HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00001335fi�JC DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT ,',01 OBERLIN ROAD -SUITE 150 MAIL_ SEP,VICE CENTER 1646 RALEIGH, NC 27699-1646 PHONE 919-508-8400 != 4 X 919-715-3605 slj� ;�,Joc) n .. F n x: Pages: --- Date. RID:CC: _ U Urgent f_7 For Review 0 Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle Comments DEQ-CFW 00001335 r t 04/26/2006 12:08 9197153605 DWM PAGE 02/02 a � anrr F t-A.3. 3 ..��.� r North Carolina X)epart•ment of Hcalth and. Humon Services Division of Public Health a Epidemiology Section Occupational & Envlrnnmcnta.l Epi.dciniology Branch 1912 Nhil Scrvicc Cjc,rrc" • Ra1c#g1h, Noah Ca,ol.ina 27699-1012 Tcl 919- tot .5900 • .rax 919•$7f)-4810 (�i lien I inr,lar OJ$cc,ctrav \fi�.l,:'(.l I,. lia•Ir.)', C in\.cine," November 4, 200.5 L1cx to M.ah.licws, Di, cctor North Carolina Division of Wastc Management Mail Service Centcr 1646 Raleigh, North Carnllna 27099-1646 Ural- NTr M:atthc ws 1n response to your request for the Occupational and Environmental Fpidemiology Branch to cvzluate or recommend an Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration for perflurooctanoie acid (PPOA ot• CS) and amn-lonium per:(luoroocta.noate (APFO), we have reviewed 15A NCAC 2L (6) (1) through (6): (1 ) Syslcmic threshold conccnlratlon. calculated using an FPA c1.lronie oral reference dose, (2) Conecntra.tlort which corresponds to an incremental lifetime cancer risk of 1 xio-6 using a slope factof (a) Tastc 111reshold 11m1t value, (4) Odor fh,-csho.ld limit value, (5) Maxillium contan„nant level, and (6) National. secondary drtnki.ne water standards. Nonc cif the (d) (1) th.rouglt (6) values exists for these compounds. We also reviewed the references outlined in. 15A NCAC 2L (e) that arc often used 'for calculating groundwater quality standards: (.l ) I1ltegratcd Risk Information System ([l.S. EPA), 12) r4c,,Ph Ad"lcor•ies (M S. Offr:e of.Drink.ing Wate.r). (3) �lf}tcr 11ca.11 1 risk asscss.rrient data published by TJ.S. 1✓PA, a.nd (4) Od er app,-opriate, published health risk assessment data., and sclentiflcally valid Peer- rcv,ewcd published toxicological data. We consulted with EPA and researched their databases and websltes for these references and for values needed to calct.11ate groundwater quality standards according to the crltcria in. 15A NCAC 2L 0202. 'There arc very limttcd data available for EPA to calculate a chronic oral reference dose, slope factor. 111axintt.ln., coiltatttmant level or national secondary drinking water Standard. As shown in this \vebsite, Irtr1�,/f/c(pirh. ct�a.. ov/iristrac/utdex.efm'?fuseactiotl-list:Che.micals.showListc� lettcr_P, ERA is in the process ()( reviewing existing toxicological data for these chcmicala. [f suff ctcrit toxicological data become 1v 111s}l)le ill the future to calculate a chronic oral refei-cnce dose and a slope factor, UA will then list thc5e values. The date at which this revle\u will be completed 1s not lalown. i o l i,,, ,..Itc, un 1)1 Italca�l�. N.( 2160� I, r:vi,ni i5p5 n.l< R,,.n \t% I .il� ul ( )rpnrnimr5- Fmplr1c. DEQ-CFW 00001336 In s"nimarv, at this time, there are ilrsuflieient data for OBF-B to calculate an inicrirn groundwater gt'iulity standard for pCrtlurooclanoic acid (PFOA or C8) and. arjlrrt0niur11 11erffuorooctanoate (APFO). lease call me at 91 k)�707-5910 117you need more itiformation, Sincerely, � 1 William J- P te, Supervi" t)r M, eclica] lrvaltacttion and Risk Assessment Unix OCcupational gild Eiivit-onrnental Fpidemiolragy Braneh W.I7'/bc C'c: Mr. Carl Bailey Mr. David 1-Iaricc Dr. Luaniw Willialrs Dr. lzicjEy La-ftgley TO/TO 39Cd WMQ 509CSTL6T6 ZS:IT 90OZ/8I/5O DEQ-CFW 00001337 DEQ-CFW 00001338