HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061617 Ver 1_More Info Received_20070209WITHERS ~~~~ RAVENEL ENGINEERS I PLANNERS 1 SURVEYORS February 6, 2007 NC-Division of Water Quality Attn: Ms. Cyndi Karoly 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Re: Request forAdditionalinformation -Wendell Falls W&R Project #: 2050261.01 DWQ Project #: 06-1617 Dear Ms. Karoly, We received your request for additional information dated February i, 2007, regarding the proposed impacts associated with the Wendell Falls subdivision. As peryour request, here is a copy of our response to the USACE request for additional information. Please note that we have eliminated the stream and wetland impacts at locations S3 and G3. The revised impact maps and tables are included with the attachments. The proposed impacts for the interchange are: i.3 acres of wetland impact,1,188 linear feet of perennial stream, and 2.81 acres of riparian buffer impacts. The proposed permanent impacts for the subdivision are: 1.82 acres of wetland impact,1,623 linear feet of perennial channel impact, and 3.88 acre of riparian buffer impact. The utility line impacts are as follows: Z.o8 acres of wetland impact, 605 linear feet of stream impact, and 1.47 acres of riparian buffer impact. We will submit the final stormwater plan for the initial phases under separate cover. Please feel free to call if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, WITHERS & RAVENEL, INC. ~~~._, Todd Preuninger Director of Wetlands and Biological Sciences Attachments: ~=;-~ i 1) Revised Impact Maps 2) Response to USACE 3) General Map Showing proposed BMP locations iii MacKenan Drive i Cary, North Carolina z7Sii i tel: 919.469.3340 i fax: 919.467.6008 i www.withersravenel.com l07 Stokley Drive i Suite l04 i Wilmington, North Carolina z84o3 i tel: gio.z56.gz77 i fax: 910.256.z584 WITHERS L~~~ RAVENEL ENGINEERS I PLANNERS I SURVEYORS February 6, 2007 US Army Corps of Engineers Attn: Mr. Monte Matthews 6508 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite i2o Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Re: Wendell Falls Request for additional information W&R Project Number- 2o5o26i.o1 USACE AID#: 2oo62oioo DWQ Project #: 06-1617 Dear Mr. Matthews, NC-Division of Water Quality Attn: Ms. Cyndi Karoly 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 n ~r;,.~7 ~ L .~ ~.. Lis iJ ! ~,~ , n _ We +iiJhl~J,~t)finiYVNiLI~~~yi{tiCH We received your request for additional information on December 15`h, 2006, regarding the proposed impacts associated with the Wendell Falls subdivision. Please note that some of the impact totals and locations have changed since the initial application. A detailed accounting of these changes is included with our response. The revised impacts are included on the impact tables foryour review. The proposed impacts forthe interchange are: i.3 acres of wetland impact, 1,188 linear feet of perennial stream, and 2.81 acres of riparian buffer impacts. The proposed permanent impacts for the subdivision are:1.82 acres of wetland impact, 1,623 linearfeet of perennial channel impact, and 3.88 acre of riparian buffer impact. The utility line impacts are as follows: 2.08 acres of wetland impact, 605 linear feet of stream impact, and 1.47 acres of riparian buffer impact. I have included a brief response to each ofyour requests below. Below is a is a summary of changes to the proposed impacts since our initial submittal: Interchange: Original Request Revised Request Site 2 225 L.F. of stream 299 L.F. We had originally proposed an arch culvert at site 2; however, due to engineering constraints, the arch culvert has been replaced with a Box culvert. Site 4 286 L.F. of stream 236 L.F. Site 7 NA 57 L.F of stream will be impacted to extend an existing culvert as part of the proposed road widening. Site 8 NA 0.06 acres of pond fill iii MacKenan Drive i Cary, North Carolina z75ii i tel: 919.469.3340 i fax: 919.467.6008 i www.withersravenel.com l07 Stokley Drive i Suite l04 i Wilmington, North Carolina z84o3 i tel: 9io.256.9z77 i fax: 91o.z56.z584 ~ Page 2 February 6, 2007 Within the proposed subdivision we have made the following changes: Impacts Removed: R9, S3, Sit, S13, and G3 Impacts Added: R10, R11, R12, R8A, S16, 517, S18, S19, and G11 Your letter also asks for the following information: 1) Please detail the site selection process, including all potential site sites considered at the conception of the project and the reason for not selecting each site. This site was chosen because ofthe availabilityofa majortransportation access provided by NC DOTon US 6~ and l Sao. Alternative locations did not have infrastructure to supportsuch a large-scale project. In addition, due to the construction ofUS 6~ and l- 54 0, the housing need in this area has increased, making this a viable project, whereas without these highway improvements, this project would not be proposed at this location. In addition, the Town of Wendell installed the force main many years ago in anticipation of the growth in the region and we are hooking on to that line which is currently at approximately 20 % capacity. No othersite ofsimilarsize known to the applicant offers the transportation and utility infrastructure availability that Wendell Falls does, and as a result, no othersites were considered. 2) Further information is also needed for the justification of impacts at areas R2, R3, Ry., and R9 due to the potential use of cul-de-sacs or road re-alignment rather than stream crossings. The proposed impacts are needed to provide interconnectivity, are a requirement by the Town of Wendell (see attached letter from the Town), and are needed to provide additional entrances for emergency vehicles. l have included a brief response from ourtraffic engineerbelow.• The current alignment ofthe Southern Col%ctor, as well as TaylorRoad, provides an efficient, purposeful parallel alternative to Wendell Falls Parkway. As an arterial roadway, Wendell Falls Parkway is designed to favorthrough movements as vehicles travel from majororigins to destinations overlongerdistances; whereas the objective ofa collectorroute, such as TaylorRoad and the Southern Collector, is to provide access and allow forsafe and efficient fuming movements forlocal trips. The current roadway network in Wendell Falls provides an ideal roadway network that allows vehicles to travel within the site without accessing Wendell Falls Parkway. Whenever vehicles do not ha ve to utilize Wendell Falls Parkway for tra vel within the site, the tra>~c operations on the Parkwayimprove and extend the lifespan ofthe roadway. • Page 3 February 6, 2007 Additionally, severing the east-west connection of the Southern Col%ctor would isolate several parcels of the project from the remainder of the land uses. Without both stream crossings, vehicles from the southeast parcels could only access the retail and office parcels of the site from Wendell Falls Parkway rather than using the Southern Collector. The retail parcels are designed to be accommodating to the local residents providing services designed to their convenience, making the retail parcels a common destination from within the site. This would result in elevated traffic turning volumes on Wendell Falls Parkway at the major intersections, resulting in increased delay and queuing: Also, without both stream crossings, the internal connection to the proposed elementary school site will be lost and parents from within the site will be forced to travel down Wendell Falls Parkway and on to Martin Pond Road to access the school. The result is every vehicle needing to use the driveway connection on Martin Pond Road to enter and exit the school, leading to long lines to drop offkids and exit the school in the morning peak hour. It is good design practice to provide parallel alternative routes for major arterials so the heavy burden ofaccommodatingtnrning movements can be handled by the lower speed, lower volume roadways. The current design shown for Wendell Falls allows interconnectivity through the site and the Southern Collector is a major part of the network. Eliminating one of the stream crossings would result in an increased burden beingplaced on Wendell Falls Parkwayand the result would be poorlevels-of service and operation on the Parkway. 3) Impacts S11 and S12 appear to serve no purpose/need, as well as S15 and R8. Therefore, justification for these impacts is also necessary. If any impacts are expected within these areas from future development, they should be included within this permit application. These impacts are needed in order to provide sewer service to the proposed residential homes and to provide access to `high ground : We have revised our site plans to show the proposed lots in these areas and have also included the additional stream impacts needed to develop these parcels. The additional impacts are detailed below. 4) Please indicate if any impacts are necessary for the construction of the schools identified on the impact map. If these schools are a required component from a local or State permitting agency and have the potential for impacts to jurisdictional features, layout details should be included within this permit application. Wendell Falls has contracted with Wake County Public School System to sell 16.8 acres known as FUT-s on the approved masterplan foran e/ementaryschool (nearthe proposed park /and along Mark's Creek Corridor). The othersites, fUT-z and FUT3 (currently Labe/ed as Future Development) were not accepted due to proximity to otherschools and otherpotential school sites in the immediate area. • Page 4 February 6, 2007 5) Please clarify if there are any potential impacts to the pond shown north of impact S6 and G6. The proposed road will impact approximately o.06 acres of open water,• we have revised ourimpact maps and tables to reflect these changes. 6) The greenway and sewer impacts appear separate throughout the project rather than co-located. Please provide additional information as to why they cannot be co-located within the same construction corridor. Wherever possible, the greenway trails and utility corridors have been co-located in orderto minimize impacts. 7) The compensatory mitigation plan will need finalizing once all minimization and avoidance measures have been completed. Please continue to work on this plan and provide us the status of your progress in your response letter. We are still working with our attorney to Fnalize the mitigation areas. In the meantime, EEP is willing to accept payment to satisfy mitigation requirements. 8) In a letter dated June 9, Zoo6, the SHPO office requested that the Corps establish the permit area for determination of potential archeological surveys. Due to the location and number of impacts to jurisdictional features, the permit area will encompass the entire site. In /anuary, zoo7, we met with Ms. Delores Hal! to discuss the need for archeological surveys. Approximately s2 sites were initially identiFed as having the potential to contain historical artifacts. Based on aerial data and deed records, it was determined that 7-8 sites would need to be surveyed. We have retained the services of an archeologist to conduct Feld surveys and will continue to work with the SHPO to insure thatanysensitivearckeological areas are protected. We also received comments from the North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission (NCWRC) and the U.S. Fsh and Wildlife Service. I have included a response to their requests below: The NCWRC had the following comments: i) Please clarify the reason curb-and-gutter will be used on the acceleration ramp and how stormwater runoff will be managed. Forthe interchange, the acceleration ramp has no proposed curb andgutter. The loop-ramps (Loops B & CJ do have curb & gutter on the inside (low side of superelevation) which is NCDOTstandard design procedure. The storm water collected on the low side of the loop-ramps will be discharged into level spreaders before beingre/eased to the receivingstream. • Page 5 February 6, 2007 2) A table that delineates each stream crossing (e.g. FM1) and includes stream type, impact (temporary or permanent), the total linear feet of impact, and the type of impact would be helpful in our review of the project. Tables were provided in the original permit application that indicated the type of impact and the linear feet of impact however, they were not included in the public notice. lmpacts for the roadways (labeled R) will be permanent impacts due to culvert installation (with the exception of Site 2 along the parkway, this will be an arch culvert). Any impacts due to the utility line installation (labeled Si, or WiJ will be temporary. Greenway impacts (identified as GJ will be permanent impacts due to culvert installation. All ofthe proposed stream impacts are to perennial channels. 3) A table that delineates each of the wetland impacts and includes wetland type, impact (temporary or permanent), the total acreage of the impact, and the type of impact would be very helpful in our review of the proposed project. Tables were provided in the original permit application that indicated the type of impact and the square feet of impact, however, these tables were not included in the public notice. lmpacts for the roadways (labeled R) will be permanent impacts due to road fill. Any impacts due to the utility line installation (labeled FMl, Sl, or Ws) will be temporary. Greenway impacts (identified as GJ will be permanent impacts due to culvertinstallation orfill. l have listed the wetland types belowand the impacttables are included with the attachments.: lmnact Wetland Tvae Ri HeadwaterForest R2 Beaverlmpoundment R3 Beaverlmpoundment R~ HeadwaterForest RS HeadwaterForest/BottomlandHardwood R6 HeadwaterForest/Bottomland Hardwood Rso HeadwaterForest Rsz HeadwaterForest GZ Beaverlmpoundment G~ Beaverlmpoundment GS Beaverlmpoundment G6 Beaverlmpoundment G7 HeadwaterForest G8 Beaver/mpoundment GTS HeadwaterForest S~ Beaverlmpoundment SS Beaverlmpoundment 56 Beaver/mpoundment S~ HeadwaterForest • Page 6 S8 Beaverlmpoundment Szs HeadwaterForest Sz3 Beaverlmpoundment 516 Beaverlmpoundment Si7 HeadwaterForest 518 HeadwaterForest Sly HeadwaterForest Ws HeadwaterForest W2 HeadwaterForest February 6, 2007 4) Use of directional bore at utility crossings would avoid several impacts to stream channels and/orwetlands within the project boundaries. After reviewing the proposed utility crossings, we have eliminated impacts 53, FMs, through the use ofdirectionalboring 5) For sewer crossings S1, S7, Sii, the reason these stream crossings are needed is unclear. Because this is a gravitysewer, the impacts atSi and S7 could notbe avoided due to topographical constraints. Impact Ssi is needed to serve the proposed development on the other side of the creek. We have also provided an over-all map at i:goo scales, so that the proposed impacts are more easily identified. 6) It appears that gravity sewer will be installed along Mark's Creek and several tributaries to Mark's Creek. There is the potential for indirect impacts to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife resources depending on the proposed setbacks for the sewer and whether any sections would be installed within the loo-year floodplain. Therefore, please provide information on the proposed setback from the stream channel and what portion if any, of the sewer will be installed within the ioo-year floodplain.... With the exception of impact 516, the proposed sewer line will be installed outside of the Neuse Riparian Buffer (i.e. the set back will be So-feet from Mark's Creek). /t should also be noted that we will preserve amajority ofthe ioo-floodplain as pan` of the proposed park to serve Wake County and the residents of Wendell Falls Subdivision. Approximately z, 660 linear feet of the proposed sewer line will be located within the ioo year flood plain. To protect the adjacent streams, manholes within the ioo year floodplain will be constructed with the manhole rim located a minimum of i-foot above or by providing sealed manholes. Sealed manholes will be equipped with acam-lok type water tight manhole frame and cover. Each sealed manhole will have a vent with its opening at least one foot above the ioo year flood e/evation. The vent pipe will have a cast in place pipe flange iz inches above the manhole. • Page 7 February 6, 2007 7) Please provide information on how the greenway trail would cross streams and/or wetlands. We recommend the use if bridges for stream crossings and boardwalks for wetland areas. If culverts are proposed for stream crossings, please include the reason why bridges are not proposed orwere not considered. As part of our effort to minimize impacts, in addition to utilizing a directional boring at impact S3, the applicant proposes to construct a bridge for the greenway crossing previously proposed as impact G3. Due to the cost of bridging the remaining stream/wetland crossings, will employ culverts in orderto provide access to maintain the greenwayand/or utility lines. 8) A detailed mitigation plan should be submitted. The NCEEP has agreed to accept to satisfy mitigation requirements. A copy of their acceptance letter is attached. We are also working with the USACE to develop a mitigation plan that will preserve the remaining wetlands/streams and riparian buffers in perpetuity. With respect to the comments from the USFWS, the applicant proposes to satisfy mitigation requirements by placing deed restrictions on the remaining wetlands/stream channels and creating a 16o-acre park along the Mark's Creek Corridor. Mitigation will comply with both the USACE and the NC-DWQ requirements. Additionally, in orderto protect downstream water quality the applicant will provide stormwater BMP's (i.e. constructed wetlands, level spreaders, and/or bio-retention) in accordance with the 401 Certification requirements for projects located in Nutrient Sensitive Watersheds. We trust this information will allow you to complete your review of this project. Please feel free to call if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, WITHERS & RAVENEL, INC. ----~ ~~ ct--~-~_ - - Todd Preuninger Director of Wetlands and Biological Sciences Attachments: 1) Revised Impact Maps and Tables 2) Letter of Justification from the Town of Wendell 3) Delineation Map Cc: Cyndi Karoly- NC-DWQ 01/05/2007 18:21 9193656603 TOWN OF WENDELL TOWN OF WENDELL wEHaeu. NOR,N cARaINA TIMQTNV A• NINNANt, MAYOR TIMOTNY C. BURC~E33, TOWN MANAGER Nw JAMES P. CAUIEV, Iq, TOWN ATTORNEY ~ I ~• -ap "®~ .~ Smafl Town Chnrm - Copltal Cky Connection Mr. Monte Matthews U. S. Atmy COrp9 of Bngineer6 Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27615 Re: Wendell Falls Action 1D SAW-2005-20100-292 Dear Mr. Matthews: rraUE ez WN.LIAM L. CONNOIIV CAROL R. NMMMNT TERRVNpDpEB QH~-BCARlDRO. JR. RONALD W. TlIpMPBpN The Town of Wendell approved the Wendell Falls PiJD on October 9, 2006 in accordance with the Town of Wendell, Wake County, State and Federal regulations. With regard to your comments on the permit appliuuion, impacts R-8, R-3, R-4, and R 2 are required by the Town of Wendell fot traffic flow and iMerconnectivity. Please note that Wendell Falls Development went through a lengthy and expensive process to move the parkway resulting is dramatically lower impacts to R-4 and R 2. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Please feel free to ooMacx the at 365-4448 if you have airy further questions or comments. S' s 'l1s Planner 1S E. FOURTH STgEET • P.p. 80X 828 • WENDELL, NC 27591 TELEPHONE: (919) 365-4444 • FACSIMILE: (9191385-9387 • WEBPAGE: WWW.TOWNOFWENQELL.COM ~~ RICHARDSON ROAD TO BE PAVED TO POOLE ROAD 2 R =ROADWAY CROSSING S =SEWER CROSSING G = GREENWAY GROSSING FM =FORCE MAIN CROSSING ~ W =WATER LINE CROSSING W Z "' as ALL PERMANENT IMPACTS ARE ON ~ ~ d " PERENNIAL STREAMS rr zr PRELIMINARY LAYOUT ~' FOR ILLUSTRATIVE ~ ~ `' PURPOSES ONLY W LI s F ~ 3= r t ~~~ t ',~~ ~ ~j ~ ~Ik~. x iI ..32 ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ) J ~ ~ - a. iq i t ~ ~~ ~~~` 15 t >. X11 S, ~', "': ~~''~~: ~~ Q ~. wQ ~~ ~~ J U J Q ~ Q. W ~ - O J J Q LL J J W Z W ~U t~ L~,% ,~ C a „ ~,,,.,~, ~~~;dFw.,,~h~6~ ai~~c~~~~~iEr; ~~VCH I ~ ~~ ~ GRAPHIC SCALE 1500 0 7i0 1510 1 inch = 1500 ft. 3 DEI~ELOPIIENT M '/~, ~ t~ ~ ,~ ~,~ ~, ;. ROADWAY IMPACTS ZON E 1: ZON E 2: STREAM: WETLANDS: IMPACT# S.F. AC. S.F. AC. L.F. S.F. AC. S.F. AC. FILL (CY) R1 10,481 0.24 5,845 0.13 152 304 0.007 7 0.00 1 R2 10,249 0.24 6,931 0.16 160 640 0.015 33,090 0.76 2,451 R3 9,400 0.22 2,483 0.06 138 839 0.019 15,485 0.36 1,147 R4 10, 390 0.24 5, 574 0.13 150 300 0.007 439 0.01 33 R5 8,803 0.20 5,351 0.12 137 548 0.013 2,601 0.06 193 R6 9,473 0.22 5,882 0.14 144 432 0.010 8,433 0.19 625 R7 365 0.01 1,691 0.04 0 0 0.000 6,673 0.15 494 R8 10,714 0.25 6,426 0.15 175 700 0.016 R8A 8,617 0.20 5,225 0.12 134 536 0.012 R10 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.000 490 0.01 36 R11 12,015 0.28 6,426 0.15 222 888 0.020 R12 8,826 0.20 5,001 0.11 138 552 0.013 1,171 0.03 87 TOTAL 99, 333 2.28 56, 835 1.30 1, 550 5, 739 0.132 68, 389 1.57 5, 066 GREENWAY IMPACTS ZON E 1: ZON E 2: STREAM: WETLANDS: IMPACT# S.F. AC. S.F. AC. L.F. S.F. AC. S.F. AC. FILL (CY) G 1 782 0.018 471 0.011 11 22 0.001 G2 839 0.019 557 0.013 11 22 0.001 1,207 0.03 89 G3 604 0.014 432 0.010 0 G4 875 0.020 476 0.011 12 24 0.001 3,680 0.08 273 G5 862 0.020 489 0.011 11 22 0.001 608 0.01 45 G6 742 0.017 414 0.010 12 105 0.002 3,641 0.08 270 G7 643 0.015 894 0.021 10 20 0.000 967 0.02 72 G8 340 0.008 277 0.006 6 197 0.005 563 0.01 42 G9 1,080 0.025 244 0.006 0 G 10 1,495 0.034 313 0.007 0 G 11 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 0.000 231 0.01 17 TOTAL 8,262 0.190 4,567 0.105 73 412 0.009 10,897 0.25 807 PERMANENT IMPACTS IMPACT ZON E 1: ZON E 2: STREAM: WETLANDS: TYPE S.F. AC. S.F. AC. L.F. S.F. AC. S.F. AC. FILL (CY) ROADWAY 99,333 2.28 56,835 1.30 1,550 5,739 0.132 68,389 1.57 5,066 GREENWAY 8,262 0.19 4,567 0.10 73 412 0.009 10,897 0.25 807 TOTAL 107,595 2.47 61,402 1.41 1,623 6,151 0.141 79,286 1.82 5,873 II WENDELL FALLS III PERMANENT MPACTS III WITHERS LANMIR:RAVENEL II SEWER I MPACTS IMPACT # ZON S.F. E 1: AC. ZONE 2: S.F. AC. STREAM: L.F. S.F. AC. WETLANDS: S.F. AC. S1 2,341 0.05 1,349 0.03 34 68 0.002 S2 5,226 0.12 2,670 0.06 82 164 0.004 7,053 0.16 S4 4,840 0.11 2,774 0.06 78 156 0.004 21,467 0.49 S5 4,374 0.10 3,216 0.07 63 126 0.003 4,105 0.09 S6 4,504 0.10 2,665 0.06 71 405 0.009 27,355 0.63 S7 1,953 0.04 1,220 0.03 31 62 0.001 2,264 0.05 S8 1,390 0.03 1,151 0.03 22 812 0.019 2,253 0.05 S9 2,095 0.05 712 0.02 39 78 0.002 S10 2,259 0.05 1,252 0.03 33 66 0.002 S 11 1,475 0.03 962 0.02 20 220 0.005 768 0.02 S 13 3, 937 0.09 2, 776 0.06 66 132 0.003 6, 656 0.15 S15 2,435 0.06 1,469 0.03 35 70 0.002 S16 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.000 15,718 0.36 S 17 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.000 566 0.01 S 18 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.000 1, 067 0.02 S 19 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.000 821 0.02 TOTAL 36,829 0.85 22,216 0.51 574 2,359 0.054 90,093 2.07 WATER LINE IMPACTS ZON E 1: ZONE 2: STREAM: WETLANDS: IMPACT # S. F. AC. S. F. AC. L.F. S. F. AC. S. F. AC. W1 3,486 0.08 1,472 0.03 31 1,091 0.025 .487 0.011 W2 38 0.001 TOTAL 3,486 0.08 1,472 0.03 31 1,091 0.025 525 0.012 UTILITY LINE IMPACTS IMPACT ZON E 1: ZON E 2: STREAM: WETLANDS: TYPE S.F. AC. S.F. AC. L.F. S.F. AC. S.F. AC. SEWER 36,829 0.85 22,216 0.51 574 2,359 0.054 90,093 2.07 WATER 3,486 0.08 1,472 0.03 31 1,091 0.025 525 0.01 TOTAL 40,315 0.93 23,688 0.54 605 3,450 0.079 90,618 2.08 WENDELL FALLS IMPACT TABLES W~THERB ~ RAVENEL UTILITY LINE IMPACTS [Mi1Mt[RS I -LANi[lf I fYRVlVOif WENDELL WAKE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Ki, sis ,o i,,, ,, s ,,,,,,.,,,,~,,, r . - _ } ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ , , ~ ~ -, i ,~ / ti .~ I ~ ~ ~ "o . (~ ~ f , / / Y h . ~ ~ ,~ GRI=ENWAY :, 1~~~ .> ~, ,~, / ~, L ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ . ~~ I ~ F r ~ 1 rolf ~ ~ ~ f I j ~J' ^ ~ ~ J f ~ ~! / ~ ' IL, 4' f ( ~ "~ ~ ~(TYP.)? ~ ~ti, ~ } F F ~; . ~ /' / ~WETLAIIlSS Ong ~ / ~ ~~ °.. ~~ i i ,- ,. `'~t f ~ > i ~ `a. ~., ~ w..~ ~, ~ F ~ ~ ~' ,. ~~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. . _.__ ~~ "t ~ ~. _. x -. ,,~ .,._ _ _ w -.. e r ) ~ ~ ( ) ~~~ ~-~. st --~ ~.. •» __ ,.~ ~ ~ f w. _ ti•,..,, ~2_ yF ,~4 ~~4i~ ~ g i -. ~. ~-' ~ ,.. 1 ~ ~ ... ~ .. ~-~ w~' _ _ ,, ~ v~ 4 .. P ~ .." "~ ~ -. S ~ t ~ ,~ ~ ti ...~. _ ~.. r~ ~"~ E ~« { f _ I _ ``~- ~i f ,r~ r /rte . , -~,. ~.~_ IF;, . / ~, LEGEND ~ ZONE 1 - - 10,481 SF (0.24 AC) ~ ZONE 2 - ® - 5,845 SF (0.13 AC) STREAM: • • • ~ GRAPHIC SCALE LF - 152 ~ goo o so ioo 200 AREA - 304 SF (0.007 AC) ~ WETLANDS - a .k ~ ~J; ~ ~ 1 inch = 100 ft. 7 SF 0.000 AC WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS W~THER8 ~ RAVENEL INfINLtff 1 -LANNLff 1 ffRYlYOff WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA R1 ~ ~ c:\os\os-xeo osxei.ot\~ ~~ ~d\~^ x^9'°"9-'°"'°n T'. zw, - u~.~ .~~w.r. ~~ } \ r ~ ~~ `Y j ~ y,~ rib / . ~' ~s ~ _ ~ ,~i, ~ ... i~, t~r° ~, 1 /~ ~ p. GREENWAY ~~ ~ ~~ _. ~. . _ .. ,\:. '~ ~ ; .. _- ~~ ~~ / _. 1 ~ ,~ .., ' 1 . _,..~ \ \ . ,' - ~--~ ~~ .'dT r ~.. M~ ~.._ _ A _ ~ ~. I ~~ ~ j .~ \ of ~~ / ...~~ X1.1 i ~" ,.. 1. ~.:. ,. _ ~ _ ~_ ',.1Y -, \\ ~ Y. \ yr r ` ~ . 1} F ~~~ ' ~4 t ~ '~ e -+ «' \ } .... o-~ - z _ _~. r/ { • ~~ e Y 1 a tf$ :. I . -._.~. Fes,,, \ t ' r ~4 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ i ~ •+ ~a~ ~l P ~~ ~ ~ ~~ E ~ ~' - ~. ' GE OF \ ~ ,. ` ~ ~ / ~tA (TYP.) ~ ~ ~ 1 ,r , ..,.... ~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ f ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 1~ ~~ • ,r r r ~ ~~. 2 .. -. p' 4 .. i ," -. .~ ~5 ~_ _~ ~~ ,~ LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 10,249 SF (0.24 AC) ~~t: ~~~~ ZONE 2 - ® - 6,931 SF (0.16 AC) ~ ~' ~ ~`~ d STREAM: • • • ' } ~ GRAPHIC SCALE LF - 160 `~,, ~ 00 o so ~ 00 200 AREA - 640 SF (0.015 AC) w, ,~ WETLANDS - 33,090 SF 0.76 AC 1 inch = 100 ft. STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL WENDELL FALLS NN~IN[[Rf 1 •LANN{!s ~ susv[roes WENDELL WAKE NORTH UROLINA R2 \05\05-2 05281,01\owo Pw" FAbb\St. - J—y u. 2002 - DWA»c PETERSON _7 �F- } i zz i -r- r a , S ti µ r i - r VSk� 7 7- , , r ° r • ep ,L � r• 'v w,q ti LEGEND ZONE 1 — —9,400 SF (0.22 AC) ZONE 2 — ® —2,483 SF (0.06 AC) i STREAM' f / GRAPHIC SCALE LF — 138 100 0 50 100 200 AREA — 839 SF (0.02 AC) WETLANDS— — 15,485 SF (0.36 AC) 1 inch = 100 h. STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS &— RAVENEL WENDELL FALLS R3 ENGINEERS 1 PLANNERS 1 SURVEYORS WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA . , c: os\o~zeo\osze~.oi\owo w~R e~nn.\~ .ao- .wM,en zs, sw, - ~~.n~ n.~~u. i M ~ _ ~ a ~ ( ; y~. ~~~ ~, I • ~, i ~ - ~, • A r, , . . . _. ~ / _,,, .~ ~ ~ ~:. w.. ~ `. ~ .. ~" ; -1 - -' ,~ < ,~ ,,~ ~~ GREENWAX ~ ~ ` ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~"""' `~. d 1 ,. . .. _. ~, ~ ~ \ ,~ ~' ~~ .... _ _, ,, F ~ z ~ ~~ s .. ~~ ~ . ~ ~ ti' ~ .,. ~. i _ ~ t ` t =_ J9 ... 1~,,'`~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , °~ ~~3 \ ~ r r / i a \.. ~ " i ~p r ~ ~ ~ r off ~- d ~S ~ ' { e ~ `~ .~ ~ ~ ~ B ~ ; ~~ i a ~ r ( ~ 4 r "" ~/ ~, ^' ,! I ~ r p d T f ~j ~ I f jj p~ 3 t i \ j Q, ~ ~~~~~~ LEGEND ~ ZONE 1 - - 10,390 SF (0.24 AC) ~~1 ~ ~ ZONE 2 - - 5,574 SF (0.13 AC) ® ~~~ ~ J STREAM: • • • (r ~ ~ GRAPHIC SCALE LF - 150 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i oO o so i oo zoo AREA - 300 SF (0.007 AC) j ~ i t WETLANDS - s ~ l ~ 1 inch = 100 ft. 439 SF 0.01 AC STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL WENDELL FALLS A LNi1NtlNf 1 -tANNLRi i suuvLroes WENDELL WAKE NORTH UROLINA ~ R4 ~ 11 ,, 1 t i _.. ~, - - (( = ~~ } a ~ , _ s - r r' _ ~ ; . / 278...= ~ ~ d ~".~ ~ , ;~ F ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ WETLl I~S y r t } ' r _. ,~ __ , J ~ ~ ,.~ ~~ 2~~ a a p , } .~ , ''~ ~ ~,~ ~FP ~ J '. ~ ~ ~ ~ `~~ ~ F ~ r t ~ i t _ - i ~ ` „/ ," d` ~~ 0 ~ ~ ...._... 215,.. ~ i } ~ ~ ,~ ; 8 .. r ~ ; }~+~ ~ ~ I .~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~U RIPP ~ ~ t ~ `. .. L.. ~ ~ E r , f,~ / t` i !' ~ s` ~ / ~ i £ '. ~ _- ~ r ~ ~ E ; ~ . ~ 1 ~ I d' !'~ +~ ~ ~' . ~p ~ ~ . ,r tY ~ ~ ," •~ ~ '~ i , ,; ) i 's i ~ ~ , t ~~ -, • 'w y' . 0 .. ~ ..:-- ~' 1 f / ,/~a ~ ~ !16 (r ~r ~~~ ~j ~~~ 3 i ~, ' ~ LEGEND r / ~~ ~ ( ~~ ZONE 1 - - 8,803 SF (0.20 AC) -., { f ~ ~~ , I II ZONE 2 - ® I ,- - 5,351 SF (0.12 AC) /~? ~ STREAM: ••• ~ _ ~i!' ~-..~-- `- 137 ~ ) ~~ GRAPHIC SCALE ~ (' 100 0 50 100 200 ~~ - 013 AC) ~ ~'°'"'~ 548 SF 0 ( . WETLANDS - - 2,601 SF (0.06 AC) 1 inch = 100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL R5 {M•IN[!Rf 1 MANN{ff t fY{VltO{f WENDEII WAKE NORTH UROLINA F:\OS\0!~200\wI01.~1\/~ rwn.. cm~wv\avan ~wwmw~w9_'~°'"'° _ N~ i ~`` .. _ _ ~,. t~ S, l.~ 4~ ~ F ~ _ ~ ~/ I ~ 7` ~ + II / •L ~ l y t .,~ ./ ~. R b7 I ,~ o ~ 1 1 ~,~ ry~ ~ / ~ / l h ~ ,~ - / f ~ ~ ., ~ .~ ~_. ~. ~ ~ --- ~ ~ ~ srREAM ~. ,' ~ ~ ' e_. x,5 ~ r ~ ~ r ~`t , ~, ~,, ~, (1YP.) ~ , ~ ~ : r ., .. t _-~ / ; J ~ ,~, ~~ ,, ~~i I _. a. ~...~~~ ~ , ~ ~ ti_ ~ ~,~ ~- ,. .. T ^, r ~_ ., A. . t ~.- - e TYR YiD ~~ ~ ( ,. .a ..-_ ...w r f, ~ \ '// . `~ RIP ll~?I / ~ 2~ .- f BU Ft,. ) ,.~ / •~~i ~_ ~ 'r'„ r ,.«' mss.- ' / " .^,~,'°,,. ', 'f .; "" ' . -~ s~'" _ ~ ~~ ~ M ,- _____. ~ ~. ~ ,.~° LEGEND %~ ~'"?'__M ,,.` ZONE 1 - - 9,473 SF (0.22 AC) ~_ ZONE 2 - ® - 5,882 SF (0.14 AC) STREAM: ... LF - .- .--~ GRAPHIC SCALE 144 ,r ~, ~-'"~ ~~ ,--' ~,,~- ioo o so ~o0 200 ~~ - 432 SF (0.010 AC) ~ '' r/ ,, WETLANDS - - 8,433 SF (0.19 AC) ~ / 1 inch = 100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~(' RAVENEL R6 llllMllli 1 -LAIINIIi 1 fYlrlrOls WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA i ~~ _ ` ~? F e t I a ~ i i . ~ t, ~~, f ,,r ,1 f ,~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~F - '~ ~ ~l ~ ~~ f tt, _ _ f .. 1~ _ ~ . _..~c;~,y~i,M~ ~ 1 ~ ^,~ f ~ LEGEND ' ._. ZONE 1 - - 365 SF (0.01 AC) , ZONE 2 - ® - 1,691 SF (0.04 AC) - = STREAM' "' - GRAPHIC SCALE LF - 0 ,,.°` i o0 o so i o0 200 AREA - 0 SF (0 AC) ~~~~~" ~'` ~. e~ WETLANDS - - 6,673 SF (0.15 AC) '',., 1 inch = 100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS W~THERB ~" RAVENEL lR•IRtfRf 1 ~~AMNIff 1 fRRYlYORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH GROIINA R7 ~ > > \06\05-160\06761.01\M P --A EhNb,\Str— J.—,y M 2007 — DWAYNE PETOMM l � r R12 LEGEND ZONE 1 — — 8,826 SF (0.20 AC) ZONE 2 — ® — 5,001 SF (0.11 AC) STREAM: ... LF - 138 ` ` GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 AREA — 552 SF (0.013 AC) WETLANDS — — 1,171 SF (0.03 AC) 1 inch @ 100ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS &- RAVENEL 1 1-- —.—r•o^111• R12 if Rl[![!f 1 PlA[!!Rf 1 fYRYlYO[f f d / ~" ~~z_ GRAPHIC SCALE ~~,~ ioo o so ioo zoo -.. %'~' ~~ ~ ~ 1 inch = 100 ft. -. ,. / ~ t ~, ~ ~ ~ . ti ~ i ~ =y /I ~. ~ ~ ~ z,~ ~ ~ . ._ .. o 1 5 .t i f, ~ ~ ~-- r ~. ,;.~ "~ ~,,~ ~ ~ , '~~ ~ P ~ ._ G~2 ~ NY~1AY ~'_~ ~_ ` ~ ; f ~~ ~ ,r'~j M ~, _ ., \ ~ .r-.~ °,~ , . - - .,. .. 1 ~ _z,a --,... ~ ~fr ~,~ -~ _ ~- .. ,.:~ a. '- ~ , '^, -3c10 ,_ - ^...„ .~'~_ _, -- ,. ry . ~~ ~y'~ X4`1 ""~.,,.,.``w ~' ~ ~ } ° ~ ~"- ' NEU E RIPPARIAN d~ .~ ~ ~ i --.- ~ ~ _ ..e~, ~,~- ,-~ ~ d,, ,;, S1 LEGEND G1 LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 2,341 SF (0.05 AC) ZONE 1 - 782 SF (0.018 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 1,349 SF (0.01 AC) ZONE 2 - 471 SF (0.011 AC) STREAM: ... STREAM: ~ - 34 LF - 11 ~~ - 68 SF (0.002 AC) AREA - 22 SF (0.001 AC) WENDELL FALLS STREAM~IMPACTS W~TNER8 ~' RAVENEL S1 O G~ [Nf INttAt I -LANNf Ri 1 fYIV[VONf WENDELL WAKE NORTH UROLINA , ~ ~~ „ ~ S2 LEGEND G2 LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 5,226 SF (0.12 AC) ~ ZONE 1 - 839 SF (0.019 AC) ZONE 2 - ® ~~ - 2,670 SF (0.06 AC) =~ ZONE 2 - 557 SF (0.013 AC) STREAM: ... STREAM: ~ _ 82 LF - 11 AREA - 22 SF (0.001 AC) AREA - 164 SF (0.004 AC) ~ . . ~. _ WETLANDS - 1207 SF (0.03 AC) WETLANDS - - 7,053 SF (0.16 AC) STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~' RAVENEL WENDELL FALLS S2 ~ G2 {N{INL{Rf 1 /LAMP{lf 1 fYRY{YO{{ WENDELL WAKE NORTH UROLINA n~k~ rs~ N:\05\05-260\05261.01\DMO Pwm6 ExhObit.\St ro Cr I,gw.dwp- E*b—y 6. 2007 - DWAINE PETERSON R: os~os-ieo\wza~.ui r,•~~~o.m~ .*~q...,.rv-'^^ - /~ ~'~ GRAPHIC SCALE ioo o so ioo zoo ~. 1 inch = 100 ft. ~~ ~~ , ~~~ a_ ~ ~ _~.' ., q ~ ...,',..., ,... 1 i ~ t J, . ~~ pSTREAM" ~~ ~ ~ ~ (TYP) r~ ~~ ~a ~~ ~~ ti - ~~ ~~ - ~. Gj .~ 0 o 4 .. m ~ r @ ( t ~ '. ..,,. Y, r ~ ~m . ~ , ~) ~~~ ~~ ~ V ~ F RAP ~~~ IAI~.,~ .\ ~ , .., ~, GORE WAY ~:, ~ `_ _., .,. ry_.. _. BW . (IYP.) ° : ~ x .~ ~ ~..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,~ r ~~ 4~;~ ~ a ~~ ._ «.~~ .. ..., a,~ s ~ ~~ ~ .~ 1 ~. ~ " ~ ~ I L' Q.: x - ~ a~ ~~, 1....:. ~ ~/ 1 ° / ~~ h ~ ,,d~ig/ ~ i ]]] ~~ /rysot/ . , e i t w D s ,~. E ._ ,.~ ~; , .. ~~ °~. ~ ~ _.. >. ~~ ~~ , n 4 ~ j w ~ j # f~ S t ,~. ~ ~, ~ t S `r s ..~.~ S4 LEGEND G4 LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 4,840 SF (0.11 AC) ZONE 1 - 875 SF (0.020 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 2,774 SF (0.06 AC) ZONE 2 - 476 SF (0.011 AC) STREAM: •-• STREAM: LF - 78 LF - 12 ~~ - 156 SF (0.004 AC) AREA - 24 SF (0.001 AC) WETUWDS - - 21,467 SF (0.49 AC) WETLANDS - 3,680 SF (0.08 AC) WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL S4 & G4 RNRINRRRR I ~LANNIRf I RNRYRtORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA wnn w\w-Z00 w v. y.n~ rw..n ww.v~avan .wwwiP. aarx.ary <~. Zw ~ ~~ GRAPHIC SCALE T~ l ~ ,oo 0 50 ,oo z00 >> ~ , ~~ ~~~ \ 1 inch = 100 ft. I ~I \ I ~ ~ . a g F r ~ .,- ~ ; ` ~ i ~ ; ~~ ~ ~~ \ - - ... ~'`. ~ _. . ~ r _. _. ~ ~ - ~. rb f # ~, ~~ ~ /~- ...,.- 5~ ~ ~ ~ _. ~~~ . '. ~.. c .,. _. ~ F - - ~. -. ~, - \~ - € \ 'ti ... ~.-. 9 f, ,J' ~ - '~ ~ X ~~ ~~~--'. ~ ` ~ ~. ~ ~ ~~ ,~ ~' ~ ,e ,... wErt.AND S~ # ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~,° ~ ,/ A'~ ,/ ,, ~ / ~,, ,/ __ ~ ~. '~~ f . ~,. S f 1~ / f d ~~, / ~ t J r fj ~ y a ~, °• ~° ~~F 1 f t~ ~ °~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ i ////(/ ~ //1 ~ ~ }4 ~ 1 ~ e °a '.~ ~~~// ~1 r~,t/``'`rf ~~(I ~ ~ O ~..~._...,._...20p f ~~r",/' ~ fr if 1 ; f ~ "`.. ~~, S5 LEGEND s ~~~f ~ f ~/ ,t ~ G5 LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 4,374 SF (0.10 AC) o ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ZONE 1 - 862 SF (0.020 AC) ZONE 2 ® - 3,216 SF (0.07 AC) ~ `~' ~ - _ ZONE 2 489 SF (0.011 AC) STREAM: ... ~~~ ~ ~`~.,~~,~,, ~'" ~'_ _-_ STREAM: t ~: ~~4~ mm AREA - ` ``°~-,.,,~~^-.'`~'`` ~~'=~ AREA - 22 SF (0.001 AC) 126 SF (0.003 AC) ,~~`~._.- ~-..,ry1- ,, ~ .~., ~'_W„ WETLANDS - -~`~`~- ~'`'~` ~~' ~"'~~~~ ~. WETLANDS - 608 SF (0.01 AC) - 4,105 SF (0.09 AC) ~~~,~ ~~ •~;;; WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS W~THERB ~ RAVENEL S5 & G5 ^Mflf tllf 1 ~IAMNRtf 1 fORYRrORf WENCfIL WAKE NORTH GROUNA ~~ w ~.~ ~... I GRAPHIC SCALE ~% '' ioo o so ioo zoo ;: ~ l ~ .. ~ ~:, 1 inch - 100 ft. i _ . u _. ~; t ~. • , , ~ ~~ ~ •. 1 _ x ,6` ,a r _- ~.,. ~ ~, ~_~ r t \ ~` GREENWAYo H a~ t NEIySE ^RIPPARIAN STREAM ~ 'f + ~ - BUF~ER ('iYP.) (x ~' (IYP.) ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ f r J f / t / i d ~ .r . - ..~ ~~~~ .l __ ~ ,,.~ a.. J ~ ,- ~,,, y ~,w w ~i ~~ ..-~' ~, ~,f~+ ~~"`.~.---'.w ~'-- .`/' ~,~` /" f,//f~~^~~ ~-~ .~--f'f'~f/~JI'/gyp/'"j'` _ ~~' ---~- _----~" r-^-~'~' +'~~ f ~f ~ /~ ./' y,~ _ ..-^^"..+ ......r-.+' ! l w ,......'^ ^~ fir, n.+"'ys 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~~ FJ .. '~..Fr~ Jf r rJ{ ~r~~'..."."..~-~~ ..r~ ~ ^°~~Y .vr w••E ./-~^"'+^' r^~ A" ' S6 LEGEND f-N',f' ~~ ~" f,, G6 LEGEND r '~,,! , r ~ ZONE 1 - 742 SF (0.017 AC) ZONE 1 - - 4,504 SF (0.10 AC) /~ ' /~ / ZONE 2 - ® - 2,665 SF (0.06 AC) ~,~ , / ~ ~ f ZONE 2 - 414 SF (0.010 AC) STREAM: ... % ` ~ ~ f ~ STREAM: LF- 71 ~ f ~ / }~ J~ ~~ LF- 12 r / f AREA 405 SF (0.009 AC) ,~ , ~ 1 ~ ~ f ~ AREA - 105 SF (0.002 AC) WETLANDS - - 27,355 SF (0.63 AC) /~ '~ `~• ~ ~ ~ 0 / WETLANDS - 3,641 SF (0.08 AC) WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL S6 & G6 lN~INlLR! 1 ~LANNlR! 1 fYRYlYOR! WENDELL WAKE NORTH UROLINA c:\OS\OS-2E0\05zO1.Y1 \u~a wmv[ uaxero\man ~-.vw.p..v.q- w.w.~ ..~~ .w. G7 LEGEND ZONE 1 - 643 SF (0.015 AC) ZONE 2 - 894 SF (0.021 AC) STREAM: LF - 10 AREA - 20 SF (0.000 AC) WETLANDS - 967 SF (0.02 AC) GRAPHIC SCALE -~ ioo o so ioo zoo 1 inch = 100 ft. G8 LEGEND ZONE 1 - 340 SF (0.008 AC) ZONE 2 - 277 SF (0.006 AC) .-ay 1. ~ c ( - "r' :.. STREAM: .. ~... ~ . `` AREA - 197 SF (0.005 AC) ~ I, /~ ~. I. -WETLANDS WETLANDS - 563 SF (0.01 AC) .. /-f ~~ (TYP:) s ~, ' 1 _. .~ . N - / ~ , .. ~„,. ~... ,~ _ _ -~ L ;~ J' .-. ~- - , s - _.. -~ 1• } ~ .., _ M , II ~^ ,- ' ` ~ • ~ ~ ,~.z~s~. ~ ~~.~ `~`~"o ~ ~ ~ ~,~; 1 ~ ~~ / t FUSE IAN ~ ,,~ 4 , °'~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FFER ~, ^. .~~. ~``'`4ti '\~ ~ 5 i ~ io'1 S 8 8C - ; .---+. ...- _~..-- .~ ' I ~ v ~ ~ ~' ~ ' ~ < _.. S7 LEGEND ~,,.-- - S8 LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 1,953 SF (0.04 AC) r ZONE 1 - - 1,390 SF (0.03 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 1,220 SF (0.03 AC) ~J ,.~-' ZONE 2 - ® - 1,151 SF (0.03 AC) ~,, ~ STREAM: ... ' ' • ~~`_:--. '°~ STREAM: .. . LF - 31 f °°~ ~ ~ - 22 AREA - 62 SF (0.001 AC) ' f/`~~ •`'- AREA - 812 SF (0.019 AC) WETLANDS - - 2,264 SF (0.05 AC) ~ ~ `~ WETIJ~NDS - 2,253 SF (0.05 AC) WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL S7 & S8 - G7 & G8 RNtINRIRS I •LANMRRR I fNRYRtORs WENDELL WAKE NORTH UROLINA - ~ -- .,. ~~. ~ _. ,; ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ .a..._ - . ~ ,~ ~ x ~~ ~., ' ~-• ~ ~y. - r~ ~- ~, ,~., . d ~~ '~ _ a .. . ;, '~ r _ .. ~° -~~ ~,, ~ ,/ e9 .~ ~ ~-'- r •°" - ~ ~- °` EAM ~ ~ .~. ~~ d ". ,,' / ` ~,; ,,. ~~ ~ w. .,. r ~„tr ~ ~,,,,~ .~'~ "' eta,. ~. r r~,/ r / ,, / ,/'.. / / :""t - / i ,~. '~~' ~ , ~'i"s ~ ` i ~ ° Ff 1.~ ~ r i ~~.,r»-, ~,,,,...i. del ~ t r I r~ r~ / ./,+~~`'r '~..~ f ~ , / ~o. ,f f rr~p S9 LEGEND 'P ZONE 1 - - 2,095 SF (0.05 AC) ,. r ZONE 2 - ® - 712 SF (0.02 AC) ~• . STREAM: ... LF - 39 ~ `,, ~~ - 78 SF (0.002 AC) ~ ~'" _ .~ l' gyy~' lr ,~ ~ ~ ~, ~'`, G9 LEGEND ZONE 1 - 1,080 SF (0.025 AC) ZONE 2 - 244 SF (0.006 AC) STREAM: LF- 0 AREA - 0 SF (0.000 AC) WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL S9 & G9 RN{INRRRS 1 ~IANNRRf 1 lYRVRrORR WENDEII WAKE NORTH UROL~NA ~~~ ~^•~ ~~ ua ,,...~' +~,,•^'° ~. "'ter s LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 2,259 SF (0.05 AC) ZONE 2 - ~ - 1,252 SF (0.03 AC) STREAM: ... LF - 33 ~~ - 66 SF (0.002 AC) 1~_ GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 1 inch = 100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERB ~ RAVENEL RNfINYIRf 1 ~LANNRRf 1 fYRYlrORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH GROLINA ~ ~ O n i_ i m t l~, / /. ~.~ / ~~ i ~ ~ ,~ , -~ ~° E e ~ ~.~ ~- ~- ~ ~ ~ I <- ~ j ., / 1 f ~ ~,~ ~~ ~~ ~ 4` /,, ear ~~ rs ~ ~ ~~ i ~ / / y q -J 3 1 p~y 6 / '' ~ ~ f ~ P ~.. / ~ v :r ' f Ot c /~ j' / ~ d{I < 1 ,,, '~w...~ Y _.,.... ~ f ~ ~ ' } i/ / r ~.~-~ ~_ r - ~ y ~ ~ / .. .. ... ,.. ... ~ 1 / t t r .. s _,..~.. w .. .._,/ ~ ~ a .__ "^K. ~ % ~ I ~ 1 ~ , ,, ''NEUSE ~RIP~A'RI/~N "~ ; ~ ~ C ~ ~ ' ~"~ ~-`_°~"'~~ ~ w~ ~~ ~,~,. `°~ -~" BUFFER ~~C'm',;) ~ 'y a ~ ~ _ .. ~~ t y~ ~ ., n fi P..' .... r .; l ,,.--' ,,° :~ r'~. ~ - w ._. --" ~ - ~ WETL-ANDS _ _ ~~ '~ , ~ ~ ;~~ `~` . _ ~, _a _ _ - -... f . _ m ~. _._ -- -~~) .. ~_, ~ `l __ -, °' t, _. -. ., l , ..~.,..~ ~,. ~- .~--" ,, . ~r ,~~ ~' ... -- __ ,..~-" , - ~ zn~ ~ ~ ~ ,,, ~.. to w a t, ~, ~ _.. ,.,~- .2'15 ~ .- _ ~` _ ~ f r ~, ~ .. ~" .~_ F .~ ., _. -.. -_ M_~. .. ~...-- ._ .1 `~ ~_.,..,_ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ti ~. ~O _ _. .. ++ 1 ~" LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 1,475 SF (0.03 AC) `~`~, ZONE 2 - ® - g62 SF (0.02 AC) STREAM: ... _----- LF - 20 GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 ~~ - 220 SF (0.005 AC) WETLANDS - - 768 SF (0.02 AC) 1 inch = 100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS W~THER8 ~ RAVENEL ltlflfffff 1 -LANNlff I •tl RY{YORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH GROLINA ~ ~ ~ .qa, r a,w ~. ,~ , , •, , , .. y / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~< •, \ ~~ ~ ` , ~6 ~ ~ Y ; l ~' \ f ~ i \ a \ / ~ .~ ~ n2~ ,~ . ~ _ , ~._ ._~.... y :: ~~ .e/ ~ ... y. % . ~ / ...vy,,. m.,.... ry.. \ ' <, f r ,.._ r - ~ ` ~ F , - ~ ~ F ,~~ ~ ' ~ ry, s , ~ ~~ I ~ ~ ~, ~ ~~ / ~ ~ ~~ k i NEUSE RIPPAR IAN / .R~ ~' / ~, 1 WETLANDS, BUFFER TfP. .~ ) , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , O. ~ ~) : ~ ~ ~ 1 I `.. y ~ ~y ~ \ >, i ~b ~ s .. ~ ti ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~~ t ' e 9 ~ f' . r ~ ` ~ ~' ' ' o i ~ t r _ F ~ . {{`" --~. u r"'~ / l d,~*~ J,~d f ~{ P ~ 9 S y k / ~~ f~ ~ ~ „_ p, ... ~ ~ '~ .. J ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ d~ _. ~. ._..._ ~ ~ ~- ~ . 1 ,., ..`.. ~,.,, _ y ~ ~{° ` ~. 999 ~ d' ~ .f -.,_ ........... '~.. .. ..... ...w # r°` ~~ ~4~ ~_ ~ m/ S l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: 0 ~+ { L ~~ ~,y j, ~d x ~ e ~-., ,r' ,.°~ } r ~ _ ~_ ~,'^~ ~, ~.. ,_..' LEGEND ,~ ZONE 1 - - 3,937 SF (0.09 AC) ' ZONE 2 - ® - 2,776 SF (0.06 AC) ~; r 1 ~ I STREA F - ... ~ GRAPHIC SCALE 66 ,~.~, ~ ioo o so ioo zoo ~~ - 132 SF (0 003 AC) j 1 ~ . , i ~ WETLANDS - - 6,656 SF (0.15 AC) `~ `'; ; 1 inch = 100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL C C' ~ ~ lNfIN{{Rf 1 ~LANN^ll IfYRYtYORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA ~, ZONE 2 - ® - 1,469 SF (0.03 AC) STREAM: ... ~ - 35 ~ GRAPHIC SCALE ioo o so goo soo ~~` - 70 SF (0.002 AC) 1 inch = 100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL S1 ~ ltlfltlttRf 1 ~LAllffff 1 itlfYlYOff WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA ,~ ,, t 3 d / ~~ / C n~'/ ~ ~ q5~ . C4J~ ) f'a /~ // t ~ / / / ' / I; ~ ~ ~ ~ ...~~~ STREAM ~ ~ %° / ~ ~ ~/: / (TYP.) ~ ~ '`/ ~- ~ ` ~~ tie` ,~/ E ~~ ~~s ~ ~~~ ~ i WETLANDS ~ F~ .. ~ ~, ~ _~ ~ (1lYP.)~~ { i ~`~ t f ~ ~ ` t F '. r i f z p t, '~Ne ~~ _ Yh " ~ ~ l l "n. i^I _ \4. II ~ 6 e k ~~ 1t .,. ~ ~. ~~._, pia ~ ~ ` _ ~`• ~ ~`~ „ °~ ~ `~ti ~ -~ .~ ~-~ _ ~ ~~ ,_ ~~ ~ ~ \ ~ 'a ~ ~ U3 II~PARJAN ~~~~~ `EU L -. t f ~ ~ ~" \ ~` i '`... ~, ~ '~~~~ti``,~,"~-... ' . '~ .......~. ~ ~ I `' ~^ ,. ~, ~ ~~~ ~ f r ~ r ,, ~. ~ ,.- ~.~ . .~'~ ~ ^., ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ / . yam, ~~ ~1 ._ ~: ,. a ~"~ ~- ;~~ \ ~~. '~ t .~ ~ r .~ .~ ~r ~~ ¢ t ~ ~ i ~' # .,~ ~--~ .. ~_ ~_TM. ~r ~. ~ ._ ~~ ~ ~ I •. ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ti -.. . .. ._ _w. _____. LEGEND ~~ l~r ZONE 1 - - 0 SF (0 AC) ~``,~°'~ ~,rj' ZONE 2 - ® - 0 SF (0 AC) i',/~ pp~ LF - p f~` ~~~ GRAPHIC SCALE ,i` !~ t ~ ~ ~ o0 0 5o i oo zoo AREA - 0 SF (0 AC) / ~ f ;~ ~f WETLANDS - - 15,718 SF (0.36 AC) f~ ~`~~,/ 1 inch = 7 00 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL S16 iM~iN~[^s ~ ~~~rM~as ~ suaveroes WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA n: w\w-2EO\w[ei.e~\~wu r caxpv \av~am ua~rip.awp- ~orxgry [.+. [ - Vnnint Kivocm GRAPHIC SCALE . ioo o so ioo zoo ~~ _. ., ~, _ ~~. ~ '~ ~,,+ 1 inch = 100 ft. .. .~.~ _ r . r 'z} at f~ ~°o ~? ?. ?3s 'a , .~ '~l ~ y ~ ~, ~_ r i i ~ - ~ I , ...~.. ( ~ ~~ ~ ~ ' ~ :- j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ r ~. _. ~ ~ ~ ., ~ ~. ~ '~ y , ~ i ~~„,. _. # a ~ ,. ... . ~ ~ , ~: r ~ ~z: ~ ~ _ ~~ /, '~ ~ ~~ ~, . ,~ ~ µ , ~ { ! / ~ ti's ,.~~ ~~Si ~ ./ ~~~', t•' ,CREENWAY~ ~,. ~f. ; f. ~ v ~ ~ h 1. , ~. - ~~ ~~ ,. ... - ~ 7 1 ~ 4 ~ .~ ~, .r' ~ ~ ~~ .. l ~ ~ _.. ~-. ... ~. : o ~'~, f' ,.. _ M e _~,_ -~- __- ~ f 1 f~°~ / ~/ ~ ~ ~ ~` ~ -- ,~ ~~ ~~..- - . ~ ~„~ / NEUS~~ - ~~1RIAt~ .,. , - •y r ~~,~ ~~.. ~ ~ '~..---;~ ~?' /`n~%~s ~ "~ I i~ ~ r •'t t ~d ~,1 f t i r t ~'O ,/,,.r ~ (may (f b -'---°.. ~.,..' " ~ .... ° -- _,.,,.. "'-~,..'~-,..~_ _~ _~-- ,r. S17 LEGEND ~ ~'~ a ~/~~ G11 LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 0 SF (0 AC) ~'~_,,, '`~ ZONE 1 - 0 SF (0 AC) ~~ ~~~ / ZONE 2 - ® - 0 SF (0 AC) ~_ ~~~t., ZONE 2 - 0 SF (0 AC) STREAM: ... ~-`- I STREAM: LF - 0 I AREA, - OOSF (0 AC) ~~ - 0 SF (0 AC) I WETLANDS - I WETLANDS - 231 SF (0.01 AC) - 566 SF (0.01 AC) WENDELL FALLS STREAMpIMP1ACTS W~THERH ~' RAVENEL S~ 7° G 1~ RN~IMYRRf 1 -LARNIRi 1 IYRYIYORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH UROLINA c:\as\o~xeo\osxet.ot\owo P.rmn cwnn,\sewm ce..i~r~a+o- !r ss. xao~ - ow~r~ rErorsar r GRAPHIC SCALE . ~' ~ ~_. i o0 o so i oo zoo - ~ ~~ ~~ ~ I ~ 1 inch = 100 ft. ~ r ~, .• .., ~ .. 'a ~~ I J ~ ," ~ ~ j _c x '''~ ~i SY - ... p ;. ...A ' y~ .... t .. ` } Y ~ >.4 ~ / `F. ~ d~ ~`+.,~ ~~ ,_ ~~ • '~ a ~ f 1 a _ ~ ..,..... "! if .` ~ d ~. ~ ~` • ~ . ~.; ~,: ~ ~ s~ '°' ~~.I~1N ' C~ ~, DS ,. ~. •.. .: ~ ~ ~•)k k \ ~ .., ~d. ~~ ~.~m, .. t ._ .,.....r ~ 7 t .. ~. ). ~.A". _. .., c ~ £ J, }~ ,~ __ ~, ;~ ~;~ __ ,~ ~~ ~, ~. ,r ~ ~ ~., ~: ~. ; .- .~ 1 '~ ' x ,~~ ~., .. f . ~ ~. z -.~ ~- _. ~ F ~~ 1 _ '~/ * 4 f ~ [~ ` ~~ ~ , ~ ~1 4~, ~ 2~0 i _y ~ ~~ I t ~ ~~`~_ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ( i~j' ~? ~ x, ~ t ~~'. ~JP ` `~~-`" EDGE OF ~.. ~ ~ ~.~~ ~f F r ;~~:~ ~ ~ ~'s ~ ° I jii~ ~ WATER ( ~ i ~ ~ t ~ °~ .-' ,~ ~ ~ ~l~ ~~ ~ ~-~~~-'~~d~ NEUSE RIPPARIAN ~.,'"1`•.a`~~ ,~/ ..-- .. ..~' r~ r'~ ~ ( ~ O BUFFER (llr•P.) .°'~" ,1 -..~ ~ t t/ f~ ,~i r ~{{"~ ~ ~~ ~^\ // ~r Y 1 /'~=.~ ~ r . I n f:. S18 LEGEND ~V S19 LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 0 SF (0 AC) ZONE 1 - - 0 SF (0 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 0 SF (0 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 0 SF (0 AC) STREAM: • • • STREAM: LF - 0 LF - 0 ~~ - 0 SF (0 AC) AREA - 0 SF (0 AC) WETLANDS - - 1,067 SF (0.02 AC) WETLANDS - - g21 SF (0.02 AC) WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS W~THERB ~ RAVENEL .2,,,,,,, ..,.~. „„DT.. ~.e,,,,.,. S18 & S19 IMtlNtttf 1 ~LANN[tt 1 fttYt70tt N.dr9- Jonuo7 25. 20U7 - DWAYNE PElER50H e9 i ~1 c iT /r ~/ ''I f 16 r'' ~ !, ~~ 1 1 ± : € i1 j/( /9 1 f/ i ~ t 1 7 1 ;~ j f f f cy~ ~ - .~,;.: \ GREENWAY 1 (~ f ~ l f , / rr ,! ~°' ~: ~ CROSSING :~` , ~ ~ ! ; I 11~SE,Rk~'F,~AR~N ~ t ~;~ DAM ! ! tit ., ~ ' s • ~UFriER ( PL) ~ j ~ . ~ ~ ~ l~,` ; ~ , ~ ~ 4f ~ ~~ t ~. ~i ~` i I f~ _ ~ ~ \° ~ \ 9 it ~ t ~~~ i S~ ~1 ~ i ~ S t ~ ~E ~ ~- ~~ ~ S ~ ~ i ~ _ ~( ~ ~ ~ l , r ~,~1 ~ ; ~ ~ I ~ r ,- ~ ~ } t ~, } ~ m ,, r `fit ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ E ~' y ~;q~,~ (k ~ .,^-. ~.`v ``~~ ~ ~ `. '~a ~ ~ a,~ ~ ~ ~f J , ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~` e ~' ~, 'V ``~'~ ~' ~~`~~` V ' ~~ ~t / \ ~ t '~ ~ ~,~TY~) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~~~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~fl ` 1 y\ r '~ ~t} ~~ ~l `, ._~ ~' ~ ' ~ f 1 ~ LEG EN D ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 1 ~ i r ~~ ~~ ZONE 1 - 1,495 SF (0.034 AC) ~% ~ I ZONE 2 - 313 SF 0.007 AC ~ ~ ,r~~'/ 1,~ . ~ ~ '/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I t i. ~ STREAM: i 1 ~ ~ ~~ LF - 0 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~. l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ AREA - 0 SF (0.000 AC) ~ ~~ ~~ '~ t ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ WENDELL FALLS~~R~~~~R~ ~~~~~ STREA G10PACTS ~~~ W~THER8~~~~RAVENEL ~~ SUMMIT Consulting Engineers, PLLC GEOTECHNICAL • PLANNING • ENGINEERING • SURVEYING • CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT November 27, 2006 The Louis Berger Group, Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 Cary NC 27511 Attention: Mr. Dean Hatfield, P.E. Director of Transportation Engineering Reference: Louis Berger Project: OR1012 Summit Project Number: 06-038 Description: Bridge on Wendell Falls Parkway (-Y101-) over Stream Crossing #3 Subject: Bridge Foundation Investigation and Design Recommendations Dear Mr. Hatfield: Summit Consulting Engineers, PLLC is pleased to submit this report ofour Bridge Foundation Investigation and Design Recommendations for the above referenced project. The purpose of this foundation investigation and analysis was to determine the various soil profile components and the engineering characteristics ofthe foundation materials, and to provide foundation design recommendations. This report presents a review of information provided to us, a discussion of the site and subsurface conditions, and our foundation recommendations for the proposed structure. The Appendix ofthis report contains a plan view ofthe site showing boring locations, boring logs, appropriate cross sections across each bent, and a summary of laboratory testing. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed bridge site is located at a northeast to southwest flowing, unnamed tributary of Mark's Creek in eastern Wake County, North Carolina. The area on each side of the stream is undeveloped and heavily wooded. A single span, ± 37.5 feet long, fill face to fill face, and ± 139 feet wide, out to out, precast concrete arch bridge with a skew angle of 65°3'58" is proposed on -Y101-- over the unnamed stream identified as Crossing #3. The precast arch bridge will extend from Station 99+91.76 to Station 100+29.26 on -Y101-. The approaches to the structure will require the construction of approach embankments up to ± 17 feet above existing ground surface at end bent 1 and at end bent 2. Page 1 of 4 1000 Corporate Drive Suite 101 Hillsborough, NC 27278 314-A South Madison Boulevard • Roxboro, NC 27573 Telephone X919) 732-3883 Fax (9i9) 732-6676 www.summit-engineercom Telephone (336) 599-3900 Fax (336) 599-7226 II. PHYSIOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY The proposed bridge site is located. approximately''/z mile upstream from the confluence ofthe unnamed tributary and Mark's Creek in a wooded, undeveloped area. The small shallow stream is approximately 5 to 7 feet wide from top of bank to top of bank. The creek bed in several places consists of mass rock. In addition, several smooth faced rock outcrops were observed adjacent to the stream, particularly to the south of the bridge crossing. Geologically, the site is Located within the Raleigh Geologic Belt. The Raleigh Belt is a complex interlayered and interfingered sequence ofhigh- and low-grade metamorphic rocks oriented in a northeast trending belt. The rock sequence reflects several episodes of deformation during which igneous intrusions of various compositions, sizes and ages were emplaced. Specifically, the site is located within the most extensive intrusion called the Rolesville batholith. The Rolesville batholith is one of the largest plutons in the eastern United States that crops out in northwestern Johnston County and covers a large area in eastern Wake County. The main rock of the intrusive complex is granite. Primary minerals include quartz, feldspar, plagioclase, muscovite, and biotite mica. The soils weathered from the parent bedrock are generally sandy soils consisting of an upper layer of clayey sand or silty sand underlain by medium to coarse sand. The clay content within the soil profile generally decreases with depth; whereas, the sand content generally increases with depth. A zone of partially weathered rock is generally encountered above bedrock. III. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION A subsurface investigation was conducted in September 2006 utilizing a CME 550x, all-terrain drill rig. The investigation was conducted in general accordance with NCDOT, Geotechnical Guidelines and Procedures Manual and generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. Eight (8) borings were located and advanced to depths ranging from 1.6 to 12.0 feet below ground surface, utilizing 3 '/4" I- D, hollow-stem augers, and NQ-2 core barrel. Soil samples were classified in the field by a qualified engineer, and a representative number were submitted to our laboratory for testing. Rock coring was performed at selected locations to define rock type and quality. The recovered rock was visually classified and percent core recovery and Rock Quality Designation (RQD) values were determined in the field by the field engineer. Water with no bentonite or other additives was used for drilling fluid. Field reconnaissance, utility clearance, borehole layout and elevation control were performed by an experienced Geotechnical Engineer. Cross section and soil boring surface elevations were referenced to survey stakes at the site placed by Withers and Ravenel personnel. IV. LAB TESTING The samples obtained during the drilling operation were labeled, sealed, and transported to our Hillsborough, North Carolina laboratory. All samples were examined and visually classified by a Geotechnical Engineer. In addition to visual classification, representative soil samples were selected for classification tests, including particle size analysis, AASHTO *T 88-93; liquid limit, AASHTO *T 89-93; Page 2 of 4 plastic limit and plastic index, AASHTO *T 90-92; and moisture content, AASHTO T 265-86.-The results of these laboratory tests are summarized in the appendix of this report. * As modified by NCDOT Material and Test Unit Rock cores obtained from this site were visually classified, photographed and stored for future reference. V. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Details of the subsurface conditions encountered at this site are shown on the individual boring logs and coring logs, as well as cross-sections included in the Appendix of this report. A description of the subsurface conditions encountered at the entire site is presented herewith. At each end bent location, alluvial soils consisting of brown and tan, very loose to medium dense, silty- sand (A-2-4), were encountered. The alluvial sands varied from 1.6 to 7.5 feet in thickness and quickly graded with depth to weathered rock and hard rock (granite). Auger refusal or SPT refusal on hard rock was encountered in every boring drilled at this location at elevations ranging from 242.7 ft. at EB 1-A to 247.3 ft. at EB 1-B. At EB 1-D and EB2-E, the rock was cored with between 100% recovery and RQD values of 100% and 99% respectively. The cored rock consisted of tan-gray, slightly weathered, hard granite. Groundwater was not encountered in four (4) ofthe eight (8) borings drilled at this site at depths between 2.5 and 3.8 ft. below ground surface. Borings EB1-D and EB2-E were checked after twenty-four (24) hours and drilling fluid was in the hole. It should be noted that groundwater levels at this site may vary due to seasonal and climatical conditions. VI. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS The data obtained from the field and laboratory testing was evaluated by a Geotechnical Engineer and the feasibility of utilizing spread footing foundations was assessed at each bent location. Based on the shallow depth to weathered rock and hard rock, spread footing foundations are considered suitable for use at this site. General foundation recommendations for each foundation type are presented below. Spread Footings Based on the subsurface conditions encountered, spread footing foundations are considered reasonable for support of the proposed bridge at each end bent 1. Spread footings founded on the weathered rock or hard rock with highest possible bearing elevations listed on the following page should achieve a safe allowable bearing capacity of 10 ksf. Page 3 of 4 ``~r Location Estimated Embedment Elevation (ft) EB 1-A 242 EB 1-D 248 EB 1-E 244 EB 1-B 245.5 EB2-A 245.5 EB2-D 246 EB2-E 246.5 EB2-B 246 It is anticipated that excavations through soil and weathered rock may be accomplished with heavy excavation equipment. Ground water should be anticipated during excavation and construction of the shallow foundations. All rock or other hard foundation material shall be cleaned of all loose material and cut to a firm surface, either level or stepped. All seams shall be cleaned out and filled with concrete, mortar, or grout. All loose and disintegrated rock and thin strata shall be removed. The rock surface shall be left in rough condition, so as to form an adequate key against lateral movement of the footing. VII. CHANGED CONDITIONS Should plans for the proposed bridge be changed from those used in preparing this report, Summit Consulting Engineers should be provided the opportunity to review the recommendations in this report for either possible changes to the report or verification of the information in the report. VIII. DISCLAIMER Summit Consulting Engineers has prepared this report for your use in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. Analysis, conclusions, and other work produced by Summit Consulting Engineers are instruments of service for this project only. Summit Consulting Engineers' assignment does not include, nor does this geotechnical report address the environmental aspects of the particular site. Respectfully submitted, SUMMIT CONSUL .~' ~~M •e :~~ ~~~ /, ~•o q PLLC. ~~ J~ Don Dewey, P.E. Manager, Geotecl °o'••~;~'G1 N~ / 1/ • ••~~NM~ Page 4 of 4 NORTH CAROL_INQ - -W~e- - WETLAND BOUNDARY ~W`0~ \ WETLAND ~ - - J DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER (POND) T T (DENOTES TEMPORARY I FILL IN WETLAND E E, DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND DENOTES TEMPORARY TS T.S FILL IN SURFACE WATER • • DENOTES MECHANIZED + * CLEARING ~ FLOW DIRECTION TB ~- TOP OF BANK -- WE EDGE OF WATER PROP. LIMIT OF CUT - --- F -- PROP. LIMIT OF FILL -~- PROP. RIGHT OF WAY - - NG- -NATURAL GROUND - PROPERTY LINE - TDE - TEMP. DRAINAGE EASEMENT -PDE- PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT - EAB- EXIST. ENDANGERED ANIMAL BOUNDARY - EPB- EXIST. ENDANGERED ', PLANT BOUNDARY - -~ - - - WATER SURFACE x x x x x LIVE STAKES x x x BOULDER - - - COIR FIBER ROLLS PROPOSED BRIDGE PROPOSED BOX CULVERT ~~~~ PROPOSED PIPE CULVERT 12'-48' (DASHED LINES DENOTE PIPES EXISTNG STRUCTURES) 54' PIPES & ABOVE SINGLE TREE WOODS L[NE DRAINAGE INLET ROOTWAD RIP RAP O ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER 5 OR PARCEL NUMBER IF AVAILABLE PREFORMED SCOUR HOLE LEVEL SPREADER (L S) WENDELL FALLS DE;VEI,OPbfF,1~'T, LLC RARE CaUNTY PROJECT: LBG ®RI012 WENDELL FALLS PARKa'AY FRGM SR 2501 Td SR 1007 SHEET 2 OF 20 DITCH GRASS SWALE J~ ~ .A." 11. d 1]. lA. 7 N ~ ".1 ~ ktt Cl z u~ ~' 3 r ~- ~... `s' 3 =Q p'J Q~ M > y END PROJECT 5!TE 7 ~~ 8 QOO ~~ ® THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 1513 Wah~ut Sheet, Sui6e 250 Cary, NoAh Carding 2751t WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY PROJECT: LIiG OR1012 SHEET 3 OF 20 DOTE: 12/4/2006 FILE: g:\OR ProJecis\ORI012 u564 Int erchonge\Deslgn\PERMIT \DRi04_PERAiiT_04_S1teLPlon.ogn r ~ / N.C. pEPAR7MENT ~~ / ~, } ~K. OF TRANSPORTATION ~ a', ~ .r~,~ ~ L?JO f` ~ !! ~ cr / DtVfLOPMLNT. C..L.t:, ~ ~~ I N /r/ ~ s! , ~ ~ j~ ~ ~ 7.. I _ ~ ; i' I F ~ F ,~ ~ _ I rv ~ti 1 ..., . - .~,. W~ ~. ,,~..---._.~.m. I .~ , .. ~~ / ~ I ~ ' ~, , ~ I , r I. ~, .. ~ y ~~ ,~ I ~ .. WENDELL~~~LtS PARKWAY .. w I W,,. - , ~~- ^ -' :. . .... i./ i v : ~ _. . -~. ~` ..... .. I ~a ~%~~ ~ /~. WENDELL BALLS F ~ rr 4 ..F` ~ `~~ ,,~ ~~~ pEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. \,`~F,~ i~~~ ~~~ . E ~ r ,,_ ~, ~ ~ e _.,..~ ~ t, ~~ N.C. DEP~iRTMEN~ ~,.\ \ ) ~\,~\ t ~ c ~ ~ ,~ M...,' ~ ~ ~ ., ~~ O TRANSPORTATION ~, ti ~ , ((j 4 ". ' ~ ~. ..,E i 'CY - _ _... ,.........~. 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PI = 37+50.00 _ ('1s-629 70` 70' 70` 8L = 234.54' 2~ SPAN SPAN SPAN VC =400' ,______ -__ K = 120 240 ~` ,_~+ I (...Q 3000_. ,.::...~.......-,,.__~~ _ 230 ~;~ ---_._.~ ---__._ ~ ~~ ,~ 220 ~ ' '~' ~ ~ - ~ ~~a _ ~ _ _ ~ ~ ~ _ "a`, ~, 210 ~ ~ .~ ..,~ ~~ ~ _` J 200 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 HORIZONTAL SCALE - VERTICAL SCALE DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND (0.81 act RIP RAP ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ® THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Ina 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 Cary, North Carolina 27511 WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY PROJECT LBG OR1012 SHEET 5 OF 20 OGTEs 12/A/2006 FILE. g:\0R Projects\ORI012 - U564 Intarchonge\Desfgn\PERMrt \ORI012 PERMIT_06_SIte2_PlanAgn _ __.. _. _ _. _ _.. '.~y~•'-s' ff~ ~~ fi p~K // p ~ l,% MACK HALL HEIR5 /' m~ fit, ~ WENClELL FALLS f! 8'IM /-' ~, dEVELtJPMENT. L.L.C. `` ~ . ~~ ~ / ~~ ~~ I ~ 4/ li ~, '~ + ~~ \ /` _ _0^~ -._ _. F _.._. r.._.._.. F, i/~ .. ,. - - - - ,- _ _ .._.. - lR _.. _ _.. ...._ C.Wl.. ,_ _ _..- ~ ~ , ,; "~-. 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WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC ~ ( ~ ~ - wLB - WETLAND BOUNDARY ~ wAKecouNrv m - PROJECT: LBG OR1012 # ' SHEET 8 OF 20 DATEe R/4/2006 FILE: gl\OR Projects\ORIO12 - U564 Iniercnange\Design\PERMrt\ORIO12_PERMIi_07_Sife2 Proi'fle.agn _. _. _ __..._ _ 280 270 260 250 240 ~i = s2+~o.00 e4 = 22a,is' vc = soa' K 222 CL. CULVERT .,,,,,,. -Y707. 52+79, 4 EL 228.32 230 ~ - ) -' - .._.~._.-- ._.... r ..:-._. - 220 ~ ~ ~ '" ' / \ ~ .~ ~ LULVENT 0,4Ta GCrMMaFY _ ~ ^ 2~1 aa DF.Srf,N OrSCHaFrGg - g7} C:5 210 . ilFS!i+N FNf0':F, Nfr S; "P:i Oz SIGN 1•':Gti wa'E' - ?r58: F? !Lxi VN OrSC: rn!?GE - k:G2 L':'$ rpJ )'R nlGn wa';'p!7 2/t,3~ ''I GS'L'N]'pn/'/NG ^LGi7i) cC[Y ~ n•!A F'7' i7+f.'H?OC'PIN;'. FNF.:lX: F. N(,Y ~ .Nia YFt~ ZOO ;x'FP*iWar,N!i ~~:.`iCryAa:;F s N/A iT 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 HORIZONTAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER 10.02 aG ' DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS AREA 10,04 ac) DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING RIP RAP -- 9Z 1 BUFFER ZONE -- ~~ ~ BUFFER ZONE - WLB- WETLAND BOUNDARr ~~I.'T~~i°~7~?~' ~ ~ ~ 4.Y.Al Jl ~:w ~w ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP. Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Suita 250 Cary, North Carolina 27511 WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY PROJECT LBG OR1012 SHEET 7 OF 20 GATE: 17/4/2006 FILE 9:\OR Protects\OR1012 - U564,Interchonge\Dasign\PERMIT \OR1012_PERAIIT 08_SIte3_PlanAgn _ _ ,,. -, ,... \~ WENDELL FALLS ~~~~ DEVELOPMENT l L. ~`~, ~ i i= \ ~ i !%, -~ / -/ A ry / j ~~ WENDELL FALLS ~\\ ~ i. \ DEVELOPMENT, i_.L " ~ ~' Fhf ' ~ r'`'te ~~ ~ -" ~ ~~e ~ ~`~' y~ ~' --- _ - ~. N ~; <; ;~~ ; ._ .~' ~ , ~ '~ ''~ _ ......_ __. aeo ~ .. - ~ _. ~ ,, 9 __........._ ~a ~ _ ~ Vr _._ ~ r ~ ,/ -- ~~ -_ ~: -, t.. , r . _ --. !R~ ..__._...~_ ~.._._ .._.... __ ._ -- -- ---..._....... __ z~s ~R. _ . _ _ _ ~tV ~. , ,. ~ - _' `~ ^~~ /~ r i ~~ / i.: v:~ ~~ ~ / ~, rte, , PK. ~ ~„~ WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY / ~ ~ -----'_'~ _ - ' `~~ .. ~.. ~. ..__~....._...._...._.,._,____... ____~ _. f. _ A ._ ~ ._ ~ L'. ~ Y" C F ~ ~-c.~ _... _ _ ~ . ~ , F ,~ `' , /i ; `~ ,F~ ~` /?'.\ WENDELL FALLS !'~ 1I WENDELL FALLS REYELOPMENT. L.L.C. '`.. \ DEVELOPMENT, L.I.C. ~ t , A I ~~eI71~lT ~P~~~~ C ''i ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER ~~l~lte :,/; (0.02 oG «a__ ,~~ .. ~~~ __.. I .., ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. N 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 „'' •',':': ' DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING Cary, North Carolina 27511 '', ~; ,: ~ .'fig s; • ; ..._ BUFFER ZONE WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC ,, ~ ~ '., / ~._ ~ ~ •~ ~~, ~z A--~-~ BUFFER ZONE wAKECOUNTY I WETLAND BOUNDARY PROJECT: LBG OR1012 - WLB - SHEET 8 OF 20 OdTE: 12/4/2006 FILE: q:\OR ProJecfis\OR1012 - U664 inierchonge\Oes'On\PERMIT\OPoO12 ,PERMIT 09_SIfie7 Profille.tlOn _ _ Px ° es+oo.oo EL = 273.73' YC = 350' K = 105 290 ~ ~ w ~~ U' m y CAN •O ~ 4r ,m ~ „ b J ~ O N W i7~ ¢O wr-+ y m i W I \ i \ /i `I ~ i:uCVFPT DATA S:ruurv'+r ~~ DF.S;l,'.v .N. Si'H v7GF .?'i.' Cf S /1g C(GN FRglXIr. N!Y S() rR~'. 7`S.r,N .v!:;.v WA7gA - ,>+7f.5 Fr !00 YA ;ASLHARGg - a65 rF5 ~ 1'f7 !IiGry WATgi+' = c"4!t ~f %'T wgRTOnr+!eG FL~Y).n guy .vie r' r4'E'F!R;Ni';M1Y; Fpg:,;UE.VC' NiA I:iS CNE'i•7pPn!Nf, 1.Y5r.:HARf,F .V/e f,'Fti ~~u 210 96 97 98 99 HORIZONTAL SCALE •; ;•;•;• -- ez 1--- ,. ...,. `~ ` ~ • VERTICAL SCALE _.. Bz ~ - WLB - 100 DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER (0.02 Oc) DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING BUFFER ZONE BUFFER ZONE WETLAND BOUNDARY N N i O A r 0 , A rb ~ ON i aW ...-Y101...-..._103.~65._QO.._EL...._254..~..?_s.....° .............. / -vs- 1a+ao.oo :i--~ ...__._... __._...._.._...._... {-)1.1068%' 101 102 103 104 ', I~]E$~FII~,I~ ~~"]I"~ 7 j ~ ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 Cary, North Carolina 27511 ', WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY j PROJECT: LBG OR1012 SHEET 9 OF 20 __ _ _.: DOTE: i2 /4/2006 FILE: gs\OR Projects\OR1012 - U564 Interchange\Desfgn\PERMIT\ORIOR_PERMiT_IO_SIt84_Plan_OIAgn _ 0 ~ ~/ ~ ~~:` ~ / %^j SME~En CREEK COPvfPANY LLC NORFOLK-SOUTHERN ~.~' ---Y- ~._.-.. __Y_._ . -~_ .,^.-. _.._.._~,_ RAlIROAD ~r y jp ~ C ~ .,_- ;w• !2 4r F-- ~~„~;w ~ ~~~ _..-.a~~ r;a> r ~•, ~ t Y - ~.__ w . ~X F/W .__ _.,_ .. .. , j ~- ~ ,_ J'~'~ WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY • ~ -_,., _ _. ~_.~ -____~ ,± .,,_ i F -- _.,. c~ C82.C2'? _._. _..-. -... `,~., , 0.0 ~_ / -~-... 31 ~--. t r ~. \ a J ~ _ ` SHESER CREEK ~ \ \ '~ a """ ~" ~-m - R COMPANY LLC ~ ~ ~ I ~ , ! ~. ~ i ,' 4~ <^" i t ,. g1 `: - ,. ~~~~0~5~ tai - ~ __. _._ . _ ~- - ~~~ ~ -- -,.. v. ,,._.~_ ~.--- ~~. .._._....._._ ~z ~.- ` -ter- gl- ~' s F _ '~ ~~~' DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS AREA _ _, (0.41 aG ~. DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS . .. •• r•f• DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING •' •' • '•' :_ ~ ' C BZ 7 _ BUFFER ZONE - SZ 2- BUFFER ZONE -wLB- WETLAND BOUNO(A~RY '(RIO ~~, LL h w w v ~. F C'. ~„ ..- . ..,_ ..,,_, _. ;C' ~.s ~ .A ~' V' ~ jt.:r 9~p f '~ F ..~ , .~.,. .~_...m._.__ .._ _ ..._ `, C ~ ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Sude 250 Cary North Carolina 27511 '_ ...w.__.. _.. .............._ _._.., ... WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC C WAKE COUNTY .< _ - ~ PROJECT: LBG OR1012 SHEET 10 OF 20 pGTE: 12/4/2006 FILE: gi~OR Projects\OR1012 - U564. lnterchonge~Daslgn~PERMit\ORIO12_PERA1rt II_SIte4 _Plgn_02.dgn J;~ , // ~ , '~ ~ ~ ~ f,„ / / ~~ ~ ~ j/ J~ Jt" ~ °~ / / J ra.c. o~~'Ar~ ; MLti .<v ~ , ~ j C~~ ~RAws~CH`aslor~ ,.` , ,/ r' ~ / ~~~ ~ -: "~ ~ ~ G~~ / t / ....._ -- DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS AREA SHESER CREEK COMPANYYLL ~ / f ~~ 1. / (0.41 OC) -' ~` ~`~ / ,` / i"~ ~ ~ - - 1 DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 /~ ' " ; - ' ~ "' DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING O ' ,~ / O /, .',. ~ /~ ~ ~G BUFFER ZONE ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ i - . ~ ~ _.. ~.. / ~ r <, BUFFER ZONE ~ `-'~_.__ wLB WETLAND BOUNDARY p~, ~ ~ ,, m / ~ / 'L ~ ~ / ;, , ~ ~ / ~ ,/, _, x ~ ~~ , ~ ~ 1"- i , ~ ~ ~, / ~~~ „~,y^i ,'~ ~'i v' e~ . f ' ; ~ ~ itn y;'. ,~ / / ,~ ~ 1, ~ -- ,, ,A T _/ ~ ~ B3 ~~ t ~ ,,, - _ _ - _. w ~ _._ -.~_ _,_~.,.-~--~- • ~_ ~,~r~. ..,- _ __. _ _ _._. ? ~ / ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. ~ -' " " "` ~ / - 1513 Walnut Street, Sude 250 , Cary, North Carolina 27511 - WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY _ _ .._,,_.--..-..._-„~._.________v._ _.___. WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC t ~ _ .~~c``;~" WAKE COUNTY ~~~ ~~ { B4 Y~~~~ PROJECT: LBG OR1012 SHEET 11 OF 20 DATES 12/4/2006 FILE: qs\OR Projects\ORI012 - US64 Int erchonge\Destgn\PERMIT\OR1012_PERMIT _12-S1t e4_Pr of Ile06cgn 290 280 270 PI = 23+50.00 EL = 254.69' YC = 400' 260 K = s6 1.6434$ _..,, ._^ __::_:. _ ___-.._ __~(+}2.5027 0 ~ ~ . s43a~ 25 ` _ ~ \ 240 ~ ~ ~ 230 ~ ~ ~ \ INV IN s ?21.50 RTj _ A ~ INV OUT • 219.00 / 220 ORaNacE STRUCTURE Na.CJ DRAINAGE MEA lACRESI 40 9 AC ` ~ / V 1 : b DESIGN FREQUENCY ~ 50 YRS J DESIGN OuSCHARGE ~ J4g7 CFS DES/GN hAV ELEVATION 225JJ F7 IQ9 YR DISCHARGE ~ 4429 CFS l00 YR hAV ELEVAT/ON ~ 225.75 F7 '210 OVERTOPPING FREQUENCY +5q7 YRS OVERTOPPING D'SCHA4Gf a N/A CFS OVERTOPPING fLEVA7/ON ~ 26/.45 F7 23 24 25 26 27 DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS AREA (0.41 ac) DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS (O.OI oc) HORIZONTAL SCALE DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING ,.. __. RZ }._... U R ONE VERTICAL SCALE _BZ ~_.. BUFFER ZONE - wL6 - WETLAND BOUNDARY 28 ~~ -L- -L- 462+7i .21 29 30 31 ll ~~ ;Li ~1 ® THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 Cary, North Carolina 27511 WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY PROJECT:LBG OR1012 SHEET 12 OF 20 DATE: 12/4/2006 FILE: q:\OR Projects\OR1012 - U564 Intercnonge\Desfpn\PERMIT\ORf0l2_PERM17_I3_SIteS_PIan.Ogn ~9 ~ l~O~ ~ SHESER CREEK C6MPANY LLC cy iy X05 ~ .o +18 'ip t164.c4'I '~ ~ ~ 60 tIy6.8`~'1 4SFrJc 60 !i'?6.85') r, 50 4.p4') ~ \' ~ , '1 _. ~, dj \ _ .. r- - ~~ ~\ .,__ '- t- -i ~ ~.T .... J _~: __.._._... __ _....,,. . __ _.m "_ I S _,.: _ _ t ~-..~ _.._....... S W~B~ 1 ~ . s _,~~-~ ~~ 9 _.._._ .~ ~_ .., ~~ t ~_ s r.. c .-.~ \ ~ ~ \` \ ~ ~ .l ~_ NLS -- -a __ --_.. . ..- ... _..__ -_.. ~,~ ~r.Y~ ~\ 5 ~- ~,.-_ ._-- _ ~ - r "~ ~ 1 ~.~""~~ 1, S S ~ ~ 3> ...^'" ~ >.. ~ \ 6~' 1l i \ \ \BjM~ RUTH $. WHITLEY HESR$ E7 AL C,,`(L~ N.C. DEPARTMENT ~ ~, - ~ ~ S.`~~ pF 3RANSPORTATiON `' L , \ o~~ ~ ~ .. \ ~~~~~ 8E6BTSF) MECHANIZED CLEARING ~~ ~~ BZ 1---- BUFFER ZONE \'~~GP •~. ~i~~'O _ Bz 2........ BUFFER ZONE ~'l ~ Ty£ ~ti~~v -WLg- WETLAND BOUNDARY ~\0~5 ~ FQ~~~ ~ ~ \\\ ~ ~~ ~~~ i ~ ~ ~ ~/ ll :tad 11A® c~,~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ® THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Swte 250 Cary, North Catalina 27511 WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY PROJECT: LBG OR1012 SHEET 13 OP 20 DATE: 12/4/2006 FILE: q:\OR ProJecis\OR1012 - US6a ~ntercnarge\Design\PERMIT\ORIO12_PERM17 _I4_Site6_Plan_Ol.dgn : SHESER CREEK )t ~~ 1 ! DEVELOPMENT LlC '-! ~ !/~'~'~ 0 ti _ °1~ ~~~; SHESER CREEK ~ ~r7iJ liva''I~~`?~ DEV£LOPMEN? LLC ' ~j L~,~,•-- ` N d~ \ N ~... ~ ? ,..` / , --- ,..- `- __ __ ._ _ - x _.___ _- _ _ _ S _ - - -- o ~ W l = US 64 ~/ ~`, II ~,~ ~ ~' ~ ti ~ i r us : / ~ x US 64 ~~`.\ ` ~ a~, ~ _ _v_-_ __„__,..._. _ ~ ~.~.-- _. ~~, __.. __.. - i RAMP C ._ --< < -, _ \ w _. , _ _ Y 1 - ~ ~ ~ - -- ~~ F F ~ • . ... ~ ... ,. .. ~~ ~ ~ ~ C 1 - , _~.._.= ~ ~;~ y~ :164.04". ~~ _ ~ ~ ,a ' \\ I :\~\ ti ,'°"'s. m ~ ~~" 1 erg) ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~L~.~ ,G°h~~ ~ ~,. _ M\ \ ~ (J,~ ~ y, DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND AREA ,; ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ , ~ DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING ~ ~~ ~T~;F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j RIP RAP ~ ~ ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. N.C. DEPARTMENT ~ 1513 Walnut Street, Swte 250 '~ /, ~ ~ OF TRANSPORTATION ~ Cary, NorthCaro~ine27511 ~ -~ -- gz + - BUFFER ZONE -- gZ g - BUFFER ZONE ? WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC - WLg - WETLAND BOUNDARY \, `' WAKE COUNTY PROJECT: LBG OR1012 '_. SHEET 14 OF 20 DA7E: 12/4/200fi FILE: g:\OR Protects•ORi012 - L1564 Intarcnonge\Oasign\PERMrt\ORi0i2_PERMiT_I$_Sfte6_Plon_02.dgn SHESER CREEK ~ ~ /~~ DEVELOPMENT LLC /, ~ ~ ~ '~ - ~" - ~% -~? i- - I ~ ~ \ i i~ ~. I ., ~ R~ EK , eC~, - , . 0 •LLC i `c- ~~' ,, n," '~ , ~ r: - ti ~~ ) e ice, / ~..- ~ ~` ,. c l ~ g2Z ~ _ ~ _. ' ~ - ~ , ~~ \ / ., ~Z ?- ' BZ 2 !, -~' s _ _ C _..., RAMP B ___ F -- -_ -, _ ~ ~ - - i - - - F _ ._ .. _ _ ~ s ~ - - .. _ _ . ~__ _ __._ __ .. .~ .r . • ~ - _.._. _ _ __. _. .. r..__. z. ~ :__ ~ ~_.:. ~ _.. ..~ ....., . _._.. _.._. ... ,. ,,,, ___., e_. __~e__M__ , ~ .. ~ ___, ~.~ ____.._ s _r._..__ _..._. LL s '' g1. ~._ o '' e . _.- __._ W uS sa W Z JJ sU 2 - _ w ~ C .,.; C U$ 6q .._. ._ -... ~,~ -,...~_F C , .~ ..t °, ,~ ._ ~ ~. .. - ,, ~. ~~~____. ~~. _, ~~, ~,_._e_~. _~.~~ ~_ "' "' ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP Inc ~~~ ~ ~ 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 ~~~~~ ~°., ~``•, "~"~ ,_,,, Cary, North Caroline 27511 i _ __.e........__._._._.._.._......._..___..._..____..._._.. _.._...__ N.C. BEAARTMEN~T``'\ ` -~ *"",., WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC flf TRANSPORTATION WAKE COUNTY ~ C `~" - C PROJECT: LBG OR1012 SHEET 15 OF 20 OGTE~ 12/4/2006 ~ILEx O~\OR Protects\ORI012 - U564 Infer change\Oesfgn\PERMIT \OR1012_PERMIT_16_Sife7 Plon.ogn _ _ ~ ~~ ,, ~ ~ ~~ ~~; ~. ;~~ ~~ , ,~ .. 1 ~~` ~ ~`~. {}}DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WAT~RS { \\~ ~'"\ 1 S1 10.02 acil \•*\ I \ \~~ ~~`~~~ DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING I ~ ~• ... I \ \ F ~., s~ I -° BUFFER ZONE j l ~ V ~ t~ - ->.__ BUFFER ZONE ~ ~ ~ ~ w~8 - WETLAND BOUNDARY y 8 ~ ~,, t ~ ~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ _ `_ .._. 1 / ' ' ~ _ _t ...-.-.--.-'-'~ I ~, _-- --- ~. ~r ~ . - ~.- --• _._.~s ___ _ ___ ~_____ _r i, _ ____ , 1~. t v~GWi/) .... 11 ~ \ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~•v B r .~ 0 1` \ `~, .~ ` ~ 2 ~ ----- .~ ~ ,n ~ °~• 6l ~~ ~ r. ~ ~\ 3 N~~ L ~ `,~.~ ~ _._------ s ~ '~~. ., ~ \ ~ '-~. s., I t ~ -~~ ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. ~ ~('~g \ y ;r ~ .~R; ~ 1b13 Walnut Street, Sulte 250 1[' $.w ~ 1. V ~ 1'~. .w ~/ _M _„ Cary, North Carolina 27511 v S' ~~°~'iw `~ - WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY 1 ~ ' ' ~` PROJECT: lBG OR1012 i ~- SHEE716 OF 20 ' 047E: 12/4/2006 FILE: q:\OR ProJecis\OR1012 - US6A Int er change\Destgn\PERMIT\ORi012_FERMiT_i7_StTeT_Pr of fl9.tlgn PI = 20+00.00 EL = 295,18' i VC = 650' 30U K = 93 ' s782%- --(_ }4 {+~2' 3 ~ FEATHER PI = 14+25.00 . . ----- 0QQ$ }IATCH ~T. EL = 279.78' _ _ _~ -' .- - - -- ~ -~ VC = 500' - ' _ _ __ -------- - _~-- i - K = 97 .. - i i -__ r- - _~-- ~ 280 ~,..__._,_ ___ ,~_'_.~-~_,~.._._._._ __- ------- _ _ ~ -E.'1~67a2~ - ~~)2.asaa _ __ - - - - .i -' 4 jj ~.T) ~ r ~5~~~ar - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ' ~ Y2- 20+69.7 270 -a-° ~ °' ~~ ~~ ~ Y101 - t 15+4 ~ ` a ~. '~ L3`G? h , INV~IN ~ 289.31 ~ Y2 20+23.45 EL 289 - __ _. e-;sn c3; n INV our - zs~.zs Y101- 115+51.38 ~*.~ ~ ' ; ~ "`~ ,~ PrPE HrDRwuc DArA ~ Y2 19+77 03 EL 289.67 - 260 .- ~y ~ - ~; q ORplNAGE STRUCTURE No.C6 _ _ Y101 -_..115+57.58 {4&.00' Ll ~ fl {1 ~.- t;; DESIGNGFREOUEN ~RES) 2~~ YRS W1F€ ~ .~ ~ DESIGN DISCHARGE ~ 1301x0 CFS m1}. W ,e: DESIGN rrv fLEVarION 273.48 FT ;; ~ !i l00 YR DISCHARGE 15730 CFS ', ~ l00 YR hAY ELEVATION 27478 FT ,~ A ~~ OVER70PPlNG FREQUENCY +500 YRS 0/ER70PP/NG OlSCHARGE N/A CFS OVERrOPP/NG ELEVATION 286.48 Fr 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~~~~~~~ HORIZONTAL SCALE - VERTICAL SCALE ' DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS (0.02 oc1 DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING ~? ~.... BUFFER ZONE -u~ 2-.-.- BUFFER ZONE - wLg . WETLAND BOUNDARY ~ll~~:Cw _ _ _ ._ __ ', ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 Cary, North Carolina 27511 WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY PROJECT LBG OR1012 SHEET 17 OF 20 DATE: 12/4/2006 FII E: q:\OR ProJecis\ORI012 - u564 Intercnanpe\Design\PERMIT\OR1012_PERMIT_18_S17e8_PlCn.ogn ~: I `~ m N WENDELL FALLS ;'I j m OEVEIOPMENT, L.L.C. I r- _.- - -" ,. 1 .~ ,... "' ~ ,rP_,----~-^"' -. ~j ._._.~----~-. WENDELL FAILS P AY Y1 ,~ ~...__...... _ ARKW . <~, __ ~! »_.. ' ' ., r ...._ . 1 - ,_ -__- __ ~~ WENDELL FALLS \h DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. ~ ~ (B M y\~`t ~~ .. ~ ~ WENOELL FALLS ~, `~~. OEVELOPMEN?. L.L.C. (g ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS 'sue.. ~ ~ _ (0.06 ac) ~~ YV~ _ THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Ina ? 1513 Walnut Street, Sulte 250 N,C. DEPARTMENT ® Cary. North Carolina 27511 OF TRANSPORTATION --.-----------~-.,.___._ .---,_-._ ! WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC _ ~~ WAKE COUNTY PROJECT:L9G OR1012 { ?. SHEET 18 OF 20 DATEe 12/4/2006 FILE: q:\OR ProJecis\OR1012 - tJ564 Interchange\Oestgn\PERMIT\OR1012_PERMIT_19_$IieB_Profitle.ogn I ......_.... _. __...._. ..._......__..._ ....._._...... ._...._._... ._..__... __..... ___. __. ......_ _.... _.... ........ _..._ _ _...... _ _. _. ..__ '. 280 270 i ~0 260 im sq N ~' 250 PI = 37+50.00 PI = 45+00.00 EL = 234.54' EL = 232.29' YC 400' VC = 400' K = 120 240 K = 513 i -Y10' ' i_-Y5- --... _..-.. __~_~~ 1_07975 230 _ __._._.._. _._ __-- 22Q - - -- ~ ~ ~ S S END INTERCNANGE PROJECT ~ / BEGIN PARKWAY PROJECT _.~ ~~- _'. -~ ~ _ Y101 - 47+50.00 EL 224 59_ 1 '~ ~ ._ 210 200 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 HORIZONTAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE $.: DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS _ (0.06 ac) ~~~~ ~ ® THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 i Cary, North Cerollna 27511 WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY PROJECT LBG OR1012 SHEET 19 OF 20 WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS BUFFER IMPACTS , Site No. Station (From) (To) Structure Size Fill In Wetlands (ac) Fill in Wetlands (cu yd) Temp. Fill In Wetlands (ac) Excavation In Wetlands (ac) Mechanized Clearing (Method III) (ac) Fill in SW (Natural) (ac) Fill in SW (Pond) (ac) Temp. Fill in SW (ac) Existing Channel Impacted (ft) Relocated Channel (ft) Enclosed Channel (ft) Zone 1 (ac Zone 2 (ac) 1 NCDOT SITE 11 35+50.00 37+60.00 -Y101- 3 70 ft BRIDGE 0.81 1311.64 0.16 0.00 0 0 0.01 0.06 2 52+68.00 52+91.76 2 10'x10' RC Box Culvert 0.04 67.76 0.01 0.02 299 79 186 0.26 0.20 3 99+g1.76 100+29.26 32'X10' High Pro Arch 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 296 153 0 0.56 0.28 4 NCDOT SITE 9 26+36.05 -Y101-36"RCP 0.41 653.80 0.01 0.01 0.01 ~ 536 0 446 0.74 0.45 5 NCDOT SITE 7 0.00 0.00 443+00.83 8.66 SF 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 6 NCDOT SITE 8A 0.04 56.47 0.03 0.00 0 0 0 0.07 0.05 NCDOT SITE 88 7 16+63 2 48" RCP Exist. & 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 57 0 57 0.08 0.04 Su limental 48" RCP 8 41+45.00 42+65.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.060 TOTALS: 1.3 2089.7 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.06 0.06 0.0 1188.0 232.0 689.0 1.72 1.09 Th1E LOUIS BE'RG1rit C,ft61UP, inc. 1513 Wairint SY~6et 8nltg2"ip Cary, Notkfi CaroGnr 57511 PROJECT:LBG OR1012 IMPACT SUMMARY SHEET 20 OF 20 '~~~`, :.Enos stem ~. ~~~ ~~~ PROGRAM V~ ~OO~ October 2, 20 6 ~ ~.~ R'a, ,~ ~ ?~L Q Todd Preuninger U ~ ~~ ~' ~~ ~ >q~ Withers and Ravenel U y;' ~~ 111 MacKenan Drive (-~_~ .~ ~ ~~~~ Cary, NC 27511 pFNli' WATER QIlAI.iTY Project: Wendell Falls County: Wake WETIAf~S,~~OSTOR3~Rt~rAi~R~CH The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NC EEP) is willing [o accept payment for impacts associated with the above referenced project. Please note that this decision does not assure that the payment will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is [he responsibility of the applicant to contact these agencies to determine if payment to the NC EEP will be approved. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 Permit/401 Certification within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the 404/401/CAMA permits to NC EEP. Once NC EEP receives a copy of the 404 Permit and/or the 401 Certification an invoice will be issued and payment must be made. Based on the information supplied by you the impacts that may require compensatory mitigation are summarized in the following table. River Basin Wetlands Stream Buffer Buffer Cataloging Unit (Acres) (Linear Feet) Zone 1 Zone 2 (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. F+.~ Ri arian Non-Ri arian Coastal Marsh Cold Cool Warm Neuse 3.09 ac 0 0 0 0 2191 96,937 61,181 03020201 Upon receipt of payment, EEP will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation for the permitted impacts up to a 2:1 ratio, (buffers, Zone 1 at a 3:1 ratio and Zone 2 at a 1.5:1 ratio), The type and amount of the compensatory mitigation will be as specified in the Section 404 Permit and/or 401 Water Quality Certification, and/or CAMA Permit. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers dated November 4, 1998. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 716-1921. Sincerely, Wi D. Gilmore, PE Director cc: Cyndi Karoly, Wetlands/401 Unit Monte Matthews, USAGE-Raleigh Eric Kulz, DWQ Regional Office-Raleigh File 1Z.estoru29... F ... P~otecti,~t9 Dry .ftat~ e~~ I~CDE~IR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-0476 / www.nceep.net THE Louis Berger Group, INC. 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250, Cary, North Carolina 27511 Tel 919 467 3885 Fax 919 467 9458 To: llistribution Fm: Dean Hatfield Re: NCDOT Stream and Wetlands Restoration Enhancement and Preservation Sites Dt: February 22, 2006 (Revised March 17, 2006) At the February 8, 2006 kick-off meeting, Division 5 Assistant Engineer, Wally Bowman referenced an environmental enhancement site adjacent to the US 64 Interchange with Wendell Falls Parkway. A follow-up contact with NCDOT's Randy Griffin (715.1334) was suggested. The Wake County Parcel Number for the site is 1763587801as provided in a follow-up contact with NCDOT's Bryon Moore (715.1491). The enhancement site is actually two locations that border Ramp C (east bound off-ramp) on the south and acce-eration lane in Quadrant D (east bound on-ramp loop). A provision was made in the roadway design for the interchange ramps and connecting road of Wendell Falls Parkway. Refer to the a-files and plans of R-2547C for parcel number 39. The former property owner is O. Temple Sloan, Jr. and wife Carol C. Sloan (DB 2916, PG 126 & 129). The foot print from either side of prapased Wendell Falls Parkway is to avoid any eneraachment an the enhancement site. DISTRIBUTION: Project Files OR1012 Withers ~ Ravenel -Ken Jesneck Mercury -Greg Ferguson & Mike Jones :Louis Berger - Flesch-Pate, White, Jeske, Cook, & Coffman NCDOT -Sandy Nance & Chris Haire G:\OR Projects\OR1012 - US64 Interchange\Documents\060222_Memo for NCDOT Stream & Wetlands Restoration Parcel Rev02.doc TrIE Louis Berger Group, INc ~~tE Louis Berger Group, ~N~. 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250, Cary, North Carolina 27511 Tel 919 467 3885 Fax 919 467 9458 January 5, 2007 Mr. Chris Haire, PE Special Design Project Engineer North Carolina Department of Transportation 1582 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1582 Re: Wendell Falls Parkway -Stream Crossing No. 3 Open Bottom, High Profile Pipe Arch (32' X 10') @ -Y101-Sta. 101+10.51 Confirmation of Accepting Structure into NCDOT Road System Dear Chris: Per our conversation regarding the stream crossing site for the above-referenced project and shown in the attached plan and profile sheets; the Department will accept an open bottom culvert per the following conditions: l . Review and approval of the design for hydraulics 2. Review and approval of the design for structural conformity 3. Review and approval of the geotechnical design and having the foundation keyed to rock 4. Inspection and certification ofthe culvert installation. If questions or comments arise, please contact me at (919) 467-3885 ext. 25. Sincerely, The Louis Berger Group, Inc. ~~~~ Dean D. Hatfield, PE Director of Transportation Engineering C: T. Preuninger - W&R G. Ferguson -Mercury S. Cook - LBG Attachment: Roadway Plan & Profile Sheets @ -Y101-Sta. 101+10.51 G:10R ProjectslOR] 012 - U564 Interchange~Documents1070104 CHaire.doc the Louis Berger Group, i.,~ Page 1 of 1 Todd Preuninger From: Hatfield, Dean [dhatfield@louisberger.com] Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 5:03 PM To: Greg Ferguson; Todd Preuninger Cc: Tillitt, William Subject: RE: Wendell Fall Pkwy: Open Bottom Culvert Acceptance Todd, The following is a response to the comment in the attachment..... For the interchange, the acceleration ramp has no proposed curb and gutter. The loop-ramps (Loops B & C) do have curb & gutter on the inside (low side of superelevation)tyhich is NCDOT standard design procedure. The storm water collected on the low side of the loop-ramps will be discharged into level spreaders before being released to the receiving stream. Please let me know if this is sufficient. - Dean From: Hatfield, Dean Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 10:06 AM To: 'Greg Ferguson'; Todd Preuninger' Subject: FW: Wendell Fall Pkwy: Open Bottom Culvert Acceptance FYI. See the request to NCDOT to respond with a positive on the open bottom culvert acceptance. A separate email will follow regarding C&G on the accel ramp. From: Hatfield, Dean Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 9:36 AM To: 'Chris Haire, PE' Cc: Tillitt, William Subject: Wendell Fall Pkwy: Open Bottom Culvert Acceptance Chris, Take a look at the attached request and let me know if this is OK. The acknowledgement is needed for the Environmental Permits that W&R is obtaining from DWO & COE. If the letter is OK we will email the pdfs of the plan and profile sheets. Thx. - Dean 1 /25/2007 {-s5.00~ ~so oo~ ~as no~ -----I - - - ~ - - - I ( i i ~ KIMBALL i KIMBALL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .,~ v 4 5' S 0' S 5' ~ - - ~ ~ ----- (~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ AUGUSIINE II ~ ~ I ,.~~ I 70' i _ _ i ~ ----- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iUUA110RE ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ o.Mw., ~ ~; 75' 60' ~,oa.oo~ ~ ---------I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1NURLESTON ~ ~ ~ 100' - - - - ~! f-l i~ --~s~ - ~~~ ~ ~ 2 Miles N E S ii~i~ EcoScience Corporation 9901 Haynes Street, Suite 901 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 Ph: 919 E2E 3933 Fax:~g1982E 301E Client: ~ ~~ eta - s zoo. Nd'''~~~~~,~cH Department of Transpor#atio Project: Knightdale Bypass Indirect and Cumulative Impact Study Nutrient Analysis Wake County, North Carolina ~ -- -- - _ ---- ------~ ;Title: Land us e conditions based ~ on maximum build-out within th~ study boundary for Year 2020 { with the Bypass ! Dwn By: Date: MTC Mar 2002 Ckd By: Scale: GRM As Shown ESC Project No: 00-046.19 FIGURE