HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00001342Handout for Agenda Item # 2: May 9, 2007 EMC Groundwater Committee Meeting Section .0200 — Classifications and Groundwater Quality Standards With the Appendix for the Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations DEQ-CFW 00001342 k SECTION .0200 - CLASSIFICATIONS AND GROUNDWATER QUALITY STANDARDS 15A NCAC 02L .0201 GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATIONS The classifications which may be assigned to the groundwaters will be those specified in the following series of classifications: (1) Class GA groundwaters; usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. Existing or potential source of drinking water supply for humans. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class is intended for those groundwaters in which chloride concentrations are equal to or less than 250 mg/l, and which are considered suitable for drinking in their natural state, but which may require treatment to improve quality related to natural conditions. (c) Occurrence. In the saturated zone. (2) Class GSA groundwaters; usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. Existing or potential source of water supply for potable mineral water and conversion to fresh waters. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class is intended for those groundwaters in which the chloride concentrations due to natural conditions is in excess of 250 mg/l, but which otherwise may be considered suitable for use as potable water after treatment to reduce concentrations of naturally occurring substances. (c) Occurrence. In the saturated zone. (3) Class GC groundwaters: usage and occurrence: (a) Best Usage. The best usage of GC groundwaters is as a source of water supply for purposes other than drinking, including other domestic uses by humans. (b) Conditions Related to Best Usage. This class includes those groundwaters that do not meet the quality criteria for GA or GSA groundwaters and for which efforts to improve groundwater quality would not be technologically feasible, or not in the best interest of the public. Continued consumption of waters of this class by humans could result in adverse health affects. (c) Occurrence. Groundwaters of this class may be defined by the Commission pursuant to Section .0300 of this Subchapter on a case by case basis. History Note: Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143B-282(2); Eff. June 10, 1979; Amended Eff. October 1, 1993; August 1, 1989; September 1., 1984; December 30, 1983. 1 DEQ-CFW 00001343 19 15A NCAC 02L .0202 GROUNDWATER QUALITY STANDARDS (a) The groundwater quality standards for the protection of the groundwaters of the state are those specified in this Rule. They are the maximum allowable concentrations resulting from any discharge of contaminants to the land or waters of the state, which may be tolerated without creating a threat to human health or which would otherwise render the groundwater unsuitable for its intended best usage. (b) The groundwater quality standards for contaminants specified in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule shall be as listed, except that: (1) Where the standard for a substance is less than the practical quantitation limit, the detection of that substance at or above the practical quantitation limit shall constitute a violation of the standard. (2) Where two or more substances exist in combination, the Director shall consider the effects of chemical interactions as determined by the Division of Public Health and may establish maximum concentrations at values less than those established in accordance with Paragraphs (c), (g), or (h) of this Rule. In the absence of information to the contrary, in accordance with Paragraph (d) of this Rule, the carcinogenic risks associated with carcinogens present shall be considered additive and the toxic effects associated with non -carcinogens present shall also be considered additive. (3) Where naturally occurring substances exceed the established standard, the standard shall be the naturally occurring concentration as determined by the Director. (c) Except for tracers used in concentrations which have been determined by the Division of Public Health to be protective of human health, and the use of which has been permitted by the Division, substances which are not naturally occurring and for which no standard is specified shall not be permitted in detectable concentrations in Class GA or Class GSA groundwaters. Any person may petition the Director to establish an interim maximum allowable concentration for a substance for which a standard has not been established under this Rule. The petitioner shall submit relevant toxicological and epidemiological data, study results, and calculations necessary to establish a standard in accordance with Paragraph (d) of this Rule. Within three months after the establishment of an interim maximum allowable concentration for a substance by the Director, the Director shall initiate action to consider adoption of a standard for that substance. (d) Groundwater quality standards for substances in Class GA and Class GSA groundwaters are established as the least of: (1) Systemic threshold concentration calculated as follows: [Reference Dose (mg/kg/day) x 70 kg (adult body weight) x Relative Source Contribution (.10 for inorganics; .20 for organics)] / [2 liters/day (avg. water consumption)]; (2) Concentration which corresponds to an incremental lifetime cancer risk of 1x10"6; (3) Taste threshold limit value; (4) Odor threshold limit value; (5) Maximum contaminant level; or (6) National secondary drinking water standard. (e) The following references, in order of preference, shall be used in establishing concentrations of substances which correspond to levels described in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. 10) DEQ-CFW 00001344 (1) Integrated Risk Information System (U.S. EPA). (2) Health Advisories (U.S. EPA Office of Drinking Water). (3) Other health risk assessment data published by U.S. EPA. (4) Other appropriate, published health risk assessment data, and scientifically valid peer -reviewed published toxicological data. (f) Groundwater quality standards specified in Paragraphs (g) and (h) of this Rule and interim maximum allowable concentrations established pursuant to Paragraph (c) of this Rule shall be reviewed on a triennial basis. Appropriate modifications to established standards shall be made in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Paragraph (d) of this Rule where modifications are considered appropriate based on data published subsequent to the previous review. (g) Class GA Standards. Where not otherwise indicated, the standard refers to the total concentration in milligrams per liter of any constituent in a dissolved, colloidal or particulate form which is mobile in groundwater. This does not apply to sediment or other particulate matter which is preserved in a groundwater sample as a result of well construction or sampling procedures. (1) acetone: 0.7 (2) acenaphthene: 0.08 (3) acenaphthylene: 0.21 (4) acrylamide (propenamide): 0.000008 (5) anthracene: 2.1 (6) arsenic: 0.05 (7) atrazine and chlorotriazine metabolites: (8) barium: 2.0 (9) benzene: 0.001 (10) benzo(a)anthracene (benz(a)anthracene): (11) benzo(b)fluoranthene: 4.79 x 10- 5 (12) benzo(k)fluoranthene: 4.79 x 10-4 (13) benzo(g,h,i,)perylene: 0.21 (14) benzo(a)pyrene: 4.79 x 10"6 (15) boron: 0.315 (16) bromodichloromethane: 0.00056 (17) bromoform (tribromomethane): 0.00443 (18) n-butylbenzene: 0.07 (19) sec-butylbenzene: 0.07 (20) tert-butylbenzene: 0.07 (21) butylbenzyl phthalate: 0.10 (22) cadmium: 0.00175 (23) caprolactam: 3.5 (24) carbofuran:0.035 (25) carbon disulfide: 0.7 (26) carbon tetrachloride: 0.000269 (27) chlordane: 1.0 x 10-4 (28) chloride: 250.0 (29) chlorobenzene: 0.05 (30) chloroethane: 2.80 (31) chloroform (trichloromethane): 0.07 0.0030 0.0000479 3 DEQ-CFW 00001345 (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) chloromethane (methyl chloride): 2.6 x 10"3 2-chlorophenol: 0.00036 2-chlorotoluene: 0.14 chromium: 0.05 chrysene: 0.00479 cis-1,2-dichloroethene: 0.07 coliform organisms (total): 1 per 100 milliliters color: 15 color units copper: 1.0 cyanide (free cyanide): 0.07 2, 4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid): 0.07 dibenz(a,h)anthracene: 4.7 x 10-6 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane: 2.5 x 10-5 dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon-12; Halon): 1.4 p,p'-dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethane (DDD): 1.4 x 104 p,p'-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT): 1.0 x 10� 1,1-dichloroethane: 0.07 1,2-dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride): 0.00038 1, 1 -dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride): 0.007 1,2-dichloropropane: 0.00051 1,3-dichloropropene (cis and trans isomers): 0.00019 dieldrin: 2.2 x 10-6 di-n-butyl (or dibutyl) phthalate (DBP): 0.7 diethylphthalate (DEP): 5.0 di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP): 0.0025 2,4-dimethylphenol (m-xylenol): 0.14 di-n-octyl phthalate: 0.14 p-dioxane (1,4-diethylene dioxide): 0.007 dioxin: 2.2 x 10-10 diphenyl (1,1- diphenyl): 0.35 dissolved solids (total): 500 disulfoton: 2.8 x 10-4 diundecyl phthalate (Santicizer 711): 0.14 endosulfan II (beta-endosulfan): 0.0420 endrin: 0.002 endrin (total endrin: includes endrin, endrin aldehyde, and endrin ketone): 2.1 x 103 epichlorohydrin (1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane): ethylbenzene: 0.550 ethylene dibromide (EDB; 1,2-dibromoethane) ethylene glycol: 14.0 fluoranthene: 0.28 fluorene: 0.28 fluoride: 2.0 foaming agents: 0.5 0.00354 4.0 x 10-7 0 DEQ-CFW 00001346 (76) (77) (78) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) (87) (88) (89) (90) (91) (92) (93) (94) (95) (96) (97) (98) (99) (100) (101) (102) (103) (104) (105) (106) (107) (108) (109) (110) (111) (112) (113) (114) (115) (116) (117) (118) (119) gross alpha (adjusted)particle activity (excluding radium-226 and uranium): 15 pCi/1 heptachlor: 7.8 x 10"6 heptachlor epoxide: 3.8 x 10"6 heptane: 0.42 hexachlorobenzene (perchlorobenzene): 0.00002 hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (total hexachlorocyclohexane: alpha,beta,delta,gamma, and epsilon isomers): 1.9 x 10"5 n-hexane: 0.42 indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene: 4.79 x 10"5 iron: 0.3 isophorone: 0.0368 isopropylbenzene: 0.070 isopropyl ether (diisopropyl ether): 0.070 lead: 0.015 lindane: 2.0 x 10"4 manganese: 0.05 mercury: 0.00105 metadichlorobenzene (1,3-dichlorobenzene): 0.170 methanol: 3.5 methoxychlor: 0.035 methylene chloride (dichloromethane): 0.0046 methyl ethyl ketone (MEK; 2-butanone): 4.20 2-methylnaphthalene: 0.0140 3-methylphenol (m-cresol): 0.0350 4-methylphenol (p-cresol): 3.5 x 10"3 methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE): 0.2 naphthalene: 0.021 nickel: 0.1 nitrate: (as N) 10.0 nitrite: (as N) 1.0 N-nitrosodimethylamine: 7.0 x 10"� orthodichlorobenzene (1,2-dichlorobenzene): 0.024 oxamyl: 0.175 paradichlorobenzene (1,4-dichlorobenzene): 0.0014 pentachlorophenol: 0.00029 petroleum aliphatic carbon fraction class C5 - C8: 0.42 petroleum aliphatic carbon fraction class C9 - C 18: 4.20 petroleum aliphatic carbon fraction class C19 - C36: 42.0 petroleum aromatics carbon fraction class C9 - C22: 0.210 pH: 6.5 - 8.5 phenanthrene: 0.21 phenol: 0.30 phorate: 1.4 x 10"3 n-prop ylb enzene: 0.070 pyrene: 0.21 includes 5 DEQ-CFW 00001347 (120) selenium: 0.05 (121) silver: 0.0175 (122) ' simazine: 0.004 (123) styrene (ethenylbenzene): 0.1 (124) sulfate: 250.0 (125) tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene; PCE): 0.0007 (126) 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol: 0.210 (127) toluene (methylbenzene): 1.0 (128) toxaphene: 3.1 x 10-5 (129) 2, 4, 5,-TP (Silvex): 0.05 (130) trans-1,2-dichloroethene: 0.10 (131) 1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl chloroform): 0.2 (132) trichloroethylene (TCE): 0.0028 (133) trichlorofluoromethane: 2.1 (134) 1, 1,2-trichloro- 1,2,2-trifluoroethane (CFC-113): 210.0 (135) 1,2,3- trichloropropane: 5.0 x 10"6 (136) 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene: 0.350 (137) 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene:0.350 (138) vinyl chloride (chloroethylene): 1.5 x 10-5 (139) xylenes (o-, m-, and p-): 0.53 (140) zinc: 1.05 (h) Class GSA Standards. The standards for this class shall be the same as those for Class GA except as follows: (1) chloride: allowable increase not to exceed 100 percent of the natural quality concentration. (2) total dissolved solids: 1000 mg/l. (i) Class GC Waters. (1) The concentrations of substances which, at the time of classification exceed the standards applicable to Class GA or GSA groundwaters shall not be caused to increase, nor shall the concentrations of other substances be caused to exceed the GA or GSA standards as a result of further disposal of contaminants to or beneath the surface of the land within the boundary of the area classified GC. (2) The concentrations of substances which, at the time of classification, exceed the standards applicable to GA or GSA groundwaters shall not be caused to migrate as a result of activities within the boundary of the GC classification, so as to violate the groundwater or surface water quality standards in adjoining waters of a different class. (3) Concentrations of specific substances, which exceed the established standard at the time of classification, shall be listed in Section .0300 of this Subchapter. History Note: Authority G.S. 143-214.1; 143B-282(a)(2); Eff. June 10, 1979; 3 DEQ-CFW 00001348 Amended Eff. November 1, 1994; October 1, 1993; September 1, 1992; August 1, 1989; Temporary Amendment Eff. June 30, 2002; Amended Eff. August 1, 2002; Temporary Amendment Expired February 9, 2003; Amended Eff. April], 2005. 7 DEQ-CFW 00001349 ENR - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 12107106 APPENDIX # 1 INTERIM MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CONCENTRATIONS FOR NORTH CAROLINA GROUNDWATERS DEQ-CFW 00001350 ENR - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 12107106 APPENDIX # 1 Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations shown in the table below are those established under 15A NCAC 2L .0202. For more information, contact the Division of Water Quality Planning Section at (919) 733-5083 or the web site at: htt-o://h2o.enr.state.ne.us/csu/index.htrnl. Interim Concentrations Substance Concentrations (mg/L) Effective Dates Benzoic Acid 28.0 May 24, 1999 Bis(chloroethyl)ether (BCEE) 3.1 x 10-5 May 24, 1999 Dibenzofuran 0.028 May 24, 1999 Dibromochloromethane 4.1 x 10-4 May 24, 1999 Ethyl Acetate 2.60 May 24, 1999 Hexachlorobutadiene 4.4 x 10-4 May 24, 1999 2-Hexanone 0.28 May 24, 1999 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.7 x 10-4 May 24, 1999 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.07 May 24, 1999 Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA or C8) 0.002 December 7, 2006 2 DEQ-CFW 00001351