HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00001217Division of Water Quality January 23, 2008 MEMORANDUM To: Elizabeth Kountis From: Harold Quidley X( Laura Spell Through: Jimmie Overtola Subject: Cape Fear River Reclassification Study 2007 (subbasins 03-06-15 and 03-06-16) Findings: 1. Based on fecal coliform sampling (5 events in 30 days), one-time chemical sampling and review of historical DWQ Ambient Monitoring data, the Cape Fear River in the designated study area will meet Water Supply IV standards during normal seasonal flow conditions. 2. A single parameter (Bromodichloromethane) was found at levels slightly above the DWQ water quality standard of 0.55 µg/L in 3 volatile organic (VOA) samples collected in the lower study reach. 3. It should be noted that the reduction of dilution of the Cape Fear River, in association with the ongoing drought might have attributed to the slightly increased Bromodichloromethane levels detected during the study. Background: At your request, the Intensive Survey Unit (DWQ) conducted a reclassification study in an approximate 10-mile reach of the Cape Fear River in Bladen and Cumberland Counties, The Lower Cape Fear River Water and Sewer Authority (LCFWASA) has requested that the section be reclassified from C to Water Supply -IV [WS-IV CA and WS-IV (PA)]. The request states that the reclassification is needed in order to install a raw water (supply) intake. If approved, the raw water intake would supply a 4 MGD surface water treatment plant (SWTP). The initial water to be withdrawn would be used by Smithfield Packing for all requirements of pork processing and employee use. The study area includes a 9.97 mile river segment from (Lat34.9601 I I Long — 78.815278) downstream to (Lat 34.771389 Long-78.797778) near Tar Heel. The proposed intake is located approximately 1 mile upstream from SR1316 (Myers St. Tar heel). Drought and hydrology information: The Cape Fear River reclassification study request was received by the ISU during March 2007, however due to the extreme drought persisting throughout the summer and fall, field sampling was repeatedly postponed to assure that study results would reflect water quality in the Cape Fear River during normal seasonal conditions. During October 2007 it was decided to proceed with a preliminary study even though extreme drought and unusually low water levels continued to affect the region. On 12/04/07 ISU staff completed the 5-week study that included physical profiles and chemical sampling at 7 sites in the requested reclassification reach of the Cape Fear River, (Station Locations Table 1 and Map Figure 1). Resulting data from the study will also be used as part of the ongoing drought monitoring effort being conducted by DWQ during 2007-2008. A review of 25- years of USGS data for William O'Huske Lock and Dam #3 indicates that the mean of monthly discharges for Environmental Sciences Branch rr utur vuuuay uci cwii DEQ-CFW 00001217 the month of November is 3,020 cfs with a range from 978.3 cfs to 10,190 cfs. Preliminary data from the USGS site for the month of November 2007 (Cape Fear Reclassification Study) indicates that the mean monthly discharge was < 600 cfs. A total of 0.23 inches of precipitation was recorded at the Lock during the study with a maximum of 0.17 inches occurring during one event on 11/15/07. River stage remained relatively stable throughout the study with gage height measurements fluctuating within a relatively narrow range of 0.17 inches. Mean discharge, gage height (stage) and precipitation data (USGS 02105500 Cape Fear River at William 0' Huske Lock nr Tar Heel, NC) for the month of November 2008 can be found in Table 2. Table 1 Cape Fear River Reclassification Study Site Locations CPF1 Cape Fear River at upper boundary of requested reclassification reach. Cumberland Co. Lat 34.906111 Long-78.815278 CPF2 Cape Fear River 0.3 miles downstream from the mouth of Grays Creek. Cumberland Co. Lat 34.887694 Long-78.815639 CPF3 Cape Fear River 1.5 miles upstream from Willis Creek. Cumberland Co. Lat 34.872028 Long-78.819444 CPF4 Cape Fear River 250 feet upstream William O'Huske Lock and Dam 3. Bladen Co. Lat 34.837083 Long-78.823111 CPF5 Cape Fear River 0.73 miles downstream from Georgia Branch. Bladen Co. Lat 34.807056 Long-78.813611 CPF6 Cape Fear River 0.48 miles downstream from UT Bladen Co. Lat 34.789111 Long-78.801167 CPF7 Cape Fear River at lower boundary of requested reclassification reach. Bladen Co. Lat 34.771389 Long-78.797778 Study Parameters: 1. Physical profiles (dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH and conductivity) measured at the surface, mid -depth and bottom at each site during each sampling event. 2. Fecal coliform samples collected weekly at each site during study, (5 sampling events conducted during a 30- day period). 3. A one-time sampling event at each site for water chemistry consisting of the following parameters: Nitrogen & Phosphorus, (NH3, TKN, NO2 + NO3, NO3, P-Total) Sulfate Methylene -Blue -Active Substances (MBAS) Metals (nickel, calcium and magnesium) Organochlorine Pesticides Acid Herbicides Base/Neutral & Acid Extractable Organics Purgeable Organics (VOA) 4. Review of DWQ Ambient Monitoring Station Summary (138305000 Cape Fear River at SR1316 at Tar Heel). Environmental Sciences Branch Water guatity Section DEQ-CFW 00001218 Figure 1 Cape Fear River Reclassification Study Sites - 2007 CPF3 i v Lock and Dam #3 r rS PF 5 _ Tar Heel Landing at SR 1316 — Ambient Station: 66305000 CPF6 Y - � f.PF7 s J ,.Till eel t t N �h�51es DEQ-CFW 00001219 Study Results and Discussion: Physical Parameters Physical measurements, (temp, dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity) were taken at the surface, mid -depth and bottom during each sampling event at all sites during the study (Table 3). Physical parameters were measured using a Hydrolab Quanta multi -parameter meter. Meters were calibrated (initial and terminal) using the DWQ ISU Standard Operating Procedures for Physical and Chemical Monitoring, Version 1.3. Physical profiles indicated all values to be within acceptable seasonal levels with temperatures gradually decreasing throughout the month of November. Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.) ranged from 8.01 mg/L to 9.89 mg/L in the study reach with % saturation levels reaching 90.7% well within the 110% water quality standard. Conductivity values were typical for this area of the Cape Fear River ranging from 108 umhos/cm to 180 umhos/cm with the lowest values recorded during the first week of sampling. A storm event occurred during the week proceeding 11/06/07 (1" sampling event) resulting in an increase in flow and dilution and a subsequent reduction in conductivity values in the Cape Fear River. Decreasing flow and stage can be seen at Lock and Dam #3 during the first week of the study (Discharge, Gage Height and Precipitation, Table 2). Values for pH ranged from 6.0 su to 7.9 su at the 7 sites with slightly higher values measured at the surface. These higher values at the surface are likely the result of minimal algal productivity resulting from increased sunlight in the upper portion of the water column. A review of DWQ Ambient Monitoring System Station Summaries (Table 4) for station B8305000 (Cape Fear River at SR1316 at Tar Heel) found that all physical parameters measured during the Cape Fear River reclassification study were typical of water conditions occurring during the period from 01/15/02 through 12/06/06. DWQ ambient monitoring station B8305000 is located 2.07 miles downstream from CPF7. Fecal Coliform One focus of the 2007 study was to assess whether the section of the Cape Fear River would meet fecal coliform bacteria requirements of a geometric mean of less than 200/100 ml (MF count) based on at least five consecutive samples examined during any 30-day period. The 7 sampling sites were sampled five consecutive times during a thirty -day period between 11/06/07 and 12/04/07. The resulting data (Table 3) indicated that the geometric mean for all six sites did not exceed 200/100 ml and did not exceed 400/100 ml in more than 20% of the samples. Geometric means for each site were well below the limits and ranged from 5.86 /100 ml to 44.7 with the highest mean detected at CPF1, the uppermost site. The lowest geometric means occurred at the 3 most downstream sites CPF5 through CPF7 with geometric means ranging from 5.86 to 8.16/100 ml. These values are consistent the DWQ Ambient Monitoring System Station Summary for station B8305000 (Table 4) which provides a geometric mean of 47/100 ml for a total of 58 samples (02/01/31 to 06/12/12). Chemical Parameters Chemical sampling was conducted at sites CPF5, CPF6 and CPF7 on 12/03/07 and at sites CPF1, CPF2, CPF3 and CPF4 on 12/04/07. The DWQ Chemistry Laboratory performed all chemical analyses for the Cape Fear River reclassification study. Metals samples collected during the Cape Fear River reclassification study included nickel (Ni), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). All nickel values were reported as "not detected". Calcium and magnesium results were used to calculate hardness data for the study. Resulting hardness values ranged from 26.35 mg/L to 27.77 mg/L, below the water quality standard of 100 mg/L. The DWQ Ambient Monitoring System Station Summary for station B8305000 at Tar Heel (01/15/02 through 12/06/06) indicated 17 sampling events for the following metals; aluminum (Al), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn). Results of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead and nickel were reported as "non detect" for all samples. A total of 17 copper samples resulted in 2 "non detect" and 2 samples above the action level standard of 7 µg/L. A total of 17 iron samples resulted in 5 samples greater than the 1.0 mg/L action level standard. Analysis for Zinc resulted in 11 samples as "non detect" with the remaining 6 samples below the water quality standard of 50 µg/L. Metals data for the Cape Fear River reclassification study can be found in Table 4 (Ambient Monitoring System and Station Summary) and Table 5 (Cape Fear River Water Samples — Nutrients, Metals, MBAS, Sulfate and Hardness). Environmental Sciences Branch Water Quality Section DEQ-CFW 00001220 Chlorinated Pesticides Pesticide samples were collected at each site with analysis resulting in all 51 target compounds reported as "non detect" (Table 6). All 7 sites, had additional unidentified peaks ranging in numbers from 1 to 9. Unidentified peaks are usually found in pesticide scans and are not considered significant. Acid Herbicides Herbicide sample analysis for each site resulted in all 15 target compounds reported as "non detect" with the number of unidentified peaks ranging from 5 to <10 (Table 6). Unidentified peaks are usually found in herbicide scans and are not considered significant. Semivolatile Organics (BNA's) Semivolatile Organics samples were collected at each site with analysis resulting in all 66 target compounds reported as "non detect" with 0 unidentified peaks (Table 6). Volatile Organics (VOA's) Volatile organic samples were collected at each site and were analyzed for 60 targeted compounds (Table 6); Chloroform was detected in all samples and ranged from 0.1 µg/L to 0.91 µg/L with the lowest value detected at CPF7, the most downstream site. Chloroform is commonly used as a solvent, a reagent and may also be used in the production of dyes and pesticides. Chloroform values reported for the Cape Fear River reclassification are below the DWQ water quality standard of 5.6 µg/L. Bromodichloromethane was detected in VOA samples from all of the Cape Fear River sites with the exception of CPF4. Reported values for bromodichloromethane were 0.46 µg/L (CPF1), 0.33 µg/L (CPF2), 0.34 µg/L (CPF3), 0.60 µg/L (CPF5), 0.58 µg/L (CPF6) and 0.61 µg/L (CPF7). Sample results from 3 of the sites listed above were slightly higher than the DWQ water quality standard of 0.55 µg/L. Most bromodichloromethane is formed as byproduct when chlorine is added to water -supply systems to kill bacteria. VOA analysis detected 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene in samples from Sites CPF6 and CPF7. Trimethylbenzene is primarily used as a gasoline additive. Trimethylbenzene was detected at 0.37 µg/L at site CPF6 and 0.39 µg/L at site CPF7, both values well below the DWQ water quality standard of 850 µg/L. Toluene was detected in very low levels in VOA samples collected at CPF6 (0.12 µg/L) and CPF7 (0.14 µg/L). Both sample results were qualified as (N3) = Estimated concentration is <PQL and >MDL. Also detected at very low levels at CPF6 and CPF7 was m,p-Xylene (0.41 and 0.42 respectively). Both sample results were qualified as (N3) = Estimated concentration is <PQL and >MDL. Nutrients Nutrient levels for NH3, TKN, NO2 + NO3, Nitrate and P total were collected at each of the seven sites (Table 5). NH3 values ranged from 0.03 mg/L to 0.05 mg/L and may be considered lower than typically measured in this reach of the Cape Fear River. This is evident when comparing these values to DWQ Ambient Monitoring System Station Summaries for station B8305000 (Cape Fear River at SR1316 at Tar Heel) Table 4. This range of NH3 values fall between the 10`h and 25`h percentile of total observations at the Tar Heel ambient site. This was likely the result of the drought conditions occurring during the study that provided residence time necessary for nitrification to take place. This can also be seen in moderately low TKN values (ranging from 1.2 mg/L to 1.5 mg/L) and relatively higher than expected NO2 + NO3 values (ranging from 1.2 mg/L to 1.5 mg/L). Values for TKN fall between the 10`h and 50`h percentile while NO2 +NO3 values fall in the 90`h percentile indicating little localized drainage entering the system resulting from low flow conditions. Total phosphorus values ranged from 0.17 mg/L to 0.23 mg/L and were found at levels normally detected in the area. Nitrate values ranged from 1.2 mg/L to 1.5 mg/L, below the 10.0 mg/L water quality standard for Class WS-IV waters. Environmental Sciences Branch Water Quality Section DEQ-CFW 00001221 Additional Chemical Parameters(Sulfate MBAS Fluoride and Chloride) Sulfate levels were detected in a relatively narrow range of 18 mg/L to 20 mg/L at the study sites, below the 250 mg/L water quality standard for Class WS-IV. MBAS results were found to be at "non detect" levels or at 0.1 mg/L with the water quality standard for Class WS-IV at 0.5 mg/L. Fluoride levels were "non detect" or 0.4 mg/L within the Class WS-IV standard of 1.8 mg/L. Chloride results were reported at 19 mg/L or 20 mg/L at all sites, below the 250 mg/L water quality standard for Class WS-IV. Sulfate, MBAS, fluoride and chloride data can be found in Table 5. cc: Belinda Henson (FRO) Dianne Reid (Basinwide Plannng Program Unit) Danny Strickland (FRO) Environmental Sciences Branch Water Quality Section DEQ-CFW 00001222 Table 2. William O'Huske Lock and Dam #3 USGS Site 02105500 Mean Daily Discharge, Gage Height and Precipitation Date Mean Discharge Mean Gage Height Precipitation mm/dd/yy cfs ft (stage) in. daily total 11 /06/07 669 1.08 0.00 11107/07 578 0.99 0.00 11 /08107 533 0.94 0.00 11 /09/07 506 0.91 0.00 11 /10/07 520 0,93 0.00 11 /11 /07 528 0.93 0.00 11 /12/07 518 0.92 0.00 11 /13/07 503 0.91 0.00 11 /14107 506 0.91 0,00 11/15/07 517 0.92 0.17 11 /16/07 528 0.93 0.00 11 /17/07 542 0.95 0.00 11 /18/07 546 0.95 0.00 11 /19/07 552 0.96 0.00 11 /20/07 542 0.95 0.00 11 /21 /07 540 0,95 0.00 11 /22/07 546 0.95 0.02 11 /23/07 560 0.97 0.00 11 /24/07 539 0.95 0.00 11 /25/07 519 0.92 0.01 11 /26/07 558 0.97 0.01 11 /27107 623 1.03 0.01 11/28/07 651 1.07 0.00 11 /29/07 1.05 0.00 11/30/07 630 1.04 0.00 12/01 /07 615 1.03 0.00 12/02/07 601 1.01 0.00 12/03/07 603 1.01 0.01 12/04/07 558 1,00 0.00 * no discharge data available for this day DEQ-CFW 00001223 Table 3. Cape Fear River Physical Data (surface, mid, bottom) and Coliform (surface only, 5 samples in 30 days) Station Date Depth Time Temp DO pH Cond Fecal Coliform Geometric Mean mm/ddmyy s/m/b hrs (°C) (mg/L) (su) umhos/cm #/100 ml Fecal #/100 for Site Cape Fear River 11/06/07 surface 1105 14.5 8.16 6.9 112 38 Site: CPF1 11/06/07 mid 1105 14.5 8.01 6.8 112 11/06/07 bottom 1105 14.5 8.06 6.9 112 11/14/07 surface 1115 11.9 8.70 6.6 149 70 (64) 11/14/07 mid 1115 11.9 8.65 6.7 150 11/14/07 bottom 1115 11.9 8.69 6.5 149 11/19/07 surface 1050 11.6 8.61 7.4 168 150 11/19/07 mid 1050 11.6 8.78 7.3 168 11/19/07 bottom 1050 11.6 8.67 7.2 169 11/28/07 surface 1120 11.8 8.66 7.0 172 41 11/28/07 mid 1120 11.8 8.59 7.0 172 11/28/07 bottom 1120 11.8 8.85 6.9 172 12/04/07 surface 1200 10.4 9.24 7.4 179 11 12/04/07 mid 1200 10.4 9.26 7.3 179 12/04/07 bottom 1200 10.4 9.23 7.2 179 44.77 Cape Fear River 11/06/07 surface 1045 14.8 8.01 6.9 114 36 Site: CPF2 11/06/07 mid 1045 14.6 7.80 6.8 114 11/06/07 bottom 1045 14.6 7.95 6.8 114 11/14/07 surface 1055 12.3 8.41 6.7 148 9 11/14/07 mid 1055 12.0 8.42 6.8 150 11/14/07 bottom 1055 12.0 8.41 6.6 150 11/19/07 surface 1030 11.7 8.60 7.5 169 150 11/19/07 mid 1030 11.7 8.62 7.4 170 11/19/07 bottom 1030 11.7 8.60 7.4 170 11/28/07 surface 1100 11.9 8.66 7.2 165 5 11/28/07 mid 1100 11.8 8.70 7.1 165 11/28/07 bottom 1100 11.8 8.58 7.0 165 12/04/07 surface 1120 10.6 8.86 7.5 169 15 12/04/07 mid 1120 10.6 8.82 7.4 169 12/04/07 bottom 1120 10.6 8.84 7.3 169 20.52 Cape Fear River 11/06/07 surface 1020 14.8 7.77 6.8 108 39 Site: CPF3 11/06/07 mid 1020 14.7 7.70 6.8 109 11/06/07 bottom 1020 14.7 7.77 6.8 109 11/14/07 surface 1025 12.1 8.41 6.7 146 20 11/14/07 mid 1025 12.0 8.40 6.8 148 11/14/07 bottom 1025 12.0 8.45 6.6 146 11/19/07 surface 1015 11.9 8.40 7.7 167 150 11/19/07 mid 1015 11.8 8.47 7.6 168 11/19/07 bottom 1015 11.8 8.37 7.5 168 11/28/07 surface 1045 11.7 8.69 7.2 166 39 11/28/07 mid 1045 11.8 8.66 7.1 166 11/28/07 bottom 1045 11.7 8.57 7.0 167 12/04/07 surface 1115 10.8 8.74 7.5 172 17 12/04/07 mid 1115 10.8 8.83 7.3 172 12/04/07 bottom 1115 10.8 8.51 7.3 172 37.83 DEQ-CFW 00001224 Table 3 (continued) Cape Fear River Physical Data (surface, mid, bottom) and Coliform (surface only, 5 samples in 30 days) Date Depth Time Temp DO pH Cond Fecal Coliform Geometric Mean Station mm/ddmyy s/m/b hrs (*Q (m /L) (su) umhos/cm #/100 ml Fecal #/100 for Site Cape Fear River 11/06/07 surface 1000 15.1 7.43 6.9 108 43 (B1) Site: CPF4 11/06/07 mid 1000 15.0 7.45 6.8 108 11/06/07 bottom 1000 15.0 7.58 6.8 108 11/14/07 surface 1005 12.5 8.51 6.9 135 20 11/14/07 mid 1005 11.9 8.14 6.8 138 11/14/07 bottom 1005 11.9 8.17 6.6 137 11/19/07 surface 0955 12.0 8.79 8.1 160 61 11/19/07 mid 0955 11.8 8.40 7.9 159 11/19/07 bottom 0955 11.8 8.40 7.7 159 11/28/07 surface 1020 12.1 8.06 7.3 167 10 11/28/07 mid 1020 12.0 8.04 7.2 167 11/28/07 bottom 1020 12.1 7.90 7.1 167 12/04/07 surface 1000 11.0 8.49 7.8 171 12 12/04/07 mid 1000 11.0 8.50 7.9 171 22.89 12/04/07 bottom 1000 11.0 8.61 7.8 171 Cape Fear River 11/07/07 surface 1050 14.3 8.60 6.3 118 11 Site: CPF5 11/07/07 mid 1050 14.3 8.64 6.3 117 11/07/07 bottom 1050 14.3 8.69 6.0 118 11/20/07 surface 1055 12.1 9.43 7.1 174 7 11/20/07 mid 1055 12.1 9.42 7.0 175 11/20/07 bottom 1055 12.1 9.40 6.9 175 11/26/07 surface 1010 11.9 9.72 7.6 178 5 11/26/07 mid 1010 11.8 9.68 7.6 180 11/26/07 bottom 1010 11.8 9.82 7.6 180 11/29/07 surface 1015 11.9 9.65 7.8 172 9 11 /29107 mid 1015 11.9 9.65 7.6 172 11/29/07 bottom 1015 11.9 9.70 7.6 172 11/30/07 surface 0915 11.6 9.81 7.1 173 2 11/30/07 mid 0915 11.6 9.82 7.1 173 11/30/07 bottom 0915 11.6 9.89 6.9 173 12/03/07 surface 1000 11.4 9.57 7.7 176 ' 12/03/07 mid 1000 11.3 9.56 7.6 176 12/03/07 bottom 1000 11.3 9.55 4.4 175 5.86 Cape Fear River 11/07/07 surface 1035 14.4 8.80 6.3 122 18 Site: CPF6 11/07/07 mid 1035 14.4 8.73 6.4 122 11/07/07 bottom 1035 14.4 8.70 6.1 122 11/20/07 surface 1030 12.4 9.51 7.1 172 4 11/20/07 mid 1030 12.4 9.39 6.9 172 11/20/07 bottom 1030 12.4 9.50 6.9 172 11/26/07 surface 1030 11.9 9.64 7.5 180 9 11/26/07 mid 1030 11.9 9.65 7.4 180 11/26/07 bottom 1030 11.9 9.65 7.3 180 11/29/07 surface 1035 12.1 9.52 7.6 173 8 11/29/07 mid 1035 12.0 9.51 7.3 173 11/29/07 bottom 1035 12.0 9.61 7.3 173 11/30/07 surface 0936 11.7 9.80 7.3 173 7 11/30/07 mid 0936 11.7 9.83 7.2 173 11/30/07 bottom 0936 11.7 9.84 7.1 173 12/03/07 surface 1030 11.4 9.57 7.6 174 12/03/07 mid 1030 11.3 9.56 7.4 175 12/03/07 bottom 1030 11.3 9.56 7.3 175 8.16 DEQ-CFW 00001225 Table 3 (continued) Cape Fear River Physical Data (surface, mid, bottom) and Coliform (surface only, 5 samples in 30 days) Station Date Depth Time Temp DO pH Cond Fecal Coliform Geometric Mean mm/ddmyy s/m/b hrs (*C) (mg/L) (su) umhos/cm #/100 ml Fecal #/100 for Site 11/07/07 surface 1015 14.6 8.81 6.3 122 33 11/07/07 mid 1015 14.6 8.63 6.3 122 11/07/07 bottom 1015 14.6 8.60 6.1 122 11/20/07 surface 1005 12.2 9.38 7.3 168 8 11/20/07 mid 1005 12.2 9.40 7.1 169 11/20/07 bottom 1005 12.2 9.51 6.9 168 11/26/07 surface 1055 12.0 9.36 7.4 180 10 11/26/07 mid 1055 11.9 9.46 7.2 180 11/26/07 bottom 1055 11.9 9.43 7.2 180 11/29/07 surface 1055 12.2 9.51 7.5 173 1 11/29/07 mid 1055 12.3 9.52 7.3 173 11/29/07 bottom 1055 12.3 9.50 7.3 173 11/30/07 surface 0950 11.7 9.65 7.3 173 20 11/30/07 mid 0950 11.7 9.66 7.2 173 11/30/07 bottom 0950 11.7 9.70 7.1 173 12/03/07 surface 1105 11.6 9.51 7.4 175 12/03/07 mid 1105 11.4 9.54 7.3 176 12/03/07 bottom 1105 11.4 9.54 7.2 176 8.8 Qualifier Codes: 61 - Countable membranes with <20 colonies; Estimated B4 - Filters have counts of both <60 or 80 and <20; Estimated * - No sample needed DEQ-CFW 00001226 Ambient Monitoring System Station Summaries Table 4 NCDENR, Division of Water Quality Basinwide Assessment Report Location: CAPE FEAR RIV AT SR 1316 AT TAR HEEL Station #: B8305000 Subbasin: CPF16 Latitude: 34.74477 Longitude: -78.78563 Stream class: C Agency: NCAMBNT NC stream index: 18-(26) Time period: 01/15/2002 to 12/06/2006 # # Results not meeting EL Percentiles result ND EL # % %Conf Min loth 25th 50th 75th 90th Max Field D.O. (mg/L) 49 0 <4 1 2 3 5.1 5.9 7.7 10 10.9 14.9 49 0 <5 4 8.2 3 5.1 5.9 7.7 10 10.9 14.9 pH (SU) 48 0 - <6 2 4.2 5.4 6.2 6.3 6.7 6.9 7.1 7.3 48 0 >9 0 0 5.4 6.2 6.3 6.7 6.9 7.1 7.3 Spec. conductance 49 0 N/A 53 79 98 118 150 181 289 (umhos/cm at 25°C) Water Temperature(°C) 49 0 >32 0 0 5.9 7.9 11.2 18.1 24.7 27.7 29.6 Other TSS (mg/L) 16 0 N/A 7 7.7 9 14 20.8 27.6 29 Turbidity (NTU) 48 0 >50 3 6.2 1.9 8.1 9.9 16 22.8 36.9 90 Metals (ug/L) Aluminum, total (Al) 17 0 N/A 230 318 360 570 660 2080 2400 Arsenic, total (As) 17 17 >10 0 0 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 Cadmium,.total (Cd) 17 17 >2 " 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Chromium, total (Cr) 17 17 >50 0 0 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Copper, total (Cu) 17 2 >7 2 11.8 76.2 2 2 2 3 4 8 9 Iron, total (Fe) 17 0 >1000 5 29.4 99.5 370 482 670 840 1100 2400 2400 Lead, total (Pb) 17 17 >25 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Mercury, total (Hg) 17 17 >0.012 0 0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Nickel, total (Ni) 17 17 >88 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Zinc, total (Zn) 17 11 >50 0 0 10 10 10 10 13 17 20 Fecal coliform (#/100mL) # results: Geomean # > 400: % > 400: %Conf. 45 82 8 18 Key: # result: number of observations # ND: number of observations reported to be below detection level (non -detect) EL: Evaluation Level; applicable numeric or narrative water quality standard or action level Results not meeting EL: number and percentages of observations not meeting evaluation level %Conf : States the percent statistical confidence that the actual percentage of exceedances is at least 10% (20% for Fecal Coliform) Stations with less than 10 results for a given parameter were not evaluated for statistical confidence DEQ-CFW 00001227 Ambient Monitoring System Station Summaries NCDENR, Division of Water Quality Table 4(continued) Basinwide Assessment Report Location: CAPE FEAR RIV AT SR 1316 AT TAR HEEL Station #: B8305000 Subbasin: CPF16 Latitude: 34.74477 Longitude:-78.78563 Stream class: C Agency: MCFRBA NC stream index: 18-(26) Time period: 01/31/2002 to 12/12/2006 # # Results not meeting EL Percentiles result ND EL # % %Conf Min loth 25th 50th 75th 90th Max Field D.O. (mg/L) 84 0 <4 1 1.2 2.9 5.8 6.4 7.5 8.8 10.8 13.1 84 0 <5 4 4.8 2.9 5.8 6.4 7.5 8.8 10.8 13.1 pH (SU) 84 0 <6 2 2.4 5.6 6.3 6.5 6.8 7 7.2 7.9 84 0 >9 0 0 5.6 6.3 6.5 6.8 7 7.2 7.9 Spec. conductance 84 1 N/A 57 90 106 124 158 194 371 (umhos/cm at 25°C) Water Temperature (°C) 84 0 >32 0 0 3 7.6 15.3 23.3 27 29.1 30.6 Other Chlorophyll a (ug/L) 35 6 >40 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 8 17 TSS (mg/L) 59 0 N/A 4 5.3 7.3 12 16 28.3 98 Turbidity (NTU) 59 0 >50 2 3.4 4 6 7.5 10 16 30 130 Nutrients (mg/L) NH3 as N 59 4 N/A 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.09 0.17 0.33 NO2 + NO3 as N 57 0 N/A 0.36 0.51 0.71 0.93 1.12 1.4 3.44 TKN as N 59 3 N/A 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.9 3.1 Total Phosphorus 59 1 N/A 0.01 0.11 0.13 0.16 0.26 . 0.34 0.93 Fecal coliform (#/100mL) # results: Geomean # > 400: % > 400: %Conf: 58 47 5 9 Key: # result: number of observations # ND: number of observations reported to be below detection level (non -detect) EL: Evaluation Level; applicable numeric or narrative water quality standard or action level Results not meeting EL: number and percentages of observations not meeting evaluation level %Conf : States the percent statistical confidence that the actual percentage of exceedances is at least 10% (20% for Fecal Coliform) Stations with less than 10 results for a given parameter were not evaluated for statistical confidence DEQ-CFW 00001228 Table 5 Cape Fear River Water Samples - Nutrients, Metals, MBAS, Sulfate, Hardness, Fluoride and Chloride Station Date Time NH3 TKN NOX Nitrate P Total Ni Ca Mg MBAS Sulfate Hardness Fluoride Chloride mm/dd/yy hrs. mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L ug/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Cape Fear River 12/04/07 1135 0.04 0.50 (J2) 1.5 1.5 0.23 10 (U) 6.3 2.8 0.1 (U) 19 27.61 0.4 (U) 20 Site: CPF1 Cape Fear River 12/04/07 1100 0.03 0.42 (J2) 1.2 1.2 0.19 10 (U) 6.5 2.8 0.1 18 27.77 0.4 (U) 19 Site: CPF2 Cape Fear River 12/04/07 1035 0.03 0.47 (J2) 1.3 1.3 0.20 10 (U) 6.3 2.7 0.1 18 26.85 0.4 (U) 20 Site: CPF3 Cape Fear River 12/04/07 1000 0.04 0.53 1.2 1.2 0.20 10 (U) 6.3 2.8 0.1 18 26.61 0.4 (U) 20 Site: CPF4 Cape Fear River 12/03/07 1000 0.06 0.49 1.3 1.3 0.19 10 (U) 6.2 2.8 0.1 (U) 20 27.01 0.4 19 Site: CPF5 Cape Fear River 12/03/07 1030 0.05 '0.36 1.3 1.3 0.17 10 (U) 6.1 2.7 0.1 (U) 20 26.35 0.4 19 Site: CPF6 Cape Fear River 12/03/07 1105 0.05 0.42 1.3 1.3 0.17 10 (U) 6.2 2.8 0.1 (U) 20 27.01 0.4 19 Site: CPF7 WS-IV & C Standards - 10 mg/L 25 ug/L - 0.5 mg/ L 250 mg/L 100 mg/L 1.8 mg/L 250 m/L Qualifier Codes: (U) - Samples analyzed for this compound but not detected (J2) - Reported value failed to meet QC criteria for either precision or accuracy; Estimated ■ 91 6 n I 0 0 0 o N N Cfl ^ Table 6 Cape Fear River Water Samples Pesticides, Herbicides and Semivolatile Organics, Volatile Organics (VOAs) Pesticides and Organics Cape Fear River - CPF1 Cape Fear River - CPF2 Cape Fear River - CPF3 12/04/07 1135 12/04/07 1100 12/04/07 1100 mm/dd/ mm/dd/ mm/dd/yy Chlorinated Pesticides all 51 target compounds (U) not deteced all 51 target compounds (U) not deteced all 51 target compounds (U) not deteced 3 unidentified peaks detected 3 unidentified peaks detected 3 unidentified peaks detected Acid Herbicides all 15 target compounds (U) not deteced all 15 target compounds (U) not deteced all 15 target compounds (U) not deteced <10 unidentified peaks detected <10 unidentified peaks detected <10 unidentified peaks detected Semivolatile Organics (BNAs) all 66 target compounds (U) not deteced all 66 target compounds (U) not deteced all 66 target compounds (U) not deteced 0 unidentified peaks detected 0 unidentified peaks detected 0 unidentified peaks detected Volatile Organics (VOAs) 58 target compounds (U) not detected 58 target compounds (U) not detected 58 target compounds (U) not detected identified peaks: identified peaks: identified peaks: Chloroform 0.79 ug/L Chloroform 0.57 ug/L Chloroform 0.57 ug/L Bromodichloromethane 0.46 ug/L Bromodichloromethane 0.33 ug/L Bromodichloromethane 0.34 ug/L sample not analyzed for this compound: sample not analyzed for this compound: sample not analyzed for this compound: Chloroethyl vinyl ether Chloroethyl vinyl ether Chloroethyl vinyl ether Table 6 (continued) Cape Fear River Water Samples Pesticides, Herbicides and Semivolatile Organics, Volatile Organics (VOAs) Pesticides and Organics Cape Fear River - CPF4 Cape Fear River - CPF5 Cape Fear River - CPF6 12/04/07 1000 12/03/07 1100 12/03/07 1030 mm/ddtyy mmldd/ mm/ddtyy Chlorinated Pesticides all 51 target compounds (U) not deteced all 51 target compounds (U) not deteced all 51 target compounds (U) not deteced 9 unidentified peaks detected 3 unidentified peaks detected 1 unidentified peaks detected Acid Herbicides all 15 target compounds (U) not deteced all 15 target compounds (U) not deteced all 15 target compounds (U) not deteced <10 unidentified peaks detected 5 unidentified peaks detected <10 unidentified peaks detected Semivolatile Organics (BNAs) all 66 target compounds (U) not deteced all 66 target compounds (U) not deteced all 66 target compounds (U) not deteced 0 unidentified peaks detected 0 unidentified peaks detected 0 unidentified peaks detected Volatile Organics (VOAs) 59 target compounds (U) not detected 57 target compounds (U) not detected 55 target compounds (U) not detected identified peaks: identified peaks: identified peaks: Chloroform 0.59 ug/L Chloroform 0.85 ug/L Chloroform 0.91 ug/L Bromodichloromethane 0.60 ug/L Bromodichloromethane 0.58 uglL sample not analyzed for this compound: 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.36 ug/L Toluene (N3) 0.12 ug/L Chloroethyl vinyl ether m,p-Xylene (N3) 0.41 ug/L sample not analyzed for this compound: 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.37 ug/L Chloroethyl vinyl ether sample not analyzed for this compound: Chloroethyl vinyl ether Qualifier Codes: (U) - Samples analyzed for this compound but not detected (N1) - The component has been tentatively identified based on mass spectral library search and has an estimated value (N3) - Estimated concentration is <PQL and >MDL Table 6 (continued on the following page) Table 6 (continued) Cape Fear River Water Samples Pesticides, Herbicides and Semivolatile Organics, Volatile Organics (VOAs) Pesticides and Organics Cape Fear River- CPF7 12/03/07 1115 mmIdd/yy Chlorinated Pesticides all 51 target compounds (U) not deteced <3 unidentified peaks detected Acid Herbicides all 15 target compounds (U) not deteced <10 unidentified peaks detected Semivolatile Organics (BNAs) all 66 target compounds (U) not deteced 0 unidentified peaks detected Volatile Organics (VOAs) 55 target compounds (U) not detected identified peaks: Chloroform 1.0 ug/L Bromodichloromethane 0.61 uglL Toluene (M) 0.14 ug/L m,p-Xylene (M) 0.42 ug/L 1,2,4-Tdmethylbenzene 0.39 ug/L sample not analyzed for this compound: Chloroethyl vinyl ether Qualifier Codes: (U) - Samples analyzed for this compound but not detected (M) -The component has been tentatively identified based on mass spectral library search and has an estimated value (M) - Estimated concentration is <PQL and >MDL