HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00000919JOEM • Volume 48, Number 8, August 2006 759 Community Exposure Relationships Between and Exposure Sources Edward Anthony Emmett, MD, MS Frances Susan Shofer, PhD Hong Zhang, MD, MPH David Freeman, MS Chintan Desai, BSc Leslie Michael Shaw, PhD to Perfluorooctanoate: Serum Concentrations luoropolymers are used in a variety of industrial and consumer products, including non-stick cookware, water- proof, breathable textiles, consumer house wares, electronics, aerospace, and other applications. Perfluoro- octanoate (PFOA, CF3, [CF,16 C00—, CAS No. 3825-26-1) also occurs as a contaminant in other fluorochemi- Objeetive: The objective of this study was to determine serum call and telomer products. Telomers (perfluorooctanoate [PFOA]) in residents near a fluoropolymer produc- are highly fluorinated compounds used tion facility: the contributions from air, water, and occupational in protective coatings for carpets, exposures, personal and dietary habits, and relationships to age and paper, construction materials, and gender. Methods: The authors conducted questionnaire and .serum PFOA measurements in a stratified random sample and volunteers residing in locations with the same residential water supply but with higher and lower potential air PFOA exposure. Results: Serum (PFOA) greatly exceeded general population medians. Occupational exposure from production processes using PFOA and residential water had additive effects; no other occupations contributed. Serum (PTOA) depended on the source of residential drinking water, and not potential air exposure. Tor public water users, the best fit model included age, tap water drinks per day, servings of home grown fruit and vegetables, and carbon filter use. Conclusions: Residential water source was the primary determinant of serum (PTOA). U Occup Environ Med. 2006;48: 759-770) From the University of Pennsylvania (Dr Emmett, Dr Shofer, Mr Desai, Dr Shaw), School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Grand Central Family Medicine (Dr Zhang), Parkersburg, West Virginia; and the Decatur Community Association (Mr Freeman), Cuter, Ohio. This study was supported by grant ES12591 from the Environmental Justice Program of the U.S. National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), National Institutes of Health, and by P30 Core Center grant ES 013508 from the NIEHS. Address correspondence to: Edward A. Emmett, MD, Occupational Medicine, Silverstein Pavilion, Ground Floor, 3400 Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA 19104-4284; E-mail: emmetted@mail.med.upenn.edu. Copyright 0 2006 by American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine DOI: 10.1097/01.jom.0000232486.07658.74 apparel, and in insecticide formula- tions and high performance surfac- tant products. PFOA has commercial use primar- ily as ammonium perfluorooctanoate, an essential surface-active agent in the production of various fluoropolymers, including tetrafluoroethylene. PFOA is a contaminant in other fluorochemicals and telomer products.' According to manufacturers, it is typically not present in finished consumer articles. Ammonium perfluorooctanoate is fully dissociated into the anion form, perfluorooctanoate, in environmental media and biologic fluids. Organofluorine compounds behave very differently to the more widely stud- ied organochlorines and organobromines and have unusual partitioning proper- ties.Z Perfluorofatty and perfluorosulfo- nic acids, particularly PFOA and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), are now found ubiquitously in marine ani- mals inhabiting widely spread geo- graphic biospheres3 and in human serum from widely disparate groups. 4-7 PFOA and PFOS persist in the environment and resist biologic, environmental, and pho- F DEQ-CFW 00000919 760 tochemical degradation (3M, 2001). They have no known natural sources." In the general U.S. population, me- dian serum PFOA values are around 4 to 5 ng/mL; occasional values are above 20 ng/mO,5,9 with no signifi- cant gender differences. Analyses of blood samples from residents near Washington County, Maryland, found a twofold increase in serum PFOA levels between 1974 and 1989.6 Kannan et al' have reported differ- ences in blood serum PFOA levels among populations from different countries. PFOA toxicology has recently been reviewed.' PFOA is well ab- sorbed by rats after both oral and inhalation exposure. Fecal excretion in male rats is increased by feeding cholestyramine resin, suggesting en- terohepatic circulation.10 Dermal penetration is significant in rats but is low to negligible in humans. r r In rats, PFOA is a peroxisome prolif- erator activated receptor (PPAR) ag- onist causing liver toxicityL2,13 with hepatomegaly and hepatic necrosis, and biochemical effects characteris- tic of PPAR agonists." PFOA pro- motes liver carcinogenesis in rats,'-5 and causes Leydig-cell testicular tu- mors and acinar cell pancreatic tu- mors16,17 through nongenotoxic mechanismsrs.ry with questionable human relevance. The human half- life of PFOA was between 4 and 5 years for retirees with previous heavy occupational exposure,20 much longer than in laboratory animals. Control of human exposure to PFOA has been limited by the lack of information on sources and path- ways. As the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states, "At present, there aren't any steps that EPA recommends that consumers take to reduce exposure to PFOA because the sources of PFOA in the environment and the pathways by which people are exposed are un- known. The limited geographic loca- tions of fluorochemical plants making or using the chemical sug- gest that there may be additional sources of PFOA in the environment Community Exposure to Perfluorooctanoate • Emmett et al and exposures beyond those attribut- able to direct releases from industrial facilities. But whether human expo- sures are due to PFOA in the air, the water, on dusts or sediments in dietary sources or through some combination of routes is currently unknown.',21 PFOA has been used in the manu- facturing of fluoropolymers at a facil- ity in Washington, West Virginia, since 1951. Potential airborne PFOA exposure was modeled using informa- tion on releases from the plant, mete- orologic conditions, and topography. The wind rose map, which shows the frequency and strength of winds from different directions, for the plant indi- cates the primary wind direction, to- ward the north/northeast, would carry airborne emissions into neighboring Ohio. PFOA was also released to the Ohio River, adjacent to the plant, as well as disposed in landfills and sur- face impoundments in the vicinity. Ac- cording to the facility, total PFOA emissions from the facility have been reduced from 87,000 lbs (31,000 air, .56,000 water) and 80,000 lbs (31,000 air, 49,000 water) in 1999 and 2000, respectively, to 11,000 lbs (6000 air, 5000 water) and 1700 lbs (200 air, 1500 water) in 2003 and 2004, respectively. PFOA has been detected in public and private drinking water supplies near the facility. The highest levels reported in public water supplies in the United States to date have been in the Little Hocking water system, in oper- ation since 1968, which draws water from wells across the Ohio river from the facility. The average PFOA in Little Hocking system distribution wa- ter for 2002-2005 has been 3.55 ng/mL (range, 1.5-7.2 ng/mL). The objectives of the present study were to measure serum PFOA levels in a stratified random sample of the pop- ulation served by the Little Hocking water service to determine: how the serum PFOA levels compared with levels measured in other populations; the relative contributions of air and water exposure to serum PFOA levels; and to determine the effects, if any, of demographic variables, occupational exposures, personal habits, use of water filters, and dietary factors such as the ingestion of locally harvested game and fish and of homegrown vegetables. Materials and Methods Eligibility Criteria Eligibility criteria for participation in the study were: Residence in the area serviced by the Little Hocking Water Associa- tion for at least the past 2 years as of July 2004; Ages 2 or older (changed to ages 4 or older after the study began to minimize participant discomfort); and Not known to have a bleeding disorder (to diminish any risk from phlebotomy). Selection of Households for Sampling Frame Two populations of residents were identified for participation in the strat- ified random sampling. One popula- tion represented those whose residence was potentially exposed to PFOA in both air and water, and the other whose residence was potentially exposed to PFOA in water but had very minimal potential for exposure in air. The sam- pling randomly selected households from each of these strata. To identify areas where there was higher exposure to PFOA in the air, we used an air dispersion model that estimated the air concentration for PFOA emanating from the PFOA source plant. Inputs into the air dis- persion model included the amounts of air emissions for the plant, wind velocities, and topographic contours. The air concentrations had been modeled for years 2002 and 2003 on an annual basis; the model produced very similar results for each of these years. To identify areas in the Little Hocking water service distribution area, a map of the water distribution system was obtained for the Little Hocking water service. The potential air and water exposure group com- prised all those who had resided for DEQ-CFW 00000920 JOEM • Volume 48, Number 8, August 2006 6.5 Tmles _­­l ® h' u&Yival Aire & Wader Expanure V3ir Mglwx A & Wader Exposure ■ Saurce Fauibdy (SF) 13 Ot" Diver Fig. 1. Map showing the locations of the studied communities and the source facility. Subjects for the minimal air exposure group were selected from the area shown in yellow; subjects for the higher air exposure group from the area are shown in red. Residents in both of these areas obtained their water- from the same public residential water supply. The location of the source facility is shown in black. The residents lived in Ohio; the source facility is located in West Virginia. The state boundary, the Ohio River, is shown in blue. at least 2 years in the water distribu- tion system area of the Little Hock- ing water service and also within the contour line representing 0.2 µg/m3 PFOA in the air as a yearly average for 2002. These households were all located in portions of zip codes 45714 (Belpre) and 45742 (Little Hocking). The potential water exposure group comprised residents who had resided for at least 2 years in the water distribution system area of the Little Hocking water service but in an area where air exposure to PFOA from the facility was negligible. The selected study area was zip codes 45724 (Cutler) and 45784 (Vincent). These areas were all at least several miles outside the lowest air concen- tration contours derived from the air dispersion model. Figure 1 shows the location of the residence areas for both the potential air and water ex- posure and the potential water -only exposure zones. To identify households and resi- dents in the zip codes of interest, de- mographic and other information were purchased from www.infousa, a pro- prietary database of detailed informa- tion on U.S. consumer households compiled from thousands of public sources. The items used to select invi- tees were names of head of household, street address, city, state, zip code, and length of residence. Selection of Stratified Random Sample. For the area identified as hav- ing both air and water exposure, 95 households in the www.infousa data- base met the requirements; all were invited to take part in the study. These included households with measured PFOA levels in potable well water measured by the Ohio Department of Environmental Protection and house- holds using Little Hocking Water As- 761 sociation water. For the area identified as having only water exposure to PFOA, a stratified random sampling of households was performed, resulting in the selection of 342 households. All members of selected households who met the study eligibility criteria were invited to participate. Invitations to Participate. Invita- tion letters were sent from the University of Pennsylvania to each selected household. If no response was received, a second mailing was sent. If there was still no response after ap- proximately 10 days, a telephone call was made to the household by staff of the Decatur Community Association. No participant chose an option for anonymous participation. On the weekend before the mailing of the invitation letter, a flyer was placed in the area weekend newspaper to an- nounce that invitation letters were forthcoming. The principal local news- paper, the Marietta Times, indepen- dently wrote an editorial encouraging those selected to consider participation. Community Volunteer Group. Be- cause of great community interest, a lottery was conducted to select an additional sample of invitees from households that volunteered to par- ticipate in the study in response to a newsletter notice. Those households that met study criteria, including re- siding in one of the areas used for stratified random sampling, were in- cluded in the lottery. Administration of Questionnaires Administration of questionnaires and collection of blood samples were performed between July 2004 and February 2005 in nearby Parkers- burg, West Virginia. The question- naires were developed and revised after review by the members of the Community Advisory Committee and an expert panel from the U.S. EPA. The Community Advisory Committee, convened by the Decatur Community Association, comprised representatives of the townships in the Little Hocking Water Association Service District, representatives from the Ohio and U.S. EPA, the Warren School District, and DEQ-CFW 00000921 762 the County Health Commissioner. Be- fore finalization, the questionnaires were pilot tested on a representative group of 20 individuals from similar southeastern Ohio or western West Virginia communities, who did not live in the Little Hocking Water Asso- ciation District. Trained interviewers administered all questionnaires. Only one person from each household supplied house- hold information. The household ques- tionnaire elicited information to ensure that participants met the eligibility cri- teria, demographic information on eli- gible participants, household contact information, sources of residential drinking water (private well, water dis- trict, cisterns, bottled water, hauled water, and so on), use of a home water filter, and water source and estimated use for cooking, canning, and reconsti- tuting canned soups and frozen juices. All adults 18 years and older were administered the adult questionnaire that elicited demographic informa- tion, diet (including consumption of vegetables or fruit grown in your garden, meat or game grown locally, and fish caught locally), health con- ditions (lives, thyroid, bleeding dis- orders), current medications, current occupational or school if a full-time student, employment (including at a facility using PFOA, visiting or pro- cessing waste from that facility, work as a firefighter, in carpet clean- ing or retreating carpets or rugs, or in professional carpet installation), and smoking and alcohol habits. All children were administered a questionnaire that was similar to the adult questionnaire except that the ques- tions about occupation and about smok- ing and alcohol habits were omitted. Collection and Assay of PFOA Acid in Serum Specimen Collection. Twenty mil- liliters of blood were drawn into red - topped Vacutainer tube for PFOA analysis, immediately centrifuged, and the resulting serum was transferred to polypropylene aliquot tubes, labeled, and shipped on dry ice to the analysis Community Exposure to Perfluorooctanoate • Emmett et al laboratory (Exygen Research) where it was stored at —80°C pending analysis. Standards and Chemicals. The standard for perfluorooctanoic acid (99.2%) was obtained from Oakwood Products, Inc. (West Columbia, SC) and characterized by DuPont (Newark, DE). Analysis by 19F NMR confirmed that the PFOA standard contained 98.7% straight chain PFOA and 0.53% branched PFOA isomers. The internal standard, [1,2-13C]-PFOA (C6F13CF,"CO2H, 13C-PFOA) (96.4%) was provided by DuPont. Chemicals and reagents used in the sample preparation procedure or in the mobile phase were of reagent grade and were obtained from VWR Scien- tific (Bridgeport, NJ) and Sigma - Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). Solvents used for the mobile phase (acetonitrile, water) were of HPLC grade and were obtained from EM Science (Gibbs- town, NJ). The control human senim was purchased from Lampire Biologi- cal Laboratories, Inc. (Pipersville, PA) and stored frozen at —20°C. This fluid was used for the preparation of labo- ratory quality control samples with spiked -in PFOA. Chromatographic and Mass Spec- trometric Conditions. PFOA was an- alyzed through HPLC/tandem mass spectrometry by a slight modifica- tion of the method of Flaherty et al.22 Standards, Sample Preparation, and Calibration. Controls and study subject samples were added to 300 µL of acetonitrile. The samples were thoroughly mixed by vortexing, centri- fuged, and 5 µL of the cell- and protein - free supernatant used for analysis by the HPLC tandem mass spectrometer sys- tem. A seven -point calibration curve was analyzed throughout the analytical se- quence for the fluorocompounds. The calibrators included normal hu- man serum spiked with 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 ng/mL of PFOA. The instrument response versus the cali- brator concentration was plotted for each point. Linear regression with 1/X weighting was used to deter- mine the slope, y-intercept, and coefficient of determination (t). Cali- bration curves were deemed acceptable if tz �0.985. This is the external standardization method used for the determination of PFOA in the set of 408 samples described in this study. For samples with PFOA concentra- tions > 100 ng/mL, the sample was diluted in 50:50 methanol/water and rerun. In addition, the analysis of PFOA was done using 13C-perfluo- rooctanoic acid as an internal stan- dard for a randomly selected set of 35 of the samples to certify that the external standardization method used provided equivalent PFOA concen- tration values. For these analyses, the internal standard was mixed in ace- tonitrile at a concentration of 1 ng/ mL. As described previously for the externally standardized assay for sample preparation: to 100 µL of standards, controls and study subject samples was added to 300 mL of acetonitrile containing the internal standard and the cell- and protein - free supernatants prepared as de- scribed previously. On comparison of the externally standardized with the internally standardized sets of results on the 35 selected samples, linear regression analysis showed ex- cellent agreement between the two cal- ibration procedures: Y(1S) = 1.073 ± 0.0229 * X(ext std) — 0.385 ± 0.468; t - = 0.985; Sy.c = 1.54. Matrix Spike Samples and Dupli- cate Sample Assays. One matrix spike for every 20 samples was prepared by adding a known concentration of the PFOA to the study subject serum sam- ple for the purpose of assessment of the method's accuracy throughout the set of study subject serum samples. The mean PFOA recovery for these spiked samples was 95% with a stan- dard deviation (SD) of 16.2%. In ad- dition, one sample of every 10 was extracted and analyzed in duplicate to provide an assessment of the method's precision throughout the set of sam- ples. The average between assay %CV for PFOA duplicates was 5.7%. The lower limit of quantification of this method is 0.5 ng/mL. Validation of this LLOQ was conducted with repli- cate spiked samples of human serum with PFOA spiked into the samples at DEQ-CFW 00000922 JOEM • Volume 48, Number 8, August 2006 0.5 ng/mL, the concentration of the lowest calibrator for this assay. The mean recovery ± SD was 101 ± 2.7%. Serum (PFOA) Philadelphia Vol- unteer Group. To help ensure that published general population serum PFOA levels were suitable for com- parison purposes under the circum- stances of the study, we identified a comparison group of 30 volunteers from the Philadelphia area. The Phila- delphia volunteers, staff, and students at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania were paid $20 each to participate. Their mean age was 34.3 years (range, 20-56 years); there were nine men and 21 women. None iden- tified previous or current occupational exposure to PFOA. Blood from these individuals was drawn, handled spun, stored, shipped, and analyzed for PFOA in an identical manner to the blood obtained during the study. The mean serum PFOA levels for the Phil- adelphia comparison group was 6 ng/mL (interquartile range, 5-10 ng/ mL), consistent with published values for the U.S. population.4-6 PFOA Water Sampling and Comparison to Serum Levels The concentration of PFOA in fin- ished water in the Little Hocking water system has been measured ap- proximately quarterly from January 22, 2002, to March 18, 2005, by the Ohio EPA. Fourteen measurements were available for this period; results before November 29, 2004, had been reported as ammonium perfluo- rooctanate (APFO) and as PFOA from that date. PFOA concentration in private residential well water was publicly available for nine individu- als for whom private well water was their only reported source of residen- tial drinking water. In one instance, six samples had been taken at regular intervals from 2002 through 2005. For this well, the values obtained were averaged to obtain a mean level over the period. For the remaining wells, only one sample had been analyzed from a single point in time. The aver- age PFOA concentration in Little Hock- ing system distribution water from January 2002 until May 2005 was 3.55 ng/mL (range, 1.5-7.2 ng/mQ). For private wells used by study partici- pants, PFOA concentrations ranged from not detectable (<0.010 ng/mL) to 14.0 ng/mL. Statistical Analysis To determine if serum PFOA lev- els differed by dietary or personal habits, water source, water use, oc- cupational exposure, and so on, pre- liminary data analyses included the t test for binary predictors or the anal- ysis of variance for greater than two exposure categories. Adjustment for multiple comparisons were made us- ing Tukey-Kramer. To check the as- sumptions of the statistical approach used, various analyses were rerun with the exact test using Monte Carlo. Results were similar to that of the F test. Subsequent higher -order analyses included analysis of co- variance adjusting for age. Final multivariate analysis to assess the independent contribution of multiple variables was a generalized estimat- ing equation (GEE) to adjust for household cluster. Only variables as- sociated with serum PFOA levels on univariate analysis with a probability <0.10 were included. To determine model of best fit, both forced entry and backward elimination were used. All analyses were performed using SAS statistical software (version 9.1; SAS Institute, Cary, NC). A P < 0.05 was considered statistically sig- nificant. Serum PFOA levels serum (PFOA) are presented as mean, me- dian, and interquartile range (IQR). To examine the effect of demo- graphic variables (age, gender, dura- tion lived at current residence), we excluded the 18 participants who re- ported substantial occupational expo- sure (defined subsequently) to PFOA. To examine the effects of number of glasses of drinking water per day, use of a residential water filter, and of dietary exposures, we included only those residents whose sole source of residential drinking water was Little 763 Hocking water system water. Only in- dividuals who designated a single source of residential drinking water and who did not have substantial oc- cupational exposure to PFOA were included in these analyses. Human Subjects Approval The study was approved by the In- stitutional Review Board of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. The study was voluntary and informed consent was obtained for all participants before any study. Minors under the ages of 17 were encouraged to give informed as- sent whenever feasible. A certificate of confidentiality was obtained from the National Institutes of Health to ensure maximum protection of personal infor- mation and results. A partnership among the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, The Decatur Community Association, a local community association in the Little Hocking water service area, and Grand Central Family Medicine in Parkersburg, West Virginia, a local healthcare provider, conducted the study through a grant from the Envi- ronmental Justice Program of NIEHS. The community was involved at all stages of the study. A local healthcare provider informed each participant of his or her personal PFOA results to- gether with any necessary explanation. Results Response and Participation Rate Stratified Random Sample. Three hundred forty-three individuals from 169 households participated in the phlebotomy and questionnaire ad- ministration. One subject withdrew from the study, six subjects could not donate sufficient blood, one subject did not complete the questionnaire, and 11 subjects did not meet eligibil- ity criteria because their household water service was received from a water system other than ,the Little Hocking Water Association. Accord- ingly, data were available for analy- sis from 324 subjects from 161 households selected through the stratified random selection process. DEQ-CFW 00000923 764 Community Exposure to Perfluorooctanoate • Emmett et al TABLE 1 Household Participation Rates for Randomly Selected Households by Community Households Invited to No. Agreeing No. Completing Participation Participate to Participate Data Acquisition Rate Little Hocking 78 45 38 48.7 Belpre 17 8 7 41.2 Cutler 101 45 30 29.7 Vincent 241 115 86 35.7 Total 437 213 161 36.8 The participation rate by location of household mailing address is given in Table 1. Response and Participation — Community Volunteer Group. One hundred percent of the 37 house- holds selected by lottery participated in the phlebotomy. However, two individuals from two households did not complete the questionnaire and were excluded from further analysis. Thus, data from 54 individuals from 35 households were included in the final analysis. The racial and ethnic composition of both participants and volunteers was predominantly white non -Hispanic (97% [N = 367]), re- flecting, the composition of Washing- ton County, Ohio. Role of Occupational Exposure We established criteria for substan- tial occupational exposure to PFOA of at least 1 year's work in a production area within a facility in which PFOA was used in the production process with the last such occupational expo- sure within the previous 10 years. Sev- enteen individuals from the stratified random sample and one from the local volunteer sample met this definition for substantial occupational exposure. All had received their occupational exposure to PFOA in the same flu- oropolymer manufacturing facility lo- cated in Washington, West Virginia, across the Olio River from the study area. An additional 48 individuals re- ported past or current potential occu- pational exposure to PFOA as follows (individuals can be represented more than once): 18 individuals had worked in a fluoropolymer manufacturing fa- cility in a nonproduction area at the fluoropolymer production facility in a production area for less than 1 year total and/or more than 10 years ago or in a job for another employer that required visits to the fluoropolymer production facility so did not meet the criteria for substantial occupational ex- posure; eight individuals had worked in a job involving waste disposal or waste processing from the fluoropolymer man- ufacturing facility; 29 individuals had worked as firefighters (volunteer, mili- tary, as a company employee or paid); and 13 individuals had worked in car- pet cleaning, retreating carpets or rugs, or in professional carpet installation. Compared with the no -exposure group, none of these occupational ex- posure groups had statistically signifi- cant elevated senim PFOA levels (P > 0.05) (Table 2). Among those with potential occupational exposure, the highest median values were observed for firefighters. However, these values remained well below the concentra- tions of the substantial occupational exposure group. Because none of these groups had significantly elevated serum PFOA levels, they were aggregated into one group (potential exposure) for statis- tical analysis purposes. When comparing substantial, po- tential, and no occupational exposure groups, the substantial occupational exposure group had a significantly higher median serum PFOA levels of 775 ng/mL than the potential expo- sure (388 ng/mL) and no occupa- tional exposure groups (329 ng/mL) (P = 0.0002 and P < 0.0001, respec- tively, Table 2). As a result of this finding, the sub- stantial occupational exposure group was removed from further analysis of PFOA exposure in the community. Because the serum PFOA levels for the potential exposure group were not different from the rest of the commu- nity, they were included in subsequent analyses of community exposures and treated for purposes of analysis as res- idents without substantial occupational exposure. Role of Community Air Exposure: Serum (PFOA) by Community of Residence The median serum PFOA level in the combined two areas with highest potential air exposure (Little Hocking and Belpre) was 326 ng/mL compared with 368 ng/mL in the two combined areas with a potentially minimal con- tribution from PFOA through air pol- lution (Cutler and Vincent) (Table 3). This difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.32). Additionally, the inclusion of local volunteers made no appreciable dif- ference to the results (Table 3). Be- cause of the similarity of serum PFOA levels in each community re- gardless of air pollution or the inclu- sion of volunteers, all communities and samples were combined in the subsequent analyses to examine the effects of water exposure on PFOA. Role of Exposure in Water: Serum PFOA and Primary Source of Residential Drinking Water With regard to water exposure, the highest median serum PFOA level (374 ng/mL) was found for the group who used only Little Hocking system water as their residential drinking wa- ter source (Table 4). The lowest was found in those who currently used only bottled and/or cistern and/or spring water as the source of their residential drinking water. The serum PFOA lev- els in those who used bottled, spring, or cistern water was significantly lower than those in both the Little Hocking water system only and the DEQ-CFW 00000924 JOEM • Volume 48, Number 8, August 2006 765 TABLE 2 Serum (PFOA; ng/mQ by Occupational Exposure Group Interquartile Occupational Exposure N Median Mean Range No occupational exposure 312 329 423 175-537 Potential occupational exposures` 48 388 406 168-623 Firefighter: voluntary, military, company employee, or paid 29 447 453 236-709 Nonproduction area of fluoropolymer facility, in production 18 381 386 125-430 area not meeting criteria for substantial occupational exposure, or requiring visits to facility Carpet cleaning, retreating carpets or rugs, or in profes- 13 302 408 191-631 sional carpet installation Facility processing or disposing fluoropolymer production 8 253 578 115-918 waste Substantial occupational exposure (production area within a 18 775 824 422-999 facility in which PFOA was used in the production process >1 yr and last exposure having occurred within previous 10 yrs) 'Some individuals had more than one potential occupational exposure, therefore, N for the potential occupational exposure subgroups does not total to 48. PFOA indicates perfluorooctanoate. TABLE 3 Serum (perfluorooctanoate; ng/mL) by Community Area for Randomly Selected Participants and for All Participants' All Participants (local volunteers and Randomly Selected Participants randomly selected) N Mean Median IQR N Mean Median IQR Community areas with higher expected contribution from air Belpre 14 321 298 83-533 30 307 244 103-445 Little Hocking 74 478 327 187-572 92 458 311 175-567 Total 88 453 326 176-568 122 421 298 155-556 Community areas with minimal expected contribution from air Cutler 59 361 316 169-477 70 380 314 185-477 Vincent 160 439 370 190-570 168 438 370 188-577 Total 219 418 368 182-555 238 421 361 186-555 "Eighteen subjects with substantial occupational exposure were excluded from analysis. IQR indicates interquartile range. TABLE 4 Serum (PFOA; ng/mQ by Primary Residential Source of Drinking Water, All Participants (randomly selected and local volunteers)'t Interquartile Drinking Water Source N Median Mean Range Range Little Hocking system water only 291 374 448 221-576 7-1950 Little Hocking system plus bottled 26 320 358 206-370 72-1280 or spring Bottled and/or cistern and/or spring 10 71 154 49-217 12-527 only$ Well water and well and other 26 79 296 28-155 8-4520 `Subjects with substantial occupational exposure to PFOA were excluded from these analyses. tSeven subjects did not indicate residential source of drinking water. tSignificantly different from Little Hocking water only (P = 0.003) and Little Hocking system plus bottled or spring water (P = 0.05). PFOA indicates perfluorooctanoate. mixed Little Hocking plus another wa- ter source groups (P = 0.0004 and P = 0.007, respectively). The serum PFOA levels for those who used Little Hocking water system water only and the mixed Little Hocking and another water source were not statistically sig- nificantly different (P = 0.17). The mean scrim PFOA levels in those who used any well water as their sole residential drinking water source was variable; this group included some of the lowest and some of the highest PFOA seam concentrations. Relationship Between PFOA in Primary Residential Water Supply and Serum PFOA in Residents. Fig- DEQ-CFW 00000925 766 Community Exposure to Perfluorooctanoate • Emmett et al 10000 C S 1000 O'0 LL ao 2 E 0 100 Cn 10 Not Detectable .2-.3 3.55 5-15 Water PFOA (ppb) Categorical scale Fig. 2. Relationship of perfluorooetanoate (PFOA) concentration in water source (Little Hocking and private wells) to serum PFOA levels. The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of samples. Although the number of observations from persons using only residential well water source is small, there is a marked and statistically significant relationship between the PFOA levels in serum and the 'PFOA concentration in the residential drinking water source. Only subjects 6 years of age or older using a single residential drinking water source were included in the analysis. 1000 800 E 600 LO 400 L a 200 2-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60 Age (years) Fig. 3. Distribution of serum perfluorooetanoate (PFOA) levels (in ng/mL) by age. Residents >60 years had significantly higher serum PFOA levels compared with all other age groups except children aged 2-5 years. ure 2 presents a graphic relationship between PFOA concentrations in drinking water and serum PFOA lev- els. Three individuals drank from wells where the PFOA was not de- tectable; their average serum PFOA level was 20.8 ng/mL (range, 13.6- 31.4 ng/mL). Six individuals used a private well with measurable PFOA in water as their only source of resi- dential drinking water. Although the. numbers of individuals for whom the PFOA concentration in well water is known is small, there is an apparent strong relationship between the level of the serum PFOA levels and the PFOA concentration of the drinking water source. The median serum/drinking PFOA water ratio residents using only the Little Hocking water system was 105 (371/3.55) with an interquartile range between 62 (221/3.55) and 162 (576/ 3.55). For the six individuals who used a private well with measured PFOA as their only source of resi- dential drinking water, the serum/ drinking water PFOA ratios ranged from 142 to 855. Serum PFOA Levels and Gender, Age, Years of Residence, Smoking, and Alcohol Serum PFOA level was not sig- nificantly different by gender for participants without substantial oc- cupational exposure (P = 0.32). The median PFOA for females was 320 ng/mL (IQR, 161-509), and for males, it was 345 (IQR, 190-576). Serum PFOA concentrations were highest in those aged more than 60, followed by those aged from 2-5 and those aged 51-60 (Fig. 3). Partici- pants >60 years were significantly more likely to have higher serum PFOA levels compared with partici- pants in all other age groups except children 2 to 5 years old (0.0006 < P < 0.02). With regard to residence, only par- ticipants over 18 years were exam- ined. Years lived at current residence was grouped into 2-5 years, 6-10 years, 11-15 years, and > 15 years. Age was also found to be correlated with years of residence (r = 0.6). Therefore, age was controlled for in the analysis for which no statistically significant association between years lived at current residence and serum PFOA levels was found (P = 0.7). The influence of alcohol cuusump- tion (consumption of beer wine or liquor in the last 30 days) and smoking (current cigarette smoker) were evalu- ated in all adult participants ages 18 and over who did not have substantial occupational exposure. No significant association was found between serum PFOA levels and smoking (P = 0.28) or serum PFOA levels and alcohol consumption (P = 0.46). Little Hocking Water System Users: Water Use Variables Affecting Serum PFOA Concentrations The effect of drinking tap water, eating local fruits and vegetables, meat DEQ-CFW 00000926 JOEM • Volume 48, Number 8, August 2006 TABLE 5 Serum (perfluorooctanoate; ng/mQ, Number of Tap Water Drinks per Day, Consumption of Local Meat and Game, Fish, Vegetables, and Fruits, and Use of Carbon Water Filter" Interquartile Factor N Meant Median Range pr > t Tap water drinks/d 0 20 374 301 233-423 <0.0001 1-2 40 324 265 176-438 3-4 66 413 370 206-550 5-8 90 450 373 242-373 >8 55 565 486 294-486 Local meat 0 157 389 329 179-498 0.018 1-20 49 488 451 246-690 >20 77 516 424 295-595 Local fish No 273 448 374 221-571 0.8958 Yes 18 458 398 290-681 Fruit and vegetables from your garden 0 133 356 295 174-485 <0.0001 1-20 75 458 420 264-661 >20 77 571 469 308-802 Carbon water filter$ Yes 64 360 318 170-482 0.0005 No 209 493 421 258-631 "Little Hocking water source only. tMeans adjusted for age unless otherwise indicated $Not adjusted for age. pr indicates probability. t indicates t-value. Tao 600 500 400 300 200 PFOA (ppb) p=.46 p=.12 p=.96 p=.75 P=•19 1-5 6.12 >12 0 1 2-3 >3 0 1 2.3 >3 0 1 2-4 >4 0 1-9 >9 Cooking Making soups Reconstituting Reconstituting Home canning vegetables and stews canned soups frozen juices vegetables and pasta and meats Fig. 4. Distribution of serum pe1-fluorooctanoate (PFOA) levels (in ng/mL) within household* for cooking tap water uset (amounts are servings per week). *PFOA levels represents average household value. tHouseholds using Little Hocking water system only. or fish, or having a carbon water filter on serum PFOA concentrations in Lit- tle Hocking Water System Users is shown in Table 5. With increasing tap water drinks per day (at home or at work), PFOA levels increased (P = 0.004). Particularly, participants who drank eight or more cups of tap water per day (at home or at work) had significantly higher serum PFOA lev- els compared with other drinking cat- egories (0.002 < P < 0.004). 767 A secondary analysis has been per- formed examining air exposure and local vegetable/fruit intake. There was no effect of air exposure on PFOA (P = 0.16) or the interaction between air exposure and local vegetable/fruit intake (P = 0.73). As a result of the lack of association between these two variables, air exposure was not in- cluded in the GEE model. Similarly, there was a statistically significant in- crease (P = 0.0002) in the mean serum (PFOA) associated with increasing numbers of weekly servings of fruits and vegetables from a local garden. Additionally, there was an increase in serum PFOA with servings of meat or game grown or harvested locally (P = 0.005). No association was found be- tween local fish consumption and se- rum PFOA concentrations. With regard to water filtration sys- tems, residents using only Little Hocking water system water as their residential drinking water source were divided into two groups: those using a home water filter system based on carbon (N = 64), and those who had no home water filtration system or used a system not known to remove PFOA or used a system whose type and composition could not be verified (N = 209). Residents using carbon water filters had signif- icantly lower median serum PFOA levels (318 ng/mQ compared with residents using Little Hocking System water who did not use carbon water filtration (421 ng/mQ (P = 0.008). Serum PFOA Levels and Household Cooking Use of Tap Water There was no relationship between serum (PFOA) and the use of tap water in cooking for those house- holds using only Little Hocking wa- ter system water (Fig. 4). When cooking vegetables and pasta, mak- ing soups and stews, reconstituting canned soups, reconstituting frozen fruit juices, and home canning of vegetables and meats were exam- ined, no statistically significant rela- tionship with serum PFOA levels DEQ-CFW 00000927 768 Community Exposure to Perfluorooctanoate • Emmett et all TABLE 6 Results of Application of General Estimating Equations Standard 95% Confidence Parameter Estimate Error Limits Z pr > Z Intercept 110.54 Vegetable and fruit from 62.31 your garden servings/wk Tap water drinks/d 5.93 Age (yrs) 3.53 No carbon filter use 104.92 58.10 -3.34 224.42 1.9 0.0571 20.96 21.23 103.39 2.97 0.0029 2.02 1.97 9.88 2.94 0.0033 1.03 1.50 5.55 3.42 0.0006 35.86 34.65 175.20 2.93 0.0034 Note: This analysis includes only participants from households using Little Hocking water system only. Participants with substantial occupational exposure were excluded. pr indicates probability. Z indicates Z-value. was found. However, a linear trend of increasing serum PFOA levels was observed with increasing use of water for making soups and stews and for home canning of vegetables and meats. Little Hocking Water System Users: Multivariate Analysis Adjusting for Household Clustering The model of best -fit included age, tap water drinks per day, fruit and vege- table servings per week from your gar- den, and use of a carbon filter (Table 6). Eating meat and game grown or har- vested locally was not found to be asso- ciated with serum PFOA levels in the multivariate analysis. Discussion We found that median serum PFOA levels in randomly selected residents of the Little Hocking water service district ranged from 298 to 370 ng/mL, on the order of 60 to 75 times the median levels of approxi- mately 5 ng/mL previously described for general U.S. populations.4-6 The majority of serum PFOA levels in these residents exceeded the maxi- mums reported in previous commu- nity studies in other geographic locations. For example, the range of serum PFOA levels for 645 U.S. adult blood donors was from 1.9 ng/mL to 52.3 ng/mL4; for 238 el- derly volunteers in Seattle, it was 1.4 ng/mL to 16.7 ng/mL5; and for 598 children from across the United States, it was from 1.9 ng/mL to 56.1 ng/mL.9 The serum PFOA levels for the 30 comparison subjects for the Philadelphia area in our study all fell within previously reported normal population ranges. Our random sampling of residents in the water district included a num- ber of individuals who worked in the production area of a fluoropolymer manufacturing facility located across the Ohio River in Washington, West Virginia. This facility is believed to be the primary source of PFOA pol- lution in the area. A recent study of workers at this plant found the median serum PFOA level of 490 ng/mL for 259 workers currently working in pro- duction areas where PFOA was used.23 We found a median serum PFOA level of 774 ng/mL for the 18 workers who had worked in the pro- duction area at the facility, lived in the Little Hocking water service area, and participated in our study. The median serum PFOA level for these 18 indi- viduals was 284 ng/mL higher than the median reported for all production workers at the facility, suggesting a combination of residential water and occupational contributions to the PFOA body burden. Because all but one of the production workers we stud- ied were selected through stratified random sampling, we consider it un- likely that selection bias could explain this elevation. Workers from nonpro- duction areas of the facility included in our sampling did not have significantly increased serum PFOA levels com- pared with other residents. The serum PFOA levels in nonoccupationally ex- posed community residents in the Little Hocking water service district approached and frequently surpassed those measured in production workers exposed to PFOA at the source flu- oropolymer manufacturing plant. These results illustrate that body bur- dens of pollutants sustained through community environmental exposures are not necessarily less than those sus- tained through occupational exposure. We were able to explore other po- tential occupational exposure contribu- tions to the serum PFOA levels. In addition to use in the manufacture of fluoropolymers, it has been suspected that PFOA may also be a breakdown product of fluorinated telomers. PFOA is used as a surfactant or surface treat- ment chemical in many products, in- cluding firefighting foams; personal care and cleaning products; oil, stain, grease, and water repellent coatings on carpet; textile leather; and paper.21 PFOA has had limited use as a fire suppressant. A study of PFOA in con- sumer products identified extractable PFOA in carpet care solution -treated cupeting.24 Because PFOA and re- lated fluorinated compounds are cur- rently unregulated, there is relatively little available information on the ex- tent of their use. Based on a qualitative assessment of potential occupational exposure to PFOA in the southeastern Ohio area, we explored occupational exposure in firefighting, carpet clean- ing, and carpet installation in addition to potential exposure in the disposal or incineration of PFOA and/or waste from the fluoropolymer manufacturing facility. We did not observe a signifi- cant increase in median serum PFOA concentration in any of these occupa- tional groups. It remains possible that in a population with less exposure to PFOA from ambient contamination, identifiable contributions to the body burden might be found from one or more of these occupational exposures. Several observations support the conclusion that the major source of the DEQ-CFW 00000928 JOEM • Volume 48, Number 8, August 2006 PFOA in Little Hocking water district residents was drinking water. Serum PFOA levels were similar whether res- idents lived in the area proximate to the plant where the air plume would have been concentrated or in an area that had the same water service but was located up to 20 miles from the plant and where air pollution with PFOA was estimated to be minimal. Serum PFOA levels were considerably lower in those residents who were currently using only bottled, spring, or cistern water as their drinking water source. Where the primary drinking water source was well water, serum PFOA levels varied in proportion with well water PFOA levels. The median serum/drinking water PFOA ratio of 105 we observed in Little Hocking water users likely re- flects both high PFOA absorption after oral ingestion and a long half- life of PFOA in human blood. In rats, the oral bioavailability of PFOA is approximately 100%.25 The serum half-life varies widely by species and sex: several hours for female rats, approximately 7 to 10 days for male rats,25 and 20.9 days for male and 32.6 days for female cynomolgus monkeys.26 The half-life in humans appears to be much longer. In the one set of data that is available, a study of nine retirees from a fluoropolymer production facility, the mean serum PFOA half-life was found to be 4.4. years.20 However, we did not find a relationship between serum PFOA levels and length of residence in the Little Hocking water district among study participants, all of whom had lived in the area for at least 2 years. If the half-life in the general commu- nity is in the order of 4 to 5 years, we would have expected to find a signif- icant relationship with duration of residence. Our results thus lead us to question whether the serum PFOA half-life in the general community is as long as that published for the small retired worker group.20 We expect to have more data on this subject from a follow-up study. In residents who drank only Little Hocking system water, the model of best -tit for serum PFOA levels in- cluded age, tap water drinks per day, fruit and vegetable servings per week from a local garden, and use of a carbon water filter. The finding that PFOA concentrations were higher in children aged 5 and below and in the elderly aged over 60 is disturbing, because these may represent groups particularly vulnerable to adverse health consequences.27,28 The reason for the higher serum PFOA levels in those aged 60 and above is not en- tirely clear; multivariate analysis shows the increased consumption of drinking water in this group does not fully explain the observed increase. Both the elderly and those aged 5 and below may spend more time at home with exclusive use of residen- tial water than working or school - aged residents. Infants and young children may have proportionately greater exposure to water -borne pol- lutants because they drink more wa- ter per kilogram of body weight than do adults.28 The levels in the very young may also represent additional exposures as PFOA has been shown to cross the placenta and to be present in breast milk (at approxi- mately one tenth of the serum con- centration) in Sprague Dawley rats,29 although comparable studies in hu- mans are lacking. We are performing further studies to elucidate PFOA exposures in maternal milk and in- fant formula. A higher serum PFOA level for young children was previ- ously observed by Olsen et a19 who measured PFOA in the serum of 598 children aged 2 to 12 who partici- pated in a nationwide U.S. study of group A streptococcal infections, 645 adult blood donors from six U.S. blood bank donation sites, and 238 elderly subjects in Seattle participat- ing in a study of cognitive function. The geometric mean serum PFOA levels (4.6 ng/mL, 4.2 ng/mL, and 4.9 ng/mL, respectively) were simi- lar in all groups. However, in the children, there was a statistically sig- nificant negative association with age with the highest mean serum PFOA levels noted at age 4 and the 769 lowest at age 12. Our failure to find gender differences is consistent with previous observations in the U.S. general population. The association with the number of servings of fruits and vegetables from the home garden was unex- pected. Possible explanations include the use of PFOA containing water for cooking, canning, and washing fruits and vegetables, PFOA in the raw fruits and vegetables, and differ- ent dietary and drinking habits in those who consume more home- grown fruits and vegetables. We consider it unlikely that PFOA is elevated in raw fruits and vegetables from the garden because as a result of the natural rainfall characteristics, it is unusual to water gardens and fruit trees extensively with residen- tial water in this district. Also, the association between serum PFOA and servings of fruits and vegetables was not reduced by adjusting for residence in the areas with known higher airborne and soil levels of PFOA. We are undertaking further studies to better understand the ob- served association. Individuals using carbon -type wa- ter filters for residential drinking wa- ter had a reduction of approximately 25% in median serum PFOA levels compared with those not using a filter. This reduction was much less than we have seen for those who drank only bottled, spring, or cistern water. Because of limited effective- ness, potential reliability problems as- sociated with the need to maintain the filter system, and potential health problems associated with the use of home filtration systems, we do not recommend reliance on home filters to remove PFOA. New water filtration products to remove PFOA are cur- rently being pilot -tested with prospects of wider use in the near future. The high serum PFOA levels in our study as a result of the relatively high exposure in drinking water may have limited our ability to detect relatively small increases associated with contributions from ambient air pollution. Thus, we cannot exclude DEQ-CFW 00000929 770 the possibility that exposure to PFOA in air could lead to a detect- able contribution to the PFOA body burden in other populations with minimal water exposure. Our finding that the major source of serum PFOA was residential drinking water has helped empower those in the community who may choose to lower their PFOA expo- sure with a view to lowering their body burden. As a result of our preliminary findings that the levels of PFOA were abnormally high in residents of the Little Hocking water district and that the major nonoccu- pational PFOA source was residen- tial drinking water, the option of free bottled drinking water has been made available through the Little Hocking Water Association to those with this water service. More than half of the residents are already tak- ing advantage of this offer. In addi- tion, a new water filtration system designed to remove PFOA is now planned. We would anticipate that these actions should result in reduced serum PFOA levels. We plan to monitor changes in serum PFOA lev- els in the study group over the next 18 months to determine the extent of any serum PFOA reductions. Identification of water as the ma- jor route of community exposure to PFOA in this population should en- courage efforts to define exposure sources in other populations and should provide a basis for personal and regulatory efforts to reduce hu- man exposure to a pollutant, which is of concern because of remarkable persistence in both the environment and in humans. References 1. Kennedy GL, Butenhoff JL, Olsen GW, et al. The toxicology of perfluorooctano- ate. Crit Rev Toxicol. 2004;34:351-384. 2. Ellis DA, Cahill TM, Mabuy SA, et al. Partitioning of organofluorine com- pounds in the environment. In: Neilson AH ed. Organofluorines. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, vol 3. Ber- lin: Springer-Verlag; 2002:63-83, 3. Kannan K, Koistinen J, Beckman K, et al. Accumulation of perfluorooctane sulfo- Community Exposure to Perfluorooctanoate • Emmett et al hate in marine mammals. Environ Sci Technol. 2001;35:1593-1598. 4. Olsen GW, Church TR, Miller JP, et al. 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