HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00001200Fwd: [Fwd: ES&T PFC Analysis of Cape Fear River Basin]] V S EeA/C�,Ieart, w Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: ES&T PFC Analysis of Cape Fear River Basin]] From: jeff manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2007 13:16:56 -0400 To: "Elizabeth.Kountis@ncmail.net" <Elizabeth.Kountis@ncmail.net> Betsy, You might find some information in here with regard to your CF reclassification. Jeff Subject: [Fwd: ES&T PFC Analysis of Cape Fear River Basin] From: Coleen Sullins <Coleen.Sullins@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2007 12:57:11 -0400 To: Connie Brower <connie.brower@ncmail.net>, jeff manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net> CC: Chuck Wakild <chuck.wakild@ncmail.net> fyi - on the PFOA issue. Coleen Subject: ES&T PFC Analysis of Cape Fear River Basin From: Michael E Johnson <Michael.E.Johnson@USA.dupont.com> Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 08:46:15 -0400 To: coleen.sullins@ncmail.net CC: belinda.henson@ncmail.net Coleen: Firstly, my sincere congratulations on your appointment as the Director of DWQ. I know you will do an outstanding job in that position. You and Belinda might be interested in the attached publication of a detailed analysis of the presence of perfluorinated compounds, including PFOA, in the Cape Fear River Basin from the latest, on-line version of Environmental Science and Technology. It is possible that you might receive some inquiries regarding this publication. (See attached file: Cape Fear Study ES&T es07O792y.pdf) You can find this article at the following internet address: http://pubs3.acs.org/acs/journals/doilookup?in_doi=10.1021/esO7O792y If you have any questions you can of course contact me at 910-678-1155. Regards, Michael E. Johnson Environmental Manager DuPont Company Fayetteville Works (910) 678-1155 This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be Privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby of 2 11/28/2007 4:04 Ply DEQ-CFW 00001200 [Fwd: [Fwd: ES&T PFC Analysis of Cape Fear River Basin]] formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this e-mail, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender by return e-mail and delete this e-mail from your system. Unless explicitly and conspicuously designated as "E-Contract Intended", this e-mail does not constitute a contract offer, a contract amendment, or an acceptance of a contract offer. This e-mail does not constitute a consent to the use of sender's contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties. Francais Deutsch Italiano Espanol Portugues Japanese Chinese Korean http://www.DuPont.com/corp/email_ disclaimer.html Content -Type: message/rfc822 [Fwd: ES&T PFC Analysis of Cape Fear River Basinf ,' Content -Encoding: 7bit Content -Type: message/r&822 ES&T PFC Analysis of Cape Fear River Basin Content -Encoding: 7bit Content -Type: application/pdf Cape Fear Study ES&T es07O792y.pdf Content -Encoding: base64 - - -- _. 2 of 2 11/28/2007 4:04 Pr DEQ-CFW 00001201 Perfluorinated Compounds in the Cape Fear Drainage Basin in North Carolina SHOJI NAKAYAMA, MARK J. STRYNAR, LAURENCE HELFANT, PETER EGEGHY, XIBIAO YE, AND ANDREW B. LINDSTROM* National Exposure Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711 Concern over perfluorinated organic compounds (PFCs), e.g., perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), is due to a number of recent studies which show that the PFCs are persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic in animals. Despite sustained interest in this topic, little information is available concerning the environmental distributions of the compounds. In this study, a new method was developed for the analysis of 10 target PFCs and its performance was examined in a systematic evaluation of surface water in the Cape Fear River Basin in North Carolina. One hundred samples from 80 different locations were collected during the spring of 2006. Detectable levels of the target PFCs were found in all samples, and were comparable to values reported previously, with maximum PFOS at 132 ng/L, PFOA at 287 ng/L, perfluorononanoic acid (C9) at 194 ng/L, and perfluorohep- tanoic acid (0) at 329 ng/L. In general, the lowest concentrations of the PFCs were found in the smallest tributaries while the highest levels were found in middle reaches of the Drainage Basin. Variability of PFC concentrations suggests a series of source inputs throughout the Basin. Seventeen sample sites (22%) had PFOS concentrations greater than 43 ng/L, a conservative safe water concentration estimated to be protective of avian life. In addition, a total of 26 sites (32%) had PFOA concentrations above 40 ng/L. Introduction Increasing worldwide attention is being focused on a group of persistent organic compounds known as the perfluorinated compounds (PFCs). Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) are probably the two best known PFCs, but there are a great number of other structurally related compounds which share the unique physical and chemical characteristics of this class of materials. Concern over these compounds is in part due to a number of recent studies that have indicated serious health effects associated With PFOS and PFOA in various animal models (1, 2). Consequently, this has led to voluntary cessation of the production of PFOS in the United States and reductions in factory emissions of PFOA and its residuals in finished products (3). There are still many companies worldwide which produce and/or use a wide range of different PFCs in *Corresponding author phone: 919-5_ 4140,5 fax: 919-541-0905; e-mail: lindstr�w@epa.gov. a great variety of products (4). While most residents tested in the industrialized countries have detectable levels of many PFCs in their blood (5), the routes of exposure and the associated risks are largely unknown. A series of studies in Japan has suggested a relationship between PFOS and PFOA levels in water supplies and in the blood of residents living in some of the most heavily industrialized areas of that country (6, 7). Likewise, in the United States, PFOA in human blood was found to be correlated to the consumption of contaminated well water and homegrown fruits and vegetables in one particularly contaminated area (8). Other studies have documented that the PFCs are ubiquitous in aquatic food webs and that they tend to be concentrated in the fish that may be eaten by humans (9, 10). Although mounting evidence indicates the importance of aquatic systems in the global transport of many ci the PFCs (11,12), there are still few data that have been published describing PFC distributions in the aqueous environment. In the small number of studies which have been published, many aspects of the collection and analysis procedures are poorly described. Few contain adequate detail on the performance characteristics (i.e., precision and accuracy) of the methods employed, making it difficult to interpret the data. In a recent worldwide interlaboratory study (13), only 31% of the participating laboratories demonstrated sub- stantial agreementin the analysis of anaqueous PFOS sample. The need for more rigorous standardized testing procedures for the PFCs will increase as our understanding of the issue increases (14, 15). This study was undertaken to establish a new method for the collection and analysis of 10 PFCs in surface water and to provide the details on the performance characteristics that are needed for interpretation of the resulting data. This method was applied in a pilot -scale evaluation of the Cape Fear River Basin in North Carolina to demonstrate its utility and to provide preliminary information about the PFCs in this watershed. Materials and Methods Standards and Reagents. Potassium salts of perfluorooutane sulfonate (PFBS, 98% purity), perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHS, 93%), and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS, 93%) were provided by 3M Company (St. Paul, MN). Perfluorohexanoic acid (C6, 97%), perfluoroheptanoic acid (C7, 99%), perfluo- rooctanoic acid (C8 or PFOA, 96%), perfluorononanoic acid (C9, 97%), and perfluorodecanoic acid (C10, 98%) were purchased from Sigma -Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). Perfluoroun- decanoic acid (Cl 1, 960Q, and perfluorododecanoic acid (C12, 96%) were purchased from Oakwood Products (West Co- lumbia, SC). 1802-Ammonium perfluorooctane sulfonate (180-PFOS) was purchased from Research Triangle Institute (Research Triangle Park, NC). 1,2-73C2-labeled PFOA (13C- PFOA) was purchased from Perkin-Elmer Life and Analytical Sciences (Boston, MA). Deionized (DI) water, HPLC-grade methanol, and ammonium acetate were determined to be free of PFCs prior to use. Water Collection. One hundrtd _water samples were collected from 80 different sites a (mo3e_ than 10% dups li- Cates) in the Ca ear fiver asin in central North Carolina on-6 different dates during the spririL2006 o(Figure 1). Sample sites were sublecnve�` 7y selected to re ieci warer quality throughout the Basin. The Cape Fear is the lar- gest drainage basin within North Carolina with an area of 23 700 km2. The Haw and Deep Rivers originate in the north central part of the state and their confluence 10.1021/es070792y Not subject to U.S. Copyright. Publ. xxxx Am. Chem. Soc. VOL. xx, NO. xx, xxxx / ENVIRON. SCI. & TECHNOL. ■ A Published on Web 07/04/2007 PAGE EST: 5.8 DEQ-CFW 00001202 East coast 4�N,w United Stat York FIGURE 1. Cape Fear River Drainage Basin, North Carolina. The solid circles and triangles represent sampling locations on the mainstream and tributaries, respectively. EIPVPn numbered loc_ ations along the watershed shS&1hL1ftq1_w4hAke_hiahrA1n al PFC concentrations measured in this survey (See Table 3). forms the Cape Fear River. The Little River joins the Cape Fear River just north of Fayetteville. Local water author- ities estimate that as many as 1.7 million residents obtain drinking water from surface water resources within this basin. While the watershed is principally rural and agricul- tural in nature, possible sources of PFCs include use of fire -fighting foams, metal -plating facilities, textile and paper production, and other industries found within this basin. Samples were collected in pre -cleaned (methanol rinsed) 1 L high -density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles (Nalge Nunc International, Rochester, NY) using either a Kemmerer stainless steel sampler, an open water grab sampler (Wildlife Supply Company, Buffalo, NIA, or a homemade dip sampler. All samples were collected approximately 15-30 cm below the surface of the water. Samples were returned to the laboratory and stored at room temperature for no longer than 3 days prior to analysis. Field Quality Assurance Sample Preparation. On each sampling date, a 1 L bottle was filled with deionized (DI) water and carried into the field as a field blank. Independent quality control (QC) samples were spiked with known levels B ■ ENVIRON. SCL & TECHNOL. / VOL. xx, NO. xx, xxxx of the PFCs (typically at two different levels) and transported to the field each day. These field blanks and QC samples were returned to the laboratory and analyzed at the same time as the field samples. Solid -Phase Extraction (SPE). Oasis HLB Plus (225 mg) cartridges (Waters Corporation, Milford, MA) were condi- tioned with 10 mL of methanol and DI water at a flow rate of approximately 10 mL/min. Water samples were divided into two 500 mL aliquots and spiked with 100 /CL of a 100 pg/µL solution (10 ng) of the internal standards (13C-PFOA and 180-PFOS), and then loaded onto the pre -conditioned cartridges at a flow rate of 10 mL/min with a positive pressure pump (Sep -Pak Concentrator, Waters Corporation). The cartridge was then washed with 10 mL of DI water and dried completely by purging with nitrogen gas. The target analytes were eluted from the cartridge with 2 mL of methanol at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. The eluate was reduced in volume to 500 pl, with a TurboVap II nitrogen evaporator at 60 °C (Caliper Life Sciences, Hopkinton, MA). Finally, a 200 ,uL aliquot of this reduced eluate was mixed with 50,uL of 2 mM ammonium acetate to match the initial HPLC mobile phase conditions. DEQ-CFW 00001203 TABLE 1. Method Performance Characteristics recoverya precisionb accuracyc 10 ng/L, N= 5 too ng/L, N= 5 intra, ng/L, N= 6 inter, ng/L, N= 4 5 ng/L, N= 4 50 ng/L, N= 4 compound % recovery RSDd % recovery RSD mean RSD mean RSD % accuracy RSD % accuracy RSD C12 55.3 0.100 59.8 0.098 3.56 0.096 46.4 0.058 80.3 0.160 101 0.045 C11 66.9 0.086 78.4 0.100 27.6 0.051 49.6 0.044 90.3 0.069 103 0.038 C10 84.6 0.088 90.1 0,048 76.5 0.069 51.6 0,080 102 0.064 102 0.050 C9 92.4 0.035 97.4 0.018 147 0.041 52.7 0.043 103 0.120 105 0.039 C8 96.5 0.019 101 0.007 197 0.026 50.5 0.019 96.2 0.003 99.5 0.013 C7 91.1 0.024 104 0.027 60.3 0.047 48.4 0.034 96.2 0.043 98.4 0.012 C6 90.1 0.026 95.6 0.035 12.4 0.054 49.2 0.111 103 0.064 101 0.064 PFOS 95.1 0.033 96.5 0.018 30.9 0.031 48.9 0.048 92.0 0,048 94.6 0.011 PFHS 92.8 0.024 102 0.038 7.15 0.052 48.2 0.044 94.1 0.029 97.2 0.036 PFBS 83.2 0.028 93.0 0.054 2.50 0.041 48.2 0.108 95.3 0.051 96.3 0.092 3 Matrix matched recovery. b Intra-day variation of samples from a location and inter -day variation of spiked samples. c Percent accuracy using deionized water spiked with target compounds (measured value/spiked amount). d Relative standard deviation. Instrumental Analysis. Samples were analyzed using an Agilent 1100 high-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC, Agilent Technology, Palo Alto, CA) coupled with an API 3000 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). The HPLC consisted of a membrane degasser, binary high- pressure gradient pumps, an auto -sampler, and column heaters. A Wakopak Fluofix-II 120E column (5 ym), 3.0 x 100 mm (Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Osaka, Japan) con- taining a fluorinated stationary phase was used for the analysis at 40 *C. Samples (10 uL) were injected using a gradient mobile phase consisting of mixture of 2 mM ammonium acetate and methanol at a flow rate of 200 µL/ min. The gradient program was optimized for the separation of all analytes and matrix interferences (Table S 1, Supporting Information), The API 3000 was operated in the electro-spray ionization (ESI) mode using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). The operational parameters are described in Table S1(Supporting Information). Ionization and collision cell parameters were optimized for each individual analyte. The MRM transitions for each analyte are indicated in Table S2 (Supporting Information). Quantitation. Six -point calibration curves were produced for each analytical batch by spiking blank DI water with varying amounts of the target PFCs and fixed levels of the two internal standards (180-PFOS and 13C-PFOA) such that the quantifiable range for this study was from 1 to 500 ng1L. Curves were prepared by plotting the area ratio of analytes to internal standards versus the concentration of the PFC standards. Quantitation was performed with theAnalyst 1.4.1 software (Applied Biosystems) using a quadratic "1/x' weighted regression fit with a coefficient of correlation greater than 0,99. In a separate series of experiments, the instrumental quantitation limit (IQL) and lower limit of quantitation (LLOQ) of the method were calculated by using a series of solvent standards and fortified DI water samples (0.01-250 pg/µL and 0.01-250 ng/L, respectively). The IQL was determined to be 0.5 pg on column and the method LLOQ was determined to be 0.2 ng/L for all PFCs. At these levels the signal-to-noise ratio was at least 10:1 with precision of f15% and accuracy of 100% f 20%. Recoveries and QC Values. Recoveries were calculated based on a matrix matched method (details in Supporting Information). The intra-day precision was calculated based on analysis of the 6 replicated samples collected from a single location on a single day. The inter -day precision was determined by comparing DI water spiked with 50 ng of PFC mixture on 4 different days. The relative standard deviations (RSD), or coefficient of variation, were calculated from these measurements. Accuracy was calculated by analyzing low and high (5 and 50 ng/L) QC spikes into DI water on 4 different days. The QC samples were treated with the same procedure as the other samples and calibrated by the standard curves described above. Statistical Analyses. All statistical analyses were per- formed using SAS/STAT software (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) with the level of significance set at 0.05. If duplicate samples were collected at any given location, mean values were used in all subsequent analyses. Results and Discussion Method Validation. None of the field blanks were determined to have measurable PFC contamination. The recovery, precision, and accuracy for the 7 perfluorinated carboxylates and 3 sulfonates targeted in this method are listed in Table 1. Recoveries for most compounds ranged from 80% to 104%. The C11 and C12 acids had lower recoveries but excellent overall precision with RSDs no higher than 10%. The greatest variance was found for the inter -day C6 acid at a concentration of 50 ng/L (11% RSD). The accuracy of spiked samples was 80-105% with less than 16% RSD. None of the duplicate samples taken from 8 different locations on 5 different days had significant variation either within -day or between -day analyses (p values > 0.1, paired t-test). Several aspects of this method provided enhanced ac- curacy and precision. The use of a positive -pressure dual piston pump, Sep -Pak Concentrator, allowed a relatively large volume of water to be run through the SPE cartridge without filtration at a steady flow rate and pressure in an automated manner, thereby contributing to reproducible SPE loading and overall sample consistency. Most surface water samples were found to contain complex organic materials which coeluted from the SPE cartridge and were present as interferences in the final eluate. To minimize this interference, a Fluofix-II column with a bonded fluorinated stationary phase was used to separate these organic interferences from the target PFCs (Figure S1, Supporting Information). The combination of the HLB cartridge and the Fluofix analytical column provided excellent accuracy and precision for the measurement of PFCs in surface water. Low levels of background contamination in the analytical instrumentation will also contribute to low LOQs and improved accuracy and precision. Some researchers have suggested that all HPLC fittings and parts containing poly- tetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) should be replaced with stainless steel and/or polyetheretherketone (PEEK) materials to avoid potential PFC contamination (16, 17). While this may be necessary for ultralow-level determinations, any potential VOL. xx, NO. xx, xxxx / ENVIRON. SCL & TECHNOL. ■ C DEQ-CFW 00001204 TABLE 2. Summary of Measurements mean median GM' max. min. % above compound 93 n4 46 e/53.2c 2.17 1� 1 < LOQ 19 OD C11 10.4 5.67 6.25 52.1 < LOQ 43.0 17.7 C10 22.1 13.2 8.35 120 < LOQ 62.0 15.2 C9 33.6 5.70 9.73 194 < LOQ 74.7 10.1 C8 43.4 12.6 16.2 287 < LOQ 82.3 7.6 C7 38.7 14.8 14.0 329 < LOQ 55.7 32.9 C6 7.38 5.14 5.41 23.0 < LOQ 44.3 45.6 PFOS 31.2 28.9 20.0 132 < LOQ 97.5 0 PFHS 7.29 5.66 5.73 35.1 < LOQ 73.4 1.3 PFBS 2.58 2.46 2.34 9.41 < LOQ 39.2 38.0 I Geometric mean. a Limit of quantitation (1 ng/L, samples below this level were excluded from the calculation of mean and GM). a Not detected, less than 0.05 ng/L. contamination was eliminated in this study by flushing the entire HPLC system (degasser, pumps, tubing, and valves) with 100% methanol for more than 3 days as well as by avoiding injection of more than 1 ng of any specific PFC on column at any time. PFC Concentrations in Surface Water. The PFOS and PFOA were found to be above the LO 11 ni=_/L for all compounds) in 97.5% and 82.3% of the samples, respectively (Table 2). Of the other compounds, the C7-10 acids and PFHS were the most prevalent, being found above the LOQ in more than 50% of samples. The median concentrations were all below 30 ng/L for each compound, with PFOS levels at 28.9 ng/L, PFOA at 12.6 ng/L, the C7 acid at 14.8 ng/L, and the C10 acid at 13.2 ng/L. However, the peak levels of each cQmpDund_(see Table 3 and discussion below) were re a- tive 'gh when compared with previously published data. For example, maximum PFOS was measured at 132 ng/L, PFOA at 287 ng/L, the C10 acid at 120 ng/L, the C9 acid at 194 ng/L, and the C7 acid at 329 ng/L. As all data were found to be log -normally distributed, Spearman's correlation analysis was conducted indicating that the carboxylates were strongly correlated with each other and that PFOS was correlated with the C8 and C9 acids, PFHS, and PFBS (Table S3, Supporting Information). A significant correlation was also found between PFBS and the C6-C9 acids. These cor- relations suggest common sources among these groupings. Different PFC profiles were observed at each sampling location along the entire length of the watershed (Figure S2, Supporting Information). Figure 2 shows plots of the PFOA and PFOS concentrations from the mouth of the Cape Fear River up into the headwater tributaries more than 400 river km inland. These plots reveal that lawer concentrations of the PFCs were found in the smallest upland tributaries and thg_ ad lowland costa sections of the river. The highest (A) r m Flow SI • Concentration s 250 i Haw River 80 m c 200 � t m 3i 3 80 ua m ,50 -J i 0 `? j I � 40 J,°o I Gape Fear River m � U 50 7 , � 20 3 Little River I Deep River H 0 100 200 300 400 River kilometer (B) ® Flow 120 �j Little River 11 . Concentration s i 80 m .4 too * Haw River 3 I 3 o 80 i i I 60 i Ili i I �. c 80 Ili 0 f $ Wildlife valuefor ii Deep River40 N a ir�A.)40,.f Cape River �Fear i 20 3 20 L I N 100 200 300 400 River kilometer FIGURE 2. Concentrations of PFOA (A) and PFOS (B) vs river km. The Haw and Deep River fom at river kilometer 277 to form the Cape Fear River. River kilometer 0 is the mouth of the Cape Fear River near Wilmington, NC. concentrations were found in the middle reaches of the Cape Fear River and its two major tributaries (the Haw and Deep Rivers). Figure 2 also shows the long-term median flow rate of the main streams. Together these data indicate that the highest concentrations and the greatest degree of variation tend to occur in the low -volume, middle and upper reaches of these rivers. Source inputs in these areas apparently have _q greater influence her- a t'-Iianin t ie ownstream costatareas with su sty anu-, v is titer water volume. It is at interest to determine if this line in PFC concentration is due to ,t;i„tinQ b• u;r al untake. or seauestration in sediments or other abiotic pools. Table 3 lists the measured concentrations of each PFC at the eleven sampling locations (Figure 1) with the highest aggregate (sum of all target compounds) PFC levels. The maximum concentrations of the C8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 acids TABLE 3. Measured Concentrations at the Eleven Sites with the Highest Total Concentrations of PFCs in the Cape Fear River Basina (See Figure 1 for locations) C12 C11 C10 C9 Cam C7 C6 PFOS PFHS PFBS no. river (ng/L) (ng/L) (ng/L) (ng/L) ng/L) (ng/L) (ng/L) (ng/L) (ng/L) (ng/L) total (ng/L) 1 Haw River 4.46 521 120 - 194 287 118 21.7 127 8.43 9.41 942 2 Haw River 3.20 28.7 112 157 200 66.8 14.5 33.4 7.87 2.61 626 3 Haw River 3.29 27.6 109 157 191 59.2 13.7 36.4 9.49 3.04 609 4 Haw River 1.98 20.0 88.2 151 201 58.2 13.2 31.5 7.49 2.88 574 15 tributary to Cape Fear 2_26 , _1 -0 _ _.- 6- -Z12,. --58 6__ 329 ._! _. 2.30 30.0 3.36 ND 531 _.. 71i 6 Haw River 1.18� 8.87 31.0 72.1 152 58.3 13.5 31.2 7.70 NU`J 7 Cape Fear River < LOQ 3.34 13.2 34.8 70.3 24.0 7.84 66.7 5.59 ND 227 8 Cape Fear River 1.14 6.39 17.2 35.7 71.5 26.9 9.35 50.4 4.82 ND 223 9 Cape Fear River 1.23 6.75 17.1 38.0 72.7 23.7 7.05 40.7 4.10 ND 211 10 Cape Fear River < LOQ 7.55 19.3 31.2 46.8 13.9 4.62 56.3 6.84 2.12 189 11 Little River < LOQ < LOQ 2.17 2.24 12.6 3.38 3.23 132 26.4 3.20 185 I Italicized values show maximal concentrations of each compound. D ■ ENVIRON. SCL & TECHNOL. / VOL. xx, NO. xx, xxxx DEQ-CFW 00001205 as well as PFBS were found at sampling point 1 in Figure 1. Peak levels of PFOS and PFHS were found in the Little River at sampling point 11. The highest levels of the C6 and C7 acids were found in a small tributary of the Cape Fear River at sampling point 5. These data indicate the presence of many different PFC sources within the Basin. Further e a uation o ese areas could be undertaken fo dentify the various sources. Comparison to Other Findings. In general, these results are similar to PFOS and PFOA levels measured in 9 major freshwater lakes and rivers throughout New York State (18). In that study, median PFOS levels were all below 7 ng/L except Lake Onondaga (a listed Superfund site) where it was found to be 756 ng/L. Median PFOA levels ranged from 14 to 49 ng/L with a high value of 173 ng/L. In the Cape Fear River Basin, median PFOS was 28.9 ng/L with a maximum of 132 ng/L, and median PFOAwas 12.6 ng/Lwith a maximum of 287 ng/L. One difference noted between these two studies is t at a ew York State effort measured only PFOS, PFOA, and PFHS with a 4 target compound method. In the Cape Fear Basin, all 10 of the target compounds were routinely quantified, with an average of 6 compounds being above LOQ at each location. Another study examined the impact of a fluorochemical production facility on the Tennessee River in Alabama U9). In that study, PFOS and PFOA levels remained below 55 and 25 ng/L, respectively, before the discharge site of the fluorochemical plant. After a 10 km mixing distance down- stream of the discharge, the PFOS and PFOA concentrations remained fairly constant, averaging 114 ng/L and 394 ng/L, respectively, for the remaining 55 km of the river that was studied. The authors pointed out that this pattern was consistent with a single source that influenced the main body of -the river for a considerable distance after the input. In contrast, the current study revealed evidence of many unidentified sources o s m t e ape Fear Basfri leaeing to much greater overall variability in water concentrations (Figures 2 and S2). Comparing these results with a nationwide survey in Japan (20, 21), the PFOS and PFOA levels from the present study were at least 3.5-6 times higher than all of the Japanese regions surveyed except the heavily industrialized area around Osaka, where the peak levels of PFOS were found to be 526 ng/ L and PFOA was as high as 67 000 ng/ L. The authors determined that the PFOA source was a water reclamation facility which receives waste from a number of industrial facilities operating in the area. The elevated PFOS concen- trations were found in a tributary draining the Osaka International Airport with the concentrations as high as 526 ng/L (roughly 500 times higher than typical background concentrations in that study). The authors noted that use of _dje,�foams at airports has been known to cause PFC contamination of ground and surface waters (22, 23) and they speculate that this may be the source of contamination here as well, In light of these findings, it is interesting to note that the hi hest PFOS concentration measured in the current stud (132 n /L) was from t e it a R>ver w ich runs along the northern bound o ort Bragg an o e —Air se > . The highest PFHS concentration (26.4 ng/L)' was. also recorded at this location. In Figure 1 both com- pounds increase to their maximum concentration as the Little River flows along the northern boundary of this military reservation and it makes its confluence with the Cape Fear River. According to the NC Department of Environment (24), the Base is permitted to pump 30 300 kL-ef wastewater_per Agy into the Little River in this area. This finding is consistent with past or current use of PFOS-containing materials in this area. Another recent study measured PFCs in the Rhine River and some of its tributaries in Germany (25). In general, the median levels of PFOA and PFOS on the Cape Fear were higher than most of the sampling locations on the main body of the Rhine River. One exceptionally contaminated tributary to the Rhine was identified in an area that had received sur ce .anplication of organic wastes containin> PFC ma.terial._ Further testing of finished drns' water supplies coming from this hi>;hly contaminated area showed little evidence of effective removal of the PFCs bV conventional activated carbon filters. Like the Japanese work discussed above, this study underscores the worldwide nature of this issue, and it also shows how the systematic application of an effective collection and analysis method can be used to trace and identify PFC sources within a watershed. Exposure Aspects. A U.S. EPA Great Lakes Initiative methodology (26) was used to estimate an avian wildlife value fpr.P_Q5ofap=uui + 1l 3ngLi (0.PFOSconcentrations below this level are estimated to be protective of trophic level IV bird species which consume aquatic organisms at equilibrium with PFOS in the water. Because of uncertainties in the estimate, the authors (17) consider this value to be "probably overly conservative, possibly by 50-100 fold." It is interesting to note that 17 (22%) of the sampling sites in this study had PFOS concentrations above this 43 nl;/L threshold (Figure 2B). The New York State study (18) and a recent Korean study (27) also found limited areas where this threshold was exceeded. While this study only measured surface water, a health - based guidance level recommended bythe State of New Jersey for PFOA in drinking water provides a reference point for interpretation of some of the data from the current study. The State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has recommended that PFOA levels in drinking water not exceed 40 ng in or er to a protective of both non -cancer effects and cancer at the one in one million risk level (15). In the current studv, 26 sites (32 - had PFOA levels above 40 ng/L. While no drinking water measurements were - made in t is study, these findings indicate the potential for exposures above this threshold if PFOA is not effectivel removed by drinking water treatment plants using the Cap Fear River and its tributaries as source water. The removal of all the PFCs by water treatment processes should be evaluated. In conclusion, this method for 10 target PFCs in surface water specifically identifies the key performance character- istics (accuracy, precision, and sensitivity) that are needed to design and conduct sampling surveys which will adequately document surface water quality. This pilot study of the Cape Fear Drainage Basin found ample evidence of potential sources of PFCs, with PFOS and PFOA being the most prevalent compounds identified. The C7, C9, and C10 acids and PFHS were also commonly detected, suggesting other sources of these materials as well. In general, the indication of a wide variety of PFC sources indicates that much further work will be required to evaluate this river system and the potential impacts on drinking water sources, wildlife species, and potential human exposures. This study contributes to the growing body of data that suggests that PFC contamina- tion in the waterways of the industrialized world is pervasive and as yet poorly characterized. Acknowledgments We thank Waters Corporation for their contribution through Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA #392-06) and Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd. for their contribution through the CRADA (#399-06). We also thank the following individuals for contributing to this work: Dr. Laurence Libelo, USEPA; Professor Akio Koizumi, Kyoto University, Japan; Dr. Norimitsu Saito, the Research Institute for Environmental Sciences and Public Health of Iwate Prefecture, Japan; and Dr. Jerry Varns, USEPA. This research VOL. xx, NO. xx, xxxx / ENVIRON. SCL & TECHNOL. ■ E DEQ-CFW 00001206 was supported in part by an appointment to the Research Participation Program at the National Exposure Research Laboratory administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education through an interagency agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The United States Envi- ronmental Protection Agency through its Office of Research and Development funded and managed the research de- scribed here. It has been subjected to Agency administrative review and approved for publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. Supporting Information Available Tables showing LC/MS/MS conditions, mass transitions of each analyte, and Spearman's correlation coefficients be- tween analytes. Additional Figures showing representative chromatograms and summaries of all measurements made at each location. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org. Literature Cited (1) USEPA. Revised Draft, Hazard Assessment of Perfluorooctanoic Acid and its Salts, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Washington, DC, November 4, 2002. (2) OECD. 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