HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_0000131902/15/06 09 M TT910 018 5576 LU"ER RIVER CO3 Lei vvz Cuioperaiive A.gr> ment between the Taviranmental Management Commission, the Division of Water Resources, and the Lumber River Ct?uncii of Governments October 14, 2004 'nis cooperative agreement between the Environmental 1411-89e1aent Commission, the Division of Water Resoutres, and the lumber River Couuucil of Governments (which represents local governments and stakeholders in SIaden, Columbus, Hoke, Robeson, Sampson and Scotland Counties) will assure that ground water levels and withdrawals arc monitored and recorded, that a regional plan for Iong-range, sustainable water SUFPIY rein is developed, and that gmund water lcvet doctities ale managed to avoid damage to tho aquifers. The El4IC will review progress at Ieast annually to assure that the specific milestones are wet The agracmeait allows local water users the opportunity to take responsibility for planning and tna - geOg WMOe resom= on along range, sustainable basis: *Me EMC retains the authority to begin the development of capacity rise area rules at any titt>,e if it determines that progress under this agreement to rMlve water management problems is not satisfactory_ The legion's water urgers and the LRCQG will =dertakc the following strategies and objeativcx • improve the regional monitoring well network with a goal of investing $ IA00o per year ova five Years ' s e-eb - Y ��Y Smithfield Foods, lac„ is expected to develop a plan for sustainable water sources effim ateang alone or is pamtership with Siaden County and possibly 4th other users, The plan must be satisfactory to the Division of Water Resoutom. Smid field Foods or a partaership of water users. if such a partnership is formed, will matte quarterly pmgross reports to the Division starting in January 2005, • alternative water sources planning assistance by LRCOG to regional water users, including: shiftir g Mn to surface water sources, fusing reclaimed water, reducing waste of water and improving water use efficiency., developing -shallower aquW=-s, and adding interconnections among water systow arrange a 2005 agdcniturel water use survey by the Depart ant of Agriculture and Consumer Services with periodic updates • develop consw ation cad reuse stratc6es for each sector of water supply, including assistance from tilt Division of Polluiioa M=vwtion and Envronmened Assistance with industrial users; efforts by the Nortfi Carolina Cooperative FmensiOa with ltdgat�ors, egd-business and intensive livestock users; and efforts by LkCOG to promote water efficiency rate structures and public water system transmission line integrity • ' develop rogiond water supply plans for 2030 that encompass additional water sources, environmental prutetiion, late'-sysir-M cooperation, and regional water =On,= management 04, Dr. v airaa, Chaitmati I IBC: Ivlomis, Dicector• 4DO . berry, Executiv Environraeatal hfanagemcnt ivision of Water Resources r Cammissioa Lumber River Council of Govemmeuts DEQ-CFW 00001319