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Aupgt 4, 2017
Michael S. Rogan, Secretary
N.C. Departmant of EnvitonflIMAl Quality
1601 Mail Swim Canter
R#I@lgh, ETC 27699=1601
8, Jay Zimm@rmgn3 Director
NC DEQ, Division of WRW U@ourom
1611 mail S@av @@ Center
l@lglaa, NC 27699 611
Rot Request for Interim MaximMaxim= Allowable Concentrations for
Parfluorin0d Compound@ In Groundwater
We are @nvironmontal counsel for the Caaap@ Foar Public Utility Authority ("CFPUA"),
The discharge rge of various parfluorinated compounds by than Chemouro Faaay@U@vlll@ Works
jollity Into than Cap@ F@air Rivas hag rogult@d in those @ompouads contaminating the sour@@ water
that is withdrawn, treated and distributed by §@vardl public drinking water supply sy0s,
including than CFPUA, and various corporate _ operators ewer many y@&§: Tl@ North Carolina
Departma t of Health- and Human Sarvig@s (CDl S) 90filiuum to rvvi@w materials and WIN
toxicological and epidemiological finding@ about the oftts of those parflu@rinat@d compounds
on the eltinn@ of the State of North Carolina and the natural @uvIroa @ft€=
in addition to that use of Cap@ Fear River g®um fbr drinking water, those wa im aista ibuWd
to @Itizms and Industry hdv@ been us@d for agricultural l irrigation, tion, car washing, system
ma tomo@, residential lawn and gaardon holes, well drilling fluids, ao. ov@r decades: The many
uses of water have aosult@d in flan natural percolation of water downward to gmundwaWn In
addition, CFPUA's AquIf11br Storage and R@@ov@ y Well stares treated drinItlug water tau the
Caap@ Fear contaminated by the dischaarpi under NPDEN NCO003573,
North Carolinas AdministrRfivo Code (I SA NCAC 02L:0202(@) provides for ostaaablisluift
of health based groundwater Interim Maxim Allowable Concentrations (IMACs), An IMAC
has already boon established for PF@A and PF®S compounds that a=aro similar to Goa and 'the
anther perfluurivated compounds now baying fbuud In the Caaa @ Foar, CFPUA roquosts that than
Secretary and/or the Director priorltim and establish groundwater IMACS for all p uorINt@d
compounds dis@hupd under lPDR8 NCO003573,
DEQ-CFW 00000192
Jawph A, P®uid
DEQ-CFW 00000193