HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00000404. &,. a_ r1-_sa rl.a AI.a4. t-U.- ... ll.a.fn 12/4919A47 North Carolina IMAC 'ell Environmental Quality C._k� Chemical Name" , I' Zp 7 0 North Carolina Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration (IMAC) = 100 µg/L MIN0nIjN� �1S,.�,.3-4--,�A4-4 Summary 'lU C) i C'CC The North Carolina IMAC for chemical name is based on a noncancer ende �Pint in ac ordance with s ection Reg defn In 15A NCAC 02L .0202. ('o (i Critical health effect:® f_^ IMAC based on noncancer endpoint GWQS = [(RfD x WT x RSC) / WI] * 1000 0� RfD = reference dose' 1.00E-02 mg/kg/day 0.1 WT = average adult human body weight2 70 kg RSC= relative source contribution 0.2 unitless value WI = average daily human adult water intake3 �y 2 L/day 1000 = conversion factor / 1000 jig/mg Calculated GW Standard using noncancer endpoint 70 µg/L 70 011, L IMAC based on cancer endpoint 70) q oq t431c GWQS=[(RLxWT)/(q1*xW ]*1000 (0. Q?IWA-) RL = risk level 1.00E-06 9 WT = average adult human body weight2 70 kg q1* = carcinogenic potency factor (slope factor)° 0.01 (mg/kg /day) WI = average daily human adult water intake 2 L/day 1000 = conversion factor 1000 µg/mg r Calculated GW Standard using cancer endpoint 3.500 µg/L r IMAC based on published values Taste Thresholds NA µg/L Odor Threshold NA µg/L Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL)7 NA µg/L�, �\ Secondary Drinking Water Standard (SMCL)6 NA µg/L C�, 0 kl Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL)9 0 µg/L Z� 0a��a References ' Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) (hftp://www.epa.gov/iris/ accessed 5117/16). IRIS assessment last revised 9/1/93. Primary reference. Default EPA value ' Default EPA value ° Chemical name has been classified by EPA as having "suggestive evidence of carcinogenic potential". A cancer potency factor has not been established. s Young WF, Horth H, Crane R, Ogden T and Arnottt M. 1996. Taste and odour threshold concentrations of potential potable water contaminants. Water Research, 30:2, pp. 331- 340. 6 Amoore, JE and Hautala E. 1983. Odor as an aid to chemical safety: Odor thresholds compared with threshold limit values and volatiles for 214 industrial chemicals in air and water dilution. Journal of Applied Toxicology, Volume 3. No. 6. 7 MCL: hftps://www.epa.gov/your-drinking-water/table-regulated-drinking-water-contaminants#Organic (accessed 5/2/2016) e SMCL : hftps://www.epa.gov/dwstandardsregulations/secondary-drinking-water-standards-guidance-nuisance-chemicals u PQL provided for informational purposes only. PQL not established by North Carolina Water Resources Laboratory. PQL estimated as 0.5 pg/L based on reported MDL of 0.1 pg/L from EPA method 526. = Not available RS j RSC = 0.1 for nonorganics, 0.2 for organics History May 18, 2010 -Request by ma1ff6 urer to establish NG`WAC for Chemical Name. December 1, 2010 JMAC of 100 µg}/L approved by DWQ Dir4gltor. Requester Name and Agency /Date DEQ-CFW 00000404