division jobs where exposure to PFOA was possible but with lower or transient exposures); and not exposed to fluorochemicals (n = 1815, primarily non - chemical division jobs). In this new cohort, 607 deaths were identified: 46 of these deaths were in the PFOA exposure group, 267 in the probable exposure group, and 294 in the non -exposed group. When all employees were compared to the state mortality rates, SMRs were less than 1 or only slightly higher for all of the causes of death analyzed. None of the SMRs were statistically significant at p = .05. The highest SMR reported was for bladder cancer (SMR = 1.31, 95% Cl = 0.42 — 3.05). Five deaths were observed (3.83 expected). A few SMRs were elevated for employees in the definite PFOA exposure group: 2 deaths from cancer of the large intestine (SMR = 1.67, 95% CI = 0.02 — 6.02), 1 from pancreatic cancer 37 DEQ-CFW 00001665 (SMR = 1.34, 95% CI = 0.03 — 7.42), and 1 from prostate cancer (SMR = 1.30, 95% CI = 0.03 — 7.20). In addition, employees in the definite PFOA exposure group were 2.5 times more likely to die from cerebrovascular disease (5 deaths observed, 1.94 expected; 95% CI = 0.84 — 6.03). In the probable exposure group, 3 SMRs should be noted: cancer of the testis and other male genital organs (SMR = 2.75, 95% CI = 0.07—15.3); pancreatic cancer (SMR — 1.24, 95% CI = 0.45 — 2.70); and malignant melanoma of the skin (SMR = 1.42, 95% CI = 0.17 — 5.11). Only 1, 6, and 2 cases were observed, respectively. The SMR for prostate cancer in this group was 0.86 (95% CI = 0.28 — 2.02) (n = 5). There were no notable excesses in SMRs in the non -exposed group, except for cancer of the bladder and other urinary organs. Four cases were observed and only 1.89 were expected (95% CI = 0.58 — 5.40). It is difficult to interpret the results of the prostate cancer deaths between the first study and the update because the exposure categories were modified in the update. Only I death was reported in the definite exposure group and 5 were observed in the probable exposure group. All of these deaths would have been placed in the chemical plant employees exposure group in the first study. The number of years that these employees worked at the plant and/or were exposed to PFOA was not reported. This is important because even 1 prostate cancer death in the definite PFOA exposure group resulted in an elevated SMR for the group. Therefore, if any of the employees' exposures were misclassified, the results of the analysis could be altered significantly. The excess mortality in cerebrovascular disease noted in employees in the definite exposure group was further analyzed based on number of years of employment at the plant. Three of the 5 deaths occurred in workers who were employed in jobs with definite PFOA exposure for more than 5 years but less than 10 years (SMR = 15.03, 95% CI = 3.02 — 43.91). The other 2 occurred in employees with less than 1 year of definite exposure. The SMR was 6.9 (95% CI = 1.39 — 20.24) for employees with greater than 5 years of definite PFOA exposure. In order to confirm that the results regarding cerebrovascular disease were not an artifact of death certificate coding, regional mortality rates were used for the reference population. The results did not change. When these deaths were further analyzed by cumulative exposure (time -weighted according to exposure category), workers with 27 years of exposure in probable PFOA exposed jobs or those with 9 years of definite PFOA exposure were 3.3 times more likely to die of cerebrovascular disease than the general population. A dose -response relationship was not observed with years of exposure. It is difficult to compare the results of the first and second mortality studies at the Cottage Grove plant since the exposure categories were modified. Although the potential for exposure misclassification was certainly more likely in the first study, it may still have occurred in the update as well. It is difficult to judge the reliability of the exposure categories that were defined without measured exposures. Although serum PFOA measurements were considered in the exposure matrix developed for the update, they were not directly used. In the second study, the 38 DEQ-CFW 00001666 chemical plant employees were sub -divided into PFOA-exposed groups, and the film plant employees essentially remained in the "non -exposed" group. This was an effort to more accurately classify exposures; however, these new categories do not take into account duration of exposure or length of employment. Another limitation to this study is that 17 death certificates were not located for deceased employees and therefore were not included in the study. The inclusion or exclusion of these deaths could change the analyses for the causes of death that had a small number of cases. Follow up of worker mortality at Cottage Grove (and Decatur) needs to continue. Although there were more than 200 additional deaths included in this analysis, it is a small number and the cohort is still relatively young. Given the results of studies on fluorochemicals in both animals and humans, further analysis is warranted. 3.2.4 Hormone Study Endocrine effects have been associated with PFOA exposure in animals; therefore, medical surveillance data, including hormone testing, from employees of the Cottage Grove, Minnesota plant were analyzed (Olsen, et al., 1998a). PFOA serum levels were obtained for volunteer workers in 1993 (n = 111) and 1995 (n = 80). Sixty-eight employees were common to both sampling periods. In 1993, the range of PFOA was 0-80 ppm (although 80 ppm was the limit of detection that year, so it could have been higher) and 0-115 ppm in 1995 using thermospray mass spectrophotometry assay. Eleven hormones were assayed from the serum samples. They were: cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), estradiol, FSH, 17 gamma- hydroxyprogesterone (17-HP), free testosterone, total testosterone, LH, prolactin, thyroid - stimulating hormone (TSH) and sex hormone -binding globulin (SHBG). Employees were placed into 4 exposure categories based on their serum PFOA levels: 0-1 ppm, 1- < 10 ppm, 10- < 30 ppm, and >30 ppm. Statistical methods used to compare PFOA levels and hormone values included: multivariable regression analysis, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficients. PFOA was not highly correlated with any of the hormones or with the following covariates: age, alcohol consumption, BMI, or cigarettes. Most of the employees had PFOA serum levels less than 10 ppm. In 1993, only 12 employees had serum levels > 10 ppm, and 15 in 1995. However, these levels ranged from approximately 10 ppm to over 114 ppm. There were only 4 employees in the >30 ppm PFOA group in 1993 and only 5 in 1995. Therefore, it is likely that there was not enough power to detect differences in either of the highest categories. The mean age of the employees in the highest exposure category was the lowest in both 1993 and 1995 (33.3 years and 38.2 years, respectively). Although not significantly different from the other categories, BMI was slightly higher in the highest PFOA category. Estradiol was highly correlated with BMI (r = .41, p < .001 in 1993, and r = .30, p < .01 in 1995). In 1995, all 5 employees with PFOA levels > 30 ppm had BMIs > 28, although this effect was not observed in 1993. Estradiol levels in the >30 ppm group in both years were 10% higher than the other PFOA groups; however, the difference was not statistically significant. The authors postulate that the study may not have been sensitive enough to detect an association between PFOA and estradiol because measured serum PFOA levels were likely below the observable effect levels suggested in animal studies (55 ppm PFOA in the CD rat). Only 3 39 DEQ-CFW 00001667