HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0089621_Application_20181130Please print or type in the unshaded areas only. Form Approved. OMB No. 2040-0086. FORM U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY I. EPA I.D. NUMBER S A C 110000346849 1 \-EPA GENERAL INFORMATION F Consolidated Permits Program p L GENERAL (Read the "General Instructions" before starting.) , z ,a ,a 1s LABEL ITEMS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS If a preprinted label has been provided, affix it in the designated space. Review the information carefully; if any of it I. EPA I.D. NUMBER is incorrect, cross through it and enter the correct data in the appropriate fill-in area below. Also, if any of the preprinted data is absent (the area to the left of the label space lists the III. FACILITY NAME PLEASE PLACE LABEL IN THIS SPACE information that should appear), please provide it in the proper fill-in area(s) below. If the label is complete and correct, you V. FACILITY MAILING need not complete Items I, III, V, and VI (except VI-B which ADDRESS must be completed regardless). Complete all items if no label has been provided. Refer to the instructions for detailed item VI. FACILITY LOCATION descriptions and for the legal authorizations under which this data is collected. II. POLLUTANT CHARACTERISTICS INSTRUCTIONS: Complete A through J to determine whether you need to submit any permit application forms to the EPA. If you answer "yes" to any questions, you must submit this form and the supplemental form listed in the parenthesis following the question. Mark "X" in the box in the third column if the supplemental form is attached. If you answer "no" to each question, you need not submit any of these forms. You may answer "no" if your activity is excluded from permit requirements; see Section C of the instructions. See also, Section D of the instructions for definitions of bold-faced terms. Mark "X" Mark "X" YES NO FORM ATTACHED YES No FORM ATTACHED SPECIFIC QUESTIONS SPECIFIC QUESTIONS A. Is this facility a publicly owned treatment works which B. Does or will this facility (either existing or proposed) results in a discharge to waters of the U.S.? (FORM 2A) X include a concentrated animal feeding operation or X aquatic animal production facility which results in a 16 17 18 19 20 21 discharge to waters of the U.S.? (FORM 2B) C. Is this a facility which currently results in discharges to waters of the U.S. other than those described in A or B �/ X D. Is this a proposed facility (other than those described in A or B above) which will result in a discharge to waters of X X above? (FORM 2C) the U.S.? (FORM 2D) zz 2a z4 zs 26 27 E. Does or will this facility treat, store, or dispose of F. Do you or will you inject at this facility industrial or hazardous wastes? (FORM 3) X municipal effluent below the lowermost stratum X containing, within one quarter mile of the well bore, underground sources of drinking water? (FORM 4) 28 29 30 31 32 33 G. Do you or will you inject at this facility any produced water H. Do you or will you inject at this facility fluids for special or other fluids which are brought to the surface in processes such as mining of sulfur by the Frasch process, connection with conventional oil or natural gas production, X solution mining of minerals, in situ combustion of fossil X inject fluids used for enhanced recovery of oil or natural fuel, or recovery of geothermal energy? (FORM 4) gas, or inject fluids for storage of liquid hydrocarbons? (FORM 4) 34 35 36 37 1 39 39 I. Is this facility a proposed stationary source which is one J. Is this facility a proposed stationary source which is of the 28 industrial categories listed in the instructions and �/ X NOT one of the 28 industrial categories listed in the X which will potentially emit 100 tons per year of any air instructions and which will potentially emit 250 tons per pollutant regulated under the Clean Air Act and may affect year of any air pollutant regulated under the Clean Air Act 40 41 42 43 44 45 or be located in an attainment area? (FORM 5) and may affect or be located in an attainment area? (FORM 5) III. NAME OF FACILITY c 1 SKIP Novozymes North America, Inc 15 i6 - 29 30 69 IV. FACILITY CONTACT A. NAME & TITLE (last, first, & title) B. PHONE (area code & no.) J2c Walsh, Angela, Mgr- Environmenta & Utilities Operations ( 1 ) 4 4-3 0 is 16 45 46 48 49 51 1 52- 55 V. FACILTY MAILING ADDRESS A. STREET OR P.O. BOX c 3 JPO Box 56 s 16 45 B. CITY OR TOWN C. STATE D. ZIP CODE Jc 4 Frank inton 15 16 C 2 5 5 40 41 42 47 51 VI. FACILITY LOCATION A. STREET, ROUTE NO. OR OTHER SPECIFIC IDENTIFIER J5C 7 Perrys C apel Church Road 5 16 45 B. COUNTY NAME Franklin 46 70 C. CITY OR TOWN D. STATE I E. ZIP CODE F. COUNTY CODE (if known) c 6 Frank inton C 2 5 5 1 5 15 16 40 41 42 47 51 52 -54 EPA Form 3510-1 (8-90) CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT Vii. sib cobE5 4-di it, in order of ' rff A. FIRST B. SECOND c CP fY) si s eii 7' 28i]'� industrial prgani�c Chemicals G 7 (Pec.�y) 15 ' 16 '19 75 16 19 C. THIRD D. FOURTH � {spec%fYJ c (Sp�Cf 7 7 ss 16 19 15 16 f9 VIII. OPERATOR INFORMATIQN c A- NAME B.Is the name llsted in Item VIII-A also. the:ownerl s Novo.zymes North. America Inc. YES Q NO f5. 56 55 66 C, STATUS OF OPERATOR (rnler rile appropriate letter into rite anwer bar if " 01her, "sjieciffy.} D. PHONE (area code r(no) E = FEDERAL (specify) S=STATE M-PUBLIC(urherrhanfirlcralorsrmeJ �] A �91g] 494-3.00fl qT P = PRIMATE O = OTHER (5pegry). `� 15 '1B 19 21 26 E', STREET OR P.p, BOX 77:Perrys Chapel. C urch Roa' F. CITY OR TOWN G. STATE H- —ZIP CODE Ix, INDIAN LAND c B Fxanlcl triton Is.the facility located on Indian lands? NC 27525 ❑ YES. ONO 15 1e 40 51 42 47 - 51 X. EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS A. NPDE5 Dlydla e3la.Su ure iYarer D. PSD Air r3missionsfromF sed.5urrrceS c r c r s N NCG5bons 9 P 151 18 1 17 15 3Q 151 16 1 17 1 1a B. UIC Chide •ronji d lnlecrr vo-laid. E. OTHER s ec'f s c r C 'T I E w o j 0 2 a o s [y cri y) 9 V 9 Wastowater Srrigat oli System. Permit: 16 i? 1fl 3v715 16 1 17 lie C. RCIRA Haiardaus IYasres E_ OTHER s ecr • {S�ecefyj 9 R 9. 1UP40 1 1 2 Snduatrial.User Pretreatment Permit i5 1 16 1 7 18 3a75 16 17 18 XI- MAP Attach to this application a topographic map'of the. area extending to at least one mile beyond property boundaries. The map must: show the outline of the. Facility, the. location of each of Its existing and proposed intake..and discharge structures, each of its hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal. facilities, and each well where it injects fluids: unde.rground. Include all springs, rivers, and other surface water bodies in the map area. See instructions for precise requirements. XII. NATURE OF BUSINESS (provide a bnefdesori ion .At Nov.ozymes, industrial enzymes are produced using a process called submerged ferineritatiori This involves growing carefully se3ected.mczaoganissns (bacteria and fungi} inclosed vessels containing a rich broth of nutrients. As the microorganisms. break dawn the nutrients, they produce t'hedesired. enzymes, .The 'fermentat an process requires nutrients based on.renewable'raw 'materials. li.'ke corn starch, sugars, and soy .grits, The first step. in harvesting enzyme s:from the 'fermentation medium is. to remove insoluble produ..cts, prmarzly microbial cell§.. This is normally done by centrifugation or micrv£iltrat:ion steps. As.:most industrial enzymes. are extracellul'ar ---'secreted. by cells into the .external environment - they remain in the fermented broth after the biomass. has been 'removed. The. biomass :can be recycled .as a fertilizer vn 'local farms; as. is done under .a residuals disppsa] permit at.NoVozymes' Pranklinton site. The enzymes in the rernainizig"broth. are Chen concentrated by.evaporation', membrane filtration or crystallization depending on .their iTntended application, Certain applications requalre solid enzyme products, so the crude enzyme is preceesed into a granulate for convenient dust -free use. XIII. CERTIFICATION {see iRsfrucflons} 1.certify under penally of law that 1 have personally exam)Red and am familiar with the information submitted in. this application and all attachments and that,. based on my inquiry of thosai persons immediately. responsible for obtaining the information contained in the application, 1.believe that the information.fs true, accurate; and compiefe. l Am aware thatih ere are'sr"gnificanf penaltfas:for submitting false. information, including the possibfidy of fine. and imprisonment. A. NAME &•OFFlit IAL TITLE (type orprint) B.. SIGNATURE C. DATE SIGNED Adam Monroe, President COMMENTS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY C C 15 1B EPA Farm 35.10=1 (8-90) Form Approved. OMB No. 2040-0086. Approval expires 8-31-98. Please print or type in the unshaded areas only EPA I.D. NUMBER (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) 110000346849 Form 2D \-iEPA New Sources and New Dischargers NPDES Application for Permit to Discharge Process Wastewater I. Outfall Location For each outfall, list the latitude and longitude of its location to the nearest 15 seconds and the name of the receiving water. Outfall Number (list) Latitude Longitude Receiving Water (name) Deg. Min. Sec. Deg. Min. Sec. 001 36 4 26 78 23 53 Cedar Creek II. Discharge Date (When do you expect to begin discharging?) 01/01/2019 III. Flows, Sources of Pollution, and Treatment Technologies A. For each outfall, provide a description of: (1) All operations contributing wastewater to the effluent, including process wastewater, sanitary wastewater, cooling water, and storm water runoff; (2) The average flow contributed by each operation; and (3) The treatment received by the wastewater. Continue on additional sheets if necessary. Outfall Number 1. Operations Contributing Flow (List) 2. Average Flow (Include Units) 3. Treatment (Description or List codes from Table 2D-1) 001 Process wastewater 672,500 gallons per day 1-U, 3-C, 3-A, 3-D, 2-C, 1-H, 1-V, 3-F, 4-A 001 Boiler Blowdown 9,500 gallons per day 1-U, 3-C, 3-A, 3-D, 2-C, 1-H, 1-V, 3-F, 4-A 001 Cooling Tower Blowdown 35,000 gallons per day 1-U, 3-C, 3-A, 3-D, 2-C, 1-H, 1-V, 3-F, 4-A N/A WW Treatment Residuals 127,000 gallons per day 5-D, 5-P, 5-E EPA Form 3510-2D (Rev. 8-90) PAGE 1 of 5 B. Attach a line drawing showing the water flow through the facility. Indicate sources of intake water, operations contributing wastewater to the effluent, and treatment units labeled to correspond to the more detailed descriptions in Item III -A. Construct a water balance on the line drawing by showing average flows between intakes, operations, treatment units, and outfalls. If a water balance cannot be determined (e.g., for certain mining activities), provide a pictorial description of the nature and amount of any sources of water and any collection or treatment measures. C. Except for storm runoff, leaks, or spills, will any of the discharges described in Items III -A be intermittent or seasonal? ❑ YES (complete the following table) ✓❑ NO (go to Section IV) 1. Frequency 2. Flow Outfall Number a. Days Per Week b. Months Per Year a. Maximum Daily Flow Rate b. Maximum Total Volume c. Duration (specify average) (specify average) (in mgd) (specify with units) (in days) IV. Production If there is an applicable production -based effluent guideline or NSPS, for each outfall list the estimated level of production (projection of actual production level, not design), expressed in the terms and units used in the applicable effluent guideline or NSPS, for each of the first 3 years of operation. If production is likely to vary, you may also submit alternative estimates (attach a separate sheet). Year A. Quantity Per Day B. Units Of Measure c. Operation, Product, Material, etc. (specify) Not applicable EPA Form 3510-21D (Rev. 8-90) Page 2 of 5 CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT EPA I.D. NUMBER (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) Outfall Number 110000346849 001 V. Effluent Characteristics A and B: These items require you to report estimated amounts (both concentration and mass) of the pollutants to be discharged from each of your outfalls. Each part of this item addresses a different set of pollutants and should be completed in accordance with the specific instructions for that part. Data for each outfall should be on a separate page. Attach additional sheets of paper if necessary. General Instructions (See table 2D-2 for Pollutants) Each part of this item requests you to provide an estimated daily maximum and average for certain pollutants and the source of information. Data for all pollutants in Group A, for all outfalls, must be submitted unless waived by the permitting authority. For all outfalls, data for pollutants in Group B should be reported only for pollutants which you believe will be present or are limited directly by an effluent limitations guideline or NSPS or indirectly through limitations on an indicator pollutant. 1. Pollutant 2. Maximum Daily Value (include units) 3. Average Daily Value (include units) 4. Source (see instructions) Flow 2 MGD 2 MGD 4 (Request Tier Pemit at 1, 1.5 and 2 MGD) Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 mg/1 83 lb/day 4 Chemical Oxygen Demand 20 mg/1 334 lb/day 4 Total Organic Carbon 10 mg/1 167 lb/day 4 Total Suspended Solids 5 mg/1 83 lb/day 4 Ammonia -Nitrogen 1 mg/l 17 lb/day 4 Temperature (winter) 24.5 deg C 12.8 deg C 4 Temperature (summer) 31.8 deg C 25.8 deg C 4 pH 8.8 s.u. 7.5 s.u. 4 Total phosphorus 1 mg/l 17 lb/day 1, BAT Analysis Total Nitrogen 8.8 mg/l 147 lb/day 1, BAT Analysis EPA Form 3510-2D (Rev. 8-90) Page 3 of 5 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT EPA I.D. NUMBER (copy from Item 1 of Form 1) 110000346849 C. Use the space below to list any of the pollutants listed in Table 2D-3 of the instructions which you know or have reason to believe will be discharged from any outfall. For every pollutant you list, briefly describe the reasons you believe it will be present. 1. Pollutant 2. Reason for Discharge VI. Engineering Report on Wastewater Treatment A. If there is any technical evaluation concerning your wastewater treatment, including engineering reports or pilot plant studies, check the appropriate box below. ❑✓ Report Available ❑ No Report B. Provide the name and location of any existing plant(s) which, to the best of your knowledge resembles this production facility with respect to production processes, wastewater constituents, or wastewater treatments. Name Location Novozymes Blair, Inc. 600 S. lst Street, Blair Nebraska 68008 EPA Form 3510-21D (Rev. 8-90) Page 4 of 5 CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE EPA I.D. NUMBER (copy from Item: i ofForm 1) 1100-00346849 VII. Other. I nforrhation Use the space below to expand upon any of the above questions or to bring'to the attention of Ahe reviewer any other information'.you feel should be considered in. establishing permit limitations for the proposed facility. Attach additional sheets. if.necessary. Novo zyzmes,desires to have a.NPDBS.permit with permit:limits.for three f low. t i ers. based on 1.0j 1.5, and 2.0 MGD average daily flow rates. This request isreferenced in Section V Rorm 2.D of this application. The proposed discharge is.at Cedar Creek in .the Tar -Pamlico River Basin. North Carolina Adzhin str.ative Code Section I A NCAC 02B.0229.provides that new industrial wastewater discharges with permitted flows greater than. 0.05 million gallons -per day .(MGD) in the Tar -Pamlico basin must perform a Best:Available Technology Economically Achievable. (BAT) analysis to determine nutrient offset payments for total:phosphorus: {Tp} and total. nitrogen ( } The BAT analysis also provides ....basis.for set.ting:permit .limits for TP and.TN. The Best Available Technology Analysis. Report dated November 30, 2018 is included with this permit application. This .is the report referenced in Section V.and.V1 'of. Form 2D of this application. Vill. CERTIFICATION t certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with.a system designed to assure that qualified personnel.properly gather and evaluatq the rnfarination.submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or parsons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for galhering the information, the informatiari submitted is, to the Best of MYknowledge and.belief, true, accurate, and complete. I.am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting talse information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. A. Name and Official Title (typeeorprint) Adam Monroe, President C. Signature Phone No. CII Lt9 H-- 304© ]ate Signed 166jao1 EPA Form:3510-2D (Rev. 8-90) PAGE 5 of 5 Discharge Pump Station A"l e Vol®, e \, 4 IWO rF� L iall�. ��` 1:�� • l 77 1 � � tea• � '� � � � �_� � � ` 111 X� vp IeT LEGEND Legal Parcel Boundary Flow Direction Arrow ITEM XI i i -a ea � �, fir' x 4i•- \ : ' �Q —•' \ � ,•a �� \ � �.\ 1 AD MAP ® Drinking Water Well Hazardous Waste Storage Novozymes Permitting Application Adapted by Dewberry Dewberry �1 1 6,000 12,000 �" J OF HE ME USGS l.S.DU SS.GE LOGICALSt RVE1 INTERIOR wep G� USTopo 3c'm•3e"s� '26'""'E 'z 'pg � � '29 '3D �oD m � �� �r�l �� e✓ ji � r I � i a ? j >�� I) �. Discharge 44� l I I ti.l � J f l tlrl V� d lldm �� S cif 9 98 -Ar� k FRANKLINTON QUADRANGLE NORTH CAROLINA 7.5 A11NUTE SERIES is• -e'sz m 32 ' 3 19 I � !i I ion I i "�— "9a ss � / I � ; 1' �� � ✓ �� J/ �\ 3J l� � ` `�t1 c � jt � ` r k l I ul 1 �• d _ I S � I�j }��l ( Le v� 1 —7T— Y � % ���{{{ �n.. 1, ` � � {F ti __ 1 (-.� �• � r I/ I , � � 1 � I ry95 T IC � � �i - . � �p� ' )� � �, fY f ,' h I� L t l I i Vvf � �• � - { �� tI � �~m. , "sa r"� - l�., _(� r 5 f �7, Ili �I I e 4 R. - --�' - i I �,; .�.. Z" s / s ( - `ftf� ��d• rr\✓ ���� i� LEGEND Legal Parcel Boundary ITEM XI „ Ir, Flow Direction Arrow FIGURE 2 - USGS QUAD MAP TOPO - 4 Drinking Water Well ■ Hazardous Waste Storage �D Novozymes Permitting Application g May 26, 2016�� I , Adapted by Dewberry Engineers, LLC in = 6,000 feet ('�°����0 6 000 12 000' Dewberry ;2i Feet ? awe rv. ncn rrrr '27 eB i..ru '3D 'al72 rrod�ed er ehe United States eeona.ral sur.ey SCALE 1:24000 .tau tasyn is„i uw FRANKLINTON, NC M USGS U.S. DEU SRGEOLOGIOCAL SURVEYERIOR once Map FRANKLI NTON QUADR, s: RTH CARLINA US�Topo MINUTE SERIES 4 CL- \ Ce a r!'ea xo i Oa` V � I o c' (1 , � O I a92 "tsi wJJ v o7 1 '�� �� °��� '�•,xc a, o� zso VF Aa i FRANKLINTON QUADRANGLES z NORTH CAROLINA- 7.5—MINUTE SERIES ti o Produced by the United States Geological Survey _ North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) f World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84). Projection and 1 000-meter grid: Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 17S n,\ r ;g O 0�� 10 000-foot ticks: North Carolina Coordinate System of 1983 This map is not a legal document. Boundaries may be generalized for this map scale. Private lands within government reservations may not be shown. Obtain permission before entering private lands. Imagery .NAIP, June 2014 g ry................................................. b �� o _ 9. 22 i Roads ................................ U.S. Census Bureau, 2015 - 2016 i(2 l��l 0 166 MILS GN Names.......................................................... GNIS, 2016 \ e -,c A ec+. �, 1 30' Hydrography ....................National Hydrography Dataset, 2014✓'i " I `� l 27 MILS ILI Wetlands........FWSMNatPonal uWetlands a fi1197772 2014 `' (I� �� o �� 5 a��E ^� �a°°° l r - Boundaries our............................ Multiple sources; al Elevation De 197 , 2016 UTM GRID AND 2016 MAGNETIC NORTH Inventory - (]�(t — DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET e DATE TITLE SHEET NO. GO DewberryDISCHARGE LOCATION MAP Dewberry Engineerslnc. 11/30/18 USGS TOPO MAP FIG. 3 PROJ. NO. PROJECT 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD SUITE RALEIG , NC 27607 EPA FORM 1 ITEM XI 1 PHONE: PHONE: 919.881.999939 E 9.881923 NCBE NCBLS # F-0929 50107104 NOVOZYMES N.A., INC Novozymes Water Balance Table 1. Internal Process Streams Stream Stream ID Average Flow (GPD)* Future Estimated Avg. Flow (GPD) 1 City Water for Production 1,086,000 2,685,000 2 City Water to Fermentation 320,000 667,000 3 City Water to Recovery/Granulation 520,000 1,522,000 4 Cool i ng Tower Ma keu p 208,800 348,000 5 Boiler Makeup 71,000 149,000 6 City Water for Domestic Use 35,000 59,000 7 Condensate Return 33,000 69,000 8 Steam to Process 95,000 198,000 9 Boiler Blowdown to PWW 9,500 20,000 10 Cooling Tower Evaporative Losses 176,000 365,000 11 Cool ingTower Blowdown to PWW 35,000 73,000 12 Groundwater to Cool i ng Tower 1,200 91,000 14 Fermentation Process Wastewater 244,000 509,000 15 Recovery/Granulation PWW 460,000 960,000 18 Water to Product 195,000 411,000 20 Residuals Dewateringto PWW 0 438,000 To Irrigation To Proposed Outfall 001 Table 2. Effluent Discharge Streams Stream Strea m ID Avearge Flow (GPD)* Future Estimated Avg. Flow (GPD) 13 Domestic Waste to POTW 35,000 0 - 60,000 16 PWW Effluentto Irrigation 257,000 0-265,000 17 PWW Effluent toPOTW 460,000 130,000 - 525,000 19 Proposed OutfaI1 001, maximum* 0 2,000,000 *Water balance streams 1- 18 represent 2015 conditions. Future production increases, reduced land application rates, and groundwater recovery and treatment are expected to increase wastewater discharge rates to 2,000,000 gpd at proposed outfall 001 (stream 19). 11/30/2018