HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151215 Ver 1_Revised Permit Package and Drawings_20181202Carpenter,Kristi From: Murray, Christopher A Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2018 3:57 PM To: Alsmeyer, Eric C CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Ridings, Rob; Lastinger, James C SAW (James.C.Lastinger@usace.army.mil) Cc: Montague, Heather W Subject: RE: NCDOT Division 5 permit application for widening of SR 1838/SR 2220 from US 501 in Orange County to SR 1116 in Durham County (TIP No.: EB-4707 A& B; WBS: 38664.1.1); AID SAW-2015-02591. Attachments: EB-4707A and B REVISED FINAL REGULATORY PERMIT PACKAGE June 2017.pdf; EB-4707AB REVISED FINAL Permit Drawing Package.pdf Reference: USACE Action ID Number: SAW-2015-02591 (Re-issued on 6/20/17 w/ expiration date of 3/18/22) NCDEQ DWR Project Number: 20151215 (January 13, 2016) Eric, James and Rob, Construction is still on-going of the B Section of this project (from near Pope Road to Garrett Road) with a contract completion date of May 14, 2019. The Department will let construction of the A Section of the project (from Sage Road to Pope Road) on February 19, 2019. The future letting of the A Section requires a comprehensive review of the previously provided and approved permit drawings for the entire EB-4707AB project with the final recently approved plan sheets for the A Section. The only revision that we can find are actually decreases in the size of construction easements near 31+00 Rt (Stream/Wetland Site 1 and Buffer Site 1) and near 40+50 Rt (Stream/Wetland Site 3 and Buffer Site 4). These slight revisions to the construction easements have resulted in no change of impacts to streams and wetlands. However, the slight revisions to the construction easements have resulted in slight reductions in the previously permitted and approved riparian buffer impacts at Buffer Site 1 and Buffer Site 4. See the below information: New buffer informa[ion on revised permit drowings ih�pqcr eUFFER Previously provided and approved permit drawings euFFea REPLACEMENT rm= e•�n-r<.ior. �=enu+o��camsw., F� i��� i� �u � I'� I�"i��� i�I��I � r� �I �I�"I�i�����1 I�w�i�r��it �li���►ir���:� �,�! IF'P E� F� II II�I I�"��1�� � ��� :�"�F�l���:lf'UJd�;,E :��'E � F���,Cy � :�Il�'E I�+;�. T"`�PIt �i1�a�TVp�P� C,I�'R7i�'k�f+,�;d �:R�.� �;V�I�C �RII'C��E F^ra1�4LLI�L IIM1a%IP�,LT 1 �2u, I�ti�,P �,�+�� pcx �,'z+1 1 —I�L— �: �� �'�� IF;!�d�C��"�';�.°Y° �,�+� pcx �,.5+�4��, —I�L— � 1�", IF;!ti�,F �1+�� hcx �,.5+qii,� —I�L— IPRpJIfE�:�f14�1 �F E�Il.�llrl�Itl,3 _�7RiCJ�lfl�!R",E, �2u, IF;!°�,P ��k+�-� Ac� +� 1+�!� —I�L—, 2�,�ac'ur 1�"�'�" F��I�N�: q1�4+�:� Acx 1�I��,�� _�_ If�+�d���"I�'�,"Y' ��"" I�ti:P I 11�'�T�,!�: ql'�''P+�� qcx 1'z4*"�2 —L— ql ��+'7� pcx 1 "���,�:� —�,— � �i�i�l�"I�� Ill�l����'� ; I�I'�� ����� i��n������u�iia�� �� ������� ������� �������� .� ����°� ���i�x�w� � ����� ����: � �r:��;�� � ��T� ��;,� ��F�� ���,��r�a� ��=���r�rr�� ��u���w��r��.� ���N���c�� ��������� �����w,�;�r ��������� � �������� �,� ���� ����',����� ��,����� �� �������� �� ������,��� �� � � � � ������ . ��. .,�,. w .���. . � � .�� . ���� �� � �� �,. :� �����a�➢�,� ��� � � � �� F ���, —� _ � � ��•��;� ;������,�a�=���:���,.� ����,�,u���;��o��r��;,A�'-�����r�a���r��.��A����; ��m � ��� �� ��� .m� m�� ������� � i k��� � ��m ��m�m �m� ��� �� m�,�� ���� ���� � �,� µ�. ,.. �� � ,. _, �� a' . � . ., _ , � j _ � ��� �����°���� �������,e., i������ �� � �y ����,�������� ����r.�o�� Ka��c:��,�.� �; r ��e, ���� _ .. � ��+�� � G ����� .�� � I.._ _ ««< ««««..�. ... .. �... ......... I ««««. ......... ......... .....� �, ��'�'�� w This email provides you with revised final permit drawing packages for this project, particularly the A Section. We propose to keep the previously provided permits from your a�encies for construction of the A Section and will comply with all permit conditions. Thanks, Chris Murray Christopher A. Murray, PWS Project Engineer for Planning and Environmental Studies Project Delivery Unit Division 5 (919) 220-4633 office cmurravCc�ncdot.qov NCDOT-Division 5 2612 N. Duke Street Courier: 17-27-03 Durham, NC 27704 �. x� s:: � :�� From: Alsmeyer, Eric C CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Eric.C.Alsmeyer@usace.army.mil> Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 3:38 PM To: Murray, Christopher A <cmurray@ncdot.gov> Cc: Montague, Heather W <hwmontague@ncdot.gov> Subject: RE: NCDOT Division 5 permit application for widening of SR 1838/SR 2220 from US 501 in Orange County to SR 1116 in Durham County (TIP No.: EB-4707 A& B; WBS: 38664.1.1); AID SAW-2015-02591. . Th� Wilmington District is committ�d to providing th� high�st I�v�l of support to th� public. To h�lp us �nsur� vv� continu� to do so, pl�as� compl�t� th� Custom�r Satisfaction Surv�y locat�d at http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm apex/f?p=136:4:0. �'�C Eric Alsm�y�r Proj�ct Manag�r R�gulatory Division Offic� US Army Corps of Engin��rs, Wilmington District 3331 H�ritag� Trad� Driv�, Suit� 105, Wak� For�st, NC 27587 T�Ie (919) 554-4884, x23 Faxe (919) 562-0421 R�gulatory Hom�pag�e http://www.saw.usace.armv. mi I/Missions/Re�ulatorvPermitPro�ram.aspx From: Alsmeyer, Eric C CIV USARMY CESAW (US) Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 10:49 AM To: 'Murray, Christopher A' <cmurray@ncdot.�ov> Cc: Montague, Heather W <hwmonta�ue@ncdot.�ov> Subject: RE: NCDOT Division 5 permit application for widening of SR 1838/SR 2220 from US 501 in Orange County to SR 1116 in Durham County (TIP No.: EB-4707 A& B; WBS: 38664.1.1); AID SAW-2015-02591. Chrise That was my mistak�. Thanks for catching it. I will corr�ct and r�-s�nd. Sc�rry for th� inconv�ni�nc�. . Th� Wilmington District is committ�d to providing th� high�st I�v�l of support to th� public. To h�lp us �nsur� vv� continu� to do so, pl�as� compl�t� th� Custom�r Satisfaction Surv�y locat�d at http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm apex/f?p=136:4:0. �'�C Eric Alsm�y�r Proj�ct Manag�r R�gulatory Division Offic� US Army Corps of Engin��rs, Wilmington District 3331 H�ritag� Trad� Driv�, Suit� 105, Wak� For�st, NC 27587 T�Ie (919) 554-4884, x23 Faxe (919) 562-0421 R�gulatory Hom�pag�e http://www.saw.usace.armv. mi I/Missions/Re�ulatorvPermitPro�ram.aspx From: Murray, Christopher A [mailto:cmurray@ncdot.�ov] Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 7:32 PM To: Alsmeyer, Eric C CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Eric.C.Alsmeyer@usace.army.mil> Cc: Montague, Heather W <hwmonta�ue@ncdot.�ov> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] FW: NCDOT Division 5 permit application for widening of SR 1838/SR 2220 from US 501 in Orange County to SR 1116 in Durham County (TIP No.: EB- 4707 A& B; WBS: 38664.1.1); AID SAW-2015-02591. Eric, It looks like the attached permit was signed by Monte on 6/12/17 but has an expiration date of 3/18/17. Can that be correct? See below: �� I"G'4;p`4�II II�.'�'1d�.RqV'AM�F��� 1X7dNry�/+�4��wWM,�N�8M45a —_� „ • ucww�w',�a�'rr.�,�rrsi��s.�e�miKm° a��� �y � � ��s „a�w,aa „�a � � F ��, 1��������� t+"�, w,�m�m� r.�� C`��r s� ]f��� a�t�w��rw ��nc����: ��,� ��� I������_ ���"ll��"��'�h: I had requested an extension of the previously issued permit that expired on 3/18/17. The first section to be let (B) will start next month but construction of the A section is down the road. Thanks, Chris Murray From: Alsmeyer, Eric C CIV USARMY CESAW (US) [mailto:Eric.C.Alsmeyer@usace.army.mil] Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 7:47 AM To: Murray, Christopher A <cmurray@ncdot.�ov> Subject: RE: NCDOT Division 5 permit application for widening of SR 1838/SR 2220 from US 501 in Orange County to SR 1116 in Durham County (TIP No.: EB-4707 A& B; WBS: 38664.1.1); AID SAW-2015-02591. Chrise Attach�d to this m�ssag� is your r�qu�st�d S�ction 404 p�rmit authorization for th� following proj�cte AID SAW-2015-02591, NCDOT, STIP EB-4707; SR1838, Old Durham Rd in Orange County, and SR 2220, Chapel Hill Road, in Durham County. � . . � �. � � �� . . . �. . . . Th� Wilmington District is committ�d to providing th� high�st I�v�l of support to th� public. To h�lp us �nsur� w� continu� to do so, pl�as� compl�t� th� Custom�r Satisfaction Surv�y locat�d at Blockedhttp://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm apex/f?p=136:4:0. Pl�as� not� that th� g�n�ral and sp�cial conditions must b� strictly adh�r�d to in ord�r for this p�rmit authorization to r�main valid and that th� complianc� c�rtification must b� r�turn�d to this offic� wh�n th� work is compl�t�d. This �I�ctronic copy is your official D�partm�nt of th� Army authorization; no pap�r copy vvill b� mail�d. . Eric Alsm�y�r Proj�ct Manag�r R�gulatory Division Offic� US Army Corps of Engin��rs, Wilmington District 3331 H�ritag� Trad� Driv�, Suit� 105, Wak� For�st, NC 27587 T�Ie (919) 554-4884, x23 Faxe (919) 562-0421 R�gulatory Hom�pag�e Blockedhttp://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Missions/Re�ulatoryPermitPro�ram.aspx (If you n��d information that is not y�t availabl� on our n�w w�bsit�, pl�as� I�t m� knovv) From: Murray, Christopher A [mailto:cmurray@ncdot.�ov] Sent: Monday, May 08, 2017 4:13 PM To: Alsmeyer, Eric C CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Eric.C.Alsmeyer@usace.army.mil>; Ridings, Rob <rob.ridin�s@ncdenr.�ov> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: NCDOT Division 5 permit application for widening of SR 1838/SR 2220 from US 501 in Orange County to SR 1116 in Durham County (TIP No.: EB- 4707 A& B; WBS: 38664.1.1) � � � From: Alsmeyer, Eric C CIV USARMY CESAW (US) [mailto:Eric.C.Alsmeyer@usace.army.mil] Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 11:39 AM To: Murray, Christopher A<cmurray@ncdot.�ov>; Ridings, Rob <rob.ridin�s@ncdenr.�ov> Subject: RE: NCDOT Division 5 permit application for widening of SR 1838/SR 2220 from US 501 in Orange County to SR 1116 in Durham County (TIP No.: EB-4707 A& B; WBS: 38664.1.1) Chrise I can v�rify authorization und�r th� n�w NWP°s if you can confirm that th� wat�rs and propos�d impacts hav� not chang�d. . Th� Wilmington District is committ�d to providing th� high�st I�v�l of support to th� public. To h�lp us �nsur� vv� continu� to do so, pl�as� compl�t� th� Custom�r Satisfaction Surv�y locat�d at BlockedBlockedhttp://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm apex/f?p=136:4:0. �'�C Eric Alsm�y�r Proj�ct Manag�r R�gulatory Division Offic� US Army Corps of Engin��rs, Wilmington District 3331 H�ritag� Trad� Driv�, Suit� 105, Wak� For�st, NC 27587 T�Ie (919) 554-4884, x23 Faxe (919) 562-0421 R�gulatory Hom�pag�e BlockedBlockedhttp://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Missions/Re�ulatoryPermitPro�ram.as � From: Murray, Christopher A [mailto:cmurray@ncdot.�ov] Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 4:09 PM To: Alsmeyer, Eric C CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Eric.C.Alsmeyer@usace.army.mil>; Ridings, Rob <rob.ridin�s@ncdenr.�ov> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: NCDOT Division 5 permit application for widening of SR 1838/SR 2220 from US 501 in Orange County to SR 1116 in Durham County (TIP No.: EB- 4707 A& B; WBS: 38664.1.1) � � � • r ��� r � , , � � ;; � � � � From: Murray, Christopher A Sent: Monday, November 23, 2015 9:23 AM To: Alsmeyer, Eric C SAW <Eric.C.Alsmeyer@usace.army.mil>; Ridings, Rob <rob.ridin�s@ncdenr.�ov>; Carpenter,Kristi <kristilynn.carpenter@ncdenr.�ov> Cc: erin.thompson@kimley-horn.com; Kneis, Michael J<mkneis@ncdot.�ov> Subject: NCDOT Division 5 permit application for widening of SR 1838/SR 2220 from US 501 in Orange County to SR 1116 in Durham County (TIP No.: EB-4707 A& B; WBS: 38664.1.1) Eric and Rob, NCDOT Division 5 proposes to widen SR 1838/SR 2220 from US 501 in Orange County to SR 1116 in Durham County. The following information is attached as part of this permit application: -EB-4707AB Signed and scanned copy of PCN form -EB-4707 In-lieu fee mitigation acceptance letter -EB-47078 FINAL Buffer Determination Request -EB-4707 FINAL PreJD Request and NCWAM form -EB-4707 FINAL Permit Drawing Package Please contact me if you need additional information. Thanks, Chris Murray Christopher A. Murray, PWS Division Environmental Supervisor Division 5 (919) 220-4633 office cmurravCc�ncdot.qov NCDOT-Division 5 2612 N. Duke Street Courier: 17-27-03 Durham, NC 27704 % x� �, �,;r.� a������ �������,��s���������� �� ����� ������ ��`��,� ��������,�,� �,� ,��.������ �� ��`�� �'J����`� �°��������� ��.����� �������:�,� ��W�r ����� ���.� �� ���,����,���� �� �������� �:s�����,�. I rr�7all �:urrc,��u � � � � � � � � y I�c rli��;lu�e,rl �u �C�h•ih�rl I i� ci��;e, Cu ai� rur°r7 �mii;, ;;e,i� cr i;, ;;u� ��;� �u Cmie, ,..,u� i�; ta�:ur�: ;, ..,aw ai� ir7a, I�arti��, I rr�7all �:urrc,��u � � � � � � � � y I�c rli��;lu�e,rl �u �C�h•ih�rl I i� ci��;e, Cu ai� rur°r7 �mii;, ;;e,i� cr i;, ;;u� ��;� �u Cmie, ,..,u� i�; ta�:ur�: ;, ..,aw ai� ir7a, I�arti��, I rr�7all �:urrc,��u � � � � � � � � y I�c rli��;lu�e,rl �u �C�h•ih�rl I i� ci��;e, Cu ai� rur°r7 �mii;, ;;e,i� cr i;, ;;u� ��;� �u Cmie, ,..,u� i�; ta�:ur�: ;, ..,aw ai� ir7a, I�arti��, I rr�7all �:urrc,��u � � � � � � � � y I�c rli��;lu�e,rl �u �C�h•ih�rl I i� ci��;e, Cu ai� rur°r7 �mii;, ;;e,i� cr i;, ;;u� ��;� �u Cmie, ,..,u� i�; ta�:ur�: ;, ..,aw ai� ir7a, I�arti��,